Chapter 19

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New chapter because I hit 300 followers!!!!!



   "Monster lies beneath the mask.
For only those who succeeded in the task.
To drink an oath of blood.
And sewing a mouth tightly shut.
To silence a whisper of the past
Of bringing forth the balance of both life and death.
Lighting up a new spark
Will surely fade away into the dark..."

A man's cackling laugh filled the air and soon a scene formed. Bars. I was behind metal bars in a cage in some kind of darkish, unground laudatory.

On the other side of the room was a woman, who was also in a metal cage. Her knees were pulled to her chest and brown eyes seemed almost...empty-lifeless. Clothes were a torn and dirty pale blue shirt and pants like a doctors outfit. Blond hair draped down past her shoulders.

   Through all the dingy dirt and possibly days without hygiene, she seemed like a very pretty woman.

   I searched to find the source of the man laughing but instead found something else.

As I turned my head, the cage seemed to get bigger. That's when figuring out that I wasn't the only one in the cage.

   Quickly, I shot up and scanned the area. The cockpit. I was still in the cockpit and not behind bars.

   My mind settled and found interest in the stars twinkling in the night sky.

   It reminded me of Lothal's dusk sky. In a city, you couldn't see any stars besides the sun. It saddened and bothered me the night Sabine and Zeb were captured. Stars always had a calming effect of some sort but in the city, they never showed. It was always busy.

   Lothal is a small, peaceful town without any bustling sounding and lights. Hearing crickets chirping and watching wild cats roaming through the tall grass on the outskirts of town. It has and always will be my home.

   Lately, I've been feeling home sick. It was hard leaving since that was the only place that I've ever known. Everywhere else was new, big, and terrifying to me. A big change, that's for sure. I don't even know how I'm still alive.

   The sound of a bang cleared all of my thoughts. I turned to face the door that leads out to the next room or the common room. I shot out of the chair, the blanket falling to the ground in a heap, ignored. Without thinking, my hand reached out for the knob, quickly twisting it open.

On the ground laid a heaving Kanan without a shirt and messy hair out of its ponytail. Zeb stood over him, gun pointed down at Kanan's chest.

Zeb was littered in scratches, nose bleeding, breathing heavily, and shocked eyes staring straight at me. I completely froze and couldn't utter a word.

   "E-Ezra, this-this isn't what it looks like," Zeb stuttered, constantly shifting his gaze from me to Kanan.

   "Really? Cause it looks to me like you're trying to shoot Kanan in the chest!" I shouted, not caring who heard. How could Zeb do this to Kanan? Why would he try and bloody murder him?

   I could feel energy course through my veins and charged in the center of the palm. I was outright furious.

   Hera and Sabine barged into the room with guns in hand.

   "What's going on?" Hera demanded, taking in the scene.

   "Zeb is trying to kill Kanan!" I answered, pointing a finger at the muscular man.

   "I wasn't trying to kill him!" Zeb told me defensively, "I was protecting myself!"

My anger grew more as I spoke quietly through gritted teeth, "That is the worst excuse I ever heard."

Out of reflex, my hand raised and pointed in Zeb's direction, about to release dark energy.

"E-Ezra...don't," a weak raspy voice spoke. Kanan. That's when my fight for control began. The darkness was overwhelming, trying to tear my barriers, tear my very existence away to make a new form. A shell.

"Relax and let go. Break the dam and let the energy flow. Monster lies beneath the mask. Fulfill your destined task."

"S-shut u-p," I stuttered, holding my head and heaving for air. Heaving to take back control of myself.

   "I control you."

   "" I kept muttering, ignoring everyone and everything in the room.

   "Stay strong."

   The man.

   "Be brave."

   The woman.

   "And don't give up without a fight."

   Memories collided. The bad and the good. Loneliness was suffocating like everything around me was drowning. The battle in my head finally made a decision. The final decision.

   My eyes shot open but everything, everyone were huge blurs. Noises echoed like people were yelling like a far distance echo. It was so quiet that all that could be heard was a beating heart. It disturbed me.

   I began to fall and the last thing that I could remember clearly was the ear-splitting screaming.

A groan escaped through my lips and blinked to clear my vision. I was laying flat on my stomach in grass? I slowly raised my balled hand and rubbed my eyes then looked again. Black grass.

   A screech got my attention. That's when quickly averting my gaze to the surroundings. Black, dead trees, dark red sky, the chilling breeze. It all felt so horribly familiar.

Thunder roared in the distance but there was no rain. The sound made me jump and back away till finally getting onto my feet.

Where am I? What's going on? What happened? Those were some of the many questions that ran through my mind all at once.

How did I get here?

I kept backing up until a smooth surface blocked the way. I turned around to see...well, I couldn't tell what it was. I began to walk around it until recognizing the vehicle.

The Ghost.

It laid on its side with smoke filling the air and different pieces falling or already fallen off, scattered on the ground. The door was missing and dents littered all over the vehicle.

The RV was beat up real good.

That's when my mind went into over drive.

The crew could still be inside horribly injured. Yet, how am I fine? Wasn't I just in the RV too?

Oh duh, healing powers.

I didn't care at the moment and grabbed a nearby stick that was big enough to break the glass. I started to roughly gab the glass until finally it broke, scattering the inside like breaking ice.

Carefully placing a foot inside and slowly moving in without cutting myself. I was almost fully in and went a little faster.

"Ah!" I painfully screamed then turned to the source, the back of my right arm. There was a huge, gaping cut with blood flowing freely. There was some glass that had some blood staining it.

I cursed under my breath and calmly placed a hand on the wound, healing it. Then continued looking around the cockpit.

   "Hello? Kanan...Hera...Zeb...Sabine..." I called, opening the door to the next room. It was pitch black and could barely see an inch in front of me. I searched for a flashlight but found something else instead.

"Chopper," I said quietly, kneeling down next to the small robot. He was dismantled, sparks flickering from his small body.

"Chop, can you hear me?" I pleaded, but the small robot didn't answer. He was broken and I couldn't heal or fix machines. Maybe Hera can fix him up, if she can that is.

I gathered Chopper and found a bag, placing him in it and with some other pieces, whether they were the wrong or right ones. My arms slid through the straps and placed onto my back.

I stood and found a lantern laying next to the passenger's seat. My hands reached out and grabbed the handle. Praying for it to work, my pointer finger pressed a button on the side of the lantern.

At first, the light didn't even flicker to life but then the fourth time pressing the button, the light began to shine. A smile graced my lips as I experimentally held it up and aimed it into the common room.

The room was just as messy as the cockpit. All sorts of objects like kitchen supplies, tools, food and drinks scattered the floor, er wall. The table was up revealing some kind of large platform with straps to hold something down.

The image of that claw came to mind making a shiver run up and down my spine. I moved on from the memory and went into the bedroom to find another mess. It was tricky walking in since the bunk bed was the floor now. The only thing that disappointed me the most was there still was no sign of any other crew member.

It grew even darker if possible, which twisted a knot in my stomach. That forest outside couldn't be any good and in the dark, who knows what lurks in the shadows.

I decided to stay in the RV for the night and made sure the doors were locked before setting up a bed on the wall of the top bunk. Then took off the bag and placed it as close as possible so that nothing could take it. My last thought was worry for the crew's safety.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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