Once upon A Eid

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After scorching heat of patience ,irrigated by pure delicacy of tears ,motivated by determination like the stern yet penetrating roots ,nurtured by fertile soil of the believer and healed by those innumerable yet heartfelt duas like dainty branches and leaf always reaching out to the sky had finally bloomed a dawn that seemed beyond miracle .The dawn of much awaited Eid especially for two hearts.

The golden velvety rays yawned its way out of the crevices of dark hour , kissing and caressing away every corner delved in darkness and wiping off gloomy emotions edging on the boundaries of every terrified being and infusing them with such unrefined glow that darkness seemed a past long forgotten .

The scattered tuft of clouds seemed like soft white water lilies floating majestically in the vast turquoise sky while everytime playful winds stumbled across them, dispersing few petals away yet seeming to imbibe their heavenly fragrance as a valedictory gift perfuming the entire abode as they went around in their giggling galloping trails .The flowering trees seemed chuckling in the whispers the gale hushed through them while blossoms bravely sigh down on the ground to let not the earth be in less in beauty in comparison to its turquoise beloved above.The butterflies tenderly pecked the flora of all kind flashing new colours of love to greenery while winged bards collaborating with winds hummed the praises of Almighty ,mesmerised at the way of Lord of bringing two souls distanced as wide as sky and earth ,now coming closer like flower and it's fragrance .

The whole hospital was cleaned thoroughly while Mr Esber had his house decorated as it was in his house the main event of the day was decided to take place .Sidra and Emaan had shifted along with Maryam to Mrs Esber's house at night only .

But the bride seemed oblivious to the beauty of the nature as all she concentrate on the volcanic eruptions of feelings inside her physiological world .Emaan felt her heart had forgotten to beat at its normal pace as it drummed against her rib cage frantically ,entrancing her entire body in verses of nervousness or excitement ,her mind too muddled to investigate or decide .

Emaan had been up all night ,even the long threats and peroratory of Sidra's over beauty sleep ,she couldn't bat her eyes until the very near to fajr time that only lasted for few minutes as the adrenaline rushing through her even invaded her sub conscious world unlatching out the insomniacal minions from the anesthesian siesata .And through this restlessness,her only relief like always was her Wali ,who never left her ,who understood how ambivalent emotions she felt ,happy yet sad ,excited yet scared, how lonely she felt even surrounded by people .She had cried ,talked and remained silent watching the night sky slowly embracing light. The moment had granted serenity yet it vanished quickly as soon followed the commotion of her getting ready for the nikkah which was to happen after Eid prayer .

Standing in her white supposedly wedding dress ,the reality seemed to be dawning in much harder way with gnawing insides of her with terror and making her feel nauseous .It was difficult to concentrate on the surrounding clamour of noises around her while her heart and mind felt like a market of echoes and resonance. Feeling a tug at her hair she winced making Zeba look up ,

"Finally you zoomed out of your coma phase !".

"What is this Emaan ? Your whole life is left to think about Dr Khaled so right now concentrate on us and it's your loss only you missed the comments everyone showered at you just a while ago!". Sidra huffed while moving towards Emaan with make up pallette and brush .

"I am not doing any make up !I don't want when he really sees me the real me is under the coffin of layered make up.The way I am that's how I want to see and like me !And I already agreed with you on wearing these torturous heels ..so please you also listen to me!". Emaan requested.

"Well heel becomes mandatory when you marry a giant atleast on wedding for good wedding photographs .And he is going to spent rest of his life with a witch, let the poor soul feel that he married a angel atleast for one day !". Sidra grinned cheekily while Emaan puffed her face in annoyance .

"Don't say it !My daughter looks angel as she is.No make up need!". Emaan jerked her head right at the direction of voice to find Mrs Rahman walking in along with cute twins Abida and Adila .Shocked at their presence as she couldn't muster the courage to tell them about marriage yet beyond happy to see them ,she rushed to hug them with tears automatically falling down .

"Woah I thought happy you see us .And you are crying !" Emaan moving back tried to rub off her tears but they kept on falling .

"I ..couldn't ...I a..am sorry I wanted to invite you ..but !".

"It's okay !" Mrs Rahman cupped Emaan's cheeks," Khaled explained us eachthing!" Looking shocked expressions ,Mrs Rahman smiled ,

"Yes he told us about the marriage and especially came pick us up before dawn ."

Tears dripped down her cheeks while the roots of his actions digged deeper blooming her world more of his love .

"Emaan ukhti why you cry? You really look like angel princess !". Adila commented.

"No she is Fairy queen !Fairies are more beautiful".Abida corrected making Adila glare at her .

"Abida ,Adila what did I say .No fights .If fight no cookies and I sent you home !". Abida and Adila instantly changed their glares into innocent twinkle as they side hugged each other while smiling at their mother and Emaan turn-wise.

Emaan chuckled at them as their actions brought many memories and squatting down she kissed them as she whispered ,

"You both are looking beautiful more than a fairy and angel !". Adila and Abida blushed looking at their matching light blue long shimmery frocks before Abida spoke enthusiastically ,

"Emaan ukhti now you marry Khaled Akhi so you come together right at our home with him .We praying for marriage since so many days !Finally our dua got fulfilled !". Emaan surprised looked at Abida when Mrs Rahman added,

"Well you see ever since you and Khaled had came to our house .They had been consistent in making duas of you and Khaled marrying eachother and to let you in a secret I and Raza was praying too .And see how beautifully our duas were answered !".

"See everyone even little kids knew you both were perfect for each other but you both ...not both but you only are stupid and blind to see anything !". Sidra joked while ignoring her comment ,Emaan went on introducing Mrs Rahman to everyone in the room.

"Well ma sha Allah  what a perfect couple you make Mrs Rahman I mean your name is Saboor you embody patience while Mr Rahman embody mercy so patience and mercy what a deadly combo .Seriously made in heaven kind of couple !". Sidra chirped earning laughs while Emaan smiled slightly as her hand shivered as she moved to wrap white hijab around her as Zeba finally done with styling her hair .Careful of not suffocating the flowers in her hairs ,Emaan lightly took turns ,finally pinning it down with her mother's gifted pin ,followed by pinning of her white milky veil by Sidra elegantly cascading down her sides

What Ammi would have said if she saw me in this dress?

She knew the dress looked beautiful and it gave her glow but it also reminded of her mother's absence ,if she was here Emaan wouldn't be wearing this colour .Emaan sighed and seeing everyone looking at her deeply ,she smiled though her lightly Kohl rimmed eyes twinkled with unshed tears and everyone loudly whispered out Masha Allah at the celestial beauty she looked .

After the Eid prayer Emaan didn't even realised when Sidra pulled the veil of her dress over her face or when Dr Sarah ,Dr Fatimeh ,Yamama's mother had entered the room.She sat still yet internally she felt like a candle flame dwindling amidst the harrowing tempest .Shivering of her hands had increased ,her heartbeats seemed so loud that no words of comfort could reach her auditory colonies.The entourage of men including Mr Rahman and due to Dr Isa needing to go to Al Firdous ,Hamza was decided to sign as witness from Emaan's side but sudden arrival of Yamama's father and his insistence ,he took over to be Emaan's one of witnesses.

I couldn't marry my Yamama but doing this will make me feel I am doing so- was Sulaiman's words .And it had let Emaan to be only puddled in more sea of gratitude yet pain .

The words of contract echoed ,the final question was asked leaving Emaan in swamp of glittery feeling ,her hands were perspiring ,throat seemed choked and eyes they were satiated with held back tears but a tight hold on her hand by Sidra next to her and pat on her back by Mrs Rahman as she whispered in her ear ,

"Daughter ,my habibti reply !".

Giving her enough courage ,Emaan in the witness of each soul who once or more heartedly prayed for this union ,in the presence of Angels who stepped down to strengthen the bond of love these hearts were born with ,the entire nature who had decorated itself more in celebration of this day peeking into through the windows ,Emaan gulping hard and clenching her palm as one trail of tear slipped down she whispered the words,

"I do !".

