It could go well But....

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Oronno's P.O.V

I has just arrived home. I am thinking about what Rahi said.

"What can I do to make her feel better? Is there anything I can do? I don't know what I can do. But I am surely gonna try. I don't want to see her like this. She is miserable but why is it affecting me so much?" I think.

Rahi liked art. She likes to ride on her cycle. Maybe she likes music. There must be anything which will make her happy. What can it be?

I called her.

"Hello, Rahi?"
"What were you doing?"
" Just before you called I was thinking what I have done to myself and to the kids."
"What have you done to the kids?"
"We don't even know where they are."
" What do you mean by that? They must be at their homes."
"They aren't. I just called to talk to them. Just to feel better. But then I got to know that none of them is home and they haven't come  for a long time."
"Oh is that so?"
"It is all my fault, Oronno."

Rahi hangs up the call. And start to think. I know a person who can help us. All we need is support of an adult. She can be the one.


I enter the classroom and search for Ms Hasan. She had always been a nice person to me and Rahi and maybe she can help us. Maybe. I don't know. But i just want to try my best to make Rahi happy.

I see kids are drawing pictures. I ask him," Can you tell me where is Ms Hasan?"

He replies, " Madam is upstairs attending a meeting. She will be down here soon. You can wait if you wanna meet her."

I thank the kid and rest myself by a wall. I observed my nails while waiting for Ms Hasan and thinking of what i can do.

I wait for sometimes then i see Ms Hasan coming. I greet her and she replies with a smile.

Observing my facial expressions she guesses that there is something I want to tell her.

She asks," What's it? I have never seen you like this. I mean i know you as a jolly minded boy. Why is your face all gray and what is about the tension on those forehead of yours?"

I suddenly become surprise at how she has understood my problem. I start to explain, " Madam, actually i have something to share. I searched a lot of people to share this matter with but no one seems to be enough supportive."

"What is that?" She askes.

I briefly explain," There used to be a slum where Rahi used to go. I hope you remember the girl Rahi. Few days ago I got to know her. And soon we became good friends. She was a really nice girl with such a good heart but something terrible happened to us. Actually to her. One day she told me that she wanted to do something for the slum kids. I guess we both were so immature that we thought we can change the kids' life all by ourselves. I knew a journalist. He was actually a freelancer. He told me that he can help us by providing the kids with education and other facilities like some NGO. I suggested Rahi to contact with that guy and then we contacted with him." I stop to take a breath and look at Ms Hasan who was looking at me eagerly like she really wants to know what happened. I again start," We all thought that those children were gonna have good life now. One day, Rahi's another friend Aria told us that her teacher saw kids taking drugs in that slum. Her teacher went there to do a survey most probably. I am not sure though. We committed our second mistake then . Ma'am i hope I am not bothering you." I trailed off.

She shakes her head and says," I want to know what happened. Let me see if i can do something. Continue."

I continue," We went to the slum without informing anyone and we entered the hut kind of room in that park beside the slum. That was the place the kids were supposed to get education. We saw there was nothing but big cartons and we searched there and found little packets of drugs and Rahi became furious. And we thought we ourselves can caught them. Duh. We somehow got trapped in the room and the next day we got caught by them. Then we made a plan to escape. Actually Rahi made that plan and she helped us to escape but she couldn't get out herself." I stop and look down at my nails.

Ms Hasan says," Was she raped? I am sorry to ask like this. But i need to know."

I say still looking down at the floor," No, but she was molested."

Ms Hasan takes a deep breath and asks," How is the situation now?"

"Somehow we rescued Rahi safely. But she is in severe trauma and things that she is responsible for everything as the kids are now all drug addicts. I have come to you for some help. Can you help us to get the kids outta there?"

"You should have consulted with an elder at least," She says.

Staying quiet i keep observing my nail.

"But i think i will try to help you. What was the name of that freelancer journalist?  And what's up with the kids now?"

" There is no update we have about the kids and their parents think that they are in safe hands away from the slum. But they are being used by the drug dealers. I feel so dumb and immature. Never thought that something like this can happen. Oh, and, that freelancer's name is Shakil. I met him at my photography school. I don't know anything more about him. I don't know what to do. I just want to make Rahi happy again. She thinks it is all her fault." I say.

Ms Hasan asks,"What do you want to do now?"

