All the Worlds Evil

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Fuyuki was a quiet town normally, however there was something in motion at the moment.

Regular people were being evacuated from the town due to the presence of all the servants and an increasing buildup of mana in the atmosphere. The evacuation was the idea of the mages association, however the ones that would reoccupy the town when it was empty was a small organisation headed by a man named Marisbury Animusphere.

But they're of little importance at the moment. While those people were being moved out, a shadow made moves towards the L/n villa.

Y/n himself sat up on the back porch as the shadow slowly climbed over the wall and into the garden. Y/n sensed the bounded field being disturbed and his eyes locked on to where the shadow was.

Y/n: "You can come out now. I know you're there."

It was silent for a second, but Y/n's gaze never left the spot where the bounded field was disturbed. Then a voice echoed.

???: "Keheh. You're a sharp one, huh?"

The shadow moved closer to the middle of the garden before coming out of the ground and materialising in front of Y/n.

???: "I'm sure you can figure this out already, but I'm Avenger. Angra Mainiuu to be precise."

Y/n: "Didn't you get your ass whooped in the third war?"

Angra face-faulted at the casual response.


Y/n: "Neat. Watch the dog by the way."

Angra: "Dog? OH SHI-"

Y/n chuckled as Lobo tackled Angra to the ground.

Y/n: "Good boy, Lobo."

Angra tried to get his leg out of the giant wolf's mouth, however Lobo had a new chew toy and didn't want to let go of it.

Y/n: "Now then. The hell are you doin' here?"

Angra: "Get my leg outta the bear trap that is the dog's mouth and I'll tell ya."

Y/n: "Lobo! Drop him."

Lobo reluctantly put Angra down and walked to his master's side.

Angra: "Right. Now that the illusion of intimidation's gone. Grail's callin' ya."

Y/n: "The grail?"

Angra: "Yyyyup. The greater grail in mount Enzo."

Y/n pondered to himself before heading into the villa. He emerged a few minutes later with Jack and Okita.

Y/n: "Take us there."

Angra: "Got it. Let's head out then!"

Angra jumped the wall again with Y/n, Jack and Okita close behind him.

They saw the people being moved out and people that worked for the organisation Chaldea being moved in.

The group slinked around in the shadows until they managed to reach the entrance to mount Enzo.

Angra headed in ahead of them. Jack remained on her Master's shoulders while Okita had her sword drawn. Eventually they came to the inner sanctum of the greater grail. Shirou, Rin, Kirei, Sakura and Illya were already there.

Y/n: "Looks like I'm the last to get here."

Angra: "Yo! Justeaze! I brought 'em!"

The light of the greater grail then brightened and brought the six masters within.

When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a peaceful field. The sun shone overhead and flowers bloomed at the feet of the masters and their servants.

A woman then manifested before them, Illya's eyes widened when she saw her.

???: "Greetings, masters of the fifth heaven's feel. I am the embodiment of the greater grail. Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern."

Illya was silent as Justeaze spoke. Angra then spotted her surprise.

Angra: "She's who your mom was based on, kid."

Illya: "H-Huh?"

Justeaze: "Yes...Irisviel von Einzbern was a homunculus created in my image."

Illya: "Does that mean..."

Justeaze: "You were born by normal means. Though I admit, I wasn't expecting a homunculus to be able to be impregnated."

Shirou: "So...why have you brought us here?"

Justeaze: "This heaven's feel has been...problematic."

Y/n: "Ah yes. A beast of humanity is considered problematic."

Justeaze: "However. The defeat of Goetia has given the grail enough magic energy to grant three of you your wish."

Kirei: "Then three of the present masters must sit this out."

Y/n: "I call dibs on one of the wishes!"

Illya: "Dibs on the second!"

Rin/Sakura: "I'm calling the third!"

Justeaze: "I can only grant it to one of the two of you."

Sakura: "...Rin. You take it."

Rin: "Huh!?"

Sakura: "My wish is pretty basic after all."

Rin: "What!? Sakura, are you seriously gonna just give up here?"

Sakura: "My only wish is to be your sister again and to stay with everyone I've come to care for."

Rin: "That's...surely there must be something else!"

Sakura: "No...that's been my wish for a while."

