Angels Keep on Fighting

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Oronno's P.O.V

I am praying to God. I am only asking Him to make Rahi well again. I am praying.

The doctor goes to Rahi's father and starts," So, she is fine. She survived. She is unconscious now. She will soon be shifted to the room and she should wake up within tomorrow. But...."

I cry out suddenly, " But what?" I am feeling weak. It is another type of experience. I am the happiest person alive in this world right now. But i feel weak to my bones and my legs are shaking. The overflow of emotions in my head are driving me crazy. I want to meet her and tell her everything.

The doctor looked at me and says," Boy, it is just your sister has lost hope. She doesn't want to live. When she was brought at the hospital she was muttering that she deserves to die. You know, it is a major problem. If she gives up and doesn't fight to get well her body will not react properly to the treatment. Willpower is important in this kind of cases to have a healthy life again. She must have been really depressed that's why she did what she did. Her family members and friends should come forward to help her. Or else she will eventually fall physically sick again even if she survives. She can have a lot of other mental disorders if she isn't helped by you all." The doctor walked away.

So, the doctor thought Rahi is my sister! Whatever! She is fine and she will be fine. I will help her with her problems and she will be fine.

I look beside me. I see Aria silently crying.

5 hours later.

Third Person's P.O.V

Oronno has come home after dropping Aria at her home. Aria was in a difficult situation . She was afraid that her mother would know about her skipping coachings and tutors for Rahi. And if she gets to know that Aria is still in contact with Rahi she would kill her. At least that's what Aria stated. Oronno feels sorry for this girl. She is good. She is just in a different situation.

Oronno saw how much she was terrified at the thought of her mother knowing about what happened earlier. A kid shouldn't be terrified of his or her mom.

Aria's P.O.V

I enter in my home and checked if mom is home yet. She isn't home yet. Relief for now. I hope today just passes somehow and this time just passes somehow like my past days which i thought would never pass but finally those days are gone. I just hope today also somehow passes by.


That day I was sitting on my bed. Reading to some story books. The story seemed interesting . Suddenly i heard dad shouting at mom and i heard things breaking. I heard them fighting more specifically dad attacking my mom. And mom as usual did nothing but tried to calm that man down. It wasn't new. But i just couldn't get used to it. I don't know why mom was with him still. I heard mom shouting in pain. Maybe he threw something at her. I rushed to the drawing room . I saw mom and dad looking at me. I never interfered between them because mom told me not to talk between big people. I was so young. Only a kid of 10 years old. So i listened to mom.

I used to tell my mom to leave that man. I didn't like him at all. I felt anxious wherever he used to come back from home. I hated him. But mommy said we can't leave him. Because we were family. I thought in every family dads have a right to torture moms.


That day he beat me up like an animal and my mom too. We left the home. I was so happy at first. Even though none of my mom's family members supported her , she decided not to go back to that home. It was enough.

I thought life would be fairy-tale now. But nothing is as easy as it seems. Mom changed so much. She became strict. She changed my school and stared tp pressurise me for study. She doesn't allow me to make male friends let alone a boyfriend. Maybe it is normal and i never felt like to have one. Books were my good friends. So it was okay.

But slowly she became so rude and started scolding me on stupid things. I understood her. She was tackling so much at a time.
Everyone asked her about my dad and me too. She told me to tell the truth that my dad was not a good and so we left him.

But after all these pressure and boundaries life was way more good than when i was living with my dad.

I missed him sometimes. I don't know what i even missed. He was a d**khead anyway.


Reminiscing the past i realised why my mom is like that. I never really sat and thought about this. How much she had to take back then.

Those hards days passed somehow. At first my mom was so mentally stressed but she overcame that for my sake. I can not love her more. She has made me who i am now. Mom was strict than ever but i still understand her. After everything she has seen, she just doesn't want me to face something similar. She is my mother after all. She loves me. I decide to tell her everything. From the very first.

I know she will shout but I will make her understand things.

Rahi's P.O.V

I open my eyes and see Fupi sleeping on the sofa. I looked for dad. But he wasn't in the room. I remember i jumped off the rooftop. Oh, so i survived? Or am i dead? A ghost now? I think i am a ghost. I don't know. I have to wait till i see a human being. If the person sees me back then I will be sure that i am alive. I feel sleepy. Does ghosts sleep though?

I hear the door of the hospital room opening. Dad entered and looked at me shocked. So HE CAN SEE ME ! I AM ALIVE! I HAVE A NEW CHANCE TO CHANGE MY LIFE!

I looked at him with doe eyes. I should apologise for what i did. I still feel guilty for what i did and about ruining those slum kids life. God, help me!

Fupi wakes up hearing the door opening. And she looks at me with a shocked expression too.

She says,"So Rahi, you just woke and didn't even call anyone?" Then turning to my dad she says,"Your daughter is crazy."

Dad comes to me and holds my right hand and says," Yes she is kind of crazy but that's okay." Fupi smiles softly and dad started to cry.

I still haven't said a word. I look at them with confused expression. What? Everything is fine now. I guess not at least not with those kids. I can't get that outta my mind. But I am fine now. Why is dad crying though?

I expression changed from a blank to a confused one.


Hello Readers,
I hope you all are doing fine. Thanks for 3k read. It is unbelievable. I am so thankful for all the supports you have shown to me. I love you. Thanks ya all.

So, the book is only one epilogue away from ending. Thanks for your support. Please keep me in your prayers.



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