The New Girl

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It's 7.30 in the morning. Rahi parks her cycle inside the school compound beside the playground.
Then she goes to her classroom.
In the class, she sits beside the window. She watches students coming through the gate and she watches the street kids too. she sighs.
The bell rings. Their class teacher comes in with a new girl.
It's almost the half of the year. No new student is supposed to admit to their school in the middle of the year.So the other girls in the class look at the girl with confusion in their eyes.
The class teacher starts to say,' Good morning girls. She is Aira and she is your new classmate. She came here because her father got transferred here in Dhaka. She is a very good and sincere student.She was the first girl at her past school.I hope you will welcome her cordially.'
Rahi looks at their class's first girl. She seems very worried to hear that the new girl was the first girl of her school. Rahi laughs mentally.
Suddenly she hears a voice.
"Can i sit beside you?" the new girl is asking to sit beside her.
Rahi puts her bag on the floor and makes room in the bench and says," Of course."
The new girl smiles gently and sits beside Rahi.
Rahi has already made a concept about this girl's personality.
Rahi thinks," She was the first girl of her school. That means she is a extremely good student and a very bad person! As she is a good student she only reads text books. No 'Out Books'. That means she she doesn't know much about the reality. She is beautiful. She is a total brain with beauty. So maybe she is lofty girl....."
A voice interrupts Rahi.
"Hey, don't you talk much? I'm new here and you are not even welcoming me properly. Do you hate me for any reason? Leave it. Lets be friends. Okaaayyy?! Do you have any friends. OMG! what a weird question i am asking you. you obviously have a lot. You know i love to make friends a lot. By the way My name is Aria Adriya. Oh god! You are still not saying anything!Welcome me in a proper way or i will complain about you to the teacher that you are not good with me!" The new girl named Aria stops to take a breath.
Rahi is shocked and surprised. She looks at Aria in a doubtful eye. Aria asks Rahi, "Omg! why are you looking at me like that?"
Rahi whispers to herself, "She talks too much. Oh god. Do i have to sit beside her the rest of the year. God save me."
"Hey why are you muttering?"says Aria in a huffing voice.



Hi friends. Whoever is reading this Thank you very much.

The two main characters of my story are in.... 


Keep reading to know how Rahi tolerates Aria the new girl :P
and what happens next........

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And again sorry if there was any mistake in my story. please try to overlook those.. :)

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