The Temple Ruler

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Y/n was normally not the type to draw attention. However with Hassan next to him, it was unavoidable. The assassin loomed over him as they made their way to Ryuudo temple.

Y/n: "So, what d'you know about this one, Gramps?"

Hassan: "She is a Japanese servant. Thou would do well to prepare for her high energy attitude."

Y/n: "Oh joy, more high energy servants."

Hassan remained mostly silent until they reached the steps to the temple.

Hassan: "Harken, there are others in this place."

???: "Indeed, Grand Assassin."

Both Hassan and Y/n looked to the top of the stairs where a blonde woman stood in white robes. A spear made of what looked like light  was in her hand as she looked down at them.

???: "I'm glad you made it here safely, Master."

Y/n: "Oh goody. You ruler?"

???: "No. I am Thrùd. One of the Valkyries. My sisters, Ortlinde and Hildr are waiting with Ruler in the temple."

Y/n: "Oh good. More servants."

Y/n and Hassan followed Thrùd to the temple where Ortlinde, Hildr and Ruler were waiting.

Hildr: "Ah! Hi, master!"

Ortlinde: "Greetings, Master."

Ruler: "Hello!"

Y/n did a double take when he saw Ruler. She had the shrine maiden getup going for her, but she also had a more country girl look as well as some markings on her body.

Of course, Y/n being Y/n...

Y/n: "How. The fuck. Does that thing keep those in?"

Ruler: "Hm?"

Y/n: "Nothing, don't worry about it."

Thrùd: "This is Himiko. A ruler servant who originated in Japan."

Himiko: "Yup! Nice to meet you, Master!"

Y/n sighed again at his new Ruler servant's peppy attitude. He didn't mind it from Jack and Abby because they were kids, but with how much this girl jumped around. It made it...difficult to concentrate.

Thrùd: "We should probably get moving as soon as the command seals are put in effect."

Hassan: "Why? Is there a threat?"

Hildr: "We have reason to believe that Goetia will surface here."

Ortlinde: "As such, we recommend gathering all of the servants that have been summoned at current. We should then head to the resting place of the greater grail."

Hassan: "Ruler. Thou art aware of the true names of the other servants summoned here, yes?"

Himiko: "That's right. There's two other rulers as well as a third avenger."

Y/n: "Fucking what!?"

Thrùd: "Yes. A third avenger servant. The other servants likely didn't notice her before now."

Y/n: "I need a name, Himiko."

Himiko: "We should find Jeanne and Sherlock first. Then we can hunt down the last Avenger."

Y/n closed his eyes and opened his telepathic link to all of his servants.

Y/n: "I know you can all hear me, so listen up!"

Across Fuyuki, the remaining servants looked to the sky as they heard their master calling out to them.

Y/n: "I'm not willing to chase you guys around anymore. So here's the deal. You either find a spot to hole up in until I find you, or you come looking for me. There is no in-between."

The other servants looked mildly surprised by their master's sudden change in attitude. Okita and Gawain both smiled though.

Y/n: "For those of you that have already made the contracts official. Then get out there and send signals to your fellow servants for them to meet you at certain locations."

With a nod, every other servant in the house contracted to Y/n got up and headed to different spots.

Himiko smiled when she heard a pair of shoes clicking up the stairs.

Himiko: "Sherlock, hello!"

Y/n turned to see a rather suave man with some kind of device around his waist that had a multitude of magnifying glasses built on to it.

Sherlock: "Hello, Himiko. It's been some time since we last spoke."

Y/n: "So you're a ruler too, huh?"

Sherlock: "That is right Mr. Y/n."

Y/n: "Just Y/n's fine, Sherlock."

Sherlock gave a slight chuckle before walking towards the group.

Sherlock: "I trust that we are preparing for the final act in a sense?"

Himiko: "Yup. Beast I, Goetia will arrive here in the coming days."

Y/n: "And we'll be ready for him."

Tristan: "Master. I have met up with three other heroic spirits. We're awaiting you at Fuyuki high school."

Y/n: "Got it, thanks Tristan. We're on our way."

Y/n nodded to the other servants before they ran towards Fuyuki high school.

Y/n: "Himiko, Sherlock. Either of you know who the last Avenger is?"

Himiko: "Unfortunately, I got no clue."

Sherlock: "She's Japanese in origin. That much I was able to deduce. I was actually looking into her movements when you called out."

Y/n: "Heh. Hopefully we can get to her soon."

???: "Sooner than you think, Master."

Y/n had to duck to narrowly avoid a slash to the face as a servant stepped out of the shadows.

Y/n: "You're injured."

???: "Heh. Yep. Got in a pretty one sided fight with a Berserker. His master was a little kid though."

