making them forget

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"Padfoot, wake up."

"Piss off Prongs."

"But it's Christmas!"

Sirius sat up. "Holy fuck, it is!"

James grinned down at his friend. "Thanks for the book by the way. I don't think I'll need it though."

"Everyone needs a little dating advice now and then, my friend. Besides, you might find out how to get Lily."

"Your faith in me is astonishing."

Sirius made a face at him, then glanced over at Peter, who was sitting drowsily on his bed.

"Guys, it's not even six o'clock."

James rolled his eyes. "How sad. I don't care."

"Hey, look, Moony's still asleep," Peter muttered.

An evil smile spread across Sirius' face. "Not for long."

Remus shrieked as the three boys jumped on him.

"Seriously?! Are you for fucking real right now?" He glared at the other marauders, who were smiling smugly back at him. "Why can't you guys just wake me up like normal people do?!"

"But, Remus, honey," drawled Sirius, seating himself comfortably on Remus' stomach, "We would have to be normal to do that."

"No kidding." Remus scowled up at him. Sirius pouted, reaching forward and rubbing the space between Remus' eyebrows.

"Don't frown, it's Christmas." The taller boy rolled his eyes, but gave Sirius a big cheesy grin. Sirius smiled happily in response.

"Much better."

Throughout this little exchange, James and Peter had grabbed their phones and were taking multiple photos, laughing silently with each other.

Not that the other two boys were aware.


It had been a good day.

The marauders had recieved great presents, the food had been delicious, Sirius and Peter had won the obligatory snowball fight, and now they were relaxing in front of the fire in the common room, sipping James' beer and watching the snow fall outside the window.

Well, Remus was trying to relax, at any rate. The others, however, had other plans.

"To celebrate, we should - "


"But Remus - "


"You don't even - "

"Yes I do." Remus rolled his eyes, putting his beer down on the table. "You want to go out, sneak into the kitchens and eat like the greedy pigs you are."

James and Sirius looked at each, stunned. "How on Earth did you guess that?" asked Sirius, who was sitting by Remus' feet.

"You do it every year, you cabbage."

Peter snickered, taking a swig of his beer. "He had a point, guys."

"But Remmie, it's tradition!" James whined from his place on a sofa.

"We've almost been caught every year."

"But we haven't yet." Sirius flopped into Remus' lap, looking up with beseeching eyes. "Please Moony."

Remus looked down at the boy.

"Are you begging me?"

Sirius smirked. "Would you like me to?" His words were slurred together.

Remus leaned in a bit, feeling a little reckless. "Maybe," he muttered, lip curling slyly.

"Will you please come with us to the kitchens?" Sirius pushed himself up onto his elbows, eyes hooded, bottom lip between his teeth.

Remus felt his hair brush Sirius'. He was far too close to him. Close enough to see the perfectly winged eyeliner that framed those hazy grey eyes.

Remus' tummy flipped over.


The taller boy pulled back swiftly. "Oh, fine." Remus stood up, dislodging Sirius from his perch on his knees.

"Excellent!" Sirius grinned, still kneeling in front of him. Remus' mind went somewhere it really, really shouldn't [A/N: or maybe it should. You decide].

Remus cleared his throat. "Well, then, let's go."

The boys grabbed a couple of bags to take food back in, and then crept out of the Gryffindor tower. They shuffled through the empty corridors, bumping into each other and shushing so loudly that someone was bound to hear them.

"Hey, Wormtail?" Remus whispered.


"Did you finish that book I gave you?"

Peter stopped and turned around, flapping his hands and looking a little distressed.

"I hate you for giving me that stupid book."

Remus leant down to look Peter in the eye, blinking rapidly. "It was terrible, wasn't it? I hated it too."

"Guys, we have to keep moving if you wanna get any food," shout-whispered James, trying to nudge Peter forward.

"Yeah, come on Moon-Moon." Sirius took Remus' hand and pulled him along, giggling drunkenly.

"Moony-Moony-Moo, he smells like a poo..." The shorter boy sang, a wide smile on his face. Remus frowned sulkily.

"You're a poo."

Sirius stopped walking, looking at Remus as though the taller boy had said he enjoyed kicking puppies. "Wh-what? Did you call me a poo?" He sniffed, dropping Remus' hand and gazing sadly at the ground.

"Remmie!" exclaimed James. He stopped shoving Peter (who was holding onto the wall to stay on his feet), and walked over to Sirius, patting the mournful boy's head and glaring at Remus. "Apologise immediately!"

Remus groaned. "Do I have to?"


"Ugh. Fine."

Remus trudged over to Sirius, who was wiping his eyes. "Sorry Padfoot," he murmured, shuffling his feet awkwardly and fiddling with his jumper sleeves.

"Now hug him."

Remus stared. "Are you for real, Pete?"

Peter smirked. "Do it. You called him a poo, now reap the consequences."

Rolling his eyes, Remus put his arms around the shorter boy, who buried himself into the cautious hug. They hugged each other a little tighter, rocking softly side to side, the alcohol making them forget the whole 'no homo' side of things.

James and Peter cheered. "Now kiss!" James yelled, clapping his hands.

"The fuck you - "

"Where are they?! I can hear you, ya little brats!"

The marauders froze, Sirius still wrapped firmly around Remus' lanky frame. The familiar bellows of Argus Filch, the school caretaker, echoed from a short distance away.

"I'll get you this time!"

"Run boys!" James shrieked. He glanced around. There was no one there.

"Hey, wait for me!"

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