Final Preparations

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Y/n was currently hanging on for dear life. Achilles had offered to give him a lift to their destination on his chariot.

Y/n had forgotten how fast Achilles was famed to be.

Mordred saw them on their way in and laughed when Y/n collapsed on the ground in front of them.

???: "That's our master?"

???2: "I'm not surprised he's in that kinda state. Achilles is ungodly fast in that chariot."

An armoured man with glasses walked over and offered a hand to his master.

Y/n: "Oh, thanks."

???: "Not at all, Master. This one's name is Sigurd."

Sigurd helped Y/n to his feet as he looked around at the last seven servants to be summoned.

A tanned woman armed with a spear and round shield, clearly Greek, this must've been Caenis.

A massive centaur like creature with four arms. Berserker class, Y/n had no fucking idea who this was.

A pink haired woman in a chinese style dress. She had fox ears atop her head as well as a tail, Y/n assumed she must be Tamamo Vitch.

A blonde woman with a warm smile and who held a banner as her main weapon from the looks of things. Definitely Jeanne d'Arc.

Another figure, this one was clad in futuristic armour that Y/n would only see in a sci-fi anime. That narrowed it down to foreigner, Sherlock said their name was Mysterious Heroine XX.

The last of them was another blonde woman who wore a mostly black dress. She seemed shy and timid compared to the others who were all casually chatting with the other servants present. Caster Gil caught sight of his master and walked over while dragging the blonde woman with him.

Gilgamesh: "Y/n L/n. I'd like to introduce you to Ereshkigal. The goddess of the underworld from my era. Far more tolerable than her sister."

Ereshkigal: "H-Hello..."

Y/n: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ereshkigal. I'm Y/n."

Ereshkigal: "I-I know."

Gilgamesh: "She's a bit shy, unlike her sister, but that makes her much easier to handle."

???: "Wanna repeat that, glitter balls?"

Gilgamesh looked up and had to do a double take as Ishtar floated alongside Maana, the boat of heaven.

Ereshkigal: "Hello sister."

Ishtar: "Hey, Eresh."


Ishtar: "I just chose to manifest like this. Besides, I rather like this form."

Enkidu: "Oh, it's you. Want me to throw another bulls leg at you, Ishtar?"

Ishtar: "Zip it, mud pile!"

Enkidu: "Rude."

Jeanne: "Now now, that's enough. Allow me to introduce myself, Master. I am Jeanne d'Arc."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you, Jeanne. Name's Y/n."

Jeanne smiled as the centaur walked over.

???: "Greetings, Master. My name is Xiang Yu. It is an honour to meet you."

Y/n: "The honour's all mine, Xiang Yu."

Xiang Yu nodded to his master as his other servants introduced themselves. They then all returned to the villa to make their plans.

Y/n: "Asterios, Zerkerlot, Xiang Yu. You three will be up at the front when Goetia arrives. I want you putting serious damage into the bastard."

Asterios: ""

Zerkerlot: "FUCK YEAH!!"

Xiang Yu: "It shall be done."

Y/n: "Tomoe, Ishtar, Orion, Tristan. You two'll be holding the rear line. Keep everyone's asses covered."

Tristan: "Of course master."

Ishtar: "We can get it done, no problem."

Y/n nodded to the archers before he gave his orders to the other servants. As he lay his head to rest for the night, his door opened and Tiamat walked in.

Y/n: "You need something, Tiamat?"

Tiamat: "We...must talk."

Y/n nodded and sat up as Tiamat took a seat on the edge of his bed.

Tiamat: "Goetia is another beast of calamity. Like I am...You know this, yes?"

Y/n: "Yeah, and I know the risks."

Tiamat: "...You do not understand them though."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Tiamat turned away from Y/n for a second before looking back at him.

Tiamat: "You know the risk of battling a beast of calamity...but you don't understand just how much danger you are putting yourself in. The others are servants made to fight against us. So they know what we are and that we must be brought low at all costs."

