Chapter 9 (last part) Love and Love

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This is the last part! 


~After 6 months~

Rio - Ewwaaaaa *crying*

Shu - Hey...Rio baby..sshh..ssh..your mommy come soon....stop crying please..Yue baby pass me the milk bottle..

Yue - Here daddy! *passes him the bottle*

Shu put the bottle near Rio's mouth and tried to make him drink but he just turned his head everytime he tried to. Suddenly, he hear the sound of opening door and he relieved seeing Y/n.

Shu - Thank god! You come! Look Rio is crying for half an hour.

Y/n - *picks up him in her hands and started feeding him*

Shu - *sights* I am tired.

Yue - Me tooo!!

Y/n - *giggled*

~At night~

Y/n is coming towards her bedroom after making the kids sleep. She opened the door and suddenly she pulled by Shu and pinned her on the wall near the door.

Y/n - W...what are you doing S..Shu?

Shu - Act like you don't know hmm..

Y/n - *blushed*

Shu picks her up in bridal style and made her lay on bed then he lay beside her.

Shu - Don't worry love. I know you are on your periods. I won't do anything..

Y/n - You are so understanding Shu...I can't believe our relationship starts from A bet and turns out this much beautiful....

Shu - Yeah..but we have to thanks Lui for all this..

Y/n - Hmm....

Shu - But I don't understand why he hates you?

Y/n - mother die when I born......

Shu - This is not a valid reason! I want to regret him too!!

Y/n - He already regret.

Shu - When and how?

Y/n - Actually that day when I was leaving the country........


Y/n was laying on the hospital bed because she try to suicide. She asked the Max who saved her. He told Y/n that she is saved by his brother Lui. Then Lui comes inside with a regret face.

Y/n - Why you come here brother? Is not the bet is enough for you to make me heartbroken?

Lui - Y/n...I-I am so sorry..

Y/n - Sorry? After doing all this? After broking my heart!!

Lui - Y/n .....I know I hurt you but please I never want you to d-die. Sorry Y/n...So sorry...

Y/n - If I forgive you then what is going to change? Will Shu l-love me?

Lui - He is in love with you but blinded by his ego. And I make sure to remove this blindness.

Y/n - I don't need your help!

Lui - I am not helping you....I am paying for what I snatch from you...and I now bet to you he comes for you and accept you and your baby!

Y/n - Whatever I don't care! But don't hurt him I love him so much.....

Lui - I won't I promise!

~Flashback end~

Shu - *widened his eyes* I never knew this....I am sorry..

Y/n -  I already forgive you and Lui brother.

Shu - Thank you for coming in my life.. And giving me Yue and Rio...*hugs her*

Y/n - Your welcome sweetheart... *hugs back*

They kiss each other and drifted into sleep..........

End of the Story!


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551 words

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