Eternal little brother

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"Virat you are our captain now" MS said after the room was empty "And I sincerely apologise for still treating you as my little brother because you clearly showed me today you didn't want it."

"Bhai...Bhai..." Vi said shifting to the bed and sitting near MS's legs "it was not like that."

"Ohh really" MS said "then what exactly was it? Pls explain because I am confused."

"" Vi couldn't think of saying anything "I just wanted to show my authority on you" Vi confessed at last, his head bowed down, and tears threatning to spill.

"Well that's why I am saying" MS said "From now on, I won't treat as my Cheeku, you want to be Skipper Kohli, that's what we will be. Will it be tough for me to do it? Yes it will be. But if that's what you want, then be it."

"" Vi mumbled, tears flowing down his cheeks now "I am sorry, I didn't understand."

"You didn't understand?" MS said "exactly what part didn't you understand captain may I ask? That 50 laps would be straining? Or your words were disrespectful? Which part?"

"Bhai...I know...the mistake I have done unforgivable" Virat said "I don't know what got into me, I just went on this mad spree to prove that I am the leader."

"Leader?" MS said "Do you think disrespecting and tormenting your team mates is leadership? Is that the leadership I taught you? Then I think I utterly failed. And when have I ever questioned your authority Virat?"

"You haven't Bhai, you never questioned my authority and you taught us much better than that." Virat hastily said his voice heavy with tears "It was just me. Me bieng a moronic jerk. I behaved like a...I don't know like what."

"Anyway now that I know how you want to be addressed" MS said with finality "I will treat as my captain and captain only."

"Bhai" Virat almost sobbed out "Don't do this to me Bhai pls pls. I have done a bad mistake, do anything but not this. I won't be able to live with the fact that you have pushed me out of your life."

"Virat" MS said calmly "understand this. You are saying this now, but what if you feel that I am questioning your authority again tomorrow. Because if you will be little brother, I will scold when you make mistakes, correct you when you take bad decisions."

"Bhai then correct me this time also" Virat cried out "Scold me this time too. Punish me for bieng a stupid jerk. But don't push me out of your life pls don't."

MS didn't reply.

"Bhai tell me how do I prove it to you that you are my brother" Virat said "Just tell me how and I will do it. Whatever it is I will do, without questions, without complaint."

MS had been beyond hurt this time. Not only because if his disrespect but the fact that Virat cannot lead a team by bieng autocratic. But now as he saw Virat sob in front of him like that, the big brother in him was ready to forgive but not before a lesson. Virat needed to realise how disrespectful his today's conduct was.

"Virat" MS sighed "You sure you would do whatever I say right now."

"Ye..yes bhai." Virat said.

"Then repeat what you said to me this morning word for word in the exact same tone" MS said "And looking at me."

MS knew when Virat heard himself now, he would know how bad he had been and he would never repeat the conduct again.

"Bhai...I..." Virat hesitated.

"Will you do it or not?" MS asked, in a no nonesense tone.

"I said...that...I asked you to come to middle" Virat started.

"Same tone, same language Virat" MS said again.

"Bhai...i...I said...Come to the middle MS" Virat choked out atlast "And then I shouted that MS the..the...middle"

"You didn't stammer did you?" MS said again. "Continue"

"Then I said stopped you from..can..calling me.. Cheeku" Virat was violently sobbing by now his head was bowed low.

"I ca..can't say it anymore" Virat cried out, his body shaking with the force of sobs not even bothering to look composed "I can't Bhai...I can't...don't forgive me...don't...don't...I don't deserve it...I don't deserve you...I hate myself...why did I do this."

Vi started hysterically muttering, "I hate myself...I don't deserve any love..." He said frantically looking around. He suddenly grabbed MS's hand and tried to hit himself with it "Hit me Bhai...hit me..." He shouted in loud sobs.

"Virat stop it" MS said freeing his hand ""

But Virat restlessly kept sobbing out "I don't deserve forgiveness...I should be hated...should be hated..."

"Virat listed to me" MS tried to no avail.

"CHEEKU!" At last he shouted "listen to me"

Virat stopped abruptly hearing the name Cheeku.

"I forgive you, Cheeku, I forgive you" MS said cupping Virat's cheeks "I forgive you. I love you bachcha. Hush...hush now."