And the air that seemed to have lost their way into his lungs found a magical way and his heart thumbed yet not in trepidation but sheer happiness , Khaled sighed in relief running his hand in his hair before mumbling innumerable Alhamdulillah and cute smile channeled its way to his lips yet impatiently waiting for his turn to get over with.Hamza muting Sidra's call as she went on consoling sobbing Emaan, cackled seeing Khaled's state only to earn a mere boring glance but failing utterly to mark his effect due to his shy yet stubborn smile.Embarassed by gazes on him he looked down yet  his eyes was busy in wait of welcoming the Muslim priest to the garden area of Mr Esber's where his term of nikah contract was to be read .And never a stranger's sight felt too good as that of Muslim priest .The sermon was read ,it seemed unending yet he didn't let his concentration frickle away ,focussing each words ,understanding and inhaling their meaning, when finally his turn came and Hamza as promised to Sidra had  unmuted the call and when the question was asked ,no one was needed to urge or coax as he confidently looking down at the ground asserted ,

"I do !".

And the resonance of happiness echoed at his approval in the surrounding while he moved to sign the papers and he couldn't stop his smile widening seeing the light ,little jarred strokes filled signature of Emaan filling his heart with more gratitude .The worldly ink was the reaffirmation of what heavenly ink had sealed thousand years ago.And Khaled with heart filled gratitude submit to the decree of HIS Lord and signed the papers.

And it seemed the air found its lost velocity as it blew blooming the surrounding and making the dangling head over heals flowers land on the man who seemed the happiest of all ,whose smile could bedazzle the sun yet the lone grateful tear that escaped his eyes was to remain a secret between his palm and his Allah .

Emaan couldn't seemed to recover from that confident I do of Khaled ,it oozed goosebumps yet instilled serenity making her realise that she was now really his .And the realisation always left her in a overwhelming mess of emotions ,she felt nervous and wanted to hide herself yet she couldn't deny the deep crave to see him .

How could such an unbelievable dream become a believable reality .

"I wish you lot of love and happiness habibti ! " Ayzal leaned to kiss over Emaan's forehead ,"Seeing you married makes me feel like I got my Yamama married and so that's why I and Sulaiman wished to be one of your witnesses .But that's not where our job ends remember this ,anything you will need or not need you have a home always open for you .Don't feel lonely and weak !".

"You stole my words !". Mrs Rahman added patting Emaan's head and Emaan who had tried to control her emotions ended up loosing their reins and crying in happiness that how loving and merciful her Allah was that HE showered her lonely soul with such unbounding love.

"Emaan habibti ! I with much difficulty stopped Raza's tears seeing you married and now you are following him !".Mrs Rahman grinned while others chuckled loudly .

With departure of Ayzal and Sulaiman,finally Laiba walked in along with Muslim ,Yaseen and Nabilah .And mere glance of her daughter in law ,Laiba was all smitten as she gushed and showered with unending praises,kisses and hugs leaving Emaan in puddle of mortification.

"Emaan I also want to see you ?Why did I lost my eyes?" Yaseen whined with tears gurgling in her blue eyes.

Gently holding Yaseen's hands ,Emaan comforted,

"Yaseen you have a gift that none of us have ,while each of us get biased and judge people by the way one look while you see people real beauty not hampered by the filters of eyes .So what you see is real beauty and I will prefer and wish to beautiful in you heart !About not seeing me ,you can see me like this and imagine !". Emaan moved Yaseen's hand over face making everyone around smile in awe .

"Emaan you are the most beautiful girl in the world !". Yaseen complimented while Emaan embraced Yaseen and Sidra captured this heartwarming moment in her camera unleashing a beginning of photo session with the bride .

All were happy but Emaan couldn't help but notice the sullen look of Nabilah and the hateful gazes she had received in her every attempt to talk to her .She felt confused and disappointed but before she could conclude any way to clear things out ,she heard about Khaled arrival in the room ,muddling down every thing and leaving no space for any thought but him .

On one hand , it felt as if hundred and thousands of birds fluttered in her heart chirping the song of love ,while millions of fireflies twinkled every corner of her heart like stars and territories of her heart bloomed with flora that could put the world of spring to shame and the feelings gush through her heart like an enthusiastic river eager to meet the sea ...and so many myriad undescriable feelings that earth would feel if she was to meet the sky ...

And on another ,it felt that all the shyness hiding in every corner of her existence had attacked her all at once and she was falling ingloriously before them, wanting to hide herself somewhere then to actually face him.

Khaled was enthusiastic yet couldn't ignore the nervousness bellowing in his heart.He kept checking his black suit that he had been force to get from his house and the way he was feeling all sweaty with nervousness his only urge was to get rid of the coat as soon as possible.Running his thumb over his finger's tips while waiting to be allowed to enter the room ,Hamza chuckled at his state ,

"Seriously I don't think you wouldn't have been so nervous even before your first surgery".

"But I think if you continue to be this irritating I won't feel any hesitance in doing my first murder !".

Hamza spiked up his eyebrow but before he could retort back ,Laiba walked out of the room and smiled.Khaled move to walk inside when stopping him Laiba patted off invisible dust from his black blazer while teasing,

"My son is really in a hurry to meet his bride !".

"The correct word is impatient Amtu !".Hamza quipped earning a bored look of Khaled before looking down ,both a bit annoyed and embarassed.

Oblivious they are

To call me impatient

As it's a secret between me and Allah

That I have waited for you since eternity

I have waited to love you even when I had no entity ..

Kissing him on his forehead,Laiba gestured Khaled  to enter the room while patting his back Hamza walked away but Khaled stopped him and hugged him while saying,

"Thanks for everything! For helping me see and realise I didn't wanted to ...and even eating my brain ...jazakallah khair".

Hamza smiling hugged back while chuckling,

"Oye dont get so nice or I won't be able to stop my tears!".

Khaled smiling moved back while Laiba and Hamza gazed at him with awe at how the smile which was such a rare part of his face had suddenly found such a consistent entity of his visage .Khaled quirked his eyebrow to which Hamza and Laiba looked at one another before gushing ,

"Allah our Lionheart is finally married !Someone pinch us !".

Khaled rolled his eyes at their antics and letting Laiba lead him inside the room ,Khaled whispering few duas entered inside along with Wali greeting everyone with salam.He immediately lowered his eyes with all ladies gasping at how charming and dashingly handsome he looked. Replying questions of Mrs Rahman ,Abida and Adila ,Khaled's eyes slightly tour around the room to rest on the figure his eyes was parched to see yet to his much annoyance her face was shielded by the falling veil from her side and adding more to his dismay she had hid her already non visible face behind Yaseen's face .Not wanting anybody to tease he quickly removed his eyes when he was forced by Laiba to sit next to Emaan increasing the beats of Emaan's hearts that was all ready to jump out of its refuge .Mrs Esber quickly pulled Hira away from the sofa while Zeba sitting next to Emaan had walked away herself not before congratulating Khaled .

Emaan felt her heartbeats even at the pore of her tips as she felt him sitting next to her before whispering ,

"Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu !". Emaan scooted a little away before mumbling out the reply which she with very onerous effort had able to mutter out that too not sure he had heard her or not .

"Ma sha Allah my children look so beautiful together !". Laiba gushed happily while Mrs Esber and Mr Rahman nodded merrily .

"Khaled Akhi I want to see you too ! Can you bring your face close ?".

Emaan had her all nerve cracking as she felt Khaled scooting closer before he leaned closer to Yaseen standing between her legs .Emaan turned her face away slightly ,his perfume overwhelming her senses increasing the activity of her heart. She pressed her lips trying to whisper duas to calm herself while Yaseen touched Khaled's face before declaring,

"You look the most handsome man in the world !".

"No he is the most handsome Dracula !". Abida corrected.

Sidra clamped her mouth trying to succumb her laughter while everyone looked shocked yet highly amused .Mrs Rahman apologetically looked at Khaled who dismissed it casually but the way Emaan had sensed his gaze on her after Abida's abrupt declaration ,she knew this won't be easily forgotten or dismissed .Emaan had turned her head more when Yaseen stated,

"Khaled Akhi you are most handsome prince in the world I tell you believe me!".