I think for a moment. Then i say,"Can we save the kids and catch Shakil and his workers? Is it possible?"

Ms Hasan says," Umm.. it is a tough really tough task to do you know. But i will try. My younger brother is in police. So, let me see if we can do anything."

I suddenly got terrified hearing the word police. I say," Ma'am, Our another friend's mother is a cop. But she didn't actually helped us because she thinks it is our fault. I know it is our fault but she could have at least support us. She could have at least tried to arrest the people."

She looks at me and says," It isn't easy. She must have her own reasons. I don't know what that is. So i will not comment on that. I will introduce with my younger brother. I will let you know the time okay?"

I nod and stand up to leave. Ms Hasan smiles at me and says," I really want to help you. I liked that girl Rahi very much."

I smile back at her and thank her. Then I leave the place.


I am going back home. I saw a slight ray of hope in Hasan Madam's talk. I want Rahi to know about that. I want her to know, that hopefully everything will get better and there is a chance that we can caught them.

I call Rahi and wait for her to receive the call. 


I am getting tensed. I can feel my heart beating fast and i can feel the anxiety raging on. I hope she is alright.

I keep walking towards my home. And suddenly my phone rings. It is Aria.


"HELLO, Oronno, Rahi, Ra-Ra........."

I can her Aria sobbing so bad.

"What is it? What happened to Rahi?"

"Oronno, she jumped from the roof."


I start to feel weak to my bones and i couldn't believe my ears.

"What? What are you saying?"

"Oronno she is still alive. I went to her home few hours ago and found out about this. She has been taken to the hospital. That's all i got to know from the security guards of her apartment. Nobody is at her home now. Her dad and fupi took her to hospital. I don't know where the hospital is. I don't know the roads. I want to go there."

She isn't dead. She won't die. She will see the slum kids playing around and getting a good life. Oh god! Am the one to be blamed?

" I-I-I am coming. Tell me where are you? I will pick you up. And we will go to the hospital."

" I am at the park beside Rahi's home."


I hang up the call and take a rickshaw to the park beaside Rahi's home to pick up Aria.

I love her. I am not too young to fall in love. Because i know what i feel for Her is something that cannot be defined in words. What if she dies? What will I do? I will not ever be able to tell her how much i adore her. I can't let her die. Please God save Rahi. Save her and take my life.


"Yes? Whom are you looking for?" The receptionist asks looking at me and Aria.

"Rahi!" I say restlessly.

"Full name please, sir." The receptionist requested looking at the computer screen in front of her.

I curse myself for not knowing her full name after all these days. I look at Aria. She must know Rahi's full name as they are in the same class. But Aria also answers in the negative. I stand there helplessly.

We keep standing their and the receptionist gives us a weird look.

Suddenly a male receptionist comes and starts to work. He asked the other about why we are standing there like creeps.

She replies," They want to meet some patient here. But can't tell the Full name. How am i supposed to understand whom they what to meet?"

The male one observes us for a while and says  to us," You are friends of the girl who attempted to take her life?"

I break down in tears. I don't care what people think about a young boy like me crying in the middle of a hospital lobby.

Aria somehow managed to open her mouth," Yes-Yes- We have come for her. We are her friends."

The female receptionist turn her face towards us to look 'The friends of a girl who attempt to murder herself'

The male receptionist says looking at us," I guessed. I heard she is in a critical condition. Anyways, follow me. I will take you to her relatives."

On our way to Rahi's room the receptionist keeps talking about how Rahi's condition was. I can't hear a single word. I am so distract praying and hoping that Rahi somehow gets well soon. I couldn't wait make her feel loved.

When we stop walking the man points to a door at some distance. I look up and see Rahi's father and fupi sitting on a chair outside of the operation theater.

The receptionist says," She is in the OT. That's her guardians. I may take your leave now. I hope she will be able to make it through." And he leaves.

She is in OT now! God please give her pain to me!


Hello My beloved readers,

Hope you all are alright by the grace of the Almighty.

Thanks for all your support. I love you.

I can't thank you more for keep waiting and.... those who are still reading my story I wanna say a massive thank you to you all.... your love and support means a lot to me.....I respect and value your support. THANKS ❤

I want to dedicate this chapter to few people who constantly supported me:

swagkitty004 nazizatanhim  ofczarax _IsraH_ PengirlTanzimention a user



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