The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

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Shinji waited impatiently as the sun vanished from the sky, his smirk crawled onto his face however, when he saw Y/n walking towards him.

Shinji: "Nice night, isn't it, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Could be better. Could certainly stand to have you not in front of me, but we can't all get what we want."

Shinji: "Were you discussing your plan with that whore of a servant?"

Y/n clenched his fist tightly. If there was one thing he hated, it was people that insulted those he had come to care about.

That meant every one of his servants, they were all vastly more powerful than he was, but at the same time they all acted like he was their equal. It was a good feeling, one that he enjoyed. But Shinji deserved what was coming to him.

Y/n: "I'm gonna guess that Assassin's waiting to sneak attack me in the shadows over there?"

Just as he said that, Hundred Faces landed on one of the crates with Cursed Arm. The two were exhausted and Hundred Faces had a large scratch mark on her abdomen.

Y/n: "Well, Shinji. Why don't you fight me yourself."

Shinji: "Now that's not fair, is it?"

Y/n: "Neither is pitting me against a servant, yet that's what you're trying to do."

Y/n reached behind him and brought out his wooden practice sword.

Y/n: "Heh. I won't even need to use this."

With that said, he put the sword down and cracked his knuckles. Shinji smirked before holding a book up.

Shinji: "Allow me to show you why trash doesn't deserve to exist near those of us with actual power!"

Y/n smirked as Shinji fired a volley of attacks at him. He just stood completely still and all of the attacks missed, but the sound echoed throughout the docks.

Shinji: "Tch, Assassin! Kill him!"

Cursed Arm jumped down in front of Y/n and charged at him. He threw some easy to read knife thrusts at Y/n as per their plan. Y/n managed to avoid them easily while he and Cursed Arm had a chat.

Y/n: "So where's the wolf?"

Cursed Arm: "He's in the docks right now. We just need some noise to draw him out here."

Y/n: "Leave that to me."

Y/n chuckled as he ducked under Cursed Arm and rushed at Shinji. The assassin watched as Y/n landed a devastating right hook to Shinji's face, causing him to spit up blood and a tooth.

Y/n then avoided another volley of magecraft attacks, the noise was sufficient however...

...To draw out the big, bad wolf.

A loud roar echoed around the docks and Shinji's eyes widened as he saw the wolf round the corner just next to him.

Y/n: "Hello, Avenger."

Avenger growled as he spotted Shinji. It's rider lowered itself and brought out two wicked looking hooked blades. The wolf then charged forwards as Y/n rolled out of the way.

Shinji was barely able to avoid the wolf, but he was slashed along his back by one of the rider's blades.


Y/n: "Avenger!"

The wolf turned its head to Y/n with a growl and saw him holding up a command seal.

Y/n: "By my command seal! Go fetch!"

Avenger knew what that meant and turned to Shinji with a burning hatred in its eyes. It then shot forwards with insane speed as Assassin jumped in front of Y/n. Shinji smirked as he ran away from the bloodthirsty avenger, that smirk quickly faded however as he suddenly found himself caught in a net of chains.

Shinji: "Wh-What the fuck is this!?"

???: "This is your punishment."

Shinji's eyes widened as he saw someone standing in front of him. That someone had long green hair and was glaring at him.

???: "I know what you've done. Avenger will enjoy having a new chew toy."

Shinji's eyes widened in fear as the massive avenger loomed over him.

Y/n stood with Cursed Arm as a scream echoed throughout the docks. After a few minutes, avenger walked out from where it had dragged Shinji, blood covered its snout as it walked towards Y/n.

Y/n: "Good boy, Avenger."

Avenger gave a low growl in response. It then lowered its head, allowing Y/n to pet its ears.

???: "Hessian Lobo. The king of wolves and his headless rider."

Y/n looked over and saw the Green haired person walking towards him.

???: "He's a powerful servant and a loyal ally once he knows who his master is."

Y/n: "Lobo, huh. And the rider's a hessian?"

???: "Yes, that's right."

Y/n: "Nice."

Cursed Arm: "With that debacle out of the way, we can focus on rounding up the remaining rogue servants."

???: "Ah, I know where quite a few of them are if you'd like me to tell you."

Y/n: "That'd be much appreciated. I'm guessing you're also one."

???: "I suppose not anymore. I am a lancer class servant. My name is Enkidu."

Y/n: "Enkidu, huh? I think I've heard that name before."

Enkidu: "I was the one and only friend of King Gilgamesh."

