Chapter 10

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I stepped out of the RV and scanned the area. We were definitely in a city. Tall buildings, prosperous, packed traffic, people scurrying off in different places, and it was loud. Where I'm from, everything was opposite from this place. The only things that are the same are the force field, the rules, and the imperials. We were parked at a gas station near a market place.

"How did we get passed the front gate?" I asked, realizing it was to easy since there would of been imperials guarding the gates.

"The gates are wired with scanners so the Empire doesn't always have to stop people and keep traffic going. The Ghost isn't called the Ghost for nothing, it can scrabble its signature and pass by without a hitch," Hera explained.

"That's really cool," I thought out load.

"Well, don't get used to it," Sabine huffed, passing me.

"Stop being such a Debby Downer," Zeb told her and she rolled her eyes.

   "We all meet back here in three hours," Kanan announced. We all split in different directions in our groups and go deeper into the city.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"You haven't been here before?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Lived in Lothal my whole life if you forget already," I said, rolling my eyes..

"This is my first time being in a city, actually," I admitted.

   "Garel," Kanan said.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"This place is called Garel," he repeated. "Oh," I said, finally realizing what he told me. We stayed quiet for a while until I decided to speak up.

"So, what are the things we're getting?" I asked. He looked at the list and named some familiar and unfamiliar items. There were a lot of things but might have been more if the list wasn't split.

   An hour later, Kanan and I gathered at least half of what was on the list. We pushed four crates into an alley full of different things like food or supplies. I was tired from bargaining and pushing crates on a cart around the whole time.

   "Let's take a break," Kanan said, stopping in an alley. I sighed in relief and sat on top of a crate. My feet felt soar from walking and arms ached from pushing.

Kanan stayed standing but seemed more exhausted than I was.

"Aren't you going to sit?" I asked, and he shook his head. "I'm fine," he said, waving it off.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked.

"Depends, "he replied, "What's the question?"

"In the common room last night, what was under the table? It wasn't there this morning," I told him. He opened his mouth to reply but soon it all changed.

   "Kid, move!" He yelled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the alley. We ran around the corner when a huge crushing sound filled the air. Wood, food, supplies, and more burst out of the alleyway. Everyone in the area looked to see what happened until moving on like it was an everyday thing.

   "You okay?" Kanan asked and I only nodded. We peeked around the corner to see our stuff crushed by a boulder about the size of the alley.

   "Where did that come from and-wait how did you know that was going to happen?" I asked then continued, "Is that your power? To sense things?"

   "I don't know and sure," he muttered. He carefully peeked around the corner and craned his neck to look up. I looked up at the tops of the buildings to see no one standing at the edge looking down.

   "Come on, we have to head back before more trouble comes." I nodded and followed Kanan down the streets of Garel.

He grabbed a com link from his belt and, holding a button, talked into it. "Specter two, warm up the Ghost. We may need a quick escape."

"What happened?" Hera's concerned voice came through.

"I'll tell you when we all get back safe and sound," he said.

"Alright Love, I'll contact Specter four and five," she replied.

"Got it, see you in a bit," he said, ending the conversation and putting the com back on the belt.

"Are you two married or something?" I asked.

"Do you have to ask so many questions, especially when we are in a bit of trouble?" He replied.

"Touché," I agreed.

We were about three blocks from the gas station. The ground began to shake and people ran past us screaming. I looked over my shoulder to see a boulder rolling down the street, crushing anything that got in its way.

   Kanan and I began to sprint down the sidewalk. We turned into an alleyway and watched as the boulder passed us, still rolling down the street. The damage it left was devastating that it left me nauseous. My stomach churned at the sight of people laying on the ground to still for my liking.

   Kanan guided me away from the destruction with gentle hands on my shoulders.

   "Are you okay?" I heard him say.

   My eyebrows knitted together in anger and sadness. That was the dumbest question ever! No, I wasn't okay. I was never okay this whole trip. The only reason I came was to help my parents.

   "Yeah, I'm great," I muttered, lying and crossed my arms around myself.

   "Don't lie to me," he said, turning me to face him, "Are you okay or not?"

   "No! I'm not!" I yelled, "I was never okay with any of this! People dying, going on mission impossible, and...and my whole life since everything changed!" I felt like pulling my hair out. Energy coursed through me as darkness gathered.

   I continued, lowering my voice, steadying it and calming down, "The only reason I'm on this stupid mission is probably from childish hope. Hope that, maybe...maybe I could get my parents back and...and prove..."

   I paused realizing that I did have another reason. The dark energy went away when I calmed down. "...and prove to myself that I'm not a rat or a monster and make them proud for doing what's right."

I faced the ground as tears burned my eyes and held back a sob. I didn't even know why I'm even telling him this but it felt right. I couldn't explain it.

Hands laid on my shoulders again making me flinch.

"Ezra...," he started.

"Don't," I said, shakily, "just...don't. I know when I'm not needed."

   "That's not what I was going to say," he stated. I looked up with curiosity then huffed in anger. He sighed.

   "I get it, you're not okay. No one is okay with what happened to the world," he said, "but you have guts. You're braver and tougher than you know for surviving alone as long as you did."

I didn't know what to say. I was completely speechless.

He continued, "You stayed with us even when you knew the dangers of coming to save the people you love. You have your heart set in the right place, Ezra. Don't let anyone or yourself say otherwise."

"Kanan...I-" I was cut off when a cold beam off ice barely hit my calf. I immediately screamed in pain as the ice bit through my pants and on my skin.

Kanan immediately blocked me and started to shoot his gun at whoever iced my leg.

"Go!" He yelled and turned to run. As I began to run, the ice squeezed harder making a stinging pain. I yelped and fell to the ground. Kanan turned on his heels and came back over to me. He scanned my leg and cursed under his breath.

"Specter one! Where are you? Is Ezra alright?" I heard Hera's voice come over the com.

"We're fine for the moment," he paused, "Meet us at at the park."

"Got it, Specter two out."

Kanan put his com away. He turned around saying, "Get on!" I wasted no time and climbed onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands supported me.

   A beam of ice shot past my head. I looked over my shoulder as everything went in slow motion. There was a figure with black amour that shaped to look like a female. She held her shoulder and watched us leave. Everything went back to fast motion again as Kanan ran out of the alley.

   "Who is that?" I asked, fear prickling my mind.

   "An inquisitor," Kanan answered.

   "Why is she trying to kill us?" I asked.

   "That's what inquisitors are trained and set out to do to anyone that the troopers can't get," he answered once again.

   "So they are basically trained assassins that want to kill you rebels," I justified.

   "And anyone working with us is sent to interrogation to later be killed," he said it like it was nothing. My eyes widened in horror. If any inquisitors caught me then I would have to reveal information that I don't have. Then later, be killed for lying or not telling them anything.

As if sensing my worries, Kanan said , "Don't worry, I'm not going to let them get you." I had to put my trust in this man that I met just a week ago with my life. He was my only ticket out of this situation so there was no other choice.

I sighed to calm my nerves, it didn't work but still replied, "Okay."


Stay tuned and adios😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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