Grand Finale

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Y/n walked through the park with his bag slung over his shoulder. It'd been a few weeks since he last went to school, so to hear that they were opening it was quite the shock.

Despite that, he was smiling. Before he headed to school, he had to drop off Jack and Abby at one of the neighbours houses. Thankfully, he had a new neighbour that the girls immediately started calling their aunt. The queen of Britannia herself, Boudica.

For now, he wandered to where Solomon wanted to meet him, apparently there was a new group of servants causing some shenanigans.

When he arrived he found Solomon with a new look.

Y/n: "Yo, new look?"

Solomon: "Ah, Y/n. Good timing."

The two walked towards Fuyuki high as Solomon explained that most of the new servants had taken up roles within the school as either students or teachers. One of which that was of particular interest was one of the P.E. Teachers.

Solomon: "Tell me, have you heard of grand servants?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Hassan's the grand assassin isn't he?"

Solomon: "Yes, that's right. I am considered the grand caster, despite Merlin's pleas to the contrary."

Y/n: "Alright, so what am I dealing with?"

Solomon: "The grand lancer servant. Romulus Quirinus."

The two arrived at the school and Y/n noted the new parts of the school that had been added after a berserker rampage.

Illya obviously forgot to feed Herc.

He and Solomon finished their conversation before Y/n headed up to class and took his usual seat in the middle of the class by the window, there were a few familiar faces, all of which were still in a slight state of shock. However most of the people in Y/n's class were new to him.

That was when he noticed that there were a few servants attending class. One of them had fox ears atop her head and had a total gyaru vibe as she sat and messed with her phone. Another was a smaller, dark skinned servant. Her face was covered by a familiar mask, but she seemed to be rather popular. She kept insisting that nobody touch her though.

Behind the gyaru gal was a rather loud pink haired servant. A dragon tail protruded from her back so Y/n knew to steer well clear.

And then, of course...

BB: "Hiya! Wasn't expecting you to show up. You definitely seemed like more of a NEET than someone who actually attends school."

Y/n: "*sigh* Whaddya want, BB?"

BB smirked victoriously before whispering into his ear. Y/n then stood up from behind his desk and pointed his index finger at BB.

Y/n: "... THOT ALERT!!"

A split second later a peculiar sound echoed around outside.


Y/n then stood away from the window as the mad knight crashed through it and grabbed BB before slamming her off the floor and then producing a cannon from god knows where before proceeding to shoot both her and himself into the distance.

Everyone in the classroom was at a loss for words as the cannon disappeared.

???: "... Well that just happened."

Y/n turned to the door and was surprised to find that Tamamo Vitch was there.

Vitch: "Alright. All of you take your seats and we can get this over with faster. I'm your new homeroom teacher, Koyanskaya."

Y/n chuckled as Vitch clearly looked beyond bored.

Vitch: "Anyway, I'm gonna call out the register. Reply when I call your name or I'll mark you absent. Anyone tries to pull any funny stuff I'll personally beat your ass myself."

Vitch then brought up the register on her computer screen.

Vitch: "Alright, do we have... Takashi Amatte?"

Takashi: "H-Here, miss."

Vitch: "Good god this is gonna take a while. Fuck it, goin' in random order now to annoy people. Sakura Matou?"

Sakura raised her hand.

Vitch: "Shirou Emiya?"

Shirou: "Here!"

Vitch: "Kirshtaria Wodime?"

???: "Here."

Y/n turned and saw a fairly young looking mage, roughly around his age with long blonde hair, behind him was a chestnut haired girl with an eyepatch and a white haired young man.

Vitch: "Y/n L/n."

Y/n: "Sup, Vitch?"

Vitch: "... That was a clever play on with my name, but fuck you."

Y/n chuckled before the rest of the register was called out.

The first class after homeroom was P.E. And upon the classes entry to the gym hall, they were met by someone who clearly held himself higher than most others.

???: "Gather, students. I am your new P.E. Teacher. You may call me Mr. Roma."

Everyone looked dumbfounded as the lancer struck a fucking T-pose.

Y/n: "This guy's the grand lancer? What the fuck, throne?"

Despite his... eccentric personality, Romulus was actually a decent teacher when it came to working out.

He was able to get everyone into some manner of exercise routine. Once class was over however, Y/n caught sight of it again.

That fucking thing. This time, he got a good close look at it.

Y/n: "I woulda thought you'd be done by now. Grail war's over. Why linger?"

The shadow was silent before it suddenly appeared in Y/n's face. Y/n managed to jump back in time before it touched him, but something was off about it.

That was when Parvati burst through the door with Shiva's spear in hand. Sakura was with her.

Parvati: "Don't let it touch you!"

Y/n: "Wasn't planning on it!"

Sakura: "I'm sorry... this is my fault."

Parvati: "That thing's part of the corrupted grail. We can thank Zouken for not going down easy."

Y/n: "Zouken!? Didn't gramps behead that son of a bitch!?"

Parvati didn't have time to respond as she pushed Y/n out of the way of the black shadow.

It then raced across the gym hall until it was directly in front of Sakura.

Y/n: "SAKURA!!!"

A single tear fell from Sakura's eyes as the shadow consumed her. A burst of red light blinded Y/n for a second and when he regained his sight, what he saw would haunt him for weeks on end.

Y/n's eyes widened as Sakura hovered over to him.

Parvati: "Y/n! You must get away from her!"

Sakura giggled in eerie delight.

Sakura: "He can't. He cares too much."

Parvati: "Y/n!"

Y/n: "... You're not her."

Sakura: "Hm?"

Y/n glared up at her as his mana erupted around him.


Y/n allowed his mana to concentrate to a point before he unleashed it in a burst.

Sakura was knocked back a few feet and she looked up in time to see Y/n draw that sword.

Parvati: "Y/n! You don't know what that'll do to her! You might kill her!"

Y/n froze with the blade in his hand. He might kill her? There was no way he could predict if he actually could.

He then remembered something one of his assassins had told him.

"Steel the mind. Kill the heart."

A single tear fell from Y/n's eyes as he hardened his mind and prepared himself for what he was about to do.

Y/n: "Forgive me, Sakura."

Sakura: "Hm?"

Y/n: "I'll find you in the next life. I fucking swear it!"

With that, he charged forward and raised the sword high.

Y/n: "Muramasa no... OKAMI!!"

One slash.

One. Singular. Slash.

Parvati gazed with wide eyes as several servants rushed in. Sakura lay bleeding on the floor and her blood dripped from Y/n's sword.

He fell to his knees as a few casters ran in.

Parvati: "Don't get too close to her! Whatever it is that corrupted her may still be present!"

???: "It is."

Y/n turned and saw Angra Mainiuu appear .

Y/n: "Angra..."

Angra walked over to Sakura with a solemn look.

Angra: "I may have tried to destroy humanity with a corrupted grail... But I never meant for this to happen."

Sakura giggled as Angra knelt next to her.

Sakura: "Hey... I'm going to die. Aren't I?"

Angra: "... Yeah."

Romulus barged in and saw what had happened.

Romulus: "Aren't there any casters that can save her!?"

Parvati: "Angra... Can't you remove the shard of the corrupted grail?"

Angra: "I'm not strong enough for that. We'd need something far stronger than a servant."

That was when something pinged in Y/n's mind.

Y/n: "If a servant can't do it... What about a beast?"

Everyone's eyes widened before Y/n got to his feet.

Y/n: "If so... I happen to know one."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Fuyuki 2019

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