"Really ! But maybe just not enough to make someone look at me !". Khaled whispered ,his eyes flickering towards turn veiled face of Emaan who despite all nervousness and shyness couldn't help but smile slightly with a tinge of blush adding to it .

"Let Sidra take photographs of you both with us then we will leave you two to talk and flirt as much as you want so now move back ". Laiba ordered .

Khaled straighten up mortified while Emaan didn't knew anything except looking down as it seemed today everybody was having their way of pulling their legs .As photographs was clicked ,Wali moved out of Khaled's hold and moved to stand near Emaan .And he looked up as he whispered ,

"I have such a beautiful Ammi !". Emaan smiled and pulled him closer but shocking her Wali kissed her cheeks and grinned shyly .Seeing his cuteness Emaan couldn't help and kissed him back on his cheeks.Khaled smiled slightly but he was befuddled by the irritation he felt inside him ,

Wali gets kisses and I am not even worth a glance .

Rightfully shouldn't I be the one on recieving end !

He looked away combing back his hair chiding himself for being jealous of a mere kid .

"Seriously I had thought Emaan would be giving trouble but seems like our groom is no way behind in being shy .I mean we need to change pose so first stand up both of you...please!".Sidra added last sentence hearing Khaled sigh in annoyance .

Khaled stood up and glanced slightly to his right thinking of holding out his hand or not for Emaan to stand up when beating him to it ,Emaan stood up quickly but in her haste she didn't realise Wali was standing on her dress making her loose balance and heightening her problem her heel clad feet slipped .Everything was so quick that Emaan didn't even realised when a hand slipped through her waist and she was pulled up with her most of the weight leaning on the person and multiplying her shock ,terror she came cross the warm concerned yet awestruck hazel orbs looking deeply back at her,making her suck in breath at the mesmerising sight and Bismillah automatically tumbling out of her mouth as habit .

"Subhan Allah !". Emaan felt herself hearing Khaled muttered at the same time as her bismillah.It was the first time they were seeing one another with no barriers holding down ,with the rightful gazes like they had once looked at one another in the world of souls and now as they peeped into eachother souls through beautiful windows as if saying at last we meet ..

Celebrating this moment ,those dainty rays entering through lucid glasses of windows sparkled brightly filling the room with more shine and purity,the light winds perfumed everything it touched ,as in between the spring and autumn of their eyes was like life and death but their moment as they gazed eachother was a moment beyond living and dying ,a moment worth eternity .

With his eyes shinning with daring blooming spring of love and her twinkling with shy majestic autumn of promises was eloquoting the beginning of new season ,a season of their love ,a chapter of their lives worth titling happily ever after .

Our destiny began side by side

Yet divided by light years of distance

Souls knew and aware

Yet unknown of eachother existence

Millionth steps and passing numerous season

Seeking something in the crowd without a reason

But when now our gaze finally meet

Every puzzle found a conclusion

Every step ,every breath was a preparation

For a reality which seems more like a dream

Emptiest parts of us overflowing with feelings

At Allah and HIS way of dealings

Now us realise what our hearts were seeking

Mercy that was named mine

Even before we had started breathing

Now that it's happening

All at once

Everything looks brighter

Everything looks prettier

Everything looks different

Once upon a eid

The resounding rhythm of our heartbeats

Like victorious chant after ages of drowning in defeat


At last we finally meet


Couldn't help but be grateful for your every heart beat

Couldn't help but be grateful that it's for you my heart was destined to beat

A lone tears slipped Emaan's right eye but before it could trail its way down her cheek ,Khaled softly rub away the tear and his soft eyes turned slightly dark as if warning her before again turning mellow as he smiled persuading Emaan enough to smile back at him.Even if her lips had curved up she feared that he could hear her thrashing heartbeats as he was so close that she could make out every facial features of his and she realised why the girls drooled over this man.He was so..

A bouts of fake coughs made them come out of their stupor and Emaan's pupil dilated in horror before she immediately looked down and jerking her hands away from Khaled's coat and using one of hand to hide her face while internally wishing to vanish at that very second.Khaled mortified looked away his ears turning tinge yet he couldn't hide his amusement noticing the embarassed face of Emaan from his periphery yet not wanting to make her feel anymore discomfort, ensuring she could stand alright ,Khaled asked ,

"Are you alright ?".

Seeing her slightly nod while looking down completely ,Khaled amused at her shyness but with very heavy feeling removed his hand from her waist .

"Seriously what a picture I captured .I should be a professional wedding photographer .But I must say this is the first time I am happy that you are clumsy Emaan.!"

Emaan gazed up slightly glaring at Sidra but her eyes widen when next to her she heard Khaled whisper ,

"Can't agree more !". And unconsciously her head turned up to see him looking down at his shoes with hands in his pockets before glancing at her and a teasing smirk curving on his lips .Emaan immediately looked back down converting his smirk into a cute grin seeing the blush blasting on her face.

With finally marking the end of photo session,Laiba walked upto Khaled and Emaan and holding both their hands she gushed ,

"I can't believe my Lionheart is finally married !".

"I am not exaggerating but you already said this hundred times Amtu !". Khaled mumbled only to wince as Laiba slapped his arm glaring at him but she ended up smiling as Khaled side hugged her and smiled.

"Emaan don't be like me ! Dont fall for his tricks .Be tight ,hold his reign and don't let him deviate !".Laiba asserted while everyone sniggered.

"What Amtu ? You are already plotting against me .And what's this about deviating ? You don't trust me now ?".

"Well Emaan's presence is enough proof that you can be deviated .That stubborn heart of yours can work apart from beating .So that's why Emaan make sure you are the last deviation no else okay ? " Laiba interlinked Emaan's and Khaled's hands not realising what that simple act had done to their hearts while she went on unaware  ,

"And no matter what happens ,what situation, face it like this together hand in hand and never ever let go of him as this way it would be easier to hold his reign.So hold onto him always no matter what, okay ?".

Ignoring the tingles she was feeling in her whole body ,Emaan nodded .And as if her heartbeats wasn't soaring hide tides ,Khaled intertwined their hands as if promising in his own way of not letting go .She glanced slightly up to find him already looking at her and that was enough to down her gaze immediately .She just couldn't meet his eyes when all her bounty strength was invested in handling the giddy feeling she was feeling inside holding his hand.She wanted to ignore and focus on people but how was it possible when he was holding her hand so gently yet so firmly .

His big hands filling every crevices of her small hands ,embracing her in feeling both peaceful yet burning like embers, a hold that made her feel sheltered yet gave her enough strength to face storms. If he was by her side holding her hands always like this ,she was no longer scared of ever-growing rising feelings of her for him ,she knew with him ,the climb of these feelings will be worth it .

And in trance of these feelings,Emaan didn't realise when she tighten her hold on Khaled making him look at her slightly then seeing her lost listening to Laiba he smiled and tighten his grip back.His grip was enough to stall out of her thoughts and she flushed at her musing and actions ,fearing what Khaled would be thinking of her .

"Okay we will give you some alone time before we call you for special brunch !".Laiba announced looking at Mrs Esber who nodded smiling.Kissing  on Emaan's forehead and mumbling words of praises in Arabic ,she walked out along with Mrs Esber and Mrs Rahman discussing how good the newly couple looked .

While seeing this as an opportunity ,Emaan tried to slipped her hand out of Khaled's hold but to her surprise Khaled defuted her attempt by holding her hand more tightly while glancing at her way he whispered in a teasing tone ,

"Didn't you just promise Amtu of holding on to me no matter what?".

Emaan just didn't had any words to respond she only looked down ,letting her hand stay in his hold watching with nerve wrecking heart everyone slowly leave the room ,children especially Wali ,Abida and Adila were most disheartened to leave but hearing about food they ran off immediately .Sidra along with Zeba walked upto Emaan grinning at their entwined hands ,amused at Emaan's pleas with her eyes and whispers of not leaving her alone.

