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S/N : Most of the time I divide the chapter when it turns out to be long but this time I wanted to end this chapter a certain way so this time I am not dividing it ,that means this is going to be longest till now .So you have been warned ...So read at your own free time!

But I hope you don't get bored  make sure to comment loads😬


A dainty streams of early morning light filtered through the window panes ,caging the droopy coast of the room with warm summer like feelings.Maryam lying on her stomach ,all dressed up in her white frock and a small miniscule bunch of hair ardently tied into a vigilant still pony on her forehead along with her chubby red cheeks looked like an angel alongside looking like an apple with a little pedicel.

Looking mesmerising and adorable at the same time but what aggravated the joviality of the situation was her actions . Maryam was deeply involved in caging the streams of light falling on her padded soft paw like palms but an annoyed frown was sketched on her forehead at her relentless failed attempt and her shock at the ability of stream of light escaping her every massive rigorous attempt to trap it .

While the daughter was indulged in accomplishing an unfeasible task while at the same time her mother was doing her last minute check up of her backpack which consisted of Maryam's belonging and trying to perform improbable mission which was very much feasible to every living being - to breath without going through any panic and nervous break down .

It had been almost over a month since their marriage ,Emaan was experiencing the changes ,the flips of her heart ,hitch hiking feelings , the obedient calmness and unannounced giggles and smiles ,the warm emotions that burned her yet enlightened her world like a bedazzling sunrise ,drowned her in emotions like raging oceans and bloomed and blossomed like a delicate flower all at the same time and all cause of the same man. The changes had been rampant yet welcoming but sudden thought of going actually to his house ,to be introduced as his wife ,to be judged by those who have known him ,the pressure ,the anxiousness overwhelmingly burdening and tightening the crawling anxiety's grasp bit by bit .

Emaan's eyes was moving through the things in her bag but her brain being so much cramped, she wasn't even able to focus or actually implement the task of checking the things .She didn't knew how after Fajr and quick breakfast she had rushed back to her room ,speculating again over the suitability of the dress which she had never done and which she had already spend entire part of time ruminating last night and brain pecking Sidra which hadn't resulted in a decent feedback as Sidra threatened to tie her down and let her not leave if she asked one more time .

Exhaling out and closing her eyes while invocating Allah's help ,Emaan glided her eyes once again over the ingredients of her bag before zipping it up when she turned around hearing the door open with a flushed Sidra walking in,whose expressions changed into perplexion seeing Emaan as she  ,

"What are you doing Emaan ? Why aren't you ready yet? Dr Khaled is waiting for you !".

"Does my dress look alright ?Do I look alright ?". Emaan asked glancing over herself before looking up at Sidra ,to find an acute flamboyant sense of annoyance settling on her face as she huffed ,

"What is up with you Emaan ? You weren't so paranoid choosing your wedding attire what has gone wrong with you so suddenly ?You know Dr Khaled is already head over heels for you he will like you even if you were to dress up like Tarzan !". Sidra giggled seeing the shocked expressions of Emaan who launched a comb in her direction staring at her incredulously ,

"Don't mouth absurd ! And why will I try to impress him ?". Emaan turned around picking her abaya from the bed whispering to herself ,

"He already has dozens of soon to be wife to impress him !".

"What ?So who do you want to impress !" Sidra walked upto Emaan and holding her by her shoulders added dramatically ,

"Oh don't tell me your love for your first wife is overwhelming the love for your first husband and you dont want to stay with him and come back to me ! I knew you couldn't tolerate the separation from me.But O my Romeo ! None of this vicious world can separate us since our heart....hearts are linked together like turtle and it's shell  ". Sidra sighed dreamily but a amusing curve leaking from her corners of mouth .

"Are you done ?".Emaan blinked expressionlessly before moving out of the hold to tie her hijab .

"Don't tell me you are annoyed cause of what Dr Khaled said about marriage to Laiba Amtu !".

Emaan deliberately avoided to glance up ,her mood had been on the edge ever since she had came across Khaled's shocking revelation about marrying again .And no matter how much she tried to internalise the fact that he was merely teasing her yet everytime his words and his nonchalance of sharing her space with someone else, left her burning more viciously than erupting magma and sizzling lava ,eventually her bursting specks of fire noticed by Sidra had let to narrating the cause of her state .

"Seriously Emaan ! I didn't expected this from you !".Sidra chuckled .

"What ? Wouldn't you also react the same way if Dr Hamza said such things! ". Emaan defended with a huff and irritation at her hijab which failed to set properly on her head.

"No I wouldnt !". Emaan quirked an eyebrow while Sidra went on adding ,

"I would have shaved off his and those mental butterflies hairs and made a sweater out of it and kept it in a museum with a title that's how traitor's hairs look like !".

Emaan smiling a bit before moving to pin her hijab she whispered,

"I can't do that ! And I don't care he can marry whoever he wants!". Emaan blinked before her expressions changed as she whined ,

"And all the more it's all your fault !"

"What ? What did I do ?"

"Only if you hadn't send him that picture .You can't even understand how much embarassed I feel everytime I think that seeing that picture what he will think that I was also drooling over him like other girls ...while he ...he is already out of love .This always happens with me nobody loves me for long time .Everybody leaves me while I am just....!". Emaan sighed ,the sheer depression in her voice was shocking her too ,was it all because of just mere words or was it situation of post menstrual syndrome or maybe she had lost her brain along side her heart .

What a catastrophe !.

Sidra shocked at Emaan's statement walked closer asking ,

"Emaan what do you....?". But was interrupted by the incoming call of Khaled on Emaan's phone. Emaan quickly picking up her phone whisper as she shuttle around getting her bag ,

"Assalamualaikum !Yes I am coming !". And before Khaled could respond she quickly disengaged the call .

Shoving the phone in her outer pocket of bag ,when her phone again buzzed with call making her groan as she picked up whispering ,

"Yes I am com....!"

"Will you listen to me first ! I have got Yaseen with me so come directly outside ! And walekumassalam !". With that phone was disengaged and Emaan pressing her lips looked at her phone a bit embarassed yet she couldn't ignore the butterflies of happiness fluttering inside her at the way Khaled treated Maryam and Yaseen .Like she couldn't forget when last night she had skeptically asked him over the phone ,

"Can we take Yaseen with us ?"

"Why are you asking this ?". Khaled's voice garnished with heavy confusion .

"See she is very attached and will be very sad if she comes to know of this I have gone without taking her  ...I had always thought of adopting her along with Maryam...I know it's weird but ..."

"Wait ! Wait ! When I asked why are you asking this I didn't meant for any explanation Emaan what I meant !That is that even a question to ask ?Of course she would go why do you think she will need any permission to go to her house .Just as Nabilah ,Muslim ,Wali are a part of our family so our Maryam and Yaseen ! So don't go on explaining mood !And Emaan when I married you I didnt expected you to be a mother to Nabilah ,Muslim and Wali though you already are one to them but I always had the intention to be father to my daughters .So stop embarassing me asking that can my daughters come to their home it makes me feel like I am failing as their father !".

Emaan felt tongue tied ,it felt all the capacity to vociferate her admiration had seeped down to the rigorous heartbeats of her, only if she could make him hear it  ,but neither she wanted to be embarassed nor she was so brave .

"No I didn't meant that !I was just asking..." .Emaan whispered instead .

"By the way I was told wife's order and command so since my wife is asking me can I think have I gotten a jackpot !". Khaled teased looking up from the file .

Emaan pressed her lips together not knowing what to reply when Khaled's voice sprinkled with palyfulness ,commented ,

"Well I don't mind my biwi ordering me ..."

My biwi !

"Just like she ordered me to marry as many times as I want ...".

Emaan's all rosiness and shy smiles vanished in mere seconds as she glared at the wall across her like she will burn it down and not able to bear the surging irritation she hissed ,

"Yeah sure do that !I am feeling sleepy ! Assalamualikum!" .And without waiting for any reply she disengaged the call with a huff and switched off her phone but she could still feel him all laughing and smirking.

She absolutely felt like a retard that somersaulted with happiness at his few words and drowned in sadness by his few words .

Was it really okay to be affected so much by him?

Emaan couldn't understand that how she could remain angry at him and at the same time how she was suppose to not remain angry at him when he talked like that .With fingers being clicked before her ,Emaan snapped out of her reverie to find Sidra gazing at her with curiosity seeing the rapid change of expressions of Emaan from happiness to anger in mere nanoseconds.Shaking her head as nothing, Emaan shoving her phone in her bag rushed to get Maryam but Sidra beating her to it picked her up and knowing Emaan won't share her emotional turmoil she opted asking instead,

"Are you sure you wanna take Mary..."She stopped abruptly as Maryam kept her hand on her lips ,glaring in all fury with a cute pout puckered on her lips and cheeks puffed up like cotton candies  ,annoyed at being taken away from accomplishing her crucial mission of grasping light.

Sidra blinking moved to remove the hand trying to converse with Maryam but little Mimi slapped her other hand back on Sidra's lips as Sidra squinting her eyes held her both hands, Maryam pout began wobbling and her eyes twinkled with tears making Sidra immediately leave her whispering ,

"Oh Mimi don't cr....!". But she was again stopped as Maryam again slapped her hand back on Sidra's lips leading to Emaan who until now was watching the scene with profound amusement end up chuckling and before there could ensue a battle of its own kind ,Emaan took Maryam from Sidra who was glaring both at Maryam and Emaan who holding her chuckles asked,

"Seriously Sidra you gonna fight with Maryam ?".

"What ? You are blaming me .Look how she is looking at me as if saying 'I will mince you'" Sidra imitated in childish tone before squinting her eyes at Maryam who was looking at her in annoyance but eventually pouting hid her face in Emaan's hijab while rubbing her face ,one of her ways of complaining .

"Yeah ! Yeah My baby don't worry ! I know you didn't do anything !Mumma Sidra is very bad ! Yeah ! I will scold her !".

"Allah ! Allah ! Look how cunning she is !And what's with me being bad ".Sidra moved to back of Emaan to face Maryam but Emaan backed away stroking Maryam's head while teasing ,

"Well you only say she is taking after you, right ?".

Emaan smiling moved to walk out of the room while shocked Sidra followed her closing the door behind while whining and complaining how Emaan had changed after marriage .

Rushing down the stairs ,Emaan walked through pavement leading to Al Shams building and eventually to the reception area where she could see children were already present.She brisked towards them looking around for Khaled when she saw Urwa ,Myza and other few staffs sighing off their attendance .Hoping she could pass by them without being confronted because she was no mood in being cordial .But seemed liked her fate just couldn't agree with her feelings as Zeba calling her behind let the whole majority turn back and all her hope of leaving without being seen ended with a dramatic sigh .Forcing a smile she stopped as Urwa ,Myza along with few staff walked up to her ,soon joined by Zeba.

"So you are leaving ?".Myza asked.

Emaan reclined on nodding as the best reply .

"You are so lucky Dr Emaan to be able to get lift from Dr Khaled ,to have the sheer opportunity to travel with him .Be in the same car " ,Urwa sighed before whinning again ,"Only if we hadn't gone during eid we might have been in your place !".

"And it's all more unfair that this opportunity is given to a person who doesn't need it who is already married while we single are sighing at our fate .Must say you are one lucky goose Dr Emaan!". Myza commented leading a commotion among the rest of staff .

"What ? You mean Dr Emaan is married ?".

"Yeah I also heard someone talking about it last night but I thought it was a rumour but I thought you were single Dr Emaan ?".One of the staff asked.

This led to reiteration of Sidra's absurd explanation about this mysterious marital status by Urwa, meanwhile Emaan kept looking at Sidra with expressions shrieking 'this is all your fault !' with Sidra giving her a placating smile but the matter took a worse turn when explanation was followed by teasing sessions.

"The name Al Shams would remind you more of your Shams ,right Dr Emaan !".

"Yeah that's why she is only taking one day leave as she can't stay away from Shams ...I mean Al Shams.! " Emaan felt beyond annoyed yet she somehow was able to force a smile .

"Tell us about your Shams !".

Frustrated ,Emaan glanced at Sidra when her gaze fell behind her, seeing Khaled coming along with Laiba and the way he was gently holding onto his Amtu made her unconsciously whisper with a slight blush ,

"He is simply the best !".

The sudden low squeals and gushing sounds made Emaan stumble out of her own world wanting to squash herself down for inviting unnecessary annoying teasing sessions .

"Oh some one is deeply madly in love !".

"Look how she is blushing .Wish Shams was here to see his darling wife blushing !".

But finally she felt relieved ,as their attention diverted to Khaled and Laiba as they passed by them before eventually Myza rushed to Laiba ,eroding every sense of relief with sheer irritation which was valiantly vociferated in the raging black fire of her caramel forest .

"I am so gonna miss you Amtu!". Myza uttered in a soft voice looking at Laiba while her gaze more often fell on Khaled.

Yeah right ! Emaan scoffed internally .

"With you being here it felt like my mother was here so it's going to be hard ...I am sorry if I hurted in some way!"

You are hurting her daughter in law !

"If you need anything you can always depend on me ! You have my number right !Please take of yourself ! I don't want you to be careless yourself okay !". Myza smiled ,her gaze again fluttering towards Khaled who was busy gazing at his phone .

Huffing ,Emaan looked down disappointed as Laiba smiled patting her head softly while expressing her gratitude to Myza and everyone who took care of her .

"Ma sha Allah you are such a sweet lady Dr Myza .I wish Khaled had a sister like you .It would have been so easy for me !".

