Chapter 29

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I'm going to pause this book...DARN WRITERS BLOCK!! And losing inspiration on this book. Like, I have things I want to put it in but there are just a bunch of holes. I still want to keep writing it so there is going to be a pause until further notice!!

I hope y'all understand!!😉




Sabine knocked him out. He fell to the floor and was out cold.

"I never liked this guy," she huffed. I wanted to reply with a snippy "who do you not hate," but no words could form properly. I was completely speechless with what Dr. Cornelius told me.

"Their stories continue through all of you, especially you...Ezra Bridger."

   Me? What was so special about me? How does this guy even know means my family? I don't have any memory of this guy. There was a huge possibility that my parents and him talked in secret. Yet, I still didn't like the thought of all the secrecy between my family.

All the lies.

"We need to find a way out of here," Sabine spoke up thoughtfully. I grimaced a bit seeing the unconscious scientist laying on the rocky ground underneath Sabine's boot that rested on his arm.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I asked. She lifted her boot off of Cornelius and turned, pointing her fire-lit hand in the direction he came from.

"We go somewhere in that direction. Wherever he came from, that's the way out of this graveyard," she explained.

Where there's a will, there is a way.

Sabine has that will. She was very optimistic about choosing the path even if it may be wrong. I wish I had some of that optimism right at the moment but to many things swarmed my thoughts.

My family. My friends. The cure. The unconscious psychotic ding-dong. Zeb. Chopper. Sabine. Hera.

And Kanan.

I still can remember the look on his face. It was filled with many mixed emotions. Anger. Relief. Fear.

Never have I seen Kanan so scared. I would of mistaken him as someone else that wore the same hairstyle, clothes, goatee. But the look on his face changed it all. The fear the lingered in those green eyes. The sweat that rolled down his exhausted face.

I was scared too.

When seeing the reason right in front of me.

A monster that fought a monster.

Was that how he saw himself? A monster? All because of his power? Could he control it? It was an unnerving though. One that I didn't stay on subject to long.


I blinked before twisting my head to see Sabine lifting Cornelius by his armpits, careful not to burn him.

"I'm not sure what la la land you've gone too but I need you here in the real world. I need help carrying crazy and loopy," she demanded. I didn't have to be told twice and lifted the scientist by his legs. He was heavy for someone his size but he was also fat like a miniature, fat, hunchback guy with little white hairs.

As we walked through the darkness, I noticed something was off with Sabine. At times she was actually being nice then soon snaps at me. Women. I will never understand.

We stopped.

"Why did we-" Sabine shushed me and looked around. Then I heard it. A moan.

Then a rattling noise like whatever it was was walking in our direction. I squinted my eyes to try and make out anything but it was too dark.

I jolted and screamed when something bit my leg. I let go of Cornelius's legs and looked down at a skull biting down hard on my ankle. The rest of its body was laying down on its stomach. The pain was unbearable like an elephant had stepped repeatedly on my leg.

   I fell down and tried kicking the thing off as Sabine kept torching more that slowly walked from the dark.

   "There's to many!" She shouted, walking in front of Cornelius and I to shield us.

   "I-It's stuck on my leg," I said timidly, wishing for a random crowbar to appear. Sabine grunted in frustration.

   "Well, woman up and get off your butt and door something useful!" She said angrily. Suddenly, her fire turned blue and sending a powerful blow to the remaining skeletons except for the skull latched onto my ankle.

   The powerful blow knocked Sabine off her feet and sent her to the ground with a sickening crack. I stood up, forgetting the pain in my ankle, before stumbling on all fours. I breathed heavily and tried to see through the dark since Sabine was knocked out.

   I crawled pathetically in the dark, using my hands to blindly find the artist. My hands brushed against what felt like clothes. I carefully sat down with a few grunts before searching for the injury near her head.

   A metallic liquid slid onto my hand when finding her injury. Shakily, I gently placed it on the gash and concentrated before a calming blue glow lit up the cave a little. I groan came from Sabine as she began to open her eyes. She blinked a few times while focusing her eyes on me.

   "W-What h-happened?" She asked drowsily.

   I grimaced a little, saying, "I don't know. You just got...mad and your fire turned blue which knocked you off your feet, I guess."

   "So you do know what had happened," she stated a bit bitterly. I shrugged as the gash fully healed and Sabine slowly sat up, igniting a fire. Forgetting about my leg, I moved around a little and grunted when feeling the pain.

"You're hurt?" Sabine stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Really. Hadn't noticed," I snarked and carefully stretched my leg out to see the giant skull still gripping on tightly. Blood stained all around and was still dripping onto the floor.

"Stop being an idiot and hold still," Sabine spat back, placing her hand on the skull, burning it off. I looked over to see Cornelius was still right where he was, unharmed and still unconscious. A crack averted my attention back to the burning skull.

"This is going to take awhile," she informed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, unless you want your leg to be burned off then I suggest taking a slower pace."

My mouth shut after that and watched her burn the temple. The only noise and light was coming from the burning fire.

"Sabine..." I said.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Why are you being nice to me?"


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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