Dealing with Fupi And A Shock

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Rahi's P.O.V

I was left dumbstruck when I heard Fupi saying,"Rahi, I am gonna stay with you till you are getting married. Your father is unable to bring you up properly cause he is a man. Your grandparents are really worried about you. So, they have sent me here to take care of you and your father. It is my duty to look after you till you are finishing studies and then I will find a good bride groom for you and give your hand in his.Then I will leave."

What a crap!!

I am in my washroom now. Fupi is in my room. As we have only two bedrooms in our house. One is mine and one is dad's. So Fupi is living with me in my room.

My place to hide when I am sad was my room till Fupi came and now, my new place is my washroom! Duh!

"Rahi! Rahi! What are you doing in there for so long," I hear her calling my name from outside.

I come out from the Washroom. I see her sitting on my bed with a designed box of betel leaf in front of her. She says without looking at me," A boy called you. He told his name Oronno. Who is that? Your boyfriend!?"

Rahi defends herself," No,noh , just a friend of mine. "

Putting a betel inside of her mouth, Fupi starts to chew and then, through it she started to talk.


"Listen, little girl. You are too young to understand that a boy and a girl can never be 'just friends'. So, this boy and any other boy should not call you any further. Am I clear?"Said Fupi.

I mutter," As if I am gonna listen to you."

"What ,what did ya just said?"

"Uhmm..nothing.. Nothing."


I am lying on my bed beside Fupi. She is sleeping. I can hear the irritating sound of her snoring.

It is 2:30 midnight and I am still wide awake. I am unable to sleep.

I have been thinking what Fupi said earlier today. She was kind of right. I like Oronno. I feel for him. Though I can't tell if it is love or only attraction. But there is no doubt that I feel something special for him. Maybe because he is my first ever male friend and he has been very nice to me since the day we met. Maybe that is why I care for him. But I can't tell if it is the feeling of friendship or something else..


Aria's P.O.V

Exams are knocking at the door. Though I am studying hard my mom doesn't seem to be happy.

She never stops questioning my Home Tutors about my progress and how i am doing in study. I know she cares for me but sometimes she crosses the limits. Some times the tutors get annoyed by her continuous questions.

One of my home tutors is Afia api. Afia api teaches me math and science. She is great. I share everything with her. She is more like a friend of mine with whom I can share all my problems.

I miss Rahi. We have become good friends within a very few days. She is the first person I have started to relay on. But since the upcoming exams school is off and my mom has taken my phone due to exams. So, I haven't talked to her in a while.

It is 5:30 pm. And Afia api was supposed to come by this time. She is late today. I hear the door bell ringing.

I hurrie to the door and open it.

Yeah. It is Afia Apu. "Api.Why are you late today?"

"Oh Aria. Actually I went to the park and I saw something really dangerous and unexpected." Afia Apu says in a sad tone.

"What has happened?" I ask.

"You won't believe what I saw. Please give me a glass of water first and let me sit. I am so much in shock." Afia Apu says sitting on a chair of the dining table.

I give her a glass of ice cold water and she drinks it like she haven't drank forever. I look confusedly at her.

"What made her so terrified!?!" I assume.


What is the matterWhat Afia has seen there? Can anyone guess??

Hey guys... I am uploading like after forever.. Omg.. I am so sorry....

I hope you are enjoying my story..  Thanks for reading and give a star if you like and pls cmnt.. Cuz I need to know what you are thinking about this story...your opinion means a lot. .....

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