Way to go Amtu !".

Emaan pressed her lips hiding her amusement seeing shocked expressions of Myza.

As being urged by Khaled ,Laiba whispering her greeting moved to walk out calling out to Emaan,

"Emaan come !". Emaan nodding, whispering greeting to staff and tightening her hold on Maryam who seemed too excited and curious to look around moved to follow them along with Sidra and Zeba when Myza stopped in her way pleading in most sweetest manner she had ever spoken to Emaan,

"Emaan can you do me a favour ? Can you please talk about how good I am and how good wife I would be to Laiba Amtu while on the way !". Seeing perplexed expressions of Emaan she added holding her hand ,

"Come on we are friends, right? I can ask this much favour !".

"No !". Emaan's direct refusal earned different reactions ,shocked reactions of Myza and Sidra while Zeba was highly amused .

But noticing the expressions ,Emaan quickly added casually ,

"Why are you guys so much after him ? Like he is not the only man on the planet !".

"Yeah he is not .But he is for me .Like haven't you seen him how good looking he is ,the way he talks ,the way he looks ,he hardly smiles but I am sure he will look...."

"Would you please stop !". Emaan gritted ,her hold on Maryam had tightened and so on her jaws .She didn't knew why but she just felt beyond annoyed .At that moment ,she only knew how much she was stopping herself from revealing the ultimate reality .

"What ? Why do you sound so annoyed ?".Myza frowned in confusion and skepticism .

"Well ! Well !" Sidra jumped in not wanting the situation to creep into doom zone ,"She will get annoyed as for her only her Shams deserve praises .No other guy .She can't tolerate anyone praising any guy ! Like who knew our innocent Emaan can be this possesive !". Sidra gave out a fake laughter while slapping Emaan's back as if wanting her to come out of her reverie zone .

"Well yeah I can understand that ! But Dr Emaan you should support me cause just like you are lover of your Shams ,I am Dr Khaled's ...!"

"Stalker !". Emaan blurted exasperated leading Zeba to snicker out amusement .

"What ?". Myza hissed .

"Joking ! She is joking ! You see Emaan has the weirdest sense of humor!" Sidra middle in patting Emaan's back harder while glaring at her as she moved to whisper in her ear pretending she was releasing Emaan's hijab from Maryam's grip .

"What is wrong with you Emaan ? Do you want them to realise the situation ?".

Pressing her lips ,Emaan slightly gazed at Sidra before looking down all mortified ,she moved to walk away but to her frustration Myza stopped her ,

"Please Dr Emaan ! You would talk to Laiba Amtu right ?".

"Why don't you understand he belongs to someone ...!"Emaan was on the edge of patience .

"What ?". Myza's eyes bulged out in shock along with Sidra and Zeba

"To Allah !". Emaan stated ," He belongs to Allah .So ask HIM if HE wills ,Allah will give you what you want if HE does not then no amount of praises or flattery will work !".

"Why are you acting so high of yourself just because I asked you some help ! Excuse me...!"

Though loving this side of Emaan but knowing the repercussions could lead to problems for her squirrel ,Sidra interrupted ,

"Dr Myza ! Control ! Its obvious anyone would reply like that if they just get one day leave and you are wasting that twenty four hours leave with your unending rants !".

Myza was all ready to retort back but was interrupted as they heard ,

"Dr Emaan if you are done we need to leave !".

Emaan nodded and glanced at everyone but her annoyance aggravated as she saw the way Myza was staring at Khaled making her quickly whispering greeting stomp away ,soon joined by Khaled when she stopped hearing Myza shout loudly ,

"Dr Emaan please do it for the sake of your Shams !".

Emaan blinked in horror before she turned back avoiding to glance at Khaled she hurried outside .

What was that about ?". Khaled asked curious .

Emaan gazed at Khaled and annoyed at the attention he was giving to Myza's statement ,she grumbled,

"Nothing !". And walked ahead while Khaled quirked his brow at her tone before smirking he tailed behind her.

Emaan tightening her hold on Maryam edged to open the door when beating her to it ,Khaled open the door instead making Emaan glance at him before looking down and whispering gratitude moved to settle inside the car but she stopped hearing Khaled ,

"Emaan you remember what I told you last night about being vigilant!".

Emaan nodded in reply but before she could move in Khaled again called her making her say,

"Yes ! I remember I will be ..."

"You are not fasting today right ?". Khaled interrupted.

"Huh !". Emaan gazed at Khaled confused yet her mind brimming various thought ,coaxed and cajoled by his intense gaze stilled on her but somehow she managed to nod in negative.

But her breath hitched as a lopsided grin bloomed his face and amusement twinkling with mysterious glint in his orbs that flickered down at her lips and keenly staying there more than seconds before looking back in her eyes he whispered ,

"Good !".

It felt like someone had splashed her face with patches of pink hue as she all embarassed looked everywhere but him ,she rushed to settle inside the car while Khaled closing the door ,stood next to it adding,

"So how about next time we keep fasts together ?".

"Huh !". Emaan blinked in shock and confusion.

"What? You don't want to ?".Khaled asked tilting his head slightly.

"Huh ! No ! I mean no I mean yes I want to !". Emaan fumbled with her words making her internally groan while Khaled smiling walked towards the car seat .

Emaan smiled at Laiba who went on narrating about her friends and house ,but actually her mind was chastising herself for being so struck at one thing .For her, that kiss which might not be called kiss in an actual sense but for her it was enough to quake her heart with tremoring feelings and no matter how much she tried to avoid thinking about that moment it would somehow slurry into her memory yet Khaled was so immune to all this,maybe it didn't mattered or effected him as it did her .And this frustrated her that how among both of them she was the only one thinking about that moment and affected by it .Didn't it heightened his heart beats ?didn't he felt the gush of serotonin flowing his veins ?does her nearness didn't calmed yet tremored his existence like his did to her ?Maybe it didn't or maybe she really had a perverted soul or perhaps some perverted female jinn has overtaken her ...

Emaan internally groaning at her thoughts tried to hide her flushed face in the head of Maryam while unknown that a pair of hazel eyes were all relishing her flustered state and adorable expressions before clearing his throat and asking everyone to recite the dua for travelling ,he started te ignition ,praying that they reached their destination safely and soundly .


Like a drifting sand in the hourglass ,

Every emotion- from scintillating furiousness at the obnoxious presence of hoverflies around her blooming blessing and her helpless to do nothing about it ,treacherous behaviour of her blessing's inclination towards hovering species ,to the regurgitating nervousness simmering in her core at her first time visiting Khaled's house , the galloping frustration against her so called no so innocent treacherous thoughts , to volcanic anxiety ready to erupt at the sheer preposition of meeting new people ,the fear of being coming across any fugitive group and dampened by the horror of the series of catastrophe it could end up condensing down on the souls she had come to ardently cherish ,each and every speck of feelings trickled down ,evaporating into thin air leading to formations of clouds of thought that shaded everything her mind was simmering with from past hours ,leaving her brain more symmetrical to an empty vessel, allowing more space for resonance of only one thought about the grandeur destination that stood before her - the Al Hassam house .

Emaan tightened her grip on her hands while smiling forcefully at Wali excitedly gushed about reaching their home leaning onto Emaan .Unbuckling his seatbelt Khaled gazed back smiling at Wali's enthusiasm but his brow twitched as he noticed the pale face of Emaan.He slightly raised his brow at Emaan questioning but she ended their no words conversation with a slight nod of her head and soft smile .With a slight nod,Khaled moved out of the car to open the main black entrance gate making Emaan eyes glide back over to the house.

The light french beige coloured boundary walls were crowned with natural tiara of creepers studded with numerous blooming red tears like flowers on its branches that had began stretching it's verdurous caress over the black gate while some had dropped down by the petulant strokes of winds in the welcome of the arrival of its residents .

Opening the lock and gate wide ,Khaled rushed back to the car and finally drive inside the house increasing the pace of Emaan's heart as the view of Al Hassam house became clearer and nearer.Parking on the side ,Khaled stopped the engine while Laiba smiling at Emaan ushered ,

"Come ! Come Emaan ! We are finally here !Oh Allah !Yaseen fell asleep ! Okay no problem ! You carry Maryam I will take care of Yaseen !".

"No ! No Amtu ! It won't be good for your shoulder ! Don't worry I will manage !". Emaan asserted politely .

"But how will you ? Okay let me carry Maryam !".

Before Emaan could refuse with a kind and caring reason ,Khaled interrupted  ,

"Amtu ! Emaan is right ! You shouldn't burden your shoulders yet .I will take care of Yaseen while Maryam is with Emaan already".

Agreeing with a sigh and shake of head ,Laiba ushered ,

"Okay ! Now do you plan to stay in the car only ! Come Emaan ! Come Nabilah ,Muslim step out hurry !". She hollered to Nabilah and Muslim sitting at the back.

Smiling ,Emaan nodded and took hold of her back pack and shuffling Maryam correctly in her arms who had also dozed off like her sister Yaseen ,Emaan moved to open her side of door as Khaled open the door for Laiba from other side .But to her frustration the door won't open ,she didn't understand the rivalry she had started having with doors all of a sudden ,when ending her efforts ,Khaled carrying Yaseen in his one arm open the door from outside smiling as he remarked ,

"Don't go on fighting with doors you already got a husband to do the door opening job for you !". Khaled smiling at flushed expressions of Emaan while Emaan feeling drench in sheer embarassment making sure not to look up yet trying to act uneffected,she let the over excited Wali to jump out of the car before she moved when Khaled asked ,

"Give me your bag !". Emaan confused yet she followed the request and passed his bag when Khaled added ,

"Now come out !".

Understanding the meaning behind his actions,Emaan smiled softly before coming out of the car .Taking the bag-pack back and dangling on her one shoulder as Maryam dozed on the other, she moved ahead but thinking it was harshly impolite of her of not thanking him ,she walk back to find Khaled unlocking the child lock at the edge of car door which he had meticulously put on while closing the door at the start of their journey both for safety and teasing.Khaled straighten up to find Emaan staring in disbelief and sheer shock making Khaled glance away while clearing his throat as he closed the door ,a bit embarassed at his previous cockiness downfalling such a doom.Scratching his eyebrow with his finger he smiled looking at Emaan before shrugging,

"Its not forbidden for a husband to use some tricks to impress his wife ,right ?".

Using all her stamina not to let those  facial muscles curve into a evidence of her being enchanted and entranced by his ways and expressions ,Emaan giving a stern gaze turned on her heels and walked away while Khaled squinting his one eye ruffled his back hair whispering ,

"Idiot !". Before moving to get the luggage from the boot .

Walking towards Laiba ,Wali and Nabilah who stood in the middle of porch while Muslim remained with Khaled .Emaan couldn't help but feel two variants in her existence one was the sheer eerie feeling she felt in her pit and other was the sheer awe over the majesty of the house .

Build in an archaic style ,Al Hassam house was just like it's members majestic yet oozing simplicity and serenity .The two storey house colour coordinating with the light french beige colour of the boundary walls ,had its main entrance angled like a royal castle ,with regal porticoes supported on two columns while the area outside the porticoes had a big concrete open porch area except the corners of boundary wall, where series of small plants along with a adolescent olive tree were breathing ,shinning and sparkling from the aftereffects of the last night heavenly shower .Apart from little floral minions, two huge trees at the two corners of large entrance bloomed magnificently ,whose thick branches and trunks commanded about the eras they had experienced and those wrinkles alluding how it was the witness of generations of Al Hassam family .One of the trees next to which Khaled had parked his car was all green with ting of yellows with no fruits and flowers while the tree adjacent to it was still carrying few gifts of spring  decorated in its green locks had a swing attached to it which Wali was most enthusiastic about showing it to Emaan towards it but Laiba stopped them saying ,

"Not now Wali you can play on swings afterwards ! Don't you want your Ammi to see your house ?" Laiba asked politely causing Wali who was pouting crack into grin as he nodded excitedly .

Laiba chuckled before looking at Emaan saying ,

"Come Emaan ! Welcome to your new home !". Smiling, Laiba walked inside the porch while fiddling in her handbag searching for the key .

But Emaan stood standstill.

The word home was composite of few alphabets but the meaning it held was a depth unchartered. For some it could be mere surrounding walls and for some it was a world in itself ,a galaxy of warmth ,peace and tranquility  .And to Emaan ,she had always struggled to find her sense of belonging anywhere else except her home with her parents .No matter where she went ,she felt chained and shackled ,and every drifting second felt like increasing intensity of clutches of suffocation.And just as she stepped within the vicinity of her house ,it felt her existence founded wings ,like how it felt freeing her hair tied in those buns and wrapped under the hijab and letting the cool wind touched her perspiring scalp ,the peace was asimilar and maybe beyond it .It was her space ,her territory .Like her shell to her pearl like existence .But after her parents demise, that shell had become a cage of torment and despair ,like it wept with her about the tragedy ,it sung dirge about happy memories that won't be ever lived again .The sense of belonging ,that feel of serenity ,that vision of home was gone and lost .Rather it had become a place that haunted her peace and howled her existence with anxieties and pain yet she had nowhere else to go .She was trapped and she had tried to escape this engagement not in search of a home, she had never expected to find herself a home again ,she was just a mere vagabond knowing very well her home was with Allah .But then suddenly her life stumbled her across this magnificent encounter ,staggering every walls and towers of her heart offering her nomadic being a home yet nursing her existence were innumerable fears of what if ...