Y/n: "Illya and her Berserker. I see. Well, hold still. I can heal you, uh..."

???: "Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Just call me Ushiwaka if ya want though."

Y/n: "Yoshitsune, huh? The famous general that leapt across eight boats to slaughter his enemies. Or, I guess I should say her enemies."

Yoshitsune: "Heheh. Yeah."

Y/n lifted his new avenger up by the shoulder and they walked towards the school where Tristan and the others were.

Once they arrived, Y/n handed Yoshitsune to Himiko while he busted the door in. He did so by reshaping the lock on the door to be too small to fit normally. Making it easy for him to manipulate.

Once he got the door open, he and his servants made their way to the infirmary for some medical supplies for Yoshitsune.

Y/n: "Tristan. We're inside the school. Bring the other servants and come to the infirmary."

Tristan understood and brought the three other servants with him to meet their master.

As it turned out, two out of the three of them were Archers.

The first of them was a Green/Blonde haired woman with cat ears.

???: "It's an honour to finally meet you, Master. I am Atalante."

Y/n: "Damn, you're a member of the Argonauts, right? One of Medea's group."

Atalante: "You know Medea?"

Y/n: "According to the priest that's overseeing this war, she's this wars Caster."

Atalante smiled before the other archer stepped forwards and basically used Atalante's head as a boob-rest.

???: "Alright, moving along. Hi! I'm the archer, Orion."

Y/n: "...I know for a fact that wasn't your voice, so who the fuck just spoke."

???: "Down here, Jackass."

Y/n looked down and saw a brown bear plushie at his foot.

Y/n: "Y-You're Orion!?"

Orion: "Ya got a problem with that!?"


???: "Now now, let's all calm down. Dear, would you be so kind as to stop trying to look up that blonde girl's skirt? Or will I have to squeeze that head of yours?"

Both Y/n and Orion froze up at how happily cruel this woman sounded.

???: "I should probably introduce myself. I am Artemis, the goddess of the hunt in greek myth."


Tristan: "I was just as surprised. A Greek goddess, in the flesh no less."

Orion: "Hey! No lookin' at anything below the face."

Y/n: "Too late. Anyways, what about you then?"

The last servant to step up was a rather well dressed man with long silvery hair and very noble clothing.

???: "Caster. My name is Edmond Dantès, you may know me as the count of monte cristo."

Himiko: "Wait a sec! I thought you were an Avenger servant!"

Edmond: "My younger, more vengeful, self is an Avenger. I, however, have long since left that anger in the past. I have my dear Haydèe to thank for that."

Thrùd: "We have retrieved everyone here. There are yet more servants to find."

Edmond: "Yes. We should prioritise finding the others. I know where we can reach the second foreigner servant."

Y/n: "Right. For now, Edmond, could you hold Yoshitsune down?"

Edmond: "Of course."

Edmond then held Yoshitsune by the shoulders as Y/n poured some alcohol on her wounds and wrapped them in bandages.

Sherlock: "You're rather skilled with first aid, Master."

Y/n: "It's nothing. My dad was a nurse, so I learned from him how to treat wounds properly."

Sherlock could see a hint of both happiness and sorrow in Y/n's eyes at the mention of his family.

Sherlock: "...Your parents. Are they...?"

Y/n: "They're in a better place."

Hassan: "Thou art sorrowful of their passing. Tis a natural thing."

Artemis: "Looks like it hit you hard though. If even mentioning them sends you into this kind of mood."

Edmond: "To hold on to your grief for so long. You never truly accepted their passing, meaning that it was sudden."

Y/n's mind flashed to a bright orange flame before he shook his head to clear his thoughts.

Y/n: "It's nothing. We need to focus on patching up Yoshitsune."

Edmond: "Very well."

At the other meeting points, servants began to convene in their groups.

Scàthach and Cù waited in a subway station when a familiar face to Cù showed herself.

???: "Well if it isn't Cù Chulainn. Ireland's child of light."

Cù froze up immediately while Scàthach laughed.

Cù: "Oh gods, why are you here?"

???: "Fufu, isn't it obvious? I heard my master's call. As the Queen of Connacht, I can't just ignore my masters plea for help. Especially when he sounds so forceful about it."

Cù: "Get thee away from me, horny bitch!"

Meanwhile, Medusa was taking care of Sakura after she collapsed from weakness.

Medusa pressed a cold towel against Sakura's head to bring her temperature down when someone appeared in the doorway.

???: "She's strong."

Medusa leaped to her feet and held her blades until she saw who was standing there.

Medusa: "S-...Sakura?"

End of Chapter.

Rogues Remaining: 11

Next Time: Gather, Heroes of the Past!

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