one. the memories are buried in

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( the memories are buried in )


             NIKOLAS GASPS HIMSELF AWAKE, his eyes widen in alertness right away as if he has just seen something traumatizing. He squints his eyes in confusion before slowly standing up from wherever he had been laying on. His hand slowly takes off the awfully warm blanket and he frowns visibly. The room he is in is small and homely. Walls are painted grey and is color-coded with a tint of forest green around some places. Posters of Quidditch (he makes a face of confusion before realizing it is a sport) players around his room and some plants are sitting by the edge of a window. Noticing that they need some water, he takes a look around the pleasantly clean room and finds himself disgusted that there is no water for him to water those beautiful lovely pants. And then, it is like a struck of cord has hit him in the face. I'm a wizard, idiot (a wizard...?)! Nikolas scrunches his eyebrows before shaking his head and taking out his wand.


             "Nikolas! You know you cannot use magic!" A voice interrupts him from doing anything. His words are left unfinished and that fact is barely going over in his head. The young boy stares down at his wand with narrowed eyes before slowly gazing up toward the newcomer. It is a beautiful woman perhaps in her late thirties who is standing before him. Her face is filled with worry while her hands has a small potion vial. He stares at her, but nothing. He does not know who she is and yet it seems like she does. His name is Nikolas... right? Why is he questioning his own name.

             Either way, it seems as if she knows him and not wanting to be rude, he simply nods. "Right, I know that," he murmurs, and this time he does. How come this knowledge is taking time to understand? His eyes glance around the room he is in and lets them stay on the plants. "They need water," he points out softly.

             The woman follows his gaze and smiles heartedly. "You and your flowers, Nikolas. Here let me..." she chuckles, moving towards and then points her wand. A jet of water is released from the tip heading toward the green lively plants. Nikolas watches while she does so, placing his lips into a firm line trying to figure out who this woman is. His gaze switches back to the plants when the figure turns back around to face him. He forces himself not to twitch when she places her hand on his arm. "You should be resting, honey. What even happened to you? You said you would be heading off for a walk and then practically fell out of the sky!"

             Nikolas furrows his brows in confusion. Honey? He repeats the word in his head associating it with an endearment that a mother tends to call their child. And then there is also the fact that she is asking questions sounding curiously worried for him. His gaze falls back to the room and he takes another look around. They head right to a picture that shows just him and the woman smiling together while they take the picture themselves. It is moving... magic. He knows about magic, about his wand and that he goes to a school. The famous wizards and plants. And yet, he stares at the woman in front of him and has no recollection.

             "Tell me you did not Apparate," the woman gasps out of a sudden. Nikolas tilts his head to the side as another knowledge hits his head.

             "I can't Apparate until I have taken the test at seventeen," he answers automatically. The woman raises an eyebrow and nods as if she wants him to expand more on the idea. Except he cannot. What else is he suppose to say? Perhaps he should question his thoughts, but he does not like the fact that the woman knows him good and he knows nothing about her.

             When he decides that he will reveal that he has no clue where he is at or who she is, a letter soon flies through the window and lands firmly on the woman's hand. She narrows her eyes suspiciously and begins to open it up hastily. Nikolas stands to the side, crossing his arms in confusion while the woman reads the letter. A visible frown starts to take over her face and then she places down the letter while heading up toward him.

             "You used magic outside of school? Nikolas, you know that can get you expelled out of Hogwarts! What is going on with you?" The woman questions angrily, crossing her arms and staring at him with both anger and worry. Nikolas widens his eyes in surprise— he used magic out of school? When? He knows that is forbidden and yet he does not recall ever doing so (except the fact that he was about to but still!).

             "I-I..." Nikolas tries to say, but the woman raises up her index finger and points at him accusingly.

             "No excuses!" She cuts him off angrily.

             Not seeing any other choice, he blurts out, "Where am I? And who are you?"

             Immediately, the woman stares at him like if he is joking. He is not. There is no memory to him of her. In his mind, she is simply some random person he has no recollection of. It makes him feel guilty because it is obvious she knows him. Frown lines appear in her forehead and she slowly starts to take in his visible confusion. For all he knows, he has been kidnapped and taken to this room away from his mother— Nikolas takes a few steps back in surprise. His mother...? Why can't he remember how she...? The woman takes a few steps closer with a concerned look on her eyes and Nikolas stares at her in shock.

             "Mother?" He questions unsurely. Merlin, he hates it. Why is he asking this random woman if she is his— the woman nods slowly. His eyes widen in surprise and he swallows deeply, running his hand through his hair while trying to think about it. Slowly, he feels his own head ache when he tries to think of another person he knows and his mind goes completely blank except for some names like Merlin, Newt Scamander, Potions textbook level four— he rubs his temples frustratedly and starts hitting the side of it as if that will help him remember.