What if she couldn't feel the sense of belonging ,what if she felt suffocated ,where she would run to ,could she survive with her existence burdened down with uneasiness ,what if she could never find a home in this home ,what she would do ,what if she ended up ruining everything,what if she wasn't the blessing they thought her to be ...

Amidst her echoing thoughts ,she heard Laiba opening the lock and turned back ushering ,

"Why are you still standing there Emaan?Come ! Don't be shy !".

But Emaan felt like her feet were bolted ,she wanted to move ,she wanted to free herself from the fears and take a step towards new residence of hope but it felt burdening ,her cacophonous thoughts making it much more difficult .When instantly quietening her every thoughts and hitching her breath , Khaled slipped his hand in Emaan's and gripped it tightly making Emaan to gaze up to find him already looking at her with a smile and slight tilt of head he encouraged ,

"Come !".

And that mere word and his soft smile was enough to rejuvenate her tattered existence with new found courage and strength .She had suffered, suffered a lot but she was never a princess awaiting a prince to save her ,she wasnt expecting someone to fight her battle yet she always looked out for HIS mercy ,for a light to reach her dark world to brighten atleast some spheres of her surroundings yet she ended up blessed with a dazzling light that was filling her world slowly and steadily with so much light ,like the darkness never existed or wasn't so excruciating leaving her shocked ,elated and somewhat scared all at the same time .

Smiling back with her hold on Khaled's hand automatically tightening ,she followed him before he eventually pulled her alongside him with Muslim walking beside hesitatingly held her bag pack .Noticing it and understanding what Muslim was trying to do ,Emaan couldn't control her smile as she gazed at Muslim with a grateful smile who was all awkward and embarassed also ended up smiling seeing the beautiful reaction of Emaan and no sooner Wali also rushed in and seeing no place to hold he held Emaan's abaya earning chuckles from everyone while Laiba couldn't help gush over the portrait these couples and kindness that surrounded them reflected ...it was purely magical which she knew Nabilah standing next to her couldn't deny as she gazed all lost .

With Bismillah on their lips followed by salam ,they entered house and Emaan in at first glance was smitten by the simplicity and regality of house .The small lobby gave way to a open courtyard which was half shaded by the shadow of the tree peaking above it .With porticoes running each side leading to various rooms  .In between spaces of pillars,there were beautiful plants pots .And at the end of courtyard ,was a staircase that lead to the one of the front terraces of house but Emaan's eyes excursion came to an early end as she heard Laiba gasp,

"Ya Allah ! Its so dirty !Khaled you should have told me it had gotten so dirty I would have come before and got it cleaned then gotten Emaan here ! What a mess to bring a newly bride in this messed up house !". Laiba huffed.

"It has been closed since months so it was expected I guess !".Khaled shrugged but ended up with a slap on his arm as Laiba chided ,

"Expected right ? Now you will pay the price, join me in cleaning ! Every member will participate in cleaning ! We need to give a not only warm but clean welcome to Emaan, okay ? " Seeing everyone nod while Khaled smiled as Laiba turned at Emaan ,

"Emaan you my habibti come settle here " Laiba gestured at the sofa in the corridor, "while we will quickly finish the cleaning I am so sorry for this !".

"No Amtu please don't apologise and can't I also join you in cleaning .It will help in cleaning faster and I don't want you burden yourself because of me .And Maryam is also asleep so there won't be problem !" Emaan kept on adding reason hurriedly trying to persuade and coax Laiba in any way.

"Emaan I know it has been over a month to your wedding but this is your first in your house and I can definitely cannot let you clean the house .I know I am old but not that old that I can't pamper my much awaited daughter in law !". Laiba smiling patted her cheeks.

"I know I am a new member Amtu" Emaan gulped ,"But I am as much part of the family and this house as any old member right ?".

"Yes habibti ! You are equally precious and important member of the family !Why would you ask such a question ?". Laiba frowned tapping Emaan's shoulder blade.

"Then that also means I also have the same right and responsibilty of taking care of the house as any other member right ! So please also let me perform my responsibilty ! Please don't take away my right !" Emaan insisted.

"Seriously as if Khaled wasn't enough to leave to me speechless with his words I ended up getting a daughter in law who is no less in word department !". Laiba huffed before smiling,

"Come with me ! First get rid of these abayas before we get to work !Khaled you keep the luggage in the kids room !".

Seeing Khaled nod Laiba moved through the corridor ushering Emaan to follow her when Khaled whispered to Emaan moving to pass by him ,

"I wish someone also started showing such passion in practising rights over something else or someone to be specific !". Khaled lowered to Emaan's eye level and smiled while she moved back lowering her head mumbling to herself,

"Why don't you ask your millions of soon to be wives !".

The curve on Khaled's lips turn into a wide grin as he ended up hearing her and relishing the jealousy phase of her little warrior as if all ready to vanquish his non existent rivals ,he whispered all so innocently ,

"Well not a bad idea !".

Emaan jerked her head up shocked that he heard her but more stunned at his blasphemous views and nonchalant behaviour making her eyes shine with burning black fire of rage that was consuming the soft brown of her eyes .

Khaled pressed his lips seeing the expressions which made her look like a cute angry kitten but keeping his amusement at bay and nonchalance a necessary masquerade ,he asked,

"Ever since we have come back from hospital aren't you glaring at me too much Biwi ?" .

"This is not the hospital so you are not my senior doctor so I can do whatever I want !". Emaan huffed and was moving to walk out when Khaled stepped closer making Emaan walk back instead ,

"Yeah I am not your senior here but I am your husband everywhere and my job of being your husband still continues.And since you already know how dedicated I am to my job and as you reminded that we are not in hospital it's all better for me to perform my job,right ? ."Khaled wiggled his eyebrow while Emaan all flustered look around not knowing what to reply ,her knees getting weak before his intense gaze when she heard her Laiba calling her giving her much needed reason to escape.While Khaled grinning  held Yaseen closer and pulling the trolley bag with other he walked towards kids room while calling out for them who had rushed towards to their room just after entering the house.


After persuasion and coaxing ,Laiba had agreed of dealing with only Khaled's room as it was the newly wed's room and she could allow them to clean it ,while Emaan was given charge of vaccum cleaning and dusting with cooperation of three commando battalion - disinterested Nabilah , quiet Muslim and excited Wali while Khaled had taken upon most strenuous job with cleaning courtyards ,corridors and washrooms .

With everything settled ,Laiba had left for upstairs to take care of Khaled's room while others were ready to get on with their jobs when Khaled stopped each of them making all four of them look at each other before gazing back at Khaled as he went on instructing,

"Make sure you don't climb high places or lift heavy things .I don't want anybody to get hurt in the name of cleaning .So be careful .Especially you Emaan ?".

Emaan who was nodding all the while blinked shocked and dumbfounded which took a turn of embarassment as she heard Nabilah snicker a bit making her puff her face before asserting ,

"I am not a kid !".

"Oh really ? Then why don't you prove it !". Khaled smirked taking a step closer.

Emaan cleared her throat looking at children gazing back at them inquisitively while she look back at Khaled, adorning a frown but her cheeks had started to heat up .

"What do you mean ?".

"You don't know what I mean ?" Khaled stressed each word before he added quirking his brow ,

"Then why are you blushing ?".

"Huh !" Emaan stared at him in disbelief and above all she wasn't understanding what was wrong with him couldn't he see children were seeing them when he stopped a one step distance away from her saying,

"I just wanted you to prove by stop being clumsy like kids and be responsible more to yourself ! But what were you thinking that made you blush ?" ,Khaled blinked before adding in shock ,

"Oh don't tell me you were.... " Khaled left the sentence hanging and smirking he commented,

"So you aren't that innocent as you look like Emaan huh ?". Khaled curbed his grin seeing the dumbfounded expressions of Emaan who stuttered all confused and taken aback ,

"I ..I wasn't ...!".

"You were not ?" Khaled tilted his head slightly acting all naive and innocent ,"Then why were you blushing ?I can't believe it ?Seriously Emaan ! You ? " Khaled shook his head while thoroughly enjoying the panic of Emaan .

"No it's nothing like that" ,Emaan asserted whining,"I am innocent !".

Khaled clearing his throat to control his laughter continued teasing when heard they Laiba ,

"What are you doing ? I thought you guys would have already started ?". Laiba step down the last stair.

"Amtu ! See he is troubling me unnecessarily !". Emaan whined while Khaled tried to control his urge to pinch her cheeks hard.

"Khaled ?".

"What did I do ? Your daughter in law is only having not so innoce..." Emaan wide eyes quickly raised her hands before Khaled's mouth mumbling out quickly,

"Amtu don't listen to him he is talking nonsense !".

"Oh really ! I am talking nonsense ! "Khaled quirked his brow ,"Then now I will surely reveal !".

Emaan quickly came across Khaled holding his forearm she whined cum pleaded ,

"Please ! Na kare na pareshaan !".

(Don't trouble me! )

"Amtu ! Listen...."

"Please !" .Emaan pouted whining and her hold on Khaled tighten while Khaled was a mess of grinning and chuckling.

But in all this ruckus ,Laiba stood dumbstruck and the cause was that playfulness , that unrestrained smile , the unfiltered and unbothered laugh which Khaled had left behind in his journey of life ,that Laiba thought she will never meet again she was miraculously seeing before her eyes .It was like seeing that small Khaled back again laughing and enjoying and she couldn't be more grateful with tears settling in her eyes in the sheer delight of it. And to know this miracle was possible because of Emaan ,the beautiful mercy of Allah ,Laiba felt every doubt that might have sheltered in her heart fading away and giving refuge to one thought that Emaan was the blossom in the desert of Khaled's heart .Only she could bloom his life back with fragrance of love and happiness .

Praying for them and controlling her smile ,she cleared her throat gaining their attention ,

"Come on you can have your flirting session later .My friends called me they had seen us entering the house ,they said they might come in an hour or some .So get on cleaning !".

Emaan who was already drench in embarassment was now drowning while Khaled felt his mischievousness fading away to give way for awkwardness and mortification .Nodding their head ,they move to get on their job while Laiba move to go back to Khaled's room when Khaled whispered while passing by ,

"See you not so innocent wife !".

"Amtu !". Emaan whined puffing her cheeks .

"Khaled !". Laiba chided from the stairs while controlling her smile as Khaled chuckling rushed outside .

Despite her irritation and annoyance ,Emaan couldn't find herself in control to stop the butterflies in her stomach and flipping of her heart as everytime she picked up anything even that wasn't so heavy ,Khaled would somehow end up there and help her with it ,everytime she had to climb a bit of height for dusting or picking up a thing he would be there in an instant .Initially she was shocked but eventually she found out it was Wali acting as a little informer ,a cute Robin to a handsome Batman .

Done with the vaccum cleaning of room ,Emaan was dusting it along with Nabilah when she heard her ,

"Can you take that trophy down .I wanna show it to Yaseen when she wakes up !".

Blinking in shock as Nabilah was talking to her ,Emaan immediately agreed without any query or question .But being at top shelf her hand couldn't reach it but not wanting to give up so early when things could get better between her and Nabilah from this mere action.She looked around when Nabilah pushed a small stool toward her gesturing her to climb it .Muttering gratitude ,Emaan climbed it and quickly got hold of the trophy with sheer victorious smile and passed it to Nabilah before moving to get down when Nabilah asked her ,

"Can you get the ball from the top ! Wali wanted to play with it !".

Emaan nodded but seeing it resting on the top of almirah she gulped but whispering Bismillah with determination she perched on her toes to reach it .Yet failing despite several attempt she leaned at the almirah and stretched her one hand more to reach the ball and she had almost got the ball when everything took a rough turn as stool shook and so her balance .But unlike the ball that dropped on the floor and bouncing sweeped on the side before Wali took it ,Emaan's hand found the unexpected support of broad shoulder and arms slipping around her waist held her firm .Feeling the warm air on her face ,Emaan opened her eyes to find the hazel eyes glaring back at her and all the relief that she felt from not falling was now evaporating swiftly .

Avoiding his gaze ,Emaan moved back but Khaled's hands stayed on her waist until Emaan had climbed down the stool .Feeling his gaze ,Emaan pressed her lips thinking of thanking him when beating him to it Khaled remarked not trying to hide at all that he was pissed off ,

"When are you going to start listening to me Emaan ?".

"I listen to you !".

"Yeah only listen but you don't follow them !".

Emaan had started becoming used to soft ,romantic ,cheesy version of Khaled and so everytime when she stumbled with his dracula version even if it was nurtured by care and concern she couldn't help but feel sad,hurt and annoyed .

"I didn't fall...and I had climbed on the stool only after making sure that if I fall I won't get hurt much!". Emaan reasoned innocently hoping Khaled's anger will subside seeing her precautionary attitude but instead she received a flick on her forehead as Khaled taunted ,

"Seriously what character are you ? People make sure they don't get hurt while you go on seeing how less you get hurt .Seriously what should I do with you Emaan ?". Khaled rubbed his brows in frustration .

Emaan felt guilty but she also felt embarassed and annoyed to be scolded before Nabilah and Wali and pressing her lips she looked away whispering ,

"Once a karela ,always a karela !".

Khaled's brows quirked up and he removed his hand as he asked ,

"What did you just say ?".

"Ah..nothing worthy!".Emaan stuttered.

"Did you just call me Karela ?".