"Dr Khaled can we talk to Emaan privately for a second .We won't take much time !".

Khaled with a slight nod let go of Emaan's hand and walked to stand outside at the door already regretting of leaving .

Hou much more time till he could meet her alone .Khaled groaned internally .

"What do you mean of won't take time? Please don't leave me. I am ...am too nervous !I don't know what I am suppose to do .Please don't go !Is it necessary to meet alone ?Like I am not even settle with idea of marrying him and now face him alone...how am I suppose to do ?". Emaan whimpered nervously while covering her face .

"Yeah sure let's start this new trend with your marriage that meeting should be done after first anniversary !" Sidra taunted before adding , "A person doesn't marry to become strangers ...and where was this nervousness when you were shamelessly staring deep into Dr Khaled eyes .Like nothing else matters except him and you ,and your tiny world .If we hadn't cough we think that tiny world would have filled with tiny kids ,right Zeba ?".

Zeba smirked in response while Emaan mortified mumbled ,

"Its nothing like that !".

"Yeah right ! I have whole set of photographs as evidence but I will show you later first Sana will see it and comment as per her request cum order .But I am glad I got you wear heels despite your denial other wise this moment wouldn't have come to take place and not to forget it will help in reducing strain on Dr Khaled's neck and spinal cord ..."Sidra curbed her mischievous smile .

Seeing Emaan frown in confusion ,Zeba added ,

"She means that with you wearing heals Dr Khaled won't have to lean much to kiss you !". Emaan's face blasted with colours of embarassement as she tried to glare Sidra but nothing worked as Sidra teased more ,

"And so I think it's good we shouldnt apply lipstick also ,it will get smudged in the end! So what's the use ?".

Pupils dilated and mouth wide open ,Emaan blinked at Sidra before slapping her arms in anger while chiding,

"Astagfirullah !You are suppose to make me less nervous  and here you are increasing my blood pressure ! You know what just go away".

"Allah ! Allah ! So eager to kiss Dr Khaled ! I will surely tell this to Sana !". Sidra chuckling walked out with Zeba following her but she stopped and turned ,

"If you feel really nervous just close your eyes and rest Dr Khaled can manage  !". Zeba walked out patting Emaan's cheeks while Emaan stood like a statue blinking in the words before sitting down on the sofa covering her burning face ,the tempo of her heart covering new ranges of rhythm leaving her in a mess.

She whispered duas to calm herself but as soon as she heard the footsteps and the door being closed ,those sounds was enough to reverberate echo of clamouring ripples tearing down any kind of tranquility in the sea of her heart.

She straighten up quickly ,tightly clasping her both hands ,trying to regularise her constricted breathing but suddenly it seemed like she had even forgotten how to breathe normally .As she heard his footsteps closer she clasped her fingers more tightly contemplating whether she should stand up or remain sitting .

Involved in this debate ,Emaan didn't realise he had covered the distance between them and sucked in her breath as she felt him sit on the sofa yet to her much relief he had sat at other corner of it .An acute silence prevailed them ,the sounds of birds ,rustling winds knocking at the window and creeper that made their way inside the wall of house through windows all seemed to be making noise except him.Emaan felt that even her swallowing resonated in the room.

Wasnt they suppose to talk or is he waiting for her to initiate ...Ya Allah what am I suppose to say !Ya Allah make him talk.

And as if waiting for her to make dua ,she heard him clear his throat and mumble out while taking off his blazer ,

"Is it too hot or am I only feeling it !" .Emaan shifted on her place thinking what was she suppose to reply but the parting words of Zeba and Sidra had extorted every ability of thinking and speech while wrecking her minds with wayward thoughts that only aided in dwindling her sanity more. While Khaled keeping the blazer on sofa's arm ,pulled his tucked in shirt out and Emaan scooted little more closer to the sofa's arms as if she would somehow get absorb in it .

Running his hand in his hair ,Khaled glanced slightly to his left and seeing the tightly clasped fingers of Emaan ,he leaned forward and tilted his face trying to get a glimpse of her face he asked ,

"Is everything alright Dr Emaan ?".

Ya Allah even his voice is making my heart flutter.. why his voice sounds so soft and gentle !

Not wanting to sound like a dying rabbit ,Emaan just nodded in affirmative when increasing the source of hyperventilation she felt a dip in sofa .Khaled not satisfied with her answer shifted a little yet not too close and keeping a hand in space between them,he leaned forward and tilting his head more to get a more clear view of her face he asked ,

"Are you sure ?".

Emaan not daring to look up just nodded fervently and lowered her head more focussing on her tangled fingers and aiding her in the process of hiding her face was her milky veil.But taking her by surprise Khaled squatted down before her with one leg folded in while other was raised on toes,his one hand resting on his folded leg while other resting on the sofa beside her .

"Wh...why are you ...?" Emaan stuttered looking confusingly at him.

"Finally I got you look at me !".

At that moment ,Emaan felt her face burning yet she couldn't remove her eyes from him ,it seemed blasphemy to her heart and to those hazel orbs that have worked a charm over her existence holding in trance in the beauty and intensity of emotions they were swirling with ,sorcery of those relieved expressions and that breathtaking smile .

You were right Abbu the view is really beautiful after the climb .It's really is .

The loose white shirt ,the black trouser and ruffled black hair reminded of her dream.When keeping her in his gaze he whispered ,

"I am not aware of promises one is suppose to make after getting married but can we begin with a promise of not avoiding eachother".

Emaan blinked in surprise internalizing his words before nodding fervently but shocking her Khaled placed his hand on her forehead ,he was much nearer than before ,robbing every instinct of her to breathe to survive while mumbling ,

"Alhamdulillah there is no fever ! You had got me worried !" .Khaled blew out air of relief while Emaan looked at him stunned yet overwhelmed, her face tinging more with the warmth of his closeness while her fluttering heart cocooned in the ardor of his loving action.Emaan released her breath she didn't knew she was holding as Khaled moved his hand back before asking,

"Nervous ?".

Emaan nodded in affirmative before shaking it in negative but seeing his earnest eyes she eventually nodded sheepishly in agreement.

Looking down Khaled smiled before gazing back at Emaan and moving his hand resting beside her on sofa and gently took hold of her palm reclining in her lap stuttering Emaan's lungs capacity to breathe and creating havoc in the cities of her heart with new sensations that coaxed the scared seed of feelings to brave up and peek out at the spring his mere touch had blossomed in the desert of her heart. His mere touch left her brave yet timid .

A soul of paradoxes she had become.

There was no hesitance or awkwardness in the gentle way he held her ,there was something magical ,something nostalgic like an ace pianist feeling the keys after ages of seperation ,like a poet remembering his once lost beloved verses.There was longing ,euphoria and fear - of losing ...all mixed in his in his tender hold .

"I am nervous too !". Emaan gazed up in surprise to find a little embarassed Khaled who seeing her reactions mumbled ,

"What? It doesn't seems like ?".

With his gentle hold and soft gaze ,articulation and diction seemed to have lost their way to her vocal box leaving no alternative for her but to nod sheepishly while avoiding his gaze.

"I think it works for me as looking like a nervous wreck doesn't go with my Dracula image right ?" Khaled teased making Emaan flustered before looking down biting her lips,no courage to face Khaled ,no reason to claim her innocence.

"Am I making you uncomfortable ?".

Emaan glanced up to find him gazing back at her with those magnetic eyes yet a hint of fear gracing his expressions as if he was a small boy fearing of what will come out of a dark room left Eman befuddled yet it pregnant her with instinct to wipe off that fear as soonest and looking back at those green heaven swirling with caramel galaxies ,she nodded in negative with utter certitude and no hesitance .

Khaled smiled slightly and his loosening grip on Emaan's hand regained their composure as he asked,

"So it wouldn't be too much right, if we move forward from me speaking and you just nodding to having a proper conversation.I want you to speak Dr Emaan ! I want to hear your voice!Is it okay?".

