Chapter 6

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Diana POV

My eyes fluttered open to be greeted by the familiar bedroom, Pewd was laid sprawled on the sofa so I snuck up to him whispering in his ear "big brain moment" Pewd's eyes shot open as he fell off the sofa at my feet staring up at me "since when do you know Pewdiepie references!?" He asked annoyied that I know about his youtuber counterpart "since I looked up about all your youtuber counterpart's so I can make references to annoy you all" I smirked helping him up "sometimes I think you learn too many bad habits from us" he grinned "hey I had them well before I met you guys" I pouted "rriiiggghhhttt" he dragged out. We shuffled out my room downstairs seeing Anti and Blank chilling on the sofa "what's up assholes?" I asked causing them to turn round "nothing much, you 2 have a good sleep?" Anti questioned "sleep, pttfff like I slept" he laughed nervously "bullshit" I muttered "fine I may have rested my eyes breifly just don't tell Dark or he'll have my hide" Pewd demanded.

Blank got up off the sofa strolling over to me with his hands behind his back "you ok Blanket?" I inquired "wanted to ask if you could help me with something I was making" he requested  "sure" I complied grabbing an apple quickley from the fruit basket on the table before following him.

Pewd POV

Once they were gone I grabbed Anti's arm dragging towards the meeting room where Dark was waiting in the head chair looking frustrated, Mare, Danny and Mad where sitting in other chairs scrolling through their phones or texting "finally you guys are here" Dark complained "just waiting for the Lass to wake up Darkimoo" Anti teased "sit!" Dark commanded so we did. "So you all know why I asked for us to meet like this" Dark stated glancing at us all inturn, we nodded in response "I don't like that we can't tell Di about what she is, I feel like she has a right to know" Mad suggested "but now would she reach if she knew" Danny contradicted, I sat with my head in my hands resting on the table "we've known what she is for years so she'd be enraged by us not telling her" Mare shrugged "that's why we must tell her the longer it's left the worse the affect will be" Mad explained. I sat up "I think Mad is right" I stated staring at Dark my bright blue eyes meeting his black ones "that's not the purpose of this meeting to discuss, we'll address this matter another day" Dark interjected "now Anti you say that Jackie saw them poking around her house" Dark reiterated "yea, Jackie saw Shadowiplier pokin' round the lass's house through her bedrrom window" Anti's nuckles started going white from gripping his knife too hard in frustration "question is what purpose is there in sneaking round her house?" I said "I have a fairly good idea why" Mare growled "no Mare those 2 wouldn't willingly work together they hate eachother"  Mad retorted "that rosey git does anything to get what he wants why wouldn't he work with that-" "we don't need to hear anymore creative insults save them for your songs" Dark's face got darker eyes glowing as he made eye contact with Mare, Mare gulped as he felt the dangerous aura round Dark at that moment "if they are working together it's likly they dragged in the others, they aren't dumb enough to just have 2 minions" we all reminded silent taking in the possibility "what if they try to hurt the Lass?" Anti growled his neck bleeding harder then useal "they will defiantly try to hurt her, we just have to keep her away from them so she doesn't actually get hurt" Dark concluded getting up from the table. "Danny go to check on our prisioners make sure they are still there!" Danny got up and teleported away in a burst of glitches "rest of you watch over Diana and keep an ear out for any information you're egos may give you" we all stood before walking out the room.

Diana POV

Both Blank and I finished up before returning to the living room where the other's all sat on their phones "well you guys look like your bored" "not much no" Mare stated I pouted and sat down inbetween Anti and Mare "where's Danny?" I looked round and couldn't see him "he's out visiting his human because his human just had a son" Anti explained looking over at me "ooo cute" I smiled.


I was sitting in my room looking out the window, it was so late in the afternoon it was almost evening. The others had all gone out per the useal to kill people so I didn't have anything to do so I started to sing:

"I heard that you've settled down,
That you've found a found a girl and you're married now,
I've heard the your dreams came true, guess she gave you things I couldn't give to you,
Old friend why are you so shy~,
Ain't like you to hold back, or hide from a lie,
I hate to turn up outta the blue uninvited but I couldn't stay away I couldnt fight it, I'd hope you see my face and be remained that for me it isn't over.

Never mind I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you too,
Don't forget me I beg!
I remember you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Clapping started up behind me and I turned to see a man in a red waist coat with dark brown hair black trousers and holding a cane in his right hand "that was good, you really are a siren" he stepped forward to me "what?" I was confused "wait who are you how did you get in here?" I demand "oh my apologies for not introducing myself I am Phatom, and I got in because I have a house key" ok the last bit was definitely a lie. He stepped forward towards me "but like I said you truly are a siren" "I don't know what you're talking about I'm a human" I pointed out but he just continued to move closer to me before he grabbed my chin "really you think you're human, these fools must of worked hard to cover up you're effects on them if you still think that" he smirked moving his head towards my ear before whispering in it "how about I show you what you are" then he teleported me away. Once we reappeared we were by the beach the now evening air ruffled through my hair whistling in my ears I could almost taste the salt in the air "how about you go for a little swim and you'll know everything" he smiled sickly I didn't trust this man one bit but I wanted to know if what he said was true so I dived into the water.  My legs almost immediately went numb when I submerged myself, I looked down to see that my legs were glowing a faint blue before the process started they seemed to fuse and sprout fins and scales before the new tail almost coated itself in black shining like armour, I felt something form on my neck and placing my hand against it I felt gills before I even saw that my hands were webbed. I was shocked at my new tail Phantom was right, they lied to me how could they I trusted them with my life and they go and stab me in the back like this. I swam back up to the surface sticking my head out to see Phantom grinning at me "I told you were truly a siren" he giggled "thank you for telling me this Phantom" I credited him "of course Diana I wouldn't hide anything from you" he helped pull me from the water and the second my tail left the water it turned back into my legs and the gills sealed up and my hands returned to normal. "Do you want to come with me, I would never lie to you?" He offered I didn't want to leave my friends but they lied to me thinking I wouldn't find out "not yet I want to confront them about this but after yes" I stated Phatom smiled patting me on the shoulder "just call on me when you want to leave" then we teleported back to my room before he left me there on my bed I'll talk to the boys tomorrow, I need to know why they didn't tell me.

??? POV

Phantom came back into the room and said "the plan is in motion, she knows" I smirked "good good."

The plan has started.

Author x

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