Emaan opened and closed her mouth while stepping back as Khaled inched closer before she tried to rush towards the sofa and Khaled chased after her .And Wali all excited assuming they were playing joined them running behind Emaan.They both circled around the sofa as Khaled avoided climbing it knowing well Wali will follow him up and he didn't wanted him to fall. When Khaled wanting to end this chase asked ,

"Nabilah stop Emaan from the other side !".

Though Nabilah wasn't interested and annoyed at everything, she couldn't ignore her akhi's words as she moved to stop Emaan but instead Wali acting as knight in cute t -shirt armour threw cushion at Nabilah shocking everyone but no sooner Nabilah also stood up picking up pillow ready to launch and Wali also ready with attack when Khaled stop him ,

"Wali don't ! Good men don't hit ladies ".Wali pouted when he cracked a smile hearing Khaled's next words ,

"But light pillow fight is allowed !". And before Emaan and Nabilah could grasp the meaning ,pillows was launched at them initiating a pillow battle and ensuing laughter ,squeals and giggles .When putting a break ,a throat was cleared and they looked at the door to find Laiba standing with a stare of disbelief ,

"What is going on here ?" ,They all looked at eachother ," Seriously we can have guests here anytime and you are doing pillow fight !Who started it ?".

Khaled ,Emaan and Nabilah at once gazed at little Wali who a bit shocked ,confessed innocently ,

"But Abba said we can play light pillow fight !".

Everyone and Laiba's gaze travelled to Khaled as she asked sternly ,

"Khaled ?".

Giving a look of "et tu brute' to his son who was still oblivious to the term ,Khaled gaze back at Laiba defending ,

"Well it's not my fault .Your daughter in law is to be blamed !".

"What did I do ?" Emaan panicked as every gaze turn to her.

"You called me a karela !". Khaled stated while Emaan tried to clarify but Khaled interrupted ,

"What ? You didn't ?".He quirked his brow as if challenging Emaan to deny .

While having nothing,Emaan pressing her lips gazed down with a sheepish look.

"What's Ka....ela ?What ?".Laiba frowned

"Its Karela meaning bittergourd !". Khaled explained giving a soul look to Emaan.

And so sooner Laiba realised the meaning ,she burst out laughing leaving Khaled shocked yet profoundly embarassed .And seeing the reaction of Laiba ,Emaan also couldn't control the twitching of her lips but she drink down all her grin by pressing her lips hard feeling the Khaled's annoyed expressions but she failed hearing Amtu next .

"Allah ! What a perfect name ! And coincidently they both start with K ".

"Seriously Amtu ! You too !" Khaled shook his head in disbelief and seeing Emaan smiling behind her hands he whispered ,

"Haslo Biwi !Haslo ! Cause once I get my hand on you then we will see who will be laughing !". Khaled challenged .

( Laugh )

"Aap hame dhamki de rhe !". Emaan asked shocked.

( You are threatening me ).

"No just stating a fact hayati !". Khaled ended with a smirk before walking out complaining to Laiba who continued to laugh while Emaan didn't knew was she suppose to take this warning seriously or just ignore it .

But the misery was ignoring him or his words was just becoming an impossible task day by day ,seconds by seconds.


Cleaning process had come to it's last term,Emaan was preparing milk for Maryam who had woken up all cranky and famished with Laiba taking upon the job to distract her in the outside garden until the ingredients to satisfy Maryam's little growling tummy was ready.

Shaking the bottle Emaan moved to check the temperature of milk when she heard a loud thud and she rushed outside to find Wali who was playing with ball had actually dropped the bucket carrying the soapy water which Khaled was using to clean the courtyard .Seeing Wali moving to walk through the soap water to get his ball ,Emaan rushed ,

"Wali wait ! You will fall !I will get it for you !".Emaan ushering Wali to stand far wide from the water and taking off her loafers moved to get the ball .

Walking cautiously ,she moved through the water ,that turned out much slippery than she had expected .She glanced back to make sure Wali wasn't following her ,was left confused seeing him no where .She turned back when her leg slipped slightly as she held on to the wall,while breathing hard and whispering Alhamdulillah .Wanting to get done with job without breaking her any bone and more than that she was fearful if anyway in obliviousness fell down , she decided to get the ball then to clean it quickly .Keeping her support on the wall ,Emaan bended to pick the ball up but her hand slipped and so her leg but before she land on the ground ,she was saved .

Shock and relief washed her face as she came across Khaled and her hold on his shirt and arm tighten a bit before it loosened as she heard Wali squealing with happiness ,

"Abbu saved Emmi !"

Loosening her grip ,Emaan moved to stand straight and scurry out of his hold ,but to much bewilderment ,Khaled who was helping her suddenly loosened his grip making Emaan end up disbalancing all ready for the fall before Khaled held her again .With thundering heartbeat and hitch hiking breath ,she glanced up to find her saviour smirking making her frown as she whispered in disbelief ,

"You did that on purpose ?".

"You see someone was saying I was a karela so I am just acting my part !". Khaled shrugged loosening his grip causing Emaan slip before she yelp tightening her hold on his arm when a warmth spread her heart as she heard Wali ,

"Abbu don't .Emmi will fall down !".

But her husband was seriously turning out to be some incarnation of dracula as he assured ,

"Don't worry Wali .Your Abbu is just playing with Emmi !". Khaled smirked at Emaan while she gawked at him incredulously.

"Can I also play ?".

"No Wali ! Only two people can play this !". Wali pouted before nodding on the other hand Emaan tried to grasp the wall to hold it as support to free herself from Khaled but defuting all her attempt ,Khaled slackened his grip causing Emaan to slip before he catched her again making her hold on to him tightly while whinning in helplessness,

"Please don't ! I will fall !".

"I am a Karela right ?You can't expect sympathy from a bitter person like me !". Khaled smirked acting of loosing his grip round her waist .

"No you are not !". Emaan whined holding onto him tightly .

"Then what I am ?". Khaled cocked an eyebrow .

"You are a very nice karela !" Emaan exclaimed urgently looking at the dirty floor filled with foam of soap water .

"What ?".

Emaan look back at Khaled realising what she had uttered making her quickly reiterate ,

"I ..I mean you are very nice !".

Khaled controlling his smile meticulously nodding his head asked ,

"And ?"

"And ...and  ! " Emaan looking around before slightly glanced up praising,

"You are very sweet and very kind !" .Emaan shook her head frantically .

"Why do I feel like you are not saying it sincerely ?".Khaled  quirked an eyebrow .

"No ! I am ! I am !". Emaan denied clutching his shirt tightly fearing he would loosen his grip .

"So who is the karela now ?".Khaled asked biting his inner cheek to resist the smile urging to dazzle on his face .

"Anyone but you !". Emaan mumbled quickly and the cuteness of her making it difficult for him to resist a grin but restraining it he asked ,

"So you are not going to call me Karela ?"

"Ah...!".Emaan blinked thinking .

"I think my grip is loosing !".

"No !" Emaan yelped wide eyed ," I won't !I won't !".  Emaan shook her head with pout pulverising his effort as he eventually ended up chuckling leaving Emaan confused .

When encasing relief ,Khaled finally pulled her back on her feet and her breath still heavy with all nervousness,panic ,she continued holding onto him tightly fearing if he again went on pranking with her but instead she felt Khaled tightening his hold round her waist and back .And finally stable on the ground and effects of adrenaline rush diminishing a bit ,Emaan realising their condition tried to move back but instead Khaled tighten his hold more strongly leaving her in much deeper mess of nervousness and panic as she stuttered ,

"Wha..t?". But before Khaled could answer they heard voices from outside entering in and in palpitation ,Emaan in panic tried to move out of his hold ,

"Emaan wait...!" The sheer haste let them both end up falling down with Khaled sitting on the floor drenched in soap water while Emaan saved being landed on his lap. Yet they had hardly recover from the fall when the voices finally took the human form as Laiba carrying Maryam entered along with his friends smiling but all their smile replaced shocks and gasps seeing the scene before them .

Beyond embarassed ,Emaan quickly removing her hands from Khaled's neck and chest moved to stand up while Khaled removing her hands from her waist followed her.They both all flushed and awkward mumbled greetings ,not even daring to look up.

Laiba not knowing how to react but quickly wanting to handle the situation chuckled saying ,

"'Ant taqum bialtanzif wa'anah mae alma' la yumkin 'an yantahi dun 'an yasqut 'ahadu?".( You are cleaning and that to with water it can't happen that it end without anyone falling ?"). Laiba forced a chuckle as some woman in the gang smiled when Wali commented innocently thinking he was helping his parents not knowing he was making the matter worse .

"They were not cleaning but playing .I wanted to buy Abbu said only two people can play !".

Emaan wished that the floor below her would crack up and she would be swallowed in it .Only she knew how she was standing there when she felt drowning in the sea of embarassment and Khaled was no different .

Laiba blinked before chuckling loudly ,

"Wali can be very funny ! Wali go play okay ? And you both are not hurt right ?". Laiba asked smiling yet her eyes shooting daggers .

Both quickly nodded in negative making Laiba sigh in relief before addressing her friends ,

"Come ! Come but be careful as you will end up like them ?".

Directing them to the room ,Laiba walk back to Khaled and Emaan standing as innocent culprits as Laiba chided them ,

"What is wrong with you two today ?".

"I was just going to get the ball !". Emaan tried to defend herself .

While Khaled scratching his brow added saying ,

"Yeah Amtu its not like what you think it was ..!".

"Yeah ! Alright ! Now I don't have time for this .I am going in but as soon as I call you Emaan come inside okay ?".

Seeing Emaan nod ,she addressed Khaled saying ,

"You also clean yourself and this place .They would want to meet you too !".

Seeing Laiba brisk walked towards living area after more instructions ,Emaan whined,

"Everything is ruined ! What they will be thinking of me ?"

"Not so innocent wife of Khaled !" .Khaled teased.

Emaan glanced up all annoyed and irritated ,her eyes all ready to drain down, knocking down every playfulness of Khaled as he quickly assured ,

"Okay ! Okay I won't say it again !".

Emaan glared at Khaled before looking down sniffing she blurted ,

"It's all your fault !".

"What did I do ?". Khaled asked taken aback .

Emaan blinked at him with teary eyes before gazing away and clamping her face she whimpered,

"What they will be thinking of me ? Amtu was so excited to introduce me to them but now everything is ruined! I know they won't like me ! I know they will hate me !".

Sighing ,Khaled removed her hands only to come across a red nosed and teary eyed face of his wife making him sigh again as he leaned a bit whispering ,

"Why does it matter whether they like you or not ? Amtu was excited cause she wanted to share her happiness and thats all ,not for some exhibition of you .And if someone doesn't understand why you are a source of my happiness then we don't need to give them explanation or be bothered about it .Isn't it enough that Allah thinks you are best for me ,why do I or you need anyone else's validation?".

Emaan sniffed looking down ,her anxiety lowering a bit as she confessed ,

"I..I am not seeking validation but ...I also don't want people close to you and Amtu dislike me ?".

Khaled sighed and removing the little smudge of soap on her nose with his sleeves he asserted ,

"If you can win over me then they can't be any difficult for you ?".

"But I don't even know how that happened ?".Emaan mumbled to herself rubbing her nose .

"Just be yourself ! That would be enough !". Emaan glanced up ,her lips already stretched in a small shy smile with stomach concocting warm feelings that flutter inside her every cell and tissue .

When giving a break to the surging feelings ,Emaan heard Amtu calling her and she with panic stricken expressions gazed at Khaled who patted her head assuring ,

"It will be alright in sha Allah .They are non vegetarian but they won't eat you !". Khaled chuckled but seeing frown of Emaan he added ,

"I will stand outside the living room so don't worry .Go now before we are doubted of doing something we aren't !".

Embarassed and flustered ,Emaan rushed to the kitchen and getting Maryam's milk and water for the guests as they didnt had any refreshments to serve,she walked inside the room forcing a smile while her quivering heart was all ready to sprint out as soon as she had stepped in and the piercing gazes wasnt helping in any manner or sense but knowing he was there outside ,was enough to keep her steady and keep pasing smiles occasionally .Keeping the tray on the table ,she took hold of Maryam who seeing her had started crying more and gesticulating her arms to be picked up .Taking her up from Laiba while embarassed to baby talk her with everyone gawking at her ,Emaan adjusting Maryam in her arms and opening the milk bottle began feeding her but eventually she sat as Laiba gestured her towards the single sofa .

"'Iidhan fahi laysat min Syria?".

(So she is not from Syria?).

"La hi min alhind"

(No she is from India).

"Taeraf alearabiatu?".

( She knows Arabic ?).

"'Iinaha tafham 'ajza munha!".

( She understands bits of it !).

"Limadha adturirt lilzawaj min kharij Syria? 'Ala yumkinuk aleuthur ealaa shakhs min huna wahi aydan ladayha tifla ?Madha ean walidayha? Wahal 'ahad minhum silat bi Syria?".

(Why did you had to go marrying someone outside of Syria ? Couldn't you find someone from here and that too she has a child ? What about her parents ? Are anyone one of them related to Syria ?).

"La lisu kadhalik ?"

"No they are not !".

"Wlkin kayf yumkin 'an yatu 'iilaa huna fi hadha alwaqt fi Syria ?"

(But how could they come here at this time in Syria ?).

"Hum laysuu 'akthara!".

(They are no more !).

