Finding Rahi

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Hi guys, in my last chapter there were few typing mistakes which may have caused you trouble while reading... I am really sorry...I hope you didn't mind....

Enjoy the story.....


Oronno's P.O.V

After dropping Aria home, I have come back to the slum. I need to know if Rahi is okay or not.

My legs are shaking and I am having doubt about if I should go there or not.

After standing in the middle of the slum for a few moments, I shove off all the doubts and start walking towards that room.

When I reach there I find the door of the slum room wide open. It is pitch black in there. So, I can't see anything.

I wait outside for sometimes. It is so dark here. So, there is no chance of anyone to see me.

The atmosphere is weirdly silent.

After becoming sure that Shakil and none of Jamal or Bodi is in the room I enter there.

I don't know why I have come here. Rahi must have reached her home by now. Why am I even searching her here!

Suddenly my phone buzzes. It is a call from an unknown number. I receive the call.

"Hello, who is it?"
"Oronno I am Rahi's father."
"Yes. Dear, is Rahi with you?"

Rahi is not home yet. I can feel my knees are becoming weak. I try to keep my voice normal and say," Uncle she was with me and now she is not. I am searching her. I will find her. Pray to God. "

"What has happened? Where is Rahi?" Anxiety is clear in Uncle's voice.

"Uncle, please stay calm. I will call you later. Everything will be fine." I hang up the call and put it in my pocket.

I sit on the floor like a zombie. My brain is not functioning. I don't know what to do now. I said to Rahi's dad that everything will be fine. But I don't know how.

Where am I gonna search for her? What if they have caught her and killed... No! No! It is not possible. This can't happen. I start to shake my head like a hysteric person.

Suddenly I feel like I have just heard someone. Crying or more like sobbing of someone.

I stand up and start walking straight. I bashed with some cardboard boxes and they fall on the floor with a little sound. But the little sound seems so rough in the pin drop silent atmosphere.

I again start walking straight.

"OMG!! You are here? Why are you here?" I scream as I see Rahi sitting behind the boxes, hugging her legs and hiding her face into her knees.


Hope you are enjoying....Twist is on its way.... Have a nice day you all...thanks for reading.....


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