Parody Allegiances

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It is time for the Parody of the Allegiances!

Also, this is meant to be SATIRE (parody) of terrible Warriors fanfictions. Please do not take it seriously, but it's meant to be an example of what NOT to do when writing a Warriors fanfiction. Based off of my own book, "How to Write a Warriors Fanfiction" in the chapters titled "Example of a Bad Warriors Fanfiction". Made by Leopardclaw.

Note: All of this chapter is what I made up.

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Allegeeances (Allegiances is spelled wrong.)

Amazing clan (What?! Amazing clan?! You could have just used another terrible name like Cool clan or something, but both would be terrible names and not capitalized nor spaced correctly!)

leader- MoonMoon: awesome she-cat with karate skills, amazing singing, and dancing is fabolous and out of this wurld!
(Okay, MOONMOON?! From iFunny? The app you could probably get on your iWarrior? [Note: The iWarrior has apps such as FreshKillFinder, Hunting Tips, WarriorPad, Twolegbook, Forestfire Fox, IceClan Explorer, iMeower, and more! Only 5,836 fresh-kill pieces plus scratching and yowling! So get your iWarrior today!] Also, there is misspelling and bad capitalization along with a terrible description.)

depooty- fishface- sparkling purple tom with a fish marking on his paw (fishface?! Sparkling PURPLE tom with a FISH MARKING?! What?! Also, deputy is spelled wrong)

Hunter-warriors- (Haha, sorry, what?)

Prettypaw: pink-nosed pretty she-cat with a love for making heart shapes in the sand at the beach and using her iWarrior to text her BFFs that she got to become a hunter-warrior even though she is an apprentice (Prettypaw?! "A love for making heart shapes in the sand at the beach and using her iWarrior to text her BFFs"?! Where'd she get 5,836 pieces of fresh-kill and scratching and handling for that iWarrior and why does she even have one?! It's not real!)

Toughstuff: strongest tom in the clan; he would do anything for Prettypaw even though he is a senior hunter-warrior and can't do that (Oh, so it's Strongpaw in disguise.)

Fishing-apprentices- (Fishing-apprentices? Really?)

Stoopidpaw: the dumbest she-cat who ever became a deputy (That does not make sense at all. How does a dumb cat become deputy, but is a fishing-apprentice thing? Also, "Stoopidpaw? His mother must have been Dumbhead and his father could have been Idiotmind.)

Goldpaw: golden she-cat that thinks she is amazing and everyone is jealous of her cause she's so cool (Sigh. Not another Mary Sue, right, guys? I'm being sarcastic for those who don't understand it. Also, Goldpaw thinks she's amazing and every cat is jealous because of her? Good STARCLAN.)

Med cat or something- Spottedleafpetal: like Spottedleaf was reborn and stuff cause she loves like firecat! (This person doesn't even name the cats right, the rank correctly, or the description! And firecat?!)

Med cat app-
none because this rank is boring (...that's debatable...please elaborate in the comments if you want a debate because these allegiances are boring me)

cat-moms- (Queens equal cat-moms; duly noted.)

none (no queens?!)

old cats-
they all dyed (First of all, that's not spelled right, and OLD CATS?! Elders of other Clans (if they are alive) are to be completely offended right now!)

The next clan: (Not even the next Clan; just a transition?!)

Clan clan (SERIOUSLY?? CLAN CLAN?! Spacing and capitalization is wrong, but the name is the worst!)

Leeder- clan star: teh best clan leeder in all of de clans (Haha, oh great; bad spelling and spacing and capitalization all in one cat!)

Depootie- depootie claw: teh wurst depootie in all of de clans (I think so, too. It's debatable between Stoopidpaw and depootie claw)

medisin cat- nurse cat: the best medisin cat in teh clan (I beg to differ. The cat must have been chosen for its name. That name will make any cat a medicine cat.)

medisin cat opp- no cat becuz its boring (Oh that's also debatable between commenters.)

Worriers- (Wait, warriors are worriers? Hah, cowards. Too scared of Stoopidpaw.)

worrier hart: teh most worrierest worrier in teh clan (A worrier heart indeed.)

otherworrierhart: teh best worrier in teh clan (And the name is just terrible!)

Oprentahsys- (That is "apprentices" spelled wrong.)

reallysmallpaw: teh smallest cat in teh clan (It can't get worse than this, right?)


none becuz they r all boring (Nope,  it's worse.)


they r all boring (Sigh.)

Teh next clan (Okay okay. Moving on.)

FabulousClan (Oh hey they spelled it right, capitalized it correctly, and spaced it right, but the name is terrible! Fantastic!)

Leader- CoolStar: This cat will never be defeated and will always be a Clan Leader (*Leopardclaw facepaws*)

Deputy- KindaAwesomeCat: This cat will almost be defeated and will always be a Clan Deputy (I doubt that, but with the competition, it might be true.)

Medicine Cat- ReallyBoringCat: This cat is boring. (Wow. Direct offense to the cat.)


None because CoolStar defeats them all (That's just a tyranny. Or a catranny?)

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