"Laiba ma khatbaka?Antahaa bik al'amr bialzawaj min mithl hadhih al'ahjar alkarimat mithl abnik lishakhs lays min Syria, la yuerif thaqafatuna ,ladayh tifl bialtabaniy walam yaeud walidiha? Hal hawalt hataa maerifat nasabihim? Madha law kharajit..."

(Laiba what's wrong with you ? You ended up marrying such a gem like your son to a someone who isn't from Syria ,doesn't knows our culture ,has a adopted child and her parents are no more ? Do you even tried to know of their lineage ? What if she turn out ....)

"My parents were believing Muslim always trying to live a life that was pleasing to Allah ,fearing of doing anything that drives them away from Sirat ul mustaqeem ,standing up for right, being kind to every being no matter who and where they come from ,following the footsteps of our beloved Prophet that was the lineage of my parents and so is mine !". Emaan concluded gazing around at the women and finally resting at Laiba ,a bit apprehension shining in her eyes but it flicker away as she saw Laiba give her reassuring smile .

When one of the women stood up and walked upto Emaan ,Laiba apprehensive followed and Khaled hearing worried tone of Laiba rushed inside.Emaan blinked at the tall woman who stood before her and her thudded with anticipation when concluded all suspense and drama ,the woman softly patted Emaan's head commenting,

"No Doubt Khaled chose you .No apology it's Faiza wrong she asks stupid thing .Proud of what you do, adopt and be mother .Cute baby ,cute Ummi .And ..We sorry habibti ! " She looked at Khaled showing thumbs up ,

"Good job .Your choice very beautiful ! Ma sha Allah she is very beautiful  ! Right everyone ? Her skin so soft ! Eyes ma sha Allah".Most of the praises were in Arabic but Emaan had make out some of it leading her to blush in embarassment  .

Everyone came one by one congratulating and patting Emaan's head lovingly when the woman named Faiza commented ,

"'Iinaha la shay 'amam abnat 'alhi Sanobar !"

(She is nothing before my niece Sanobar !).

Everyone glared at her while Emaan looked at everyone when Khaled sucked everyone's attention as he asked ,

"Faiza Amtu hal khalaqat aibnat 'ukhtik Sanobar?".

(Faiza Amtu did you created your niece Sanobar ?).

Emaan confused and everyone amused stared at Khaled while Faiza baffled replied ,

"Ay nawe min alasiilat hadhe ?Bialtabe lam 'alfeali khalq Allahi !.

(What kind of question is that ? Ofcourse I didn't ! Allah created !).

"Fakayf takun mthyzan wqhan ealaa shay khalaqah Allah , 'aw hal taetaqid 'ana Allah mnhazan fi khalq baed almakhluqati ? Laqad khalaq Allah Kula khalq bialhubi wahubik liaibnat 'ukhtik yajealuk tarahan kamilatan fala bas lays ladaya mushkilat mae dhalik lakinani sa'uwajih muskilatan mae hadha alhubi 'iidha 'adeift habi.Bialnisbat lak ,fa'iina aibnat 'ukhtik mithaliat wabialnisbat Li ,fa'iina Emaan alkhasi bi hu,lidha sa 'akun mlzmaan lilghayat 'iidha kunt tahtarim khiari li 'anani 'ahtarim aikhtiaraka!".

(Then how can you be bias and be rude over something Allah created .Or do you think Allah was biased in creating in some creations ?Allah created every creation with love and your love for your niece makes you see her perfect it's alright I have no problem with that but I will have a problem with that love if you put down my love .For you your niece is perfect and for me my Emaan is .So I will be highly obliged if you respect my choice as I respect yours !). Khaled sighed while everyone smiled ,especially Laiba adorning a proud smile on her face while Emaan gazed at everyone trying to catch glimpses of expression to discern what Khaled had said cause he had gone saying so fast that it was difficult for to discern anything except that he had taken her name in his speech .

Faiza twisted her face moving to settle down while Khaled wiggled his brows at Laiba who assured him with his eyes that she will handle it .Everyone settle down back to their place ,Faiza was offered glass of water to cool her down while a small teasing session of Khaled initiated leaving him a bit embarassed and his ears stark red .When in between Laiba asked Emaan ,

"Emaan give me Maryam you go keep these tiffins inside.Even though I had told you all not to bring these !You know I am aware of situations !".

"Wamadha fi dhalik ?Fi almarat So what al'uwala alati kanat fiha zawjat Khaled tati iilaa manziliha,Kan ealayna 'an nuzhir karam aldiyafat Al Syria alshahira?"

(Its first time Khaled's wife was coming to her house we had to show our famous Syrian hospitality!).

Emaan smiling passed Maryam who was now sucking on empty bottle to Laiba and move to pick the tiffins but there being lots of them ,Khaled immediately came by her side helping her .They both walked out while others giggled and praising how lovestruck Khaled had become and amazing they looked together .

Keeping the boxes on the platform ,Emaan moved to shift food in containers when Khaled tapped her head saying ,

"See I was telling you not to worry !"

Emaan smiled but not able to bear the curiosity scathing her core she pressed her lips thinking before she asked Khaled ,

"What did you said to Faiza Amtu ?".

"You didnt understand ?" Seeing Emaan nod in negative ," But you understood what Faiza Amtu said earlier ?Or you want me to repeat it ?" Khaled wiggled his brows.

"I understood cause she was speaking a bit slowly so I could grasp some words and make out what she was saying but you spoke so quickly that I could only make out that said my name !".Emaan ranted in one breath .

Khaled smiled and leaned closer as if he was going to whisper her in her ear ,Emaan trembled by his closeness held the platform but remain rooted due to her sheer curiosity but everything turn a sour turn when she heard him say ,

"Well !I am not telling you !". Khaled moved back with a lopsided grin while Emaan pouted and giving her best persuading look while pleading with brown doe eyes .

"If you gonna give me that look I will be helpless ..." Emaan eyes sparkled with hope .

"Not to tell you but do something !" The glimmer was gone ,Emaan blink blankly but her face was turning a slightly red matching the top of the container she was holding .

"You are blushing ?".

"I am not !I am not blushing .And I am also not thinking anything ridiculous !". Emaan clarified stuttering while stepping back.

But Khaled leaned a bit at the platform and looking directly into Emaan's eyes he confessed ,

"But I am thinking of doing many things !".

Emaan found herself staring in his eyes ,it felt like her breathing properties had been drank down by these intoxicated hazel goblets as she struggled to find any straight thoughts and his nearness and eyes doing no help when they heard clearing of throat followed by Laiba's voice hinted with tease ,

"So that was the main reason to help her carry tiffins ? As much as I hate acting a third wheel I have no choice .Khaled !Ayat is calling you .Don't worry you can romance as much as you want later !". Laiba curbed her grin.

Khaled scratching his brow with his index fingers as a pretext to hide his face rushed out mumbling under his breath while Laiba wiggled her eyebrows Emaan teasing ,

"What ? Already missing him ?".

Emaan nodding her head moved to empty the content while Laiba chuckling joined in to help before eventually Emaan sent her off to talk with her friends assuring she would manage on her own .

Soon ,friends of Laiba started to take leave when Khaled who had came to see them off along with Emaan and Laiba asked one of the friends of Laiba ,

"Ursilat Ayat Amtu al'asma' wa'iidha kan min alumukin altahakum fi suariha 'iilaa hatif Amtu hataa 'atamakan min 'iirsaliha 'iilaa sadiqi aladhi qad yusaeid fi aleuthur ealaa shay' ean hawula' ashkhas almafkqudin aw rubama eanhum!".

(Ayat Amtu sent names and if manageable their photos to Amtu's phone so I can send it to my friend who might could help in finding something about these missing people or maybe them !).

"Naram mta'akid Khaled ! 'Ana sawf !Bi'ayi tariqat li'iieta al'amal li'akhi wa'ukht zawji almuhatimim wa'ayi waldiyn yueaniani sa'afeal dhalika!".( Yeah sure Khaled ! I will ! Any way to give hope to my devastated brother and sister in law and to any suffering parents !I will do it !). Ayat whispered getting emotional.

"La taqliq Ayat Amtu ! Yumkin lilzalam an yakhfit Kulu nur walakinah la yamasu nur rahmatAllahi .Wayakfi Kulu ruj tata'alam waman hum sabab almueanati!".( Don't worry Ayat Amtu ! Darkness can dim every light but it can never even touch the Noor of Allah's mercy .HE will suffice every soul that is suffering and those who are the cause of suffering !).

"Barak Allahu Feeki  !". Ayat smiled in between her tears before meeting Laiba and Emaan who smiled reassuringly trying to pass courage and strength with her curve as Ayat smiled back nodding ,moving to pat Maryam's cheeks who imitating her mother ,grinned showing her dimples making everyone all at once gush at her and changing atmosphere instantly -from gloom to glee.

With greetings they walk back and after everyone had a quick shower with Emaan having not gotten any extra clothes was lent  Amtu's clothes which were quite loose but still beautiful and had left Khaled struggling to tear his gaze away from her .The simple pastel blue gown with a biege bottom and beige hijab with a small printed blue flowers just enhanced her beauty more or maybe she looked beautiful in every dress whether it was dark blue like her previous dress or this pastel blue or perhaps it was really true that once the colour of love ascended ,then every colour looked good on beloved and every colour existing just for them...

Finally at the dinning table ,where they were having their late lunch ,Emaan came to know of the matter more profoundly as Khaled and Laiba converse while explaining her about the issue of many missing cases in this area even though it was still safe from any bombardments but case of the young people going missing was on rampant and matter had become more worse with girls had also become a part of this cruel practice where parents had no where to go with police and government acting worse than tyrants and roads being full of notorious gang .They had no one to call out and complain to except Allah.

Emaan couldn't ward off her mind from the thoughts of those missing people and their grieving parents ,even thinking about their misery felt like her heart would crumble down and pulverise .She knew what it meant to lose people but these people didn't knew whether they were suppose to have hope or not ,whether they were to mourn or not ,whether their loved ones were dead or not .

Emaan came out of her reverie as she felt a hand on her shoulder to find Khaled looking at her apprehensive making her nod in negative with a small smile and kept the last bowl back on the kitchen isle.

When gaining their attention ,Laiba entering the kitchen suggested ,

"Why don't you both go to your room and rest for a while .Since morning you have been working and didn't had a proper sleep ! Go have some rest !".

The thought of her being alone with Khaled in a room was just not life saving thought for her heart as she tried to decline ,

"No Amtu ! I am fine ! I am not tired and Maryam is awake and being at a new place Yaseen is a bit...!".

"I will handle them .This palm tree standing next to you was also handled by me so be assured and go to your room .Atleast let my hard work be some fruitful ! Go rest ! Khaled why are you standing? Take her! " Laiba ordered while having no choice  Emaan glanced at Khaled before following him .

She was climbing stairs but with every stairs her heart beat was also elevating ,she tried to calm herself but there was a battle going on in her mind  ,

Only you have been having idiotic vulgar gutter like thoughts .

But he said he was thinking doing many things .

But it can be anything like ...like

Like ?

Okay he hasn't done any thing...

Are you sure ?

Okay something !

But maybe he is not interested it's only me who is acting extra conscious!

Emaan came out of her battling stupor when she stumble at something to look up to find it was Khaled's back making Emaan whisper out a quick apology.

Smiling at her ,Khaled opened the door of his room and gestured her to walk inside first .

With a thudding heart ,she entered inside yet apart from nervousness there was also sheer curiosity as if she was entering a mysterious world ,a world of fantasy which many desired to visit but only she was gifted with lucky draw .And as Emaan took hesitant steps ,her eyes flickering through things and desperately avoiding the king size bed near the large arch windows which were half curtained and half were undraped filling the room with natural light .The room just somehow held the vibe of Khaled ,simplicity ,calmness with those dark dull colours on the wall evoking a certain kind of magnetic dominance.A table with loads of books ,papers and simple lamp at side along with a swivel chair completed the look of work area. A wide wooden almirah against the wall followed by a small indoor plant pot and next to it was another door leading to washroom .Across it, at other corner was a winged chair and beside it stood a delicate club lamp. A simple arabic carpet stretched on the floor before the bed but quickly staring away from it ,Emaan focussed on the book shelf filled with books and being ardent book lover ,her priority was settled as she walked towards it .Her eyes had glided across the entire room but still she had failed to notice how with sheer interest Khaled had been watching her .

Looking at the shelf filled with only medical books especially dealing with trajectory of heart, made Emaan reminiscence about the introduction Sidra had given about Khaled.

"That Allah gave him so much brain that there was no space left to be blessed with a heart !".

Well guess what? The man had a heart and his shelf was filled with them too .

Emaan couldn't help but smile at the memory and her thoughts which didn't get unnoticed by Khaled as he asked ,

"May I know whats so amusing ?".

Emaan glanced sideways at Khaled before shaking her head and elucidating ,

"Nothing ! Its just funny how people speculate about you and your lifestyle so now seeing your room actually its like I am seeing something new about you ,something which no one knows except me ! Its ....amusing I guess!". Even though she wanted to say special she opted for a safer option .

Seeing her in his room was like sailing in the sky ,a dream coming to reality had his heart thumbing like anything but her words always had a way to thaw every coldness ,like engulf him in madness of love ,and he delightfully wanting to be one madman .

Indulged in seeing his bookshelf ,Khaled took a step nearer and leaning near in her ear commented ,

"I didn't knew my wife was so interested in knowing me !".

Emaan flinched back with her back resting against the book shelf and the sheer impact was enough to cause the heavy medical books edging on the boundaries of shelves to fall .But before it could land on Emaan ,Khaled hovered over Emaan letting the books fall on his shoulders and eventually dropping down .

