Legends of Japan

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Y/n liked to consider himself to be rather patient. The amount of ramen that Miyamoto Musashi was funnelling down her throat was making it difficult to hold a conversation though.

Sasaki Kojirou merely chuckled as the number of empty bowls went up.

Y/n: "You really like ramen, huh?"

Musashi: "Mhm!"

Thankfully the restaurant they were in was one made specifically for servants. Emiya was the head chef, surprising literally nobody.

Apparently a whole bunch of Japanese servants had been summoned alongside Kojirou and Musashi. Apparently now there were Two Nobunaga's and Nobukatsu was even running around as well.

Y/n: "So, Kojirou. What other servants have I got to worry about in terms of the ones just summoned?"

Kojirou: "Hmm...Well there's Musashi and I. Oda Nobunaga and Nobukatsu. I think I saw Sakamoto Ryouma earlier. Fuuma Kotarou was also walking around with his mother Katou Danzo."

Y/n: "Those two are big shot ninja, right?"

Kojirou: "Indeed."

Musashi: "Kotarou's cute, just putting that out there."

Kojirou: "Eheh...anyway, I believe that two Oni were also summoned. Ibaraki and Shuten Douji."

Just as he said that, the door was opened by a large, very fucking muscular man with a blonde bowl cut. Behind him was a woman whose chest would put Himiko's to shame.

Kojirou: "Speaking of freshly summoned servants. Those two are a special pair."

Y/n: "They're both oversized. One in the muscle department, the other in the chest department."

Musashi: "She's a total shotacon, one hundred percent."

Y/n: "What's the saying? Takes one to know one?"

Musashi: "Ah-..."

Before she could say anything else, Jack came running in with an outfit that made Y/n almost have a heart attack from adorable overload.

Jack: "Papa! Look, look!"

Jack immediately jumped into her master's arms, which kind of hurt considering she was wearing steel armour.

Kojirou: "Master? Are you alright."

Y/n: "I have seen the face of God."

Jack: "Papa always does this."

Musashi was practically drooling over the tiny murderous version of Jeanne.

Musashi: "Can't say I entirely blame him."

Jeanne came running in a few seconds later.

Jeanne: "My apologies, Master. She got a bit too excited."

Y/n: "How did you manage to get your outfit shrunk down?"

Jeanne: "Actually it wasn't that difficult. Lady Parvati even helped us make it."

Y/n: "Please tell me you didn't make a larger version of her original clothes."

Jeanne: "No. thankfully we managed to stop Medusa from trying it. We also managed to fix up Jacks hoodie. It had a couple of tears in it."

Y/n: "Yeah, I don't know much about sewing myself, so I was kinda hoping one of you would know how to."

Jeanne smiled before taking Jack back home. The two servants that walked in earlier then came over, the big one took a seat next to Y/n.

???: "Yo, you must be Y/n, right?"

Y/n: "Yeah. That's me."

The blonde man laughed and held his hand out for his master to shake.

???: "Sakata Kintoki. Golden to meetcha."

Kintoki smiled as he ordered a drink and some food. The woman next to him clearly wasn't impressed with the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

???: "Honestly, Kintoki. Despite all of your mother's pleas you still refuse to wear a shirt?"

Kintoki: "Boss, I have been training since I got summoned, I've worked up a hell of a sweat and it feels like it's a hundred degrees out. At this point I wanna take a bath with a fu-...friggin' iceberg."

Y/n: "Nice save."

Kintoki: "Believe me, it was a save in every definition of the word. Anyway, ya still haven't said hi to our master yet, Raikou."

The woman froze up and went pale before immediately bowing at a rate of a hundred miles an hour in apology.

When she finally stopped, she took a deep breath and placed a hand on top of her chest to compose herself.

???: "My apologies once again for being so rude, Master. My name is Minamoto no Raikou. Please, feel free to call me mother though."

Y/n: "I think you're gonna need to talk to Tiamat about the mother thing, Raikou. But that's pretty cool, I now have technically two people from the Minamoto clan."

Raikou: "Oh? Who's the other?"

Y/n: "Minamoto no Yoshitsune."

Kintoki: "Ain't that the general that jumped over eight boats during a fight?"

Raikou: "Yes I believe so. It's good to hear a familiar name, even if we never actually met in life."

Kintoki: "Yeah, guess that's true. Hey, you gonna order somethin' boss?"

Raikou: "I suppose I should. Hmm...there's so much to choose from though. I think I'll stick with a salad for now."

Kintoki/Y/n: "That's kinda boring, Raikou."

Raikou: "I'm trying to watch my weight, okay!?"

Kintoki: "We're servants, we don't get fat."

Raikou: "Says you..."

Kintoki: "I could literally devour an entire donut shop and not gain a single pound."