Y/n was silent as Tiamat spoke to him.

Tiamat: "Each of the beasts is made to be defeated with the opposite of what we represent. Beast IV represents violence and therefore cannot be defeated with violence. I..."

Y/n: "You represent regression. You're a mother. You don't want your children to leave you behind."

Tiamat looked down solemnly as a solitary tear fell from her eye.

Tiamat: "I have nurtured many a life. Many a life has loved me in return."

Y/n: "But your children used you as a ladder."

Tiamat: "Yes...and they always go to far from my reach. I..."

Tiamat stopped herself before standing and walking to the window.

Tiamat: "I want to love them forever, to be at their side my love mistaken?"

Y/n: "...No. No, I don't think it is."

Tiamat: "When Goetia is defeated...please don't leave me behind. Please...never love me again."

Y/n: "I-..."

Tiamat looked to Y/n with calm yet pleading eyes. Y/n couldn't help but stand and hug her.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, Tiamat..."

Tiamat smiled gently as she stroked his hair.

Tiamat: "Do not be sorry, Y/n. Simply live as you will."

Y/n buried his head deeper into her chest while Okita listened from outside.

Okita: "Master..."

The following day, Y/n woke up and headed into the backyard before any of the others awakened. He watched as the morning mist covered the ground and the cold air bit his skin. He then sat down in the middle of the garden and listened to the silence around him. From that silence, he heard someone walking behind him. He opened his eyes briefly and found himself in a place he did not know.

Around him was a black void. He turned around and his eyes widened. A little girl with jet black hair was standing behind him, she wore a blue dress that showed scars on her arms.

???: "Big...Brother..?"

Y/n: "Llana..."

The little girl smiled up at him before a window of sorts opened beside them.

Llana: "You remember me...I'm so glad."

Y/n kneeled before the girl and placed his hands on her shoulders.

Y/n: "How could I ever forget?"

Llana then turned to the window and watched as Jack and Abby played with Gawain and Y/n in the snow.

Llana: "You all look so happy."

Y/n smiled as Jack ran around with Gawain hot on her heels armed with snowballs.

Y/n: "That was a fun day. All my servants like being around the kids. They have a way of making the days brighter."

Llana: "You'd do anything to protect them, right? Like you did with me."

Y/n: "Of course I would. Llana, you're always gonna be my little sister. Though this is just an illusion, I'm grateful that I got to speak to you again."

Llana smiled at her brother before a mist surrounded the two in a spiral. Llana then changed form into a red cloaked figure.

Y/n: "who the hell?"

???: "..."

The figure was silent as it stared at Y/n. It then nodded once and the mist engulfed Y/n. He reached out and grabbed something before the void around him turned white. 

He then saw multiple places and people flash before his eyes. Rome, China, Russia, France, London, even places that no longer, or may not have, existed. Babylon, Uruk, Asgard, Olympus. So many wondrous places.

He then felt himself being lifted and he saw himself. He stared for a while before moving towards himself.

Y/n: "You're me..."

The other him said nothing, he just turned and smiled before disappearing. 

Y/n: "What the fuck was that!?"

Y/n then felt himself go weak at the knees and he blinked before finding himself in his backyard again, snow had started to fall and it had built up on his hair.

Thunder suddenly rumbled overhead and lightning cracked the sky. Clouds spiralled above Ryuudou temple and Y/n stood up as his servants joined him outside.

Koyanskaya: "Looks like it's time to fight a beast. Don't let me down now, Master.~"

Xiang Yu: "We shall defend our planet."

Okita: "Master, we just need your command."

Y/n: "Alright then..."

Across Fuyuki, the remaining masters and their servants looked to the temple.

Y/n: "...Let's bring this fucker down!"

Y/n swung his arm to the right and a bolt of lightning struck his grip. His servants eyes widened as a sword manifested in his hands. The lightning sparked around it as Y/n's eyes glowed an icy blue colour.

Okita: "True magic?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Beast of Pity.

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