Emaan gasped looking at Khaled with worry as she asked him hurriedly holding his shoulder ,

"Are you alright ? Did you got hurt ?".

"No its fine but man never knew books could hurt so much !".

Emaan controlled her urge to chuckle but Khaled moving back while rubbing his shoulder noticed her smile ,

"You are enjoying seeing me in pain ?"Khaled cocked an eyebrow while Emaan nodded in negative .

"No your ...statement was funny !" Emaan clarified but Khaled went on taunting ,

"Yeah you can't see my pain but can understand my humour !Wow!".

"Sorry ! " Emaan moved to rub his shoulder lightly with a guilty look while Khaled was internally enjoying it as he winced animatedly time to time making Emaan more worrisome when Emaan's eyes landed on the fallen books and she saw among the medical books was a photo album .Following Emaan's gaze ,Khaled looked at the side and his eyes dilated a bit as he lunged to get the album while Emaan seeing him so swift like a leopard she asked shocked ,

"Your shoulder ....!"

"That ! That ...." Khaled winced holding his shoulder but seeing Emaan giving him unbelievable look ,he huffing left his enactment and shrugged trying to hide his embarrassment,

"This much dishonesty is allowed right ?". Seeing Emaan glaring at him he gave a cheeky grin making it difficult for Emaan to control her smile as she demanded ,"

"I want to see the album !".

"No !".

"Why ?"

"Cause I said so !". Khaled moved to keep the album back on shelf.

"That's not fair ! Please !" .Emaan looked at him with pleading doe eyes making Khaled give up with sigh making Emaan grin but next moment he moved the album out of her reach proposed  ,

"I will let you but on one condition that you will show me your childhood photos !".

"But ....".

"Then I won't !". Khaled move to keep the album when Emaan stopped him ,

"Okay I will ! But I don't have with me now!".

"Then promise me that you will show them when we get back to Al Shams !".

Emaan helplessly gazed around the room before nodding with a sigh but ending up smiling as Khaled finally offered her the album .Grinning happily ,Emaan walk in the middle of the room and settling down on the arabic carpet she open the album. The first page held three photographs of little Khaled dress up in all three piece suit with his hair settled properly at a side making Emaan all gush over while Khaled who had settle a bit behind her leaning on his hand groaned at the picture  .

Emaan giggling back at Khaled ,looked at the photos where Khaled in one photo he was sitting on a high stool with a stoic face ,in other, he was standing in a hall and in third one, with his hands tied at front he stood along with other kids .It looked like some party amd occasion of celebration.And Emaan just couldn't control her grin, it was like she was seeing the part of Khaled's life she could never experience and live with him .

"What are you grinning so much about ?".

"Nothing .It just you look so prim and proper here like you are now.I had expected maybe you would be little less prim and proper during your childhood days !".

I wasn't allowed to be anything else .

Glancing away from Emaan,Khaled looked at the photograph, it was the party where he was sick and ended up vomiting and Madina had locked him in the room for several days as a punishment,and mere remembrance of those memories caused a sudden rush of nauseousness gnaw inside him .

A grim expression settled on his face as he looked away from the photographs that only shelled his heart with pain,it burdened it with pessimism but as his gaze fell on Emaan and seeing her smile ,he instantly felt something light and a deep urge to keep seeing that precious curve even if it costed reliving the pain ,his stupid heart was ready .

"You know if Ammi had you as her son ...!". Emaan glancing back was informing excitedly when Khaled interrupted .

"I am her son !".

"I mean her real son !".

"Astaghfirullah!". Khaled gave a sour look.

"What ?" Emaan frowned thinking what wrong she had uttered.

Khaled huffed before moving on to explaining,

"If I were to be a real son to your mother then that means we would been siblings. Do you understand now ?".

Emaan's mouth circle in realisation earning a flick on her forehead as he warned,

"I don't want to hear this stupidty again !".

Rubbing her forehead with annoyance,Emaan nodded before she gazed back at the album and holding her smile forced by his cute reaction she reiterated,

"What I meant was ,I was bit of a tomboy while my Ammi always wanted me to be a prim and proper girl ,always wanting me to dress all girly with frocks and frills and I will either complain that it was itching me or most of the time end up tearing the dress by falling down somewhere !".

"So your process of falling is since childhood. no doubt why you are so good at it!" ,Khaled whispered while Emaan frowning gazed back at him while Khaled try to escape the situation gestured at the album and Emaan not wanting to ruin the mood went back focussing the album.

At the next photograph ,she couldn't hold her giggle as Khaled stood before a science model, he had prepared for his science exhibition wearing oversized lab court and big round classes ,he looked extremely cute with his trophy and certificate for acheiveing first prize .She felt proud and elated ,even wished like clapping .While Khaled instead of looking at photograph kept on gazing at Emaan as if capturing her expressions ,like they were balm to his pussing pain when Emaan gushed ,

"You look so cute !"

"Seriously Emaan! I am not cute !".Khaled huffed in annoyance .

"But ...!".

"No buts I am not cute that's all .Who calls a man cute ?" Khaled frowned .

"But you are a boy here?".

"Neither boys nor men are cute !".

"Who said that ?".

"I said that !". Khaled forced a smile while Emaan sighing gazed back ,a small smile hovering her face seeing Khaled being so bamboozled at the mere word cute .

Pet peeves : being called cute !

She grinned at the next photograph which was taken after a football match with Khaled receiving a trophy and medal .He looked totally different from his prim image with his disheveled hairs ,soiled jersey and knickbonkers and red face showed his efforts and only enhanced his charmingness .But it didn't took much time to realise as she stated ,

"Your smile look so forced !".

Khaled felt his heartbeat speed up .It was the day he had waited for his parents to turn up for his match ,it was the last day where he hoped to receive some love and care from his parent .It was the ominous day where he had buried his living heart under the soil of pain and hatred .He didn't wanted to relive it ,he clenched his jaws when he heard Emaan add ,

"You are just like me !" Khaled felt strange ,how could she feel to be like him ,someone unloved and uncared .

"I also don't know how to smile before a camera but I wished you smiled like you do sometimes then you would have looked more cute !" .

"Seriously Emaan ! Again cute ! I am taking the album !".

"I am sorry I won't say it ! Cu...I mean this word doesnt exist anymore for me!" ,Emaan pleaded taking the album away from Khaled's grasp while Khaled hiding his smile moved back to his place adding,

"You know what rather taking the album next time I hear you say cute you will see what will I do !".

"What will you do ?" Emaan asked apprehensive .

Khaled smirking leaned closer making Emaan lean back as staring in her eyes ,he asserted ,

"If you are so eager to know, why don't you try saying it ?".

Emaan swallowed hard and his breath falling over her face intoxicating her mental ability to think, she looked away hastily mumbling ,

"No it's fine !".

Grinning at her flushed reaction,Khaled rested his chin on her shoulder causing her to freeze before she moved on to act nonchalant and focus only on the album but the nervousness was much evident ,a much entertainment for him.While she looked at photos ,he gazed at her.
He just didn't knew how but the girl had a way to pull him out every time his misery filled memory tried to drown him .

She was being his saviour without even knowing it .

Khaled came out of his thoughts as he heard Emaan ask him ,

"This is your parents ?". Khaled looked to see it was a family photograph .His mother was sitting on single sofa while his father stood behind and he stood on the side .He remembered he had cried a lot before this but he couldn't remember the reason when Emaan commented  ,

"Your eyes are just like your mother !".

"You think my eyes are scary !",The words automatically stumble out of Khaled's mouth, cause thats what his mother's eyes reminded him off ,hatred ,rage ,disgusts that's what he saw in those eyes .

Emaan who was smitten at the lovely couple and ma sha Allah stumbling out of her mouth occasionally .Seeing them, she had no doubt why her husband was so good looking but when she heard his whisper,she immediately turn her head at him clarifying ,

"I didn't meant scary I mean you both have hazel eyes .It's kind of cu...coyote !".

"Coyote ?" Khaled asked raising his brow .

Acting as if she hadn't said that word ,Emaan moved on to look at other pictures while Khaled enjoying the situation asked ,

"Coyote is an animal ! You were about to say cute, right?".

"Ah ..." Emaan glanced around thinking what to reply when she saw a picture that grasped her attention as she quickly asked ,

"Is this Dr Isa and Dr Duraid ?".

Knowing well she was diverting the topic ,Khaled teased ,

"You were going to say cute right ?".

"Please na !".Emaan whined.

Sighing,Khaled looked at the photograph nodding in affirmative ,

"Yes it is the photograph taken when they were new trainees in Al Firdous along with their teammates and senior doctors!".

"Oh they look so young and good looking !" Emaan smiled thinking how Dr Isa would react seeing his young photo as she snapped the photo in her mobile when she felt a heated gaze from his side and as she turn her head to find Khaled staring at her with annoyance making her stutter ,

"What ?".

"Seriously Emaan you are asking me what ? You go on easily complimenting Dr Isa and Dr Duraid but when it comes to me it's cute !".

Emaan opened her mouth to speak but Khaled beat her to it as he ranted scooting away,

"Yeah Hamza is nice ,Rafe is kind ,Yawar is good everybody is amazing while I am... well leave it !".

Closing the album ,Emaan biting her lower lip looked at Khaled in apprehension before asking skeptically,

"You want me to praise you !".

"Yes !",Khaled confessed outrightly before looking away leaving Emaan in shock but demanding tone and his cute reaction made it also difficult for her to stop herself from smiling along with the issue of humoungous shyness that erupted in her existence with him being around,making it onerous to practise the art of elocution.

Clearing her throat ,she asked ,

"Can you turn your back at me ?".

"What ? Why ?".

"I ...I can't do it with you looking at me !" Emaan confessed looking down while clutching her knees tightly.

"You ask me to close my eyes while opening my shirt and turn my back to you to compliment me ! ".

"Please !" .

With a sigh ,Khaled turned around with his back facing Emaan .Emaan glanced at his back and blowing out air she began ,

"In my life ,I have never come across men that reminded me of our beloved Prophet and HIS companions more than my Abbu .He was the kindest person ever and whenever my mother used to ask me about marriage I would say if I ever met a person like Abbu I will marry him .So my mother told me that I should pray to Allah even though I had laughed it off at her face but  from then on I had prayed for a good husband sometimes sincerely and sometimes casually but I never forgot to make this dua !". Emaan gazed up at Khaled's back ,feeling a bit uneasy yet finding him seated with no movement as if in deep concentration gave her courage to continue,

"But after their death ,many things changed ,my duas also and there was no space for duas of good husband as the people I faced just made me feel less and less hopeful of finding anyone .Rather I didn't wanted anyone.But then ...I came here .And I met Mr Rahman... I met you .Even though my impressions of you wasn't so good" ,Emaan bit her lips while Khaled raised his eyebrow yet small tilt visible at his corner of mouth,

"But slowly I started seeing the real you ,the one who works tirelessly cause you recognise the preciousness of every lives and lives attached to them ,even being such an acclaimed doctor you aren't full of yourself and always pray before every surgery .How you go on helping and being kind to people as if it's the most normal thing in the world .Never waiting for any credit or acknowledgement rather getting embarassed if someone appreciate your generosity. You adopted three children and love them like their own when in the world people don't treat their own with love".

Khaled sucked in his breath .

"You are kind to your every patient ,the way you are with Amtu, the way you try to be best servant ,the dedication to your salah ,your love for HIS words and HIM ,how everytime your words of trust on HIM makes one falling more in love with Allah... all these qualities...that's why it was so surreal for me when you proposed me ! But now when I am married to you I feel that you are the answer to my all those duas !".

Emaan closed her eyes ,she in the flow had ended up saying things but she didn't knew how she was going to face Khaled when spiking her nerve she heard him ,

"Emaan can I turn now !".

"One minute !". Emaan squeaked in panic .

"Ten seconds !". Emaan couldn't even deny as Khaled ending the count in one breath move to turn around leaving no option for Emaan but to clamp her face in shyness and embarassment .

Khaled hadn't expected the unexpected turn of things ,he was just teasing Emaan but hearing her pure ,raw feelings just left him deeply moved .The heart that was made to believe no one will love him was burning with so many new feelings cause someone found qualities worth to love him.His existence was drowning in love yet had found the wings to soar in the sky and he couldn't control himself,he couldn't wait any longer.

Khaled turning around and without waiting for a second,yanked Emaan close to him and pulled her in his tight embrace as if trying to make his thudding heart believe she was real ,the happiness was actual amalgamated with his intense desire to cage this happiness,not wanting it ever to get snatched away. While Emaan with her skyrocketing heartbeat was still in shock,but she was more in bewilderment hearing his rushing heartbeats when the force of hug and instability caused them falling on the carpet with Emaan landing on Khaled.

Quickly perching on her palm ,Emaan tried to move away while asking ,

"Are you alright ?".But instead of replying ,Khaled put her arms around her waist and interlinking his fingers smirked ,

"You are not allowed to run anymore !".

Emaan wide eyed gawked at Khaled when breaking their moment they heard a door click open with Wali peeking inside .Gazing at his parents inquisitively he eventually cracked a smile shouting,

"Emmi and Abbu wrestling !". He rushed inside while Emaan all flustered hastily move back and settling a bit away from Khaled who kept lying on the carpet as Wali came rushing in and sitting down acting as a referee tapped the floor three times before clapping and declaring,

"You lost to Emmi ,Abbu !".