Y/n was finding the exchange between the two rather entertaining. Raikou clearly acted like a mother, but she was kinda clumsy and overbearing.

The door opened again and the air was filled with the scent of alcohol.

???: "My, my~ I thought I smelled a mage in here.~"

Y/n: "I suddenly feel very uncomfortable."

Kintoki: "Just don't turn to her and she won't know which one you are."

Raikou: "Damned insect..."

???: "Hmm? Oh, hello there, boy.~"


The girl currently perching herself atop Kintoki's back was clearly one of the Oni Kojirou had mentioned earlier. With short black hair and barely any clothing to speak of. She also reeked of alcohol.

Kintoki: "Shuten Douji."

Shuten: "Ah, you do remember me."

Shuten: "Now then. Why don't you tell me where our master is?~"

Raikou: "That's enough out of you, little bug."

Raikou picked Shuten up by the back of the neck and threw her off of Kintoki. A few other servants in the restaurant stood up with their plates of food and cleared a small area for the two to fight if it came to that.

Shuten smirked as Raikou drew her blade. However before they could attack each other, Y/n stood up and summoned the Muramasa no Ōkami. He then slashed once down the middle of the two. Both of them completely froze as the air between them was slashed in half.

Every servant was silent in the restaurant. They were all visibly shocked by the single slash. There was minimal damage to the restaurant itself, however Y/n had literally slashed through the tension in the air.

He then sheathed the blade and glared at the two.

Y/n: "That's enough out of the pair of you. Raikou, you're supposed to be a military general start acting like it rather than a child having a temper tantrum because one person you don't like is hangin' out with someone you do like."

Again, everyone was visibly shocked. Y/n wasn't even angry, his face was stoic and cold.

Raikou: "I-I...my apologies, Master. I'll do better in future."

Y/n: "Good. See to it that you do."

Shuten: "Fufu, that's you put in your place."

Y/n: "You aren't exempt from this, Shuten. Your teasing has to have a limit lest something like this happens again and believe me, I won't be nearly as lenient next time as I have been."

With that, Y/n took his seat while Kintoki could hardly believe what he had just seen.

Kintoki: "Master. You just put Shuten Douji and Minamoto no Raikou in their place. A regular mage just put a high ranking Oni and a military general in their places."

Y/n: "Isn't it my duty as their master to teach them their place when they get out of line?"

Kintoki: "...No argument there. Just remind me never to piss you off."

Shuten then smirked after looking at Raikou.

Shuten: "Oh, master~ It seems your sword accidentally cut something else."

Y/n: "...Raikou's shirt got cut, didn't it?"

Shuten: "A few buttons, yes."

Y/n: "Considering what it's holding back, I'm surprised those buttons didn't fly off by themselves."

Kintoki: "The number of times we had to resew the buttons was crazy..."

Y/n: "I can imagine. Now then, I'm gonna head back to the house."

Kintoki: "Alright. See ya around, Master."

Y/n: "See ya!"

Finally, Y/n managed to get some rest in his room. The events of the day had made him tired. He closed his eyes and let the warm embrace of sleep take over him.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the Valkyries were monitoring servant behaviour on the ground, acting as a kind of police force. Thrùd then spotted Sigurd on main street and flew down to him.

Sigurd: "Hm? Oh, hello sister."

Thrùd: "Sigurd."

Sigurd: "Must you be so cold? Brynhildr and I are betrothed, meaning I am, in a sense, your big brother."

Thrùd: "Why are you out here, Sigurd?"

Sigurd: "I'm merely enjoying the last days of winter. Before the flowers start to bloom and the sun starts to shine."

Thrùd: "You haven't been speaking to master much."

Sigurd: "Yes. Though I shall work to rectify that. He granted me an incarnation, the least I can do is befriend him."

As the two spoke, a loud boisterous laughter echoed around them.

???: "Fuhahahahaha!"

???2: "Must you laugh like that?"

???: "The king must always be identifiable from a distance, Enkidu. Such is the nature of being king!"

???3: "That was the idea. Truth be told, that laugh just stuck with me."

Sigurd and Thrùd both deadpanned as the king of heroes in both his archer and caster forms walked past with Enkidu in the middle of them.

Sigurd: "Hm...I believe there is a new bar opening in town tomorrow. Perhaps I shall go for a drink with master and a few of the others. Perhaps Xiang Yu would join us."

Thrùd: "You're weird, Sigurd. Don't cause any trouble."

With that, Thrùd took off. Sigurd merely smiled before heading home. Fuyuki was becoming more and more populated by servants. But nobody there was complaining. This made things far more interesting.

However, one servant was summoned that Y/n was not going to like one bit...

Or they were going to get along like a house on fire. Marisbury sighed as the servant was summoned.

Marisbury: "Of all people. Why was it you?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Out For a Drink With The Lads!

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