Rin: " wish is to-"

Y/n: "Reach Akasha, right? It's been the Tohsaka family obsession for hundreds of years now."

Rin: "...My wish is...for Sakura to be able to live normally. Without the lingering effects of those damned worms."

Justeaze smiled warmly at the sisters before lifting her arms. In a flash of light, Sakura and Rin were gone from the greater grail. Rin's wish having been granted. Shirou and Kirei were also sent out of the grail.

Illya: "I...I want to have a real body! I don't want to live as a homunculus!"

Justeaze smiled again.

Justeaze: "Then go forth, Illyasviel. Live as a human."

Illya's body glowed for a second before she was sent out of the grail.

Justeaze: "Now it is just you, Y/n L/n."

Y/n: "My wish is simple. I want to stay with everyone."

Justeaze: "You wish for your servants to be incarnated?"

Y/n: "I just want to stay with them."

Justeaze: "Jack. Okita Alter. What say you?"

Okita: "I share my master's desire to remain with the others. But, if I may, I'd like to add something to that wish."

Justeaze: "You wish for all servants summoned in the future to be incarnated as well as the others currently summoned by other masters."

Okita: "Yes."

Justeaze: "Jack. Do you share this sentiment?"

Jack: "We just wanna stay with papa, Abby and all our mommies!"

Y/n smiled up at Jack before turning back to Justeaze.

Y/n: "Yeah. I think we'll go with that idea."

Justeaze: "You're a lucky person, Y/n L/n. I shall grant your wish. Oh, before you go."

Y/n: "Hm?"

Justeaze: "...Take care of Illyasviel for me, okay?"

Y/n smiled and nodded before he was sent out of the grail, his wish granted.

He felt himself waking up slowly with something soft below his head. Once his eyes opened he looked up and saw Okita smiling down at him.

Y/n: "Evening, Okita."

Okita: "Good evening, Master."

The two laughed before Jack jumped onto her master in a hug.

Y/n then sat up and saw the other masters slowly coming to. Artoria stood over her master while Archer Emiya waited for Rin to start stirring.

Y/n: "I'm surprised you two didn't ask for your wishes to be granted."

Artoria: "Upon reflection. I think this is better for me."

Y/n: "What, Incarnation?"

Artoria's eyes widened upon hearing that.

Artoria: "What...did you just say?"

Y/n: "It was my wish. I wanted everyone's servants to stick around. So you've all been incarnated."

Angra: "Since that mage organisation's takin' over down there. I think that's a decent move."

???: "Indeed. I was quite curious to see who would come out on top this time. I certainly wasn't expecting this outcome."

The six masters looked to the entrance and saw two men walking towards them.

???: "My apologies, I am Marisbury Animusphere. The current director of the Chaldea security organisation."

Marisbury: "This is my own servant. Caster, would you mind?"

Caster: "Not at all. My name is Solomon. However due to my wish being inherently granted by another, I suppose a new name would be appropriate. I know! Romani Archaman sounds like a good name."

Marisbury: "Yes, I suppose that name suits you. May want to change your hair though."

Romani: "Haha! Indeed."

Rin: " it over?"

Kirei: "Yes. The fifth heaven's feel is over. And this time there were three winners."

Okita: "This outcome is acceptable. As long as I can remain by my masters side."

Jack: "Papa, I'm hungry!"

Y/n: "We'll get some food when we go home, Jackie."

Shirou: "So...what now?"

Y/n: "Now...we get shitfaced and celebrate."

Rin: "...not gonna lie, I'm down for that."

The group started to laugh before they headed back to Y/n's place. Marisbury and Solomon, now Romani, accompanied them.

For the next seven hours, they laughed, drank, ate and generally just had a good time. Even Angra showed up to join in on the fun.

Mordred then walked out of the house and saw her master in the garden.

Mordred: "Yo, you comin' back in?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Gimme a sec."

Mordred looked over and saw the small stone grave that lay against the back wall in the garden.

Mordred: "Your sis?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Llana."

Mordred: "I think she'd be proud of ya. I mean come the fuck on, you won a fuckin' grail war.
AND you managed to attain true fuckin' magic."

???: "She's right. That's no simple feat."

The two turned and saw Merlin in the doorway.

Merlin: "'s a good name. I can only imagine how proud she and the rest of your family is."