Khaled smiled at Wali before turning to look at Emaan he asserted ,

"I lost to your Emmi a long time ago !".

Emaan looked away swallowing and trying to adjust her veil correctly on her head and most importantly hide her shy smile curving boldly on her lips at his confession.

"I also wanna play ,Emmi wrestle with me !" .Emaan stared in confusion as she tried to think of what to reply when Khaled interrupted ,

"Emmi is very strong .She defeated me right?You will get hurt if you wrestle with her.Let's play hide and seek! Your Emmi is very good at it ! Right Emmi...?".


She hadn't realise what it meant but now as Emaan was searching for a place to hide she knew Khaled was taking revenge .For last five -six times she had been the one seeking and if not for the kindness of Muslim (not her dear husband)who took her place letting her to hide atleast for once.But now the problem was she couldn't find a place to hide ,it's wasn't like there were no hiding place rather Al Hassam house seemed like a best place to play hide and seek but Emaan didn't wanted to soil Amtu's clothes .Moving around the corridor ,Emaan heard the loud banging of the door declaring Muslim was coming to search .She hurriedly climbed down the stairs and was passing by the spandrel when amidst the curtain sheltering the area under the staircase ,a hand came out and pulled Emaan in .

Her low shriek decimated in the corridor while her eyes had widen seeing Khaled leaving her speechless in both literal sense with his hand clamping her mouth and figurative sense .Khaled slowly removed his hands asking to remain silent as they heard footsteps above them .But Emaan couldn't keep her nerves to be silent with him being so close to her .She tried to scoot away making Khaled pull her back by tightening his hold on her waist asking ,

"Where are you going ?".

"Ah lot of space is there to sit !".

"There are also lots of insects and bugs too !

"I am not scared of them !". Emaan tried to move away when she stopped ,

"There are also rats !". Emaan gulped hard and thinking for a second she settled back and slightly gazed back at Khaled and seeing him amused,she turn her head straight defending ,

"I ..I it's dirty there and I just don't want Amtu's clothes to get soiled !".

"Yeah right !" ,Khaled pressed his lips looked away controlling his smile and wanting to tease her more, he lightly tapped the container kept next to him making Emaan flinch and scoot back more to Khaled making it difficult for Khaled to control his chuckle while Emaan looking here and there in panic glanced back and Khaled succumbing his amusement quickly adorn a serious face and cocked an eyebrow. Emaan shaking her head and looked back and hurdled her knees closer to herself .

Khaled was having a gala time as he pressed his lips to control his laugh when his gaze fell on Emaan's back .Her flinching has resulted in falling off her hijab on her back causing slightly exposed shoulders due to loose clothes be bare to his eyes .Khaled gulped hard looking at everything but her shoulders when they heard footsteps outside causing Emaan to lean back making Khaled exhale hard.Feeling air on her bare skin,goosebumps erupted in her entire existence as she realised her condition .Pulling her slipping dress back on her shoulder she tried to move away but Khaled pulled her back hitching her breath .His hold on her abdomen tightened as he moved to untie her messy bun, letting the chestnut hair fall back on her back .The smell of her hair was soft yet so alluring urging him lean in .

Emaan squeezed her fists pressing her lips hard trying to act oblivious of his closeness and action and focus on the footsteps crossing them but her thundering heartbeats ,her rapid breathing and shivers running down her body with his every breath were vociferating her actual state .She felt his fingers untangling her hairs which was both soothing ,relaxing and somewhat unhinging dormant emotions gurgling in her stomach creating havoc and plunders in her existence. She froze as her fingers brushed against her bare skin while combing her hairs and before she knew her hairs were slightly put aside .And soon elevating her heart rate, she found him leaning ,his breathe closer and warm ,his hold holding her firm and his lips barely touched her skin when Emaan flinched back with a yelp and her fingers ended up poking Khaled's eye making him wince out and concluding a romantic scene with her being caught again and Khaled being injured .

An unexpected turn of romantic moment.


Emaan blew on to the hankerchief before moving to compress on Khaled's eyes who was sitting casually on the footboard so that it would be easier for Emaan to perform her work .

Removing the compress with her sense of guilt heightening seeing still some redness in his eyes when Laiba asked ,

"Its still red ! Is it paining too much ?".

"No Amtu ! Its fine !" .Khaled gave a assuring smile.

"Wait ! I had eye-drop let me get it !".

Khaled tried to stop Laiba but she ignoring him rushed out of the room .He gazed back at Emaan who move to press the hankerchief on his eye but seeing her expressions he asserted ,

"Why are you looking like as if I have lost an eye or something ? Alhamdulillah I am perfectly fine !".

Emaan gave him an incredulous look before moving back she huffed ,

"Why would you say such things ? And it's ..it's all your fault !".

"What did I do ?" ,Khaled asked taken aback ," It's normal wanting to be near to the person you like right !But why am I telling you ? Why would you care?" ,Khaled looked away feeling a bit embarassed,annoyed but he was more disappointed cause Emaan's reaction made him feel she detested his touch and it was a brutal punch to his ego .He was also angry at himself for scaring her ,for not having control over his emotions. All the more ,everything was just a way to let the words of his mother echo again in his existence which he didn't wanted ...he didn't wanted to feel those negative feelings again .When breaking his thoughts he heard Emaan,

"I do care ! Even when I didn't wanted to and had no right I cared ! Then how could I not care now !" ,Emaan exhaled exasperated ,"Even if I try to act I don't care, I can't, cause I do care.. when you tell me about marrying again I say that you can marry and act like I don't care but in reality I hate it .I dont like it at all .I don't want you to marry anyone else .I don't want you to even think about it....I only want to be your wife !".Emaan concluded feeling relieved and light .

But relief was a matter of few seconds as soon the feeling of embarassment devoured her existence with realisation seeping in making her look down at the hankerchief's pattern as if eyes were glued to them.And after that confession ,she totally couldn't look up .She couldn't understand why suddenly she was going berserk with confessions . When she gasped as Khaled pulled her close to him and staring deep into her shock brown nebula, he asserted ,

"I was just teasing you Emaan !You never ever have to worry about such thigs.Cause you have my whole heart and there is no space for anyone else and never will be !Khaled Al Hassam's heart was and will be of his Emaan's."

Teary eyed, Emaan inhaled hard as that will somehow help her control her smile ready to gush through her lips and the warmth that was arising from the whole set of volcanic eruption of feelings inside her core before blinking down she pressed her lips tightly trying to control her smile and acting unfazed though she was utterly failing at it she tried to move back when Khaled pulled her back stating,

"We are not at hospital so why are you running away ? And didnt I already said you are not allowed to run anymore ?".

Emaan wide eyed stared at Khaled before looking down ,biting her inner cheeks ,not knowing what to do or what to think when her heart was thundering and mind was intoxicated,she wanted to runaway from those intense gaze but also wanted to stay close to him,he felt like oxygen necessary for survival and he also felt like a storm ready to devour her.To run or to stay ,to breathe or to die - a much messed up variation it was .With stark rosiness settling on her cheeks flamboyantly endorsing his effect on her even though it was the last thing she wanted him to see , when she gazed up hearing him chuckle making her brow twitch in confusion.

"Do you even realise how lethally cute you are ?". Khaled lightly pinched her cheek .

Emaan flustered at his words but wanting to hide her grin and act nonchalant she mumbled out ,

"Don't you hate this word ?".

"For myself but not for you cause you are cute !". Khaled shrugged.

"That's a biased opinion !".Emaan smiled slightly.

But instead of getting a retort ,Emaan felt her breath hitch as she noticed Khaled's deep gaze on her lips and the dark emotions it swirled causing a shiver run down her spine making her swallow hard. Everything suddenly felt like had gone extremely silent that she could even hear heartbeat and breathing never sounded such a stentorian affair when he finally glanced up and it seemed like he had clutched her heart in his grasp with that mere look as he asked softly as if it was a secret ,

"Can I ...?".

That polite permission ,demanding eyes and that charming face left her tongue tied and all blank, only his words echoed printing repeatedly line by line on the page of her thoughts and before she could run out of her pages , yes was printed in the end  .

And coaxed by her conscious yet not knowing what to do, she inched closer shutting her eyes tightly ,biting her inner lips .When she felt his nearness hover her ,his breath gently stroking her face causing ripples to erupt inside her .She fisted her hands more tightly and to her surprise Khaled tighten his grip on her hand as if assuring her ,he leaned up ,hesitation , awkwardness amalgamated with desire and pure love.

Mere few moments, Khaled leaned back and Emaan slowly opened her eyes . And at once their intoxicated gazes clashed in the battle of emotions ,novel yet beyond heartwarming .Their beats synching in so their breathing .It was like they had touched across the unchartered territories ,the unknown marvelling depths of ocean and their eyes was conversing silently the sheer fascination and spellbound effects of it .And Khaled wasnt satisfied with just mere dive ,it wasn't enough ,he wanted to plunge into these ocean,he wanted to drown and drench ,fly and soar as he wrapped his forearm around Emaan pulling her more closer while she held onto his shoulder blades tightly trying to stable herself when cupping her face ,Khaled inched closer when they heard Laiba ,

"Emaan !".

They jerked open their eyes and gazed at each other ,confusion and profound hesitation sprinkled with awkwardness, when they again heard Laiba call out making Emaan quickly move back but her legs felt like had lost the power to perform their innate ability of walking, as if they had used all the strength to remain steady when internally she had been shaking and shivering worse than a leaf in a storm .Khaled holding her immediately asked ,his voice still heavy with emotions,

"Are you alright ?".

Emaan merely nodded without looking up, she was just too embarassed and shy to face Khaled while Khaled helping her stand stated ,

"I ..I will go see Amtu! You remain here ! You will be alright, right ?".

Emaan merely nodded while Khaled making sure Emaan was standing properly moved back and stood for few moments thinking something before giving a parting glance and scratching his eyebrow rushed outside while Emaan hearing the door close slump down on the floor and clamped her face trying to process her mind with what actually happened.Did Khaled really....?The tingling sensation flittering over her lips like they were feeling much more alive than ever ,she had never felt existence of her lips so much as she was feeling at the moment .She gasped as her fingers brushed over her lips,causing the moments flashed before her, making her mind shriek,

Ya Allah ! He really did ...!


"So you won't be coming tonight ?"Sidra asked in a morose tone .

"No ! Amtu agreed of coming back with us to Al Shams on the condition that she wanted to stay atleast one night here as with all the destruction and bombarding ,her heart also feels fear of not able to live her days again in the house she had spent her entire life !". Emaan ended with a sigh .

Sidra hummed in agreement before she cracked a smirk as she asked ,

"So since you gonna spend the night there I am expecting some juicy gossips !".

Emaan groaned and before Sidra could rant more embarassing things she disengaged the call muttering greeting .

She rubbed her forehead ,a bit annoyed at Sidra as if her mind and her heart wasn't enough she had to remind her .There already have been intense awkwardness and hesitance ever since afternoon .She couldn't just bring herself face him and the way Khaled also hadn't tried to talk to her showed he was embarassed as well.And the awkwardness at dinner table was so thick and heavy to be ignored .She gazed at front where Khaled was playing football with kids and many times even in the darkness perfumed by the night, there gaze clashed ,settling for seconds before they drifted apart as if they haven't met ,as if the fire that ignited in those eyes never burnt .

Shaking her head ,she joined Laiba again in strolling in the porch area .

Laiba wasn't oblivious to the sudden dramatic change between the couple since afternoon ,from being tom and jerry to acting as different directions like east-west ,north- south ,that faced each other but never met,much alas !they even weren't facing eachother properly .And Laiba was highly perturbed what collision led to this seperatist attitude but chopping her thoughts ,seeing Emaan coming to walk next to her she asked ,

"It was Sidra ?".Nodding in affirmative ,Emaan moved her hands asking,

"Amtu let me carry Maryam otherwise your hands might start paining !".

But Laiba held onto Maryam asserting ,

"I am not that weak habibti ! Alhamdulillah I am strong enough to take care of my present and future grandchildren ! I am just praying those future grandchildren come soon though !".Laiba teased.

Feeling her cheeks warm up,Emaan glanced away causing Laiba to chuckle lightly before she called Khaled making Emaan hyperventilate as she gazed at Laiba in curiosity and anxiousness but immediately glance down as Khaled stood before them asking ,

"Yes Amtu ?".

"If you were so much interested in football why didnt you married it?Why marry the poor girl and leave her alone with a old woman ...". Emaan tried to interrupt but Laiba not allowing her continued ,

"Its your leave day ,you are at home where you dont have to hide your relationship ,and instead of using this precious time spending with eachother you both ..." Laiba huffed ," Go take a stroll together ! Go ! "Laiba patted Emaan to move while Khaled smiling at her flustered expressions commented ,

"Yeah sure ! How can I ignore the command of my Ummi !"

"Use this buttering on your wife !" Laiba pushed Khaled while Khaled smiling gestured Emaan to walk before he moved to stroll beside her .

There was loud awkwardness yet  there was also serene silence between them while the winds blowing through them acting as petulant noises and soft messengers of their unsaid feelings to eachother when breaking the silence Khaled cleared his throat before asking ,

"How are you doing ?".

Emaan curbing her smile at his question replied ,

"Alhamdulillah I am good ..and you ?" .

"I am good as well Alhamdulillah !". Khaled smiled .

There was again silence before once again Khaled broke it asking ,

"So can I assume you won't be avoiding me now ?".

