Emiya Family Reunion

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Shirou Emiya was never a skilled mage, but he had some experience with reinforcement. Despite that, he became the master of the Saber servant Artoria Pendragon.

But standing in front of him was a man he thought he'd never see again.

Shirou: "K-Kiritsugu?"

The man standing before him was clearly his adopted father, the mage killer, Kiritsugu Emiya.

Shirou: "How are you here? Y-You died."

Artoria: "Shirou. He's a servant."

Kiritsugu: "That's correct. I'm a servant summoned by a master through the activation of multiple summoning circles. My class is Assassin."

Artoria: "Fitting for someone like you."

There was tangible venom in Artoria's voice as she spoke while Kiritsugu seemed unbothered.

Kiritsugu: "I know I resemble the Kiritsugu Emiya that raised you. But I am not him. However, upon my summoning here, I gained fragments of his memories."

Artoria: "Then you know of how you wronged me!"

Kiritsugu: "You call it wronging you. However you don't know what would have happened if you had made a wish upon the grail."

Artoria: "Do explain."

Kiritsugu: "The grail was corrupted seventy years ago by the avenger servant Angra Mainiuu. Had you or I made a wish upon the grail, it would have unleashed all of the worlds evils upon humanity in one go."

Artoria's and Shirou's eyes both widened at the revelation.

Artoria: "So...Irisviel..."

Kiritsugu: "Irisviel von Einzbern was born to die to a corrupted grail. I couldn't change that outcome because I never knew. Not until the last minute."

Artoria collapsed to her knees while Kiritsugu regarded her with his cold gaze.

Shirou then walked up to him, his face unreadable.

Shirou: "...Is it true? You murdered hundreds of mages?"

Kiritsugu: "...it is. As I said, I am not the Kiritsugu you know. However I have been granted his memories."

Shirou looked up at Kiritsugu's face, a single tear fell from his eyes as the memories of the time he spent with Kiritsugu flooded his mind.

The assassin was normally cold, but even he couldn't help but feel bad for the boy.

Kiritsugu: "...Once I find my master. Would it bring some comfort to have me around here?"

Both Artoria and Shirou were surprised by the question. The two looked at each other before Artoria regained herself.

Shirou: "Yeah. I want to talk to you more. I want to know more about Kiritsugu Emiya."

Artoria: "I will go with whatever my master decides."

Kiritsugu nodded before Shirou and Artoria grabbed their coats and walked with the assassin towards Y/n's house.

As they walked, Kiritsugu sensed Archer nearby and halted.

Shirou: "Kiritsugu?"

Kiritsugu: "I know you're there, Archer."

Shirou jumped as Archer appeared behind him.

Archer: "Kiritsugu."

Kiritsugu: "Shirou."

Shirou's eyes widened as he looked up at the red Archer.

Kiritsugu: "So you're also in the throne, huh, Shirou?"

Archer: "Just call me Emiya. I'm not exactly fond of that name."

Kiritsugu: "The past you want erased, huh? You wanted to become a hero of justice, and you did just that. But it backfired and now you're cold and bitter. That about right?"

Emiya: "You're one to talk, old man."

Kiritsugu: "Perhaps. Now then, I believe we have business with my master. We can continue this little reunion later."

Artoria looked around having sensed a cold chill go up her spine. She saw nothing and turned back towards archer.

Little did she know that Merlin was messing with her by gently passing cold air through her hood to chill the back of her neck.

Gareth and Mordred were both in the trees with Tristan. All of them were concealing their presences while Lancelot and Galahad were in the alley next to where Artoria was.

Merlin had suggested that the knights follow Kiritsugu so they could also find their master, Y/n.

Merlin wanted to fuck with Artoria though.

The group eventually arrived at Y/n's house. Shirou was originally concerned about the spear shaped hole in the ground, but he relaxed when Artoria said she sensed multiple servants inside. Though he tensed up again when she casually mentioned that there were four new servants inside.

Shirou nervously rang the doorbell and he heard some small footsteps before a little blonde girl opened the door.

Kiritsugu: "Foreigner."

Abby: "Ah, Mr. Assassin!"

As soon as the word Assassin was mentioned, Jack came barrelling out of the house, she lowered her blades however when she saw that it wasn't the cloaked assassin from previously.

Y/n then came to the door and his expression dropped when he saw Shirou.

Y/n: "Oh, whaddya want, Emiya?"

Shirou: "Y-Your Assassin servant wanted to see you."

Y/n regarded Kiritsugu the same as he would any other servant. He was curious about him, as such he allowed them to come in. Before that though he reached out and grabbed something that was behind Artoria.

???: "Oh my. Is this normally how you treat girls or is it just my lucky day?"

Y/n's eyes widened when he saw that he had caught a womans face in his vice grip.

He removed his hand and Artoria's eyes widened.

Artoria: "M-M-MERLIN!?!?"

Merlin: "Heya! Caster Class servant, Merlin here!"

There was an audible thump from inside before Gawain rushed out.

Gawain: "Merlin!?"

Merlin: "Hey, Gawain. How ya been?"

Gawain: "Well, thank you. I heard from Scàthach that some of the other knights were summoned. Is it true?"

???: "You tell us, Gawain."

Galahad walked towards the group with a smirk, soon followed by his father and Tristan.

Gawain: "Galahad, Lancelot, Tristan!"

Gareth soon joined the fun, running straight into a hug from Gawain. Things got tense however, when Mordred showed up.