Emaan bit her lips at the way her heart cuddled in the warmth just by his actions ,his words ,his eyes ....her heart faltering and dancing like the lilac in spring .

Smiling slightly Emaan nodded before realising, she quickly whispered ,

"I mean yes.." Emaan internally groaned at the way her voice seemed to have roughly bumped its way through vocal cords before ambling out of her mouth.She looked down frustrated at her flustered self as if she was some trembling leaf in face of torrid tempest.

Ya Allah !Why do I have to act so stupid before him? Where is this thing called confidence?.

But jumbling her already tangled nerves into a much severe crimson mess , Khaled placed his hand back on her forehead. She gazed at him lost as letting his hand remain on her forehead Khaled moved to recite the dua when taking her off guard after completing the dua ,Khaled's hand replaced his lips as he pecked her forehead lightly.

It felt a cluster of butterflies danced in every cell of her body as she wide eyed gazed at him trying to discern those innumerable emotions orbiting his eyes .Up until now everything seemed more or less like an illusion ,like a beautiful rainbow after drenching rainfall ,that in one moment it seemed real and in another it would vanish like it never existed . But his kiss was like an affirmation that rainbow might vanish but the light that coloured won't ,the light colouring her world was meant to stay .His kiss had awakened her from her nightmare to a beautiful enigmatic hazel world promising an universe that no words or verses would transcend or comprehend ,just her and him and their Lord with those filtered sunlight ,blooming creepers angel in heaven's stood as enchanted witness .

Not able to withstand his gaze, flustered and flushed Emaan looking down slightly tried to move back but his grip on her hand tighten as he pulled her back shocking her.

But breaking their moment ,Khaled's phone buzzed with an incoming call .Seeing it's from his father ,Khaled excusing himself stood up and engaged himself in the call while Emaan sighed in relief but her heart continued beating in the same irratic way .She couldn't believe Khaled kissed her and in the pretext of correcting her hijab she touched the spot he had kissed .She felt flustered and all she wanted to hide to calm herself before facing him again cause anymore she wouldnt be able to endure this rapid thumbing of heart .

She glanced at him secretly ,standing near the window facing out ,engaging in the call he looked all confident and calm like ocean while she was crumbling down like an old ship wreckage .The crisp white shirt that loosely hung over his broad shoulders meticulously curtained his lean yet muscular upper body combined with black trouser and those ruffled jet black hair that no matter how much he ran his hand into them styled back to their position adding a rough charm to his dazzling personality.In the white glow of the sun he shined more and it was debatable to comprehend, the sun of sky was sparkling more or sun of her heart was more glowing .

What absurdities are you thinking Emaan?

But it's not wrong since I am married right ?

Oh Allah I am!!!!...

It was still so difficult to internalise the fact she was married to Khaled .That she could look at him ,care about him ,worry ...Emaan's heart somersaulted when her eyes clashed with Khaled and embarassed she immediately looked away .When moment later Khaled, walked up to her handed out his phone and seeing her confused gestured to talk .Emaan gulped looking at the phone before worriedly gazing up at Khaled but seeing his reassuring eyes ,she tentatively took the phone,

"Voice and connection would be more clear if you stand near the window !".Khaled recommended.

Nodding Emaan stood up walked upto the windows and engaged in the conversation with her father in-law and eventually Martha .But deep undisturbed gaze of Khaled made even infrequent formal replies she was making during entire conversation an explicitly cumbersome task .Fidgeting with her fingers she clenched ,unclenched her veil ,her eyes shivering with nervousness daring not to look up and face more scarlet than ever .Flustered she tried to she hide her face with her hand ,she even tried to glare at him but all her actions fall flat before his intense gaze and that amused smirk showing how much he was enjoying the effect he had on her and eventually she turned away from his gaze oblivious that her mere action had generated a full blown smile on Khaled's face.

After Martha's unending excited and teasing peroration ending with bundles of blessings from everyone ,Emaan was asked to pass the mobile back to Khaled .Without looking up ,Emaan turned and held out the mobile to Khaled who highly amused at her reactions remained still and only after confused Emaan gazed up at him ,he took the mobile smiling victoriously .While Emaan eventually understanding what he did pressed her upward curving lips and looking down .

Ya Allah only few hours of being married and I feel like I am going to have a heart failure .

But hearing him talk to his father ,Emaan couldnt stop the harsh rupturing of her roughly bandaged cankerous wounds .Her mind fluttered through the blood rimmed pages of her life ,the pages that once only echoed with love and happiness ,it now somehow gashed her heart with more pain.She had controlled her emotions ,of not letting the blessings be marred by her inability of handling the void ,of not wanting to act selfish and ruin the atmosphere when everyone went out of their ways to celebrate her happiness .Only faltering after signing nikah contract ,she had restrained every dam of emotion but suddenly every restrain seemed to breaking bit by bit and despite her attempts tears gallop down her eyes with no hesitance and shame .Suffocating her hiccup she quickly rubbed off her tears not wanting Khaled to see but all her attempt ended in utter failure when she heard Khaled's concerned filled voice ,

"Emaan what happened ?".Khaled walked closer.

Cutting the call Khaled turned only to be left shocked to see Emaan crying .He was taken aback he was rummaging through any thing he might have said that hurted her but nothing striked his mind.Her every tear felt like burning his heart and his helpless and unawareness of the reason ,a salt to that burn .

Emaan moved back while harshly rubbing off her tears ,

"I am sorry I don't ..know why ? I didn't meant to ! Dont be concerned about me rather I was feeling jealous of you ..seeing  you talk to your parents .I..I wished..I am sorry for acting so selfish.I shouldn't be crying at happy times but ...these won't stop ". Emaan turned away .

"Just give me few minutes I will be okay !". Emaan didn't wanted Khaled to hate her ,to detest her for being so pathetic and depressed .He deserves best and she knew wasn't but she wanted to try ...to smile for him , be happy with him but everything was falling down like her unstoppable tears .

Why she has to be so weak !

But driving her out of thoughts ,Khaled walked closer to her and slipping his left hand in her right palm,he turned her to face him. Emaan mortified and shocked by his touch ,turned yet couldn't find the courage to look up ,hiding her face in pretext of wiping her tears but her breathe stumbled as Khaled gently removed her other hand as he moved closer to her while whispering,

"Emaan Allah loves to give ,HE is Al Wahhab but when HE takes away something ,the purpose is never to deprive us but HE wishes to give us something better and you know this is not the end you will meet your parents in Jannah where no pain of separation or any sorrow will touch you .You will meet your parents to narrate every amazing thing you did to make them proud but until then you dont have to hide what you are feeling from me ! And neither it's selfish nor bad to miss your parents and if it is then I want you to act bad and selfish as much as you want cause I will hold and hide you from the world keeping it always  a secret between you and me .Cause I can't bring them back but I promise to not let you suffer alone,promise to be strong when you feel weak ,promise to be non judgemental when you act selfish ..until you meet them again in Jannah I promise to be everything .So don't hide your feelings and act selfish cause to me you will always be my little warrior !"

Emaan blinked at Khaled as he softly wiped her tear looking at her with so much affection that Emaan couldn't stop herself and embraced him holding on to his shirt hiding her face in his chest ,her attempt to stop herself from crying long gone with Khaled gathering her in the safe haven of his arms embraced her back tightly .At that moment ,Emaan felt shielded and secured as if nothing could touch her yet it filled her with such strength that she felt like soaring high and relaxed ...it was strange that in the cage of his arms the bird of her heart had found its freedom ,the ashes like her existence had rise out like phoenix .She found her sky which accepted her tattered existence in its vast blue majesty promising a love that was more blue than sky more deep than the ocean .She found her sun that was ready to lighten her world despite knowing all the darkness consuming and marring her .

