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Seokjin flinched, his eyes blinking rapidly as his brain registered what happened. He didn't even get to see Yoongi's face. Yoongi just cracked the door open of his studio enough to take the bag filled with food and shut it in his face right away.

Shaking his head, Seokjin turned around to see the rest of the band members looking utterly desolate. They were all worried for Yoongi. Any hopes of him listening to their eldest hyung were instantly squashed without a word with the closed door. This was getting out of hand and no one knew the exact reason.

Of course, Sehee had put the pieces together after hearing Jimin reminisce the events from five days ago. She had told Seokjin right away the whole truth, but he wouldn't say anything to his friends. It wasn't his place to talk about someone else's, no matter how close they were, personal life. He'd respect Yoongi's privacy and give him time to open up himself. But if he took too long, he wouldn't be left with a choice but to force the man.

Yoongi on the other hand had drowned himself in work. He didn't feel like talking to anyone or even discuss anything. He was just working aimlessly. Sheets of scribbled, crumpled papers on the floor were proof enough to his jumbled mind.

With not enough sleep and one too many Americanos, he was just trying to distract his mind. Once in a while, his eyes would fall on his phone and his fingers would itch to call Heejae, just hear her melodious greeting. But then, he'd remember her swollen, red eyes and he'd retract his hand away.

He had made a mistake. Not only with Heejae but also with Hana, by breaking the company rules. He had had no choice but to ask the company to fire her and it only added to the ever increasing pile of guilt in his heart. He would never forget how betrayed and hurt Hana had looked after he talked to her about his actions being nothing but a spur of moment. He had fucked up big time.

Yoongi sighed, his hand running over his face as his other hand reached for his coffee. The container was empty though. With a frustrated groan he pushed away from his desk and moved towards the door, trying to avoid the mess on the floor. He needed to clean up soon or he'd get buried in his own mess.

He hoped, as he opened the door, that he didn't have to see anyone. Especially his nosy bandmates who would definitely bug him about his behaviour. However, he didn't expect to see the particular foreigner woman standing outside his door at all.

"What are you doing here?" His voice came out rough, his eyes narrowed accusingly. A tight lipped smile showed just how unwilling the woman was to face him. And yet, she was here.

"I'm here to make this stupidity stop," Anika said, stepping back and motioning her arm towards the hallway. "Shall we talk over a coffee? I'm pretty sure you came out for it," she remarked, her sharp eyes directed towards the cup in his hand.

With a grunt that didn't sound either an agreement or disapproval, he started walking, Anika hot on his heels. They didn't exchange any words till they were in the cafeteria and had a steaming cup of coffee infront of them.

Anika grimaced at the taste of the coffee. "I hate coffee and I hate the tea more here. How do you people even drink this... this devil concoction?" she asked, pointing her hands dramatically at the cup, her face still a mask of disgust.

Yoongi could only roll his eyes. "Because we are bitter people. Get to the point now."

"No need to be so rude, Yoongi. We've known each other for a long time, right?" the woman replied with a smile but it soon fell away, seriousness taking over. "You need to stop being so hard on yourself," she said. "I know breakups are hard and even though you guys weren't dating, I could see the care in your eyes for her but you can't be like this. Atleast for the sake of your members. They are worried for you."

"Well, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine. I'm just busy with work," he said, his eyes hard and indifferent. "If you are done with your Ted talk, you can leave because I don't remember the two of us being close enough to talk like this. Stick to Jimin only."

The name of the other man made Anika stiffen, her jaw clenching but she stayed put instead of acting rashly. "Jimin is a friend and he called me talk to you since he knows I might know everything," she spoke, getting up as Yoongi started to leave. "Heejae asked me to give you this."

At that name, the man halted in his steps and turned around. She was holding a black beanie, something he used quite regularly. With shaking hands he grabbed the beanie, feeling the soft texture of the material, his fingers brushing over the words embroidered in it. They were his initials.

"She got this for you as a present, compensation for the shirt she stole from you but then, you know what happened. She had it custom made so she can't really give it to anyone else. It's your choice now. You either keep being like this, torturing yourself or move on," she said, gathering her stuff and started to leave.

"Has she moved on already?" Yoongi asked just when she had reached the door. Anika turned around with a sad smile. "Not yet. She liked you very much so it'll be hard for her. I had to pull her out of her office forcefully today. But I'm sure she's feeling better now and is smoking with her brother by the Han river."

She didn't wait around to see Yoongi's nod, or his glossy eyes. She just wanted to get out before...

"Holy shi-" she gasped as a man appeared infront of her suddenly. Out of habit, her hand lashed out, hitting the man's shoulder. "What the hell, Jimin! You scared me."

The man gave her a cheeky smile, his fingers ghosting secretly over the skin of her arm. Anika gulped hard, unable to look up, unable to acknowledge her feelings.

"I'm sorry," Jimin spoke sweetly, taking a step closer to her. "Did you talk to Yoongi? What did he say?"

Anika sighed, "I did talk to him but I don't know what he's thinking. I guess, you'll find out soon." Jimin nodded, his smile falling as she moved away from him, seeing one of the staff moving towards them. It reminded him yet again that he would never be able to have her the way he wanted.

"I'll get going now. I don't think it's wise to stay here longer without any purpose," she said, giving him a small smile. "Don't say that," Jimin stopped her with a firm hold on her wrist, his eyes showing how much he longed for her. "You've got friends here. You have me here."

With a very fake laugh, Anika shook off his touch and moved around him to leave. "I'm glad to hear that, Jimin. Thank you but I must really go." With that she was gone, leaving Jimin to stare at his hand.

He couldn't keep going like this with stolen, secretive touches and words anymore.


A double update for the delay of updates.
New schedule says, updates every Sunday.

I hope you like this and the previous chapter. Thank you for reading!!

And happy 8 years of BTS. I can't believe it's been 4 years already since I first came across BTS. It feels almost like yesterday but I've grown up, with much help of BTS and so have you.

Hope you have a good day/night ahead 🤗🤗

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