Emaan opened to defend herself but having nothing she instead accused ,

"You were also avoiding me !".

"Okay so it's like that !" Khaled tilted his head looking at Emaan who had found solace in the ground ,"Then I can expect my Biwi following me in other actions also !".

Pulling her lower lip in to control her grin Emaan slightly glanced at Khaled before looking away with a coy smile valiantly resting on her lips.Sighing at the arrows that smile shot through his heart ,Khaled smiling ran a hand in his hair before he eventually moved to hold Emaan's hand but before he could do so ,Khaled's phone buzzed making him groan and seeing it was Hamza his annoyance aggravated .While Emaan hearing Yaseen calling her taking a leave from him rushed to her .Glaring at the phone as if he was trying to murder the person on the other side,he picked up the call ,

"What's wrong Hamza ?".

"Asalamualaikum !I think I called at a very ",Hamza coughed dramatically,"important moment !".

"Walekumassalam and can we talk about the reason you called and if it's not important then believe me Hamza I will make sure I execute the plan of murdering you as soon as I return !".


Emaan walked into the room of Muslim and Wali ,carrying Yaseen who ranted on about how she love this place and everyone .And Emaan was happy cause after waking up Yaseen had been a bit hesitant ,she was reluctant to depart from her ,she was fearful but sooner her hesitation had drifted off with familiar souls around her .

Emaan moved to settle Yaseen on the bed as it was insistence of Yaseen that she wanted to hear stories along with her friends with Wali joining her on the same bed and Muslim settled on the far end of the other bed while Nabilah settled on the sofa. Laiba moved to settle on the chair with Maryam in her lap when Emaan's eyes landed on the half completed landscape painting framed hanging on the wall.She had noticed earlier while cleaning and it had grasped her attention even then when breaking her thought ,Laiba answered her query ,

"Its Muslim .He had made for a competition but he couldn't complete it nor he could won .You see ...!". Laiba stopped as Muslim held her hand and nodded in negative while Emaan noticing Muslim's expressions quickly exclaimed,

"It's alright if Muslim doesn't want to then you don't have to tell me Amtu !". She smiled appeasingly at Muslim.

"See Muslim you are making her feel out of family ",Emaan tried to deny but Laiba continued heedless  ,

"Do you want that ?".Muslim nodded in negative and removing his hand he moved to settle back on his place while Laiba smiling narrated ,

"During the competition ,Muslim's friend ended up dropping water on his painting so Muslim instead of completing his painting moved to help him and couldn't complete his own .And his friend went on winning the first prize .But instead of being grateful to Muslim ,the boy become snobbish and having made new friends he made fun of Muslim and his disability .I couldn't understand how such young kids can be so evil ?Ever since then Muslim never participated in any competition even though Khaled tried so much convince to him but he also respected Muslim's feelings and decided to change his school .But he framed his incomplete painting here and hanged it on wall saying it will be reminder of the kindness Muslim caters in his heart and that same kindness makes the painting  more beautiful even if it's not complete !".

Emaan smiled softly ,it was so like Khaled,being a ray of sunshine in one's cloudy sky,offering a cocoon of relief when the world was keen on burning your wings .She had heard that when you fall in love, you find everything about your beloved perfect but how was she to blame love when he literally seemed perfect .She gazed at the painting , knowing the reason she found the painting more beautiful and seriously Al Hassam's house boys were truly one of a kind .But something about Muslim not participating pinched her ,she wanted to let little scared heart of Muslim know that his kindness was not to be hided like his talent it was meant to blossom and bloom the world yet she didn't wanted to tell him in your face kind of way .She wanted to touch his heart,influence and motivate him but not being so obvious about it .

She turned around and smiled at Muslim who expecting some words of sympathy mixed with encouragements and compliments was left confused when he heard Emaan say ,

"Do you wanna hear about the story of the amazing soul who is called as a one man Ummah ?".

Yaseen grinned nodding while Wali went on asking question about what ummah meant with Emaan explaining ,Muslim gazed at Emaan with relief, he was happy to be not dealt with sympathy yet he was also confused at her unusual reaction before he eventually moved to concentrate on the story as Emaan nararted,

"Even before Our beloved prophet received prophethood ,there was a noble man named Zaid ibn Amr,belonging to higher clan and first cousin of Umar ibn Khattab RA, who was against the customs and idol worship that used to happen in Mecca. He was among four people called Hunafee who had vocally announced that they only believe in one God while other three believed in existence of one God but never spoke against the evil practices of Meccan people who used to keep idols in Kaaba,he used to forbid them from eating meat slaughter not in the name of Allah .And because of his strong and outright denial of their practices ,Zaid RA was subjected to acute torture by Meccan people especially his uncle i e, father of Umar Ibn Khattab RA .They tormented him and even banned his entry in Mecca such that he used to visit Kaaba in secrecy and pray .And even though he didn't know anything about Allah and ways of worshipping but he used to prostrate asking Allah to guide him to worship him properly and the way that was most pleasing to HIM .He went around studying and searching for the knowledge ,for the messenger of Allah.,doing good and stopping wrong.Such as during that time,it was a common practise of burying female child cause they thought they were burdensome!" Yaseen gasped while Nabilah gritted her teeth in rage ,

"It was a evil practice and Allah admonished such people .And Allah shows how girls are precious and must be treated through the way our prophet treated her daughters and wives .How He urged to respect them that an entire surah - surah An Nisa is based and named on women, so don't worry people can be partial but Allah's love is impartial and pervasive. So where was I ...",Emaan asked when Muslim tried to sign making Emaan quickly smiling add ,

"Yes..so there was a particular area designated where this evil practice was performed and Zaid RA used to wait for these men and stop them from burying and raise them as their own and when they matured enough to be married he would take them to their parents and if they didn't  agreed to act guardian then he would marry off acting as their guardian also .He would have saved so many lives of little girls and he did all these good deeds without being told or taught .Goodness came naturally to him and so that even Prophet was fascinated by him as once He asked Zaid RA 'Why was he so hated by his people?' and Zaid RA replied 'Cause he denied their religion and idols and followed the religion of Ibrahim' .He would adopt from different religion that matched with religion of Ibrahim AS. At the age of 85, he was travelling when he came across a monk who told him that what he is searching for, the answer to his supplication was in the land he came from .The man sent as a guidance.Zaid RA happy that finally his seek for knowledge about the ONE would come to an end ,rushed to travel back to Mecca but sadly just very near Mecca he was robbed and left to die!Just five years before Prophet started receiving revelation." Emaan wetted her lips as she looked around everyone hearing her diligently even Nabilah who was until now acting indifferent .

"But he prayed during his ending moments that even though he was forbid from the companionship of prophet but his son be among blessed with his belssing and his children be among the guided ones ! And his dua did actualise as his both son and daughter were among the very firsts to accept Islam as soon as they came to know about it .And then years later ,His son Sayyid ibn Zaid and Umar ibn Khattab to whom Zaid was an uncle to, came to Prophet asking what will happen to Zaid RA as they feared him being among the disbelievers .But Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) reply ease all their worries as he said that between the ummah of Isa AS and His ummah there would be one man standing alone ,acting as an entire nation in himself and it will be Zaid Ibn Amr .He will be One man Ummah .A man for whom two level of Jannah are reserved who was laughed ,mocked ,tortured and was look down upon .That's how Allah honoured him and rewarded his good deeds ,giving such an astounding and remarkable status of being an ummah himself. One beautiful incident is that one of Zaid RA companion Amr ibn Rabiya who was also among the first one to accept Islam narrated that once Zaid RA told him that he is waiting for a prophet and when He will come He will accept Him and stay by Him but somehow he felt he won't meet him so he told his friend to pass his salam to Prophet so when Amr RA accepted Islam he went on narating this to Prophet who replied back to his salam .This was Zaid RA ,a man who longed for Prophet he never knew ,wish to pray the best way even having no knowledge while we even knowing our prophet and blessed with mercy of salah we fail to have same longing and desire .That's makes him one man Ummah! "

"So that's how through his life Allah wanted to teach us that we should keep on doing good deeds even if no one is doing it ,even if you are laughed or hurted by people and even if you don't get acknowledged and appreciated as you deseve and sometimes despite how much you work hard you won't get the reward in this world but never be disappointed cause Allah might make you wait but the wait will always worth it cause when HE will reward you it will beyond any one imagined ,honouring you and upholding you to a status that was never chartered by anyone .So keep doing good deeds whether someone appreciate it or not cause Allah always appreciate your efforts and intention no matter how small or how unnoticed just like HE will do with Zaid ibn Amr RA". Emaan smiled ruffling Wali's head who nodded his head eagerly before going on explaining terms which kids didnt understood.

Khaled who was passing by to get his laptop from his room ,stopped hearing Emaan and to say he was mesmerised would have been an understatement.Even though it wasn't something new ,it wasn't like that he was hearing her words of wisdom for first time but still everytime it affected him like how rain did to the earth, that no matter how many times the same precipitation phenomenon occured ,the magic was always surreal ,the relief was profound and serenity was pervasive .Cause rain was a mercy of Allah and so she was to him .

Khaled came out of his stupor as he heard Hamza's voice on the other side asking ,

"Khaled you hearing me ? Did you got your laptop ?".

Khaled blowing out irritated puffs of air ,he walked ahead taunting,

"Seriously Hamza sometimes I really feel like you have all the attributes of a nagging wife !".

"Wow ! You already know the attributes of a nagging wife !" Hamza teased .

"Unfortunately that's the blessings of having you around ! I end up learning various useless things !".Khaled quipped back climbing the stairs .

"You will see this so called useless things will come to your use !".

"Yeah I am also waiting for that day when these useless things and their teacher will come to my any use !". Khaled skipped stairs to climb faster.


It was late midnight, finishing his work Khaled finally walked in to kid's room and a peaceful feeling settled in his heart and a refulgent smile sparkled on his face with numerous words of gratitude whispering out of his mouth as he saw his cute family in deep slumber.With Emaan ,Maryam and Yaseen sharing a bed while Wali was strangling Muslim with his arms and legs on another bed.And Nabilah was sleeping soundly in her the sofa .Covering the kids ,Khaled walked towards Emaan and seeing how she held onto Maryam and Yaseen tightly even in sleep showed how much she cared for them .Covering her with the blanket ,he stroked Maryam's cheeks and then looked at Emaan and loosening her hijab he dropped a swift kiss on her temple ,he moved back and switching off the light he walked out of the room.

When at the door he met Laiba who seeing him alone asked ,

"Emaan is sleeping ?",At his nod nod ,she offered,"If you want I can wake her up and don't worry I will take care of Maryam!".

But Khaled refused her saying ,

"No Amtu ! It's alright ! It has been a hectic day even though it was suppose to be a holiday so let her get some sleep and you also go to sleep !I am also going to bed !".

Seeing Laiba smiling at him meaningfully he wiggled his brow asking ,

"What ?".

"It's adorable to see my shy prince so deeply in love with her shy princess !" .

Khaled rolled his eyes to hide his embarassment when Laiba went on adding ,

"I must say Emaan is one lucky girl !".

"That she is !" Khaled stated confidently before cocking a lopsided grin .

"And so are you !"

Million times Alhamdulillah for that!

Khaled smiling and whispering greetings move to walk upstairs while Laiba being confused at his no response reiterated ,

"I said you are lucky to have Emaan !"

Khaled turned around and smiled ,

"And I didn't deny that !". Khaled giving a smile,walked way .


Emaan woked up with laborious breath ,her face drenched with sweats and tears altogether ,she frantically looked around to find acute darkness leaving her more agitated with shivering anxiety and anxiousness .When the shuffling next to her made her flinch and she pulled the blanket away to find Maryam was turning in her sleep making Emaan eventually realise her reality which flew inside her existence like oxygen giving her trembling state some relief .

Seeking refuge from devil and his whispers and spitting thrice on her left side ,Emaan hurdled her knees closer to her chest while rubbing off her sweats and tears,trying to succumb her whimpers as the scorching memory of Atif harassing her had resurfaced again in her nightmare.And the feeling was more nauseating and disgusting as after her existence being graced and blessed with Khaled's gentle touches cradling his pure love and respect,even remembrance of those disgusting touches of Atif made her want to scale her skin. It felt like an outright betrayal to Khaled's touches which never ever made her feel disgusted rather they made her feel loved ,respected,refined while Atif's touch burnt embers in her skin,they made her feel impure and soiled. Deciding to pray ,Emaan pushed herself out of the bed when her phone buzzed and not wanting any of the kids to wake up she in a hurry picked up the phone ,

"My ! My! It must be my lucky day that not only the call connected but Emaan Feroz Ahmed picked my call !". A gruff masculine voice from the other side met Emaan making her frown,

"Who is this ?".Emaan gazed at the phone screen which showed unknown number deepening her scowl as she put back the phone on her ear .

The man on the other side snickered before he taunted,

"Abhi bhi utni zaalim ho !"( You are still very cruel). Emaan clenched her jaws and was all ready to cut the call when she stopped hearing next word,

"My dear Emaan it's me ,your Atif !".



Well I had warned you that it will be long so don't glare at me, khair I hope you enjoyed reading it as I loved writing it and now after much romance and all, we are coming back to drama I guess !🙃

Before leaving please do recite ,Surah Falak atleast thrice.

Dedicating this chapter to lovelies _inmyreins & SheikhAifaArza

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas .

Faqat abd e Rahamana

Assalamualaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu 🌼

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