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"Do you suspect anyone? Someone who might hold a grudge against you?" the police officer asked, his eyes unemotional, unconcerned. Heejae sighed, not liking the way this man was talking to her, not in her situation but she let it go.

"I can't be sure, officer," she replied, rubbing her temple as her migraine had started to set in. "Can the people I fired from job be counted? But I never even wrote anything bad about them. I honestly don't know and right now, I just want to go home."

The officer, a middle-aged man, thoughtfully rubbed at his stubble, looking at his computer screen first and then back at her again. This time, however, his eyes seemed to shine as if realization just struck.

"You work with celebrities, don't you? A few years ago a crazy fan broke into your house and threatened you, correct?" he asked her, his voice controlled but his enthusiasm at finding a plausible explanation wasn't hidden.

Heejae nodded in answer, the gears in her mind turning. Could it be the same fan? Or were they Yoongi's? Even if this person was Yoongi's sasaeng, how would they know about the baby? She knew for sure that the bunny was there to threaten her, make her apprehensive as her motherly instincts kicked in.

Before she could say more she felt a hand on her shoulder, making her jump out of her skin. But she was just as soon turning around, her eyes filling with unbidden tears as she heard him call her name. In the next moment, she was out of her chair, her arms going around his neck. He hugged her back tightly, his face in the crook of her neck as they just heard each other breathe.

At that moment, the time stopped for them, the world falling away. It was just them, in each other's arms seeking comfort.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, pulling back a little as one of his hands cupped her face, his eyes surprisingly moist. Gulping down her tears, she gave him a tight smile. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Suddenly, he seemed to breathe once again, his chest expanding as he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he smiled back at her. His hand running gently over her head, he said, "That's good. I'm glad you are okay. What exactly happened?"

Heejae opened her mouth to reply but she couldn't speak as a cough intruded, bringing the world back into focus. She gulped, suddenly aware of the noises, whispers around them. They were standing too close, their faces inches away, closer than it could be considered publicly decent and not to forget the eyes.

She was quick to pull away and turn to look at the officer noting down her statements eyeing them curiously. She cleared her own throat sitting back down in her seat and pulling Yoongi down beside her. From the corner of her eye, she could see his manager speak with someone and she hoped none of this got out, or worse, got to her mother. It would just give her a reason to try again to separate them.

As the officer explained everything to Yoongi, his grip on her hand tightened listening to each word. He was horrified, she could tell and maybe scared too as he flinched seeing the pictures the police had taken. She couldn't handle the sight a second time and so she looked away.

It was a mistake.

Her eyes connected with Hana's, making her lips part in a silent gasp. The woman sitting on the bench had tears in her eyes, almost on the verge of spilling over her ashen cheeks. Hana gave her smile though, a thin smile of reassurance and Heejae felt her stomach plummet with guilt. She wished she could explain the circumstances to the other woman, anything to lessen her pain but no words came to her. She could only bite her lip and look away in shame as Yoongi pulled her out of the station.

No matter what, Hana was a woman too; a woman with feelings.

The man halted in the relatively deserted hallway, making the woman almost bump into him. Before she could scold him for stopping so abruptly, he turned around and pulled her in a bone-crushing hug. His out-of-character actions rendered her speechless and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his back.

"I was so scared," he let out in a painful whisper, making her close her eyes. "I thought I lost you. The thirty-minute ride almost gave me a heart attack and I just... I just couldn't bear it. I can't imagine losing you, Heejae."

She took in a sharp breath then, the tears she had been holding ever since leaving her office now flowing freely as she took comfort in his strong hold. "I was scared too," she admitted brokenly. "When I saw what was inside...I can't explain it. I can't forget it either. Yoongi, I'm so scared. I'm so scared," she broke down saying that, her sobs muffled by his shoulder as he let her cry.

"I'm scared too," he confessed, a few drops falling onto her shoulder, seeping through her shirt to wet her heated skin. She flinched slightly at the coldness but her hands soon tightened in his shirt as she let him cry on her shoulder too.

Until that moment, Heejae hadn't known how much she had been craving this; the closeness they shared and the warmth that crept from his body into hers. It was soothing, in a way healing, even as they cried tears of fear and anguish.

Her fear hadn't been for herself but the precious life she carried. But he feared for her along with their child and he felt helpless as he had been unable to stop the tragedy that struck them. The pain would always strike him two-fold, she realized for he had feelings for her too. She had seen those feelings in his eyes a long ago.

And so, she soothed his distress with her sweet words. "It's going to be okay, Yoongi-ah. We are going to be okay," she said sniffling, her tears drying as she held him in that empty hallway. "We can get over this. We've been through so much worse already, do you think wasting our tears on such threats is going to do anything. I promise I'll take care of myself and our baby. So, stop crying and let's go home, okay?"

He pulled back then, gazing down at her with tears trailing down his pale cheeks. Heejae felt her heart twist at the sight of his despondent eyes. She raised her hands, cupping his face and wiping away the tears as if she could wipe away his pain.  He was so strong in her eyes and yet so fragile.

The world found his ways cold and savage. He was anything but cold. He was just reserved and when he found people who he could trust and those who accepted him, he was the warmest of the people, even as he made sarcastic comments that made her want to choke him. But when something drastic happened, how could he restrain himself? He was a human, first and foremost. But even then, it hurt to see him this way.

They would get over it though, they promised each other as they sat in the van, escorting them to his dorm for the time being. It was true what she said. they had been through worse, they could deal with this as well. Especially, now that this person was targeting an unborn life.

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