She was quiet as Gawain's glare fell on her. However, Artoria held him back. She walked over to her Son/Daughter and regarded her as a former knight.

Artoria: "...Sir Mordred."

Mordred: "F-Father."

Y/n: "I am so fucking confused."

Merlin: "Basically the male version of yours truly had a habit of putting male genitalia on women. Made for a hell of a surprise for Lancey over there."

Lancelot: "Don't remind me..."

Merlin: "Long story short, He gave Artoria over there a set of male genitals with which to nail Guinnivere. However, the seed meant for the queen was promptly yoinked by Artoria's sister, Morgan le Fay."

Y/n: "...Alabama style stolen?"

Merlin: "Yyyyyup."

Y/n: "Huh. Who knew Morgan was American?"

That little quip managed to gain a chuckle from Galahad while the others tried to hold their laughter.

Merlin: "Anyway, Morgan got pregnant and incubated Mordred. The homunculus son of King Arthur. However, Mordred didn't turn out exactly as Morgan wanted because she started to look up to her father, well, before she knew that the king was her father."

Y/n: "I see. So basically it's because Morgan's a bitch?"

Merlin: "Pretty much. Not to mention Artoria didn't accept Mordred as her child when she found out. She also flat out refused her the throne."

Y/n: "I think I know why."

Mordred's eye twitched and she looked over.

Mordred: "Why don't you tell me why it is you think I was turned away?"

Y/n: "You're hotheaded, brash and clearly lack experience when it comes to actually leading. You're a frontline fighter, yes, however that much isn't enough to make you a king."

Artoria was surprised, Y/n wasn't actually wrong with his assessment of Mordred.

Y/n: "Clearly you're impatient, and what's more, you're Morgan Le Fay's child. There's no way Artoria could have taken that risk with that knowledge."

Mordred was silent for a second as it dawned on her.

Artoria: "All you wanted was to acceptance, Mordred. You wanted me to accept you as my child more than anything and that lead you astray. I cannot right the wrongs of our past. However there is nothing to say we cannot start anew."

Y/n: "Gotta say, you make a good point, Artoria. Shirou, why is your servant better at explaining shit than you are? Up your game, cunt fuckula."

With that name, Mordred burst out laughing.

Y/n then brought everyone inside so they could eat. Thankfully there was plenty of soup to go around so everyone was eating good.

Medusa and Asterios spoke for a while, both being monsters from Greek myth, they found solace in the fact that they were mostly the same.

The four masters all agreed to an alliance against Zouken Matou for when the war kicked up again.

Speaking of which, Zouken was standing in the middle of his bug pit mulling over ideas of how he could win the grail war. He needed Sakura though. He couldn't use that idiot Shinji since he went and got his arm sliced off by Y/n's Alter-Ego servant.

Zouken: "...Assassin."

There was no response from the cloaked assassin. Zouken turned around to walk out of his bug pit so he could go find his assassin, but there was a sudden pain in his throat, like a blade had just slashed through it. He then fell to the floor with wide, fearful eyes as he saw his body fall down after his head.

He then saw an armoured foot land in front of him.

???: "Thou hath committed the gravest sin of torture. For that, I have severed thy head. Now...Die, Zolgen Makiri."

With a sudden flash of a blade, Zouken was no longer of this plain of existence.

???: "Thy victim will be in pain for a short while. But she is free from thy torture."

Blue flames scorched away the remaining insects before the armoured servant walked away.

At Y/n's place, Sakura began convulsing in agony as the crest worms within her body began to die one by one having lost connection to their master, Zouken.

Y/n carried her to a separate room where Merlin could try and help her. He stayed with her as well before she eventually passed out.

Merlin looked at her master with a worried yet slightly relieved expression.

Merlin: "Bad news is she's gonna be out for a while, she'll also be in pain for a few days, maybe a week at most. Good news is that the crest worms within her body are dead."

Y/n: "Meaning?"

Merlin: "The crest worms master is also dead. I suspect one of our rogues had a hand in that."

Y/n: "Good. But that means I'll need to wipe out Shirou's, Rin's and Sakura's servants."

Merlin: "Not necessarily. From what I understand, there's special circumstances at play here. So you may not even need to go back into the grail war. Looks like the grail's being a bit finicky this time around. I may need to try and hunt down Cath Palug."

Y/n chuckled before moving some of Sakura's hair out of her face.

Y/n: "There won't be any major repercussions for this, will there?"

Merlin: "The crest worms have been using her as a breeding ground for I'd say...eleven years. She may have sudden bursts of carnal desire for a few years. Crest worms feed off of carnal instinct after all."

Y/n: "So it'll only be temporary?"

Merlin: "Hopefully."

Y/n nodded before leaving Sakura in Merlin's care.

He then decided that he needed some air, as such he headed out once everyone had gone to sleep. He agreed to let Kiritsugu stay at Shirou's place for the time being.

He wandered to the port and sat on the edge of the harbour. He sat in silence listening to the sound of the waves as they lapped against the walls of the harbour. He then ended up drifting off to sleep.

He woke up with a soft feeling under his head the next morning. Looking around revealed that he was in the forest behind the church.

He looked up and was greeted by a pair of red eyes.

???: "Ah, you're awake, Master. I got worried for a second there."

The woman smiled down at him when Y/n noticed something on her head.

A pair of blood red horns.

Elsewhere, the armoured berserker picked up on his master's scent and promptly locked on.


End of Chapter.

Rogues Remaining: 18

Next Time: Honour Bound Inferno.

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