"Bhai" Virat said "I am sorry. I don't know what got into me today. I just wanted to show you so badly that I am the head but his did I ever forget you are my Mahi Bhai. I am so sorry for what I did and I will make things up to you. I will never disobey you ever, let alone disrespect you like that. And if I ever try to do that again, do thappar laga Dena but don't let me do it."

He was sobbing bitterly refusing to look MS in the eye.

"Shh...Cheeku" MS said wiping his tears with his thumb "I just wanted you to realise how bad whatever you said today sounded, so that you said to it somebody else ever. And now I know you won't do it."

Virat kept sobbing like a child.

"Hey...hush...Cheeku" MS said, at last pulling Virat into his chest, ticking his head under his chin, rubbing his back with one hand and ruffling his hair with other and Vi inturned curled into him, crying into his chest.

"I don't deserve any sympathy Bhai" Virat said "I don't deserve your protectiveness, your love anything, I don't.."

"You let ME decide that" Mahi Bhai said "You deserve to be loved Cheeku, you are my little brother kiddo, I just wanted you to realise the gravity of the words you spoke...bachcha cuz you cannot speak to people like that...without reason never. If I had really done big mistake and you had done this, I would have been proud that you are leading. But today you were just bieng autocratic, you cannot be that Cheeku, kiddo you are so much better. Ask the kids they will tell you."

"You can never do wrong Bhai" Vi said still snivelling into Mahi Bhai's chest, tears seemed to not stop.

MS tightened his grip on Cheeku.

"Hush...hush...Cheeks" MS said kissing Virat on the top of his head, rubbing his back "It's done with now, you have realised your mistake and that's all. Stop crying, stop crying."

Virat stayed snuggled into him till he could calm himself. Mahi Bhai kept rubbing his back and ruffling his hair to assure him he is forgiven.

At last he stopped crying but stayed snuggled into Mahi bhai trying to tell himself that he hasn't lost his Mahi Bhai.

MS would have held Virat as long as Virat wanted but he had to push him back cuz the strain on his abdominal muscles wasn't quite gone yet. He winced ever so slightly and Virat instantly bolted up.

"Sorry Bhai, I forgot that... that you have pain..." Virat lowered his head again remembering that he was the reason for this pain.

"What is my punishment Bhai?" Virat asked quietly.

MS looked at him amused and then said "Well you know my legs are throbbing, will you massage them pls" Mahi Bhai knew if Virat agreed to this, his brother was completely back.

He had expected a hesitant yes, but to his surprise Virat's face lit up like someone had given him a present. In his mind, his Mahi Bhai had asked him this meant he was treating as nothing else but his brother.

He promptly took Mahi Bhai's feet into his lap and started messaging them.

MS smiled at him complacently and little while later when the team came back they were more than relived find Virat like that because they knew things were back to normal.

One day later when MS joined the practice back, before they could begin warm up Virat called everyone to the middle again and all were almost horrified but to their surprise Virat was the one who walked to the middle.

He looked directly at MS and then said very sincerely "I insulted you here, in front of everyone so it's only fair that I apologize here. Bhai I am sorry for my behaviour, I know I have apologized before but someone told me my apology should as loud as my disrespect. So here I am infront of everyone, admitting that I did a big mistake and I am really sincerely sorry"

Mahi Bhai smiled. He could guess who had said this to Cheeku and he was glad that his Cheeku has become mature enough to admit his mistake like this. He quickly crossed the distance between them and hugged Vi tightly.

"I have told you before, you are forgiven." He said "You are the best little brother I could ask for and I will always love you."

He parted from the hug and ruffled his hair.

"Also Bhai will you lead the practice session today?" Virat asked

"No" MS said sternly "You are the captain Cheeku"

"But I don't feel like leading today. I am tired" Virat said imploringly "Won't you do this leeeetle thing for your brother, pls pls."

"Ok" MS sighed "I will but just for today."

"You are the best" Virat grinned.

MS shaked his head.

He directed everyone into their trainings, before turning to Cheeku and saying "Come on lets warm up or you are tired to do that too."

"No, lets go" Virat said as he followed MS to their stretching spot grinning like an idiot.

Virat knew he shall always be Mahi Bhai's little brother

A/N: I couldn't resist updating all at once because MahiRat is that special for me. Pls read and comment on all of them.

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