Y/n: "Now that's a name I've heard. The king of heroes, right?"

Enkidu: "That's right. The first hero in a sense. He and I fought for four days before we came to be friends."

Y/n: "Damn, four days of fighting? You two must be tough."

Enkidu laughed in response before petting Lobo.

Enkidu: "I'm so glad he hasn't read THAT part of the epic."

Y/n smirked as he looked at his new Lancer.

Y/n: "You realise I can hear what you're saying, right."

Enkidu: "A-..."

Y/n laughed as Enkidu turned bright red.

Enkidu: "You tell no-one."

Then it was Y/n's turn to laugh. Before they could get going home, someone began to laugh.

???: "Ah, I see the mongrel has been fed to the wolf."

Y/n looked up and saw a man in rather expensive looking clothes standing on one of the lampposts

Enkidu: "You always have to make an entrance, huh, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh: "Of course I do! I am king and the king must always make a grand entrance!"

Enkidu: "You're literally losing your balance up there."

Gilgamesh: "No I'm not, shut up, clay slab!"

Enkidu: "I can see your foot wobbling there."

Gilgamesh: "You don't see anything of the sort."

Enkidu: "You're going to slip and the kings crown jewels are going to get crushed."

Gilgamesh: "Lies! No such thing will-"

Just as he said it, his foot slipped. There was a loud metallic thud from the lamppost as Gilgamesh's balls hit the steel.

Enkidu: "...I told you so."

Gilgamesh: "...*inhale* aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA-"

Y/n and Enkidu were in stitches from laughter as Gilgamesh walked home with them with his hands covering his junk.

Gilgamesh: "The king will not forget this betrayal..."

Enkidu: "The king also screamed like a little bitch, haha!"

Y/n: "For such a powerful servant, you really don't seem all that intimidating, especially after getting your balls crushed under your own weight."

Gilgamesh: "Silence...mongrel."

Y/n laughed again while Lobo walked next to him. Upon their arrival, Gilgamesh really only had one thing to say.

Gilgamesh: "This is your abode? A mongrel like you lives in a villa like this!?"

Enkidu: "This place is large enough to fit all of the rogues. I have to see what the rooms are like."

Y/n: "I'll give you a tour later. For now we'd better get you guys introduced to the others."

From above them, Emiya spoke.

Emiya: "I trust your business is concluded?"

Y/n: "That's right. Shinji's dead."

Emiya: "Good. Couldn't stand that rat bastard."

Cursed Arm and Hundred Faces were both in the backyard with a few other servants.

Rin was waiting in the living room when Y/n stood across from her.

Rin: "I take it that Shinji's been taken care of?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Fed him to Avenger."

Lobo gave a low growl as Y/n petted his head. Rin sighed before leaning against the wall.

Rin: " many are left?"

Enkidu: "There's currently thirteen remaining at the moment. However more are bound to show up."

Rin: "Huh!?"

Y/n: "More are gonna show up!?"

Enkidu: "Yes. In response to the current threat, more servants will be summoned. That includes divine spirits."

Y/n: "Divine spirits?"

Rin: "I've never heard of that term before."

Enkidu: "Of course. It means that gods will be summoned as pseudo-servants. One of them is already here."

Rin: "Which one?"

Gilgamesh: "Heh, let's just say she's the reason for the recent increase in broken backs."

Y/n: ""


Enkidu: "Not...entirely inaccurate."

Saberlot: "If it's a god then we'll need to be extra cautious."

Y/n: "Agreed."

Nobu: "I think I met that one. Blonde chick, right?"

Enkidu: "Yes."

Okita: "What kind of God are we dealing with?"

Nobu: "The Mexican kind."

Y/n: "Oh joy."

Galahad: "As long as I have my shield, you'll be fine."

Y/n nodded before going to get dinner ready with Sakura. Rin helped out as well.

Meanwhile, a few more summoning circles lit up.

From one, two girls appeared. Both of them looked incredibly familiar. One had white hair while the other was blonde. From another circle, a trio of girls stood in white robes, each carrying spears.

Finally, on a small island in the middle of the Fuyuki river, another figure appeared. She had long blue hair and gentle pink eyes. Her most striking feature was the horns that reached down to her legs.

She looked in the direction of Y/n's villa, her porcelain skin reflecting the moonlight.

???: "...Aaaah~"

End of Chapter.

Rogues Remaining: 21

Next Time: Pirates of the Holy Grail War.

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