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Oronno's P.O.V

I have brought Rahi in the hospital. Her father is not here yet.

A Lady doctor comes with an annoyed expression on her face and starts to examine Rahi.

The doctor says, " So, rape case?"

She then questions Rahi," What is your name?"

"Her name is Rahi." I answer as Rahi is seemingly not in the condition of answering.

The doctor gives me a "who are you" look! However, I ignore it.

Then she asks Rahi," What happened? Where and how did they hurt you?"

Rahi starts to shiver with fear.

I say," What sort of question is that?"

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?" The doctor says in a harassing tone.

"No, her friend." I try to stay calm.

"Oh. I see, Just Friends." She sarcasms.

"Just tell me if she is physically okay. If you can't then thank you. We will so somewhere else. To a humane doctor." I say.

"Look boy, I have to do some tests. After that I would be able to say if she is okay or not." The doctor replies.

"Then do the tests." I say.

The doctor then leaves saying, "Wait, I am coming back."

As soon as the doctor leaves Rahi pulls my left hand and whispers," I am fine. I am fine. There is no need of these medical procedures. No need."

"But, Rahi, what if there is any inner injuries?" I say.

"There is no. I am saying you. There is no!" She shouts.

"Okay, okay, so shall we go now?" I ask her.

"Where would I go?" She says in a vacant voice.

I sit beside her and say,"To your home."

"How can I go there?" She whispers.

"Look Rahi, what happened to you was not expected. But you are not like others. You are not the one who is afraid of those beasts. You are a brave girl. Right Rahi? Let's go home." I say.

She stands up. Then she starts walking towards the door.

Then she bumps on her father. Suddenly a terrified look covers her face. The runs backwards and again bumps on the wall.

"Rahi, Rahi, it is okay. Come here dear. Come here." Rahi's father goes towards her. Rahi hugs her dad and whispers,"Baba let's go home."

I leave the room. It is daughter and father's time.

As I come outside I see Aria standing there beside the door.

"Doctor has told us. I am really guilty Oronno. I am sorry. I don't know what to say," Aria gulps.

"It is okay Aria. It is no ones fault. You don't have to be guilty." I say and pat on her back.

We give each other weak smiles.



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