With her tears giving way to sobs and eventually to infrequent sniffs and her breathing coming to normal ,lulled by their synced thrashing heartbeats Emaan snuggled more in his chest ,wanting to drench herself more in the homely warmth when the tighten grip on her back and weight on her head made her finally realise her state. Embarassed and shocked at her courageous act she tentatively moved back rubbing off her tears ,not daring to look up with her face all red with crying,embarassment and shyness while internally praying that she doesn't end up looking like a cranky kid with puffed red eyes and running nose. Khaled amused stepped a closer and gently removed her tears dangling near the edges of her right orbs.

Emaan squinted her right eye before her gaze lifted up to Khaled and embarassement of her daring actions of embracing him,made her immediately look down when her gaze collided at his shirt and she gasped at the black stain on his plain white shirt while mumbling,

"Ya Allah your shirt..I am sorry so sorry !". Emaan gasped moving back before turning to get the spare tissues from her bagpack when in her haste,her feet clad in heels twisted but saving her from landing on the floor ,Khaled quickly held her .Scared ,Emaan held onto Khaled tightly while Khaled gripping her tightly by her waist asked,

"You okay ?"

Emaan nodding as she mumbled embarassed ,

"I am sorry I am not good with heels !".

"I don't know should I be more grateful of this fact or be more concerned !".Khaled mumbled while helping her stand back securely .

Emaan blinked at him in confusion while Khaled smiled at her before his eyes flickered down at her lips and his grip unconsciously tighten on her waist making Emaan realise her state and their closeness .His breath was fanning her face and she felt her heart would thrash out of her rib cage ,her lungs will commit suicide ,nervousness, echoing words of Zeba and Sidra and the intense emotions swirling in his eyes ,she quickly muttered out,

"Stain..get tissue ...I mean tissue for stain!".Khaled gazed at flustered Emaan before pressing his lips and sighing in amusement he let her go .

Rummaging out tissues from her bag she walked back to Khaled,intially moving to rub it off herself but her shyness acting in next second she stepped back and instead offered the tissue to Khaled while used the other one to wipe off her red running nose.Amused and lowering his head to hide his grin at the flushed face of Emaan,Khaled combing back his hair took the tissue and instead of rubbing off his stain to much confusion of Emaan he walked closer to her and lifted his hands to wipe off the smudged kohl off her eyes .Her eyes automatically blinked down him in shyness as he tenderly went on with his work as if she was a delicate flower. His each effort to wipe off the black stain darkening the stain of shyness on her cheeks.She couldn't help but notice the difference between their heights that despite her wearing heels Khaled had to bend to be on level with her . But eventually irriated at the insolence of her lashes that shyly fluttered kisses on his long fingers,Emaan gazed up only to have her eyes connected with his ,making her instantly look down pulling her lower lip inside focussing only on staring at his shirt button, nothing else.She heard him heave a sigh before mumbling something to himself he moved back and turning the other side of tissue ,he began rubbing off the kohl stain from his shirt.

Did I did something wrong?

Emaan shrugged at her thought before engrossing in watching in stain removal process, Emaan slightly tilted her head internally praying for the stain to get away while Khaled quirked his eyebrow in amusement before he pressed his lips to hide his stubborn grin.

Why she has to be so cute !

Seeing Khaled's stop and the stain being still intact ,Emaan's eyes flutter between Khaled and stain ,unaware of what her innocent and cute expressions were doing to his heart ,

"Stain is not going ! You should take off your shirt I will wash it right away !". Emaan mumbled with worrisome expressions.

Khaled blinked in shock before he muttered all amused ,

"Dr Emaan are you sure of what you just said ? You really want me to take off my shirt ! Even though I don't mind now !".

As the words settled in ,Emaan's eyes bulge in shock as she moved back gesticulating her hand in denial ,

"I ..I didn't meant that ...I ..mean afterwards when you change clothes ". Emaan mumbled embarassed while trying to hide her face as she pretended to hide her non existent baby hairs in her hijab.

Khaled couldn't curb his amusement as he ended up chuckling ,taking Emaan off guard as she blinked in surprise and totally lost in seeing Khaled laughing so freely for the first time .She was mesmerised seeing how cute he looked laughing, with his eyes squinting to such an extent seeming like as if they were closed .She felt proud to make him laugh and she wanted to be reason he laughed like that more and again .His laugh had instantly become her favourite poetry ,a magnum opus of its own kind and she wanted to be the poet that wrote this verses again and again.

In her trance she didn't realise ,Khaled had stopped laughing and was looking back at her with such intense eyes that left her mind ,heart and every senses in jumble .Embarassed of being caught gawking at him ,Emaan looked down fiddling with her fingers hoping he would look away but much trouble to her thumbing heart he kept looking at her .

Ya Allah would he stop looking at me !.

She bit her lips pressurising her mind thinking of something to escape his eyes but no avail.When she heard Khaled ,

"Your dress is really beautiful".Emaan smiled glancing at her dress.

Only my dress!

"But it's looks even more beautiful cause of you!".

Flushed and overwhelmed ,Emaan glanced up to find him standing casually with one hand in his pocket yet his eyes danced with acute sincerity .

How can he say these heartwarming words so easily?

How can he stand so casually while wrecking havoc in my heart ?

Like he was some exceptional war general who didn't even needed to lift swords to annex an empire ...

And this time the empire was her precious heart.

But not wanting to show the impact his words had on her and to make those hazel eyes interested in something other than her, Emaan muttered whatever came in her mind ,

"Ah ..it's good ...but my mother wanted me to wear dark maroon dress on my wedding !". Emaan gloomily smiled at the dress before she realised what absurdity she had muttered.She was again fogging this day happiness with her gloom and selfishness.She gazed up trying to rectify the blunder ,

"I di.." Emaan stopped finding Khaled standing before her,

"I am sure you would have looked good at any colour whether dark maroon or anything but ...if you ask me I will choose to see you in this dress even if we were to marry million times.This will be my choice every single million time" Khaled lightly touched the intricate lace at the border of her veil while gazing directly in bewildered chocolate eyes ,"

"Its simple, serene yet purely ethereal just like you!".

Emaan blinked taken aback by how swiftly with few words Khaled had totally overruled all her regret and guilt with a pure new found admiration for her dress.She had wished she could fulfill her mother's desire but she couldn't help but be estatic that she wore his million time choice .Interrupting her thoughts ,Khaled gently cupped her cheeks and stroked with his thumb the beauty mark on her lower side of right cheek,tumbling down every infrastructure of linearity of thoughts.She didn't knew was she suppose to focus on the mess inside her or concentrate on the one before her ,creating it .Lowering her eyes she glanced everywhere while stepping back as Khaled stepped closer when to her relief, her mind striked with a thought making her exclaim,

"Falafel !".

"Falafel ?".Khaled stopped and blinked at her in confusion.

Emaan nodded fervently looking like some obedient student with her hands locked infront .

Khaled blinked at Emaan before looking around ,he moved back and a sigh ambling out of his mouth unconsciously before replaced by a smile as he patting and gently ruffling her head a bit  walked passed her while asking,

"So what's this falafel is about ?".

Emaan still in daze in grasping his sudden touches and actions  and making her innocent heart used to it ,hearing him turn around while not making a direct eye-contact as she corrected her hijab, explained ,

"Ah Laiba Amtu said that there is a custom of eating sweets after ..marriage ".

Ya Allah why marriage has become such a difficult word .Am I really insane !

"But since you don't like sweets so Mrs Esber prepared Falafel!". Emaan deliberately clipped the part that it was she who had made it along with the help of Mrs Esber in the previous night but she was too embarassed to reveal it .

"Well on special occasion I can eat sweets". Khaled stated sliping his hand in his pocket and leaned on the window sill .

Emaan didn't knew was she suppose to feel happy that this day was special to Khaled also or she was to feel sad that all her hard work went in vain, she barely whispered ,

"Then you can have kalabji halab !"(semolina flour cookie filled with nut mixture and flavoured with rose and orange blossom water .A sweet speciality hailing from Aleppo specially prepared on special occasion like Eid ul Fitr).

Looking at her lost while looking at the line of few dishes kept on the table he commented ,

"Dont you think I deserve some applaud for being so far ahead in future that on the very first day of our meeting I gave you a chocolate !".

