Chapter 15: Traitors to The Army

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"Grandpa, how's Emilee's condition? Is she doing okay?" "No, she's not. The gash is pretty deep. She won't die from the wound itself, but there's a risk of dying from infection if she doesn't get immediate treatment."

"No, she can't! We have to find a way to help her!" I leaned down next to her. "Don't die, Emilee. I don't know how I can live without you, and I don't want to find out."

I placed my arms over her wound, and a strange warmth filled them, with a strange blue light emanating through them. "What? How am I doing this? What am I doing?" "Ah, I never knew that you could use Aura."

S walked out from the shadows. "S, why are you here? Haven't we seen you enough for one day?" "That's not important. Kilian, you have the ability to use what is know as Aura. This power, which all Lucario, as well as a select few other Pokémon have access to, can be used to sense other auras, read one's feelings, manifest it as a weapon, and various other uses, which depend on the user."

"Maybe, just maybe, I can use mine to heal others." He held my hands over Emilee's wound, closed my eyes, and concentrated on my feelings for her. When I opened my eyes, Emilee's wound had fully healed. Emilee's unconscious eyes opened up.

"What happened? Are we still on Route 114? Why is S here?" "Your side got lacerated by this Ninjask's X-Scissor. You may have gotten an infection if not for Kilian. He tapped into his Aura and used it to heal your injury."

"Wait, you can use Aura, Kilian?" "Yep, I sure can! And I have only begun to tap into it." "Well, I was going use Heal Pulse on Emilee, but since she's already healed, I will see you, later!" He leapt on top of Meteor Falls, and disappeared, probably into the hole made by the Super Hyper Beam.

"Let's take this guy to Josh's house. He might be able to help in the interrogation," I said. "Interrogation? Why are you going to interrogate him," grandpa asked.

"Because, Emilee said that he was a scout for Gary's army. He might be able to tell us what they're planning." "Well, I'm not going to take part in no interrogation. I'm going back to your house, Kilian. I'll fly you to Josh's house, but after that, you'll need to find your own way home."

"Works for me, how bout you, Emilee?" "I'm okay with that. I might be able to make this Ninjask pay for gashing my side." "Ok, let's go!" We walked into Meteor Falls and flew to Josh's house.

"Oh, hi guys," Josh said as he opened the door. "Why are you holding a Ninjask? And who's the Salamence?" "The Salamence is my grandfather, and the Ninjask is a scout for Gary's army, who we caught in Route 114. Now we were hoping to interrogate him about what they were up to, and we need you to help tie him up."

"Great, Gary's back. We have an empty room that would be perfect for an interrogation! My mom and dad are out shopping, so we've got time. Come on in!" We walked into the house and down a hall into a storage room.

There was a single chair in the middle of the room. We set the Ninjask in the chair while Josh used String Shot to tie him to the chair. Josh then used a Revive on the Ninjask to wake him up. "Huh, where am I, who's the Forretress? Why am I tied to this chair?"

"You're in questioning," I said. "Your activity on Route 114 showed that you may know something about Gary's army. Now talk!" "Ok, I will, but promise to write a letter to Gary, saying that I died in this interrogation and never revealed anything."

"What? Why would we do that," Emilee asked. "To say that, I need to go back. Will you permit that?" "Sure, just eventually get to why you want us to send the fake letter to Gary."

"Well, it all started when I was only 5. Life was simple, I was still a Nincada, and everything was good. I lived on Route 104 with my parents, brother, and sister. Then, one day, my family was visited by an unknown Shelgon. He claimed to be a drifter, needing a place to stay for the night.

My parents obliged, but later got in a fight with him. Letting his rage burst forth, he killed my mom, dad, and sister, who was playing in the same room. He tried looking for me and my brother, but by then, the police had showed up and arrested him. My brother and I were alone, so we wandered the region for 4 years, fighting Pokémon until I evolved into a Ninjask and he evolved into a Whirlipede. Him and I traveled for a while until we made our home in Dewford Town.

We lived in peace until Gary came. He ordered one Pokémon of able body from each family to join, or be killed, along with their family. I didn't want to enlist, but I did so to protect my brother. It paid well too, so my loyalty switched quickly. Earlier today, he asked for a volunteer to spy on your location, and I was the sole volunteer.

I flew to the Hoenn mainland, visited Madame Munna on Route 114, and then our skirmish happened, and now I'm here. I want you to mail the letter because if you don't, then I will be named a traitor, and my brother will be killed. I don't want that to happen, so I need you to send a false letter to Gary, saying I died in loyalty to his army."

Everyone was in tears, except for Josh, who was on the near brink of crying, but managing to hold the tears back. "Wow, I had no idea. I'm so sorry, Ninjask," I said. "Just call me Elijah, and thank you," he said. "Now, what do you want to know about Gary's army? I'll tell you anything."

"Why did Gary recruit Pokémon at Dewford Town of all places," Emilee asked. "It was where he landed. He landed late last night and proceeded to singlehandedly overthrow the local gym in a matter of hours." "Next, how did you get from Dewford Town to Meteor Falls in a matter of hours," Josh asked. "Us Ninjask are naturally fast, but I fought mostly fast Pokémon on my journey to challenge myself."

"Do you think that you can return to Gary's army after this," I asked. "No, I can't, as I betrayed my oath of silence I took when I enlisted. Going back now could result in the death of me and my brother, so I just need to stay here, possibly forever." We discussed his situation for a bit. "I think that we can get some more out of him," Josh said.

"No, that's not good. Look at him." Josh snuck a peek at his face. "You can see the despair, the sadness on his face. We can't put him through all that. We have to release him."

We broke the group up. "No further questions. Emilee, untie him and start writing that letter," I said. "Wait, that's it? You're letting me go now?"

"After hearing your story, we've decided to not torture you with your rebellion any longer." "Well, if you're letting me go, I should just write the letter." "Whatever you say, Elijah. Go wild," Emilee said, handing him a pencil and paper.

Within 3 minutes, he had finished his letter. "I'll go find a Pokémon to deliver it." He flew to the west exit to Meteor Falls and came back in less then 30 seconds. "I found a Wingull that was heading to Dewford Town and attached the letter to him. Now I just need a place to stay."

"You may be able to stay here, but I wouldn't know until my parents got back, and if they got back while you were here, the answer would definitely be no." "I'm on it. Everyone be quiet," Emilee said. She lifted her head up and stared into the distance, before coming back a minute later. "Josh, your mom said that as long as Elijah goes to school, he can stay."

"Cool! Say, is there any way that I can get telepathy?" "Sorry Josh, but the answer is most likely no. I can't just give you my powers." "Oh well. So, Elijah, have you been to school before?"

"No, I can't say that I have. What happens there?" "Well, you learn about things, like math, science, evolution, and battling." "Sounds fun! When do I start?"

"Tomorrow, along with that unknown guy on our street," Emilee said. "Well, I think we should go now, Emilee. It's almost 7:30." "Whoa, really? Time sure flew by today. Gotta go! Bye Josh, bye Elijah!" We went out the door and dashed across the neighborhood to my house.

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