Jordan's Story

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       They returned to the cabin to find Emma sitting in a chair snacking hungrily on the cookies Kendra had offered. Brian, Jordan, and Jazmine had all returned to their human form. Jordan pulled up a chair and snatched a cookie.
       "So, Kendra didn't tell you about me?" He asked in between bites.
       Brian shook his head as Jazmine answered with a no.
       "How know, are here?" Jazmine asked quietly, as though someone else would hear their conversation.
       "Not many." Jordan replied sadly. "There's only around ten of us, including you guys."
       "So, Kendra' of us?" Brian asked slowly.
       Jordan nodded, playing with
one of the strings on his grey sweatshirt. "She goes out every once in a while to bring back another werewolf or two." He shrugged. "Normally she would tell us once she got back. Where is she now?"
       "Left for the store. She said she'd be back soon." Brian explained.
       "So, Jordan." Jazmine piped up. "How did you get brought here?"
       "Well, it's kinda long, but, I was living out in the Carolinas for a long time, you know, hitchhiking and raiding dumpsters. That started when I was seven, when my parents died in a suspicious car crash. After they died, the bank took our house and they tried to put me in an orphanage,  but I ran away into the woods. That's when I began to realize my abilities. My parents had told me about them, explaining how they work and everything."
       "I started to hang out more in my wolf form, it made me feel powerful. But people aren't fond of wolves, so I was chased around a bit. I didn't know how to hunt or anything, not then, so I was still raiding garbage cans. Once, I found a dead deer by the highway, and I dragged it to the woods where I could eat in peace. After that, all I wanted to eat was meat. But it was hard down there, so I started to use my human form more to hitchhike. I made it up to southern Pennsylvania, and I met some other werewolves, but we never stayed together long. I learned how to listen for mice and fish in creeks. Then I caught my first turkey when I was ten. I had been so proud of myself, but as I grew bigger, I needed more food. I went back to the dumpsters. People caught me, scared of me because all they normally saw were coyotes. So hunters went out to kill me, and I was shot once in the back leg. Thankfully, I met a kind werewolf, and she helped to remove the bullet. We stayed together for a long time. She taught me how to catch doves and kill porcupines. One especially cold winter, when there was no prey around, we were scavenging nuts from the holes squirrels dug and little snowbirds that had frozen to death.
       She told me she smelled something one day, and, sure enough, she led me over to a cold chunk of venison. She reached out with her paw to drag it toward us, and metal jaws quickly devoured her paw."
       "I remember her screams, her howls of despair and pain. She begged me to go, to save myself, as there would be a hunter there any moment to kill her."
       "That's when I heard the gunshot." Jordan whispered, his voice soaked with regret. "And I never looked back as I ran from her."

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