Chapter 26

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   It was dark.

   I couldn't see anything even if it was right in front of me. My back and head ached in pain as I sat up. My powers must be healing myself.

   A cough came from the shadows and a groan followed by a scream echoed. My skin crawled with a cold feeling and power. Something was odd about this place that I didn't like.

   "Sabine?" I called into the darkness.

   "E-Ezra?" I weak voice called.

   "Where are you?" I asked.

   "Good question," she replied, sarcastically. I could imagine her rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Can you light a fire?" I asked.

There was a sigh and soon, a small flame flickered in the dark to reveal the artist laying flat on the rocky ground. I scanned out our surroundings to see we were in some kind of underground cave or cavern.

At the top of the cave we're stalagmites which began to worry me. If one of those were to fall, then it's game over.

The light from Sabine's fire flickered which caused me to look over at her. Her face was scrunched up in pain and I could see tear tracks on her cheeks. Did Sabine cry? I didn't think that was possible.

I quickly walked over to her, wincing when some things weren't quite healed yet.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked, sitting down. She looked up at me and was about to say something but hesitated.

"Just tell me where it hurts and I'll heal it," I reassured. She laughed but lacked any sort of humor.

"After everything I did to you and you still are trying. You really are something else and I mean that in a good way," she said, staring up blankly, emotionless. For a moment, I thought she was going to smile but grimaced. Yet, I didn't reply and placed my hand on a huge gash on the back of her head, healing it.

   Sabine gasped in pain and clenched her teeth.

   "Sorry," I apologized then removed my hand once the wound was healed.

   "My legs and arms. I think they're broke," she admitted.

   "I think it might be your spine paralyzing your limbs," I corrected then pressed lightly on her stomach. Sabine grunted and cried in pain which made me draw back my hand.

"Sorry, I didn't know," I apologized a little to quickly. I wasn't a doctor and barely knew anything about the body. How was I supposed to fix something that I didn't even know if it exists? For all I know, all her limbs could be broken.

   Sabine huffed in frustration.

   "This is just great," she muttered, "Just great."

   I gingerly placed my hand on her arm and focused. She hissed in pain. Yet, a second later, she was able to mover her arm. I did the same thing to her other arm and both legs until fully healed.

   "You were right about your limbs being broken," I said, standing up, offering her a hand. She begrudgingly took it to soon scream.

   "My back! My back!" She yelled, gritting her teeth. I kneeled on one knee next to her and tried to carefully roll her onto her side. She screeched with tears running down her face.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I said in a panicky way then placed my shaky hands on her back and concentrated on healing whatever was broken or damaged.

I imagined something torn apart like a pipe that needed to be placed back together with the other line of pipe. Water spilling from the metal and losing water quickly like a vein in a body that had been torn. Or a bone that needs to be put back onto its track with the rest of it.

I wasn't sure how to explain it. Like I said before, not a doctor. Yet, it seemed to be working when Sabine's agonizing cries of pain subsided into just stray tears and shaky breathing.

"Is there anywhere else?" I asked and she shook her head, unsure if there was anything else that needed healing. Sabine slowly pushed herself up on shaky arms into a sitting position. I was relieved that she could at least sit up. It would be wonderful if she could stand and walk like nothing happened.

I stood up a little to quickly. My mind became dizzy and a headache began to form, vision blurred a little. I groaned and held the side of my head and leaned on the nearest thing I could get to.

"Are you okay?" Sabine asked a little worried. Never in a million of years would I have thought that those words would come out of Sabine Wren's mouth, especially towards me. It was unimaginable but here she was asking me if I was alright.

I didn't reply for a while from shock and the growing migraine pounding at my head.

"Yeah. I'll be fine," I reassured. Then explained, "It was probably from healing you. I never had to do that much before and it just...drained my energy."

   She nodded then looked at her hands, glaring them down like they were the cause of her injuries. There was an upsetting and anger-filled feeling coming off of her.

   "I should be asking you if you're okay," I responded but she didn't move to look up. I asked, "What's wrong?"

   This time, she poked her head up with a saddened expression before huffing a looking away. She pulled her legs towards her chest to form herself in a ball-like shape. There was also something else that I could read from her. Weakness.

   I soon realized why she was upset. She finally let her barriers down and showed weakness. She doesn't like showing people how vulnerable she was and hides it under a mask. A mask to cover all the pain and emotions of the past. All the hurt and suffering.

   A minute ago, that all changed when she willingly expressed all that to me. The person she hated. Now, she couldn't even look at me, thinking I would say something awful about it. How weak and vulnerable she would be to pick at.

   "Sabine..." I began, trying to find the right words, carefully not to damage her more.

   "Come on. Let's find a way out of here," Sabine said, blankly, standing up with no difficulties. She reignited her right hand since the fire was dampened by the cold rock floor of the cave. She raised her hand and moved it to different parts of the cave until finding a tunnel.

   "This way," Sabine motioned towards the tunnel without looking back. I watched her walk away, the light dimming the farther she went. I soon gathered my bag then followed her into the tunnel.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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