Y/n: "OH SHIT!!"

With that, Y/n sprinted into the house and over to the phone. The others watched curiously as he rang someone.

He waited until someone picked the phone up, thankfully it was a familiar voice.

???: "Hello?"

Y/n: "Charlotte, hey."

Charlotte: "Y-Y/n!? Is that seriously you!?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Sorry I haven't been in contact. Been kinda busy."

Charlotte: "Oh my- let me get your grandfather."

Y/n chuckled as he heard her rush to another room. A few moments later, a man spoke through the phone with a gentle voice.

???: "Y/n? That you, boy?"

Y/n: "Hey, gramps. How've ya been?"

The others could hear the old man laugh from the other end of the phone.

???: "Much better now that I've heard from my grandson."

Miyama L/n was the one who taught Y/n how to use his magecraft. Alongside his wife Mizuki and their maid, Charlotte. They were the ones who took care of Y/n throughout his childhood.

Miyama: "What's with the call out of the blue? Normally you just show up here."

Y/n chuckled at the mischievous laughter that followed. Miyama never took things seriously unless he absolutely had to.

Y/n: "Well. First off I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be coming to visit soon...and second, you may want to take a seat for this."

Miyama: "Ah, never mind that. Out with it."

Y/n: "As hours ago. I...claimed victory in the fifth holy grail war."

There was silence on the other end of the line. Miyama then spoke in a quiet tone.

Miyama: "Y/n...say that again. You...won?"

Y/n: "I summoned my servants...and won a fuckin' grail war."

There was another moment of silence before Miyama's laughter could be heard louder than before and more full of life than Y/n had ever heard.

Miyama: "Boy, you'd better get your backside out here so we can celebrate! What'd ya wish for anyway?"

Y/n: "I wished for all servants that are currently summoned and that will be summoned to be incarnated."

Miyama: "So, you're bringing your servant?"

Y/n: "Pretty much. Since I can't trust 'em in the house by themselves."

Miyama: "Wait, themselves? Multiple?"

Y/n: "Turns out you lot left quite a mess of summoning circles that were all linked to me."

Miyama: "Hehehahahaha! Oops."

Y/n laughed at his grandfathers playful laughter.

Y/n: "I'll try to be there for next week if that's alright."

Miyama: "Of course! I'll bust out the good stuff, you are allowed to drink right?"

Y/n: "I think so- one second. WHO LET SABERLOT GET DRUNK!?"

Zerkerlot: "WASN'T FUCKING ME!"

Miyama chuckled as he heard the interaction.

Miyama: "That boy's seriously grown. Not just as a mage."

Y/n: "Sorry about that. So, some time next week or so?"

Miyama: "Of course. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

With a final goodbye to his grandfather and Charlotte, Y/n hung up the phone.

Y/n: "Welp. Looks like I'm going to visit my grandparents next week."

Jack: "I wanna come too, Papa!"

Y/n chuckled as he picked Jack up and put her on his shoulders.

Y/n: "Anyone else?"

Okita: "I will stay by my masters side, grail war or not."

Ishtar: "I may as well get some country air."

Ershkigal: "I'll come too. Someone has to keep Ishtar in line."

Artemis: "We're coming too!"

Abby: "If Jack's going then I am too."

Edmond: "You'll need some male support while you're there, master. Allow me to accompany you."

Asterios: "Me...too."

Tiamat: "I shall...come too..."

Y/n: "Sounds good. We'll head out on Monday morning."

Marisbury: "Then I will continue with setting up Chaldea within Fuyuki."

Galahad: "Please, allow me to help where I can."

Marisbury: "Of course. I'd appreciate any and all help going around. We may have some rather mischievous servants here in the future after all."

The group all laughed before they continued drinking and having a good time.

Over the next few days, the city of Fuyuki slowly became the city of Chaldea as mages, engineers and other members of staff were brought in. Marisbury's servant, Romani, started training as a doctor at the Fuyuki hospital.

When Monday rolled around, Y/n and the servants that wanted to accompany him all got on the train to the countryside. They had a private carriage specifically for servants.

The visit was sure to be a lively one, though Y/n mostly just wanted to eat his grandmothers cooking again.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Angel of Assassination.

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