Emaan smiled at the memory but as she looked up to find Khaled smirking ,her smile faded away to replace a slight pout as she looking down at the ground patterns whisper- complained ,

"You were rude while giving it !".

"You remember my rudeness but not care ?And the fact that you were the first ever girl I had given a chocolate !"..

"I had also offered you sékerpare but then also you denied it rudely !".Emaan pressed her lips in annoyance remembering the memory.

"You had offered me after offering to the entire world not to forget even Albert !"Khaled looked away in annoyance .

Emaan was about to explain herself but seeing annoyed look on Khaled's face and his rigid stance she couldn't help herself but mumble out,

"You didn't take it cause you were jealous at that time !".

But with Khaled turning to look at her with mystified emotions convoluting in his orbs and realising what she had enunciated,Emaan not knowing what to do and what she would answer if Khaled would ask her ,she quickly pick kalabji halab and took a large bite from it .Embarassement was much better than repeating the absurdity she had mumbled .

Like Khaled will feel jealous !.

Lost in chiding her over hiburistic thoughts ,Emaan didn't realise when Khaled stood up from his position and held her hand holding cookie and made her eat him her half eaten part.And with his infamous smirk he moved back to his leaned position while Emaan watched him mouth slightly agape .

"This will work for now but I will be waiting for my share of sékerpare !".Seeing Emaan nod Khaled looked away and it is then her eyes fell on Khaled's ears that had turned slightly red making her embarassment replace amusement to find the Khaled Al Hassam feeling shy after his daring action.

When suddenly Khaled stood up saying ,

"Let's pray nafl before we are called out ! You have wudu ?".

Seeing Emaan nod ,Khaled smiled and holding her walked towards the washroom.While Emaan entranced at their enjoined hands and the feeling it swaddled in her heart that she didn't realise they had reached the washroom until Khaled let go off her hand to take off his shoes when looking at Emaan he asked ,

"Aren't you gonna take off your heels ?".

Emaan quickly took off her heels and was left confused when Khaled held out his hand for her to hold .Tentatively she slipped her hand in his as he lead them inside the washroom while she pulled her gown with her other hand to save it from wetting .She stood by as Khaled washed his mouth when done,he moved aside to give her space and she walked closer to the wash basin. But with her veil ,gown and hijab it was difficult to manage the simple act of washing her mouth without getting something drenched .But shocking her in a good way, Khaled held her dropping veil and filling the water in the chasm of his hand gestured Emaan to drink the water and perform the process of rinsing her mouth .Emaan hesitatingly looked at him and mumbled out some words of denial but seeing the serious and adamant look of Khaled ,she helplessly gave up and lifting her gown and keeping her hand on her chest she leaned down to drink water from Khaled's palm .

She was in awe of having her husband help her in wudu but she was also beyond embarassed .She closed her eyes everytime her lips connected with his palm wishing to be done with the process as soon as possible.Finally done with the process, she quickly moved back looking down missing the stark red ears and neck of Khaled who clearing his throat moved to walk out but stopped in his step and holding Emaan's hand then marched out .But they were hardly out of the washroom when Khaled's phone buzzed with a call .Quickly taking it out ,he frowned at the number before immediately picking it up .

And his frown only deepened and his hand slipped out of Emaan's hand as he combed his hair back in worry .Emaan looked at him apprehensively yet couldn't ignore the immediate warmth she missed without his  hold ,her palm already quenching at the touch of security and love those hands had made them habitual in just few moments .

But all her thoughts flew out of her mind when she heard Khaled mumble name of Zarar .Emaan's ears were all perked up ,chestnut eyes danced in fear and her heart thumped in mystery .She wanted to wash off the expressions of worry from his face as he stated in the phone.

"Yeah I will try to get to Al Firdous as fast as possible in sha Allah .But if you can do something to delay then I will be highly obliged Bulút ....yeah Assalamualaikum". Khaled disengaged the call and looked at Emaan ,smiling reassuringly he stated ,

"I need to leave for Al Firdous but its nothing to worry about so relax ..okay !".Khaled smiled again as he turned around scrolling through his phone when he stopped and turn around to find Emaan holding him by his shirt while looking at with worrisome eyes and her whole face dancing with panic and words don't go ..

Khaled slipping his phone in his trouser's pocket ,turned fully towards Emaan and walking closer to her ,he cupped her face with his thumb caressing her face gently and eventually stroking beauty mark with the back of his hand.He was already obessesed with that mole. Smiling he asserted lovingly to her ,

"I will be back soon so just wait for me !" His eyes flickered at her lips and stayed there for a bit before he directly gazed in her orbs and whispered ,

"Later !". He smiled at the blush that darken on Emaan's face and moving back he walked out of the door when he felt her steps behind him and instead of opening the door,he turned slightly back making Emaan stop in her act of whiffing duas at him .

Smiling at her act ,he bended to Emaan's level saying,

"Go on do it ! ".And Emaan with all thumbing heart and ignoring the way he looked at her whiffed over him. He looked at her for a second long before straightening up, he kissed on her head before whispering greeting and passing his rare charming smile ,he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.


Khaled parking his car a bit far from hospital steathily along with Hamza ,Férid and Jawad walked towards the building of Al Firdous hospital.

An air of curiosity was spread in the cheerful atmosphere as Khaled had hastily walked out  and signalling something to Hamza had rushed out of the house just asserting nothing was needed to be worried .And as Hamza was explained the situation as they sprinted out of Al Shams ,they met Férid and Jawad at the entrance who were pulled in their mission on the way .

Walking inside from the back entrance carefully ,Khaled suddenly stopped jerking stop everyone behind as he peeked slightly while informing ,

"There are two men standing with rifle on the entrance of Building C.!".

"But if they are Zarar's men why are they in casuals ?" .Hamza frowned .

"So how are we suppose to find Dr Isa now ?". Férid mumbled shocked.

Khaled gazed at Férid and eventually looked down thinking something he peeked back at the men and surrounding area before he ordered swiftly while taking out a bluetooth from his trouser's pocket,

"Okay the only way to know where is Dr Isa is through surveillance room so you all stay here and I will go to the room .And what I information get from there then I will explain what would be our next plan of action .Until then stay here and if anything seems or get fishy don't wait for me and get out of here as soon as possible .And also put your phones on vibrations ..understood ?".

Seeing everyone nod ,Khaled curtly nodded back and seeing the men looking away, steathily walked out of the wall and rushed to hide behind vehicles .When hearing footsteps he turned quickly to tackle down but was left shocked to find Hamza who grinned at him cheekily before squatting down behind the car .

"What ? Why are you here ? Didn't you hear what I said ? You had to stay there !".

"I thought I don't come in all and basically as best man it's my job to see that my friend reaches his bride safely and in single piece .".

"You don't have to worry about my bride .I am there for her and I had no thought of going back in anyway other than single piece." .Seeing amused look of Hamza and knowing he will come with another retort he added hasitly ,

"Yeah you can tease me afterward first let finish this work !". Khaled walked ahead with Hamza following him behind.

"Khaled dont you think it is too much of a coincidence for Dr Isa and Zarar to come to Al Firdous on the same day ? Isnt it fishy ? I mean could Dr Isa ...?".

"I would be lying if I say I didn't had this thought but I am not gonna doubt a person like Dr Isa just on intuition until I have full proof. I will find every reason to go against my intuition !". Khaled asserted and looking around he rushed towards the surveillance room and opening it quickly while Hamza stood on guard before marching inside and closing the door behind.

Quickly switching on the devices, they hurriedly glanced through the camera recordings to find most were blank guessing either they were shot down or they ran of out of battery but in one of the cameras of general ward they show a large group of men and among them a man was sitting down with his head nearly touching the ground.As they focussed to find it was no other than Dr Isa Fateh .Horrified and panic stricken ,Khaled and Hamza stared at the camera when their gaze fell at the camera of the first entrance of hospital to find a line of police car entering in the hospital astounding Hamza and Khaled to a much higher degree .