             "Nikolas, are you alright?" The woman— his mother questions. She is quick to approach him when he lets out an uncontrollable cry. "Let me... let me contact Dumbledore, understood? J-just wait, honey."

             He barely takes knowledge of her words and instead tries to force himself to recognize the area he is in. A grimace reaches his face when he realizes this must be his room and yet he does not recognize it. The room smells like nature because of all the plants being all over the bedroom. A desk is farther away from the bed where quills and parchment papers are located unbothered. Plants feel familiar to him, but the room barely does. He heads toward a mirror and looks right into it. A face is staring back at him. His own. There is a small cut on the top of where his eyebrow is. It might have look as a new fashion taste if it were not for the fact that he feels it slightly sting. Something happened to him... the only problem is that he does not know what.

             Nikolas must have spend his time trying to remember something when the woman reenters the room except this time there is an old man beside her. He stares at him. Nothing. The older man seems to realize this as he raises his eyebrows in surprise and slowly heads toward him with his hand out. Nikolas does not know him, but he can immediately figure out that it is a man with power. Not by the way he dresses, but by the way his eyes seem to shine with wisdom and a twinkle of light that oddly confuses him.

             "Nikolas, do you know who I am?" The old man questions in wonder. He feels like the man knows the answer but nonetheless, he gives a short shake in disagreement. The woman beside him widens her eyes in fear and stares at the man worriedly. "Do you know who you are?"

             Who I am? He repeats the question on his mind. He knows his name. The fact that he likes plants and is a wizard. He knows those stuff... but he just doesn't know people that he should. So, he answers honestly, "Yes. My name is Nikolas Archambeau."

             "Do you know what you are?"

             Nikolas glances down at his wand. "A wizard. I-I know that... I just don't know anyone apart from famous ones that I have learned about. I-I don't know anyone," he reveals, his voice wavering in panic. His hand begins to tremble and he swallows deeply trying to force down the lump in his throat.

             The man appears as if he wants to ask something else. Nikolas already knows what it is: do you know what happened to you? No, he does not. And maybe the man knows that will be his answer because he then turns to the woman and motions for her to sit down. Nikolas stays standing up not finding the courage to feel like he is being babied. The older wizard waves his wand around him and Nikolas can sense the powerful magic being overhead as if it is examining him. He waits impatiently before the man finally tells the woman, "Your son, as I imagine, has had his memory played with. It is as if someone has used the Forgetfulness Charm on him, but has mixed up the spell to the point where he does not remember those he knows in real life. He can recognize famous people that have no correlation in his life, but I imagine he would not know anyone at Hogwarts nor his own mother."

             "He doesn't remember me?" His mother questions with a voice completely fragile that it feels like someone has stabbed Nikolas. Guilt stirs up in his stomach because no matter how much he tries, all his head comes up with is something blank. The beautiful woman does not deserve to go through this.

             The older wizard glances at the young boy and shakes his head. "No... and I am afraid we cannot regain his memories. He has them possibly buried deep inside if his mind reacted fast enough, but as of now I do not see him suddenly recalling his friends or anyone of that."

             Nikolas can see how hard the woman is trying not to cry in front of them. He stares at her in concern and worry despite not recognizing her. Perhaps part of him does recognize her, but the old man is right. He cannot recall her. However, with the guilt tripping him up and the sadness in the woman's body, he takes a step close to her and slowly wraps his arms around her. Once he does, the woman starts crying. His eyes fall onto the wizard's and the older man gives him a warm smile as if that will suddenly make everything alright.

             "It will be hard, Nikolas, but I have faith that you will succeed in trying to remember. It will take time, and as much as your mother will want to help you herself, it is best that you return to Hogwarts when school restarts... you know that right?" The wizard tells him, staring at him quizzically. Nikolas finds himself nodding toward the end. He does know when school starts: September 1st. He knows the places where he gets his materials and the fact that he loves Quidditch, but he does not remember the people that would sell him the items or...

             "I understand, sir," he murmurs quietly. Despite not having any memories of anyone, he knows his own manners. When the man appears that he will talk further with his mother (he does not like how it feels blank in his mind), Nikolas clears his throat and questions, "Who are you, again?"

             The older wizard smiles, his eyes twinkling once more. "Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts," he announces kindly, giving a short nod of greetings.

             Nikolas does not recognize the name, but he nods in acknowledgement. "Pleasure to meet you... again, I suppose, Professor Dumbledore," he greets awkwardly, having nothing else to say.

             And no one that he can remember.


wait ik this is kinda sad cuz wow he
really does not know anyone but i
just wanna say that it will be cute !!
it's a story of two boys falling with
each other again despite this circumstance

but anyway,,, how he got obliviated will be
explained as the story passes by but since
he does not remember then neither do u guys

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