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Heejae flinched at the loud banging sound. It was soon followed by the doorbell being pressed incessantly. She had to clench her hands in order to not just storm up to the front door and let out a string of profanities.

She felt her eyes burning as his voice infiltrated through the closed door. "Heejae, open the fucking door before I break it."
She knew he was bluffing. She knew he wouldn't be able to do it, unless he got some help but his voice made her heart burn with anger and sadness.

"Heejae, please," Yoongi said, his head pressing against the door defeated. "Let me in. I just want to talk."

"There's nothing to talk. Go away!" she screamed as loudly as possible, knowing her voice was hoarse and shaky from all the crying. She wished, she hadn't let Anika leave so early. If she were here, she would have sent Yoongi away for sure.

"Don't be an idiot, Heejae. You know we have to talk. Just open the door before your neighbours call the police for all the ruckus we are causing." The doorbell started going off again as he finished talking. Heejae covered her ears, trying to block it all away but she was already on edge.

She couldn't hold back anymore despite her resolve to not talk to him. Her face all red from crying and now anger, she stomped towards the door and pulled it open harshly.

"What the hell, Yoongi? I told you–" she started but was cut off abruptly when Yoongi decided to crash his lips against hers. For a moment, his familiar scent and feel lured her in. She found herself closing her eyes and softening in his hold but the memories of the day were quick to crash in her mind.

She pulled back, her eyes spitting fire and before he could react, she had raised her hand and hit him. Yoongi's head rolled back to the side, his hand covering his cheek in reflex, a red imprint in the shape of her hand already forming

He looked at her with disbelief, her body coiled tightly like a viper ready to attack at the smallest movement. Wrong move, he thought as the woman before him kept stepping back from him.

"Don't you dare touch me, Min Yoongi. Don't you even dare look at me. How could you?" she spat angrily. "How could you do this to me? I know we were never meant to be together but we promised to not see anyone else."

It was Yoongi's turn to glare at her. His hands clenched on his sides, no longer caring about his stinging cheek. "You did the same thing, Heejae. Don't blame it all on me. I told you to not meet Hyunwoo and yet you did. I saw the photos."

Laughter bubbled out of the woman's chapped, dry lips, her hands clutching her head. "Are you for real?" she asked incredulously. "Did you even read what happened next? We denied the rumour. You could have atleast contacted me before coming to your own conclusion. Anyways, it wasn't me who was eating someone else's face all because of a small rumour."

"Heejae, I'm so–"

"No, you stop right there," she interrupted him. "We are done, Yoongi. We are through." Yoongi's eyes widened hearing that. He had been expecting to be called a lot of names but he hadn't thought she'd end things like this. But then, it wasn't her fault. It was his.

"Heejae, let's talk," he still tried persuading her, not wanting to let go so easily. But she only shook her head as tears streamed down her beautiful face. "No, I can't talk anymore. You haven't left anything to talk about. You broke everything the moment you decided to be with that woman."

"What was I supposed to do then?" he suddenly burst out, done with all the accusations no matter how true. "You didn't make one phone call to tell me about it. I thought you would but you didn't. What was I supposed to assume? I was hurt too, okay? I was burning with jealousy just at the thought of someone else touching you. I was angry."

"That doesn't justify your actions," she whispered, but he heard clearly. "I know," he agreed, "and I'm sorry. Let's... let's start again, yeah?" he asked cautiously, his fingers feather light on her arms.

Heejae shook off his touch. "No, I can't," she said, finality ringing in her voice. Yoongi frowned, still trying to get closer to her, wanting to make it all right for some reason.

"Why not?"

"Because you are not ready," she replied, looking up into his eyes. "You don't want to get into a serious relationship and I can't be in this type of relationship anymore. It's full of uncertainty, emotions that I don't want to deal with and most of all, I know I'll be hurt at the end. I'm hurting as it is. Please... just leave."

"Heejae..." he started but was cut off again by another voice.

"It's time you leave, Yoongi," Anika stood in the doorway, clutching a big grocery bag. Her expressions were enough to scare the man. The soft hearted woman they all knew Anika to be, was currently trying to kill him with her eyes alone for hurting her friend.

"Anika, please don't get between us. We'll resolve this on our," Yoongi tried arguing but it had no effect.

"You should have thought that before you decided to hurt my friend. If you don't leave, I'll have to call your manager and trust me, it won't end well."

Anika's threat seemed to work on the man. He sighed defeatedly and took a last look at Heejae. She still stood within his reach but her back faced him. He couldn't explain what he was feeling as he watched her shoulders shake as she cried, but he just wanted to comfort her. However, he had lost that privilege.

Without a word Yoongi left and with his departure, the tension in the apartment seemed to dissipate. Anika went to her friend and hugged her, letting her cry on her shoulder for the second time in the day.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Anika asked when Heejae had calmed down and was hogging up a big bucket of ice cream. Heejae put the container down and stared straight ahead, nowhere in particular.

"I was going to ask him out on a real date." With that, she broke down again, making the other woman tear up along with her. 



So, the book is finally on a turning point. What do you think about it?

Please vote and comment as your comments let me know if the story is going alright or not, you guys are enjoying or not, you know? ✌️

Thank you for reading 💜💜

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