"What the hell is going on ? If Zarar is coming now then who is inside ?".Hamza mumbled exasperated and confused .

Instead of replying ,Khaled took out his phone and dialled making Hamza frown as he asked ,

"Why are you calling me ?"

"Pick it up and as soon as their car reaches the second gate just inform me instantly !". Saying it Khaled rushed out of the room and collecting few pebbles from the way he hid behind one of the parked cars and lowering down walked behind the cars before reaching a spot where both men were clearly visible to him and as if waiting for him to reach the spot ,Hamza informed him ,

"Khaled they have reached !".

And in that instant ,Khaled tossed two pebbles in his hand and muttering bismillah he launched them one after the other hitting the glasses of windows behind the men taking them off guard.Khaled quickly hid behind the car while Hamza whispered ,

"What did you do ? You missed them both ? What are you planning Khaled".

"Just wait !".

The men ducked down and looking at the broken window glancing around hurriedly, came to hide behind the pillars when they saw line of police cars entering and in an instant equating the broken glasses as an an attack from police ,they began shooting bullets at the cars while shouting and summoning their men from inside the hospital .

Hamza blinked at the camera recording watching the ensuing of combat between police and men inside the porch area .Hamza was used to ingenious working of Khaled's mind but even after being accustomed to it ,he was shocked yet impressed .

Man he started a battle with two pebbles .

"Damn Khaled the way your brain works it soemtimes terrifies me !".

"What's happening in the room Dr Isa was ?". Khaled asked instead while joining Jawad in conference call.

"They are leaving.Some are coming outside when some are moving in other direction .They are moving towards passage of entering other building I guess....all cameras are not working so I am not sure ." Hamza ranted confused looking at the videos.

"The area leading to the general ward Dr Isa is in is clear ?".

"Yeah it is !".

"Okay Jawad you are there right ?" Hearing Jawad's affirmative reply ,Khaled ordered ,"Férid and you rush to get Dr Isa from the main general ward on the lower floor .As soon as I get the clear way I will meet you with my car near back entrance but if I am not don't wait and escape with Dr Isa ,the key is still in the car. Hamza keep your eye on the camera recording if you find anyone on the way inform and as soon as they get Dr Isa you escape from that room as quickly as possible from any way don't stall much okay?".

With everyone getting the order,Férid and Jawad rushed inside the Al Firdous while Khaled waited with thudding heart knowing well their chances of getting found out was increasing with every passing second .But soon Jawad informed about them reaching Dr Isa and was coming out with him ,Khaled quickly asked Hamza to escape out of the room while describing the way that was safest possible .And as soon as Hamza reached him ,Khaled and Hamza sprinted out of the building amidst the firing and quickly sitting inside the car with banging hearts they drove near the back entrance waiting desperately but as they saw Férid and Hamza ,they quickly rushed out of the car only to be left dumbfounded seeing the blood drenched condition of Dr Isa .

Seeing the apprehensive look of Khaled and Hamza ,Jawad quickly explained ,

"His pulse is slow but is still there but we need to hurry !".

Nodding and helping Dr Isa to settle him down on the back seat ,Khaled quickly rushed to sit on the driver seat while Hamza took the passenger seat ,Jawad settled along with Dr Isa as he laid Dr Isa's head on his lap and Ferid sat on the back .As Khaled was about to start the car ,he heard Dr Isa asking for water and Khaled quickly offered to Jawad while starting the car .Sipping the water ,Dr Isa opened his eyes as he whispered in weak voice,

"Kha..led you here? ...you go..t married !".

"Yeah I did Alhamdulillah .Don't waste your energy on speaking Dr Isa !I will get you to hospital soonest so relax".

"They ..really did ..beat the ...shit off me.But still...I didn't te..ll them o..ur location...!" Dr Isa smiled victoriously before wincing at pain and drifting off to sleep.

Khaled and Hamza gazed at each other, both their eyes shining with profound guilt and highly ashamed of his thought even though it reigned his world for a mere second ,Khaled glanced away ,his grip tightening on steering wheel at the agitation he felt against himself and stepping on the accelerator hard he drove the car in full speed, praying to reach Al Shams on time .

"Well according to CT scan and MRI,Alhamdulillah there is no internal injury that we need to be worried about .Though chances are less of Dr Isa gaining conscious soon as he has lost a lot of blood and its better he sleep most of the time cause it's going to be painful to manage fractured nose ,arms and fingers. ".Khaled stated while looking at the reports of Dr Isa.

"Alhamdulillah! We all have been worried especially Dr Duraid . Well you should also go and rest Khaled .This is supposed to be your big day ,go and enjoy !". Dr Sarah smiled.

"Dr Alma even after getting married I am still a doctor .And we are already less on staff and with Dr Isa's condition ,we need to be more active with services as much as possible ".

"You two are so similar that's it's shocking yet worth praising". Khaled frowned while Dr Sarah smiling continued ,

"You know Emaan is also working despite our asking to take off as it's her big day to which she replied that because it's her wedding day she needs to work more harder and serve more people in order to gather more duas ,blessings and good deeds so that this new chapter gets more blessed .And the kind of first step one take defines our other steps too so she wanted her first step to please Allah so her other steps with you be in sync with that main goal in her mind !".

A introvert smile touched Khaled's lips as he looked down charmed at his fate and mesmerised by Allah's mercy who made a momina like Emaan to be the Queen his heart .Cause he knew if his beating dynasty was ruled by a empress like her then he knew he wouldn't suffer the poverty of faith ,his heart was in safe hands ....and the cardiologist in him couldn't be more happy .

Taking a leave from Dr Sarah  ,Khaled and Hamza walked out to begin their professional duties with Khaled deliberately ignoring cheesy remarks and looks of Hamza when across the corridor they saw Emaan walking out from a adjacent gallery .

As soon as Emaan had got to know about Dr Isa she had ran to meet him .But with Dr Isa still being unconscious, like many others she wasn't allowed to meet him .Yet whatever glimpse she had through the glass panel of door left her much deeper puddle of guilt and self loathing ...only if she hadn't asked Dr Isa about hearing aids ,her selfish wants let to this condition of Dr Isa .What if Dr Isa had died ,Emaan covered her lips to succumb the whimper at the tremoring thoughts but she couldn't stop a tear escaped through her left eye ....she wouldn't be able to forgive her ever .

She flinched out of her self -accusing reverie ,

"Dr Emaan don't worry my friend Isa is very thick skinned and he is used to getting beat up so these are just minor injuries he will recover from it very soon .His young soul wouldn't let him keep on bed for longer ". Dr Duraid smiled at Emaan making her smile back before she took her leave from him .

Still in daze with myriad thoughts ,Emaan forced her legs to do their basic work when her eyes glided to her right to see Khaled and Hamza and just glimpse of him even though he was still at a distance had her heart discord in wild symphony.She was relieved to him see him safe but didn't knew it was shyness or confusion of how she was suppose to react before him now or more importantly he was the last person she wanted to face him when all she felt pathetic ,disgusted and self loathing and without wasting a second she turn around as if she hadnt seen him and jogged off in haste steps.

Khaled stood dazed and shocked when he came out of his thought hearing chuckles of Hamza ,

"That was one hilarious reaction ! May I know exactly what did you do Khaled to make your wife ran away from mere sight of yours on the very first day of marriage !" Hamza gawffed while Khaled giving him an annoyed look walked ahead thinking,

How am I supposed to respond to that when I don't know myself ?....


Emaan was obediently sitting in the drawing room of Mrs Esber house while smiling at the scene of Hira and her brothers Imad and Usman playing with Maryam.Mr Esber had invited them for small diner to celebrate their marriage .The sudden news of Dr Isa had caused upheaval and scattered the happiness playing in every heart but with everything settled with no heavy loss ,Mr Esber had invited people aware of Khaled-Emaan's marriage to attend the modest feast with bride and groom as guest of honour .And due to the status she had in the feast and as a newly bride she was forbade by Mrs Esber to enter the kitchen .

But this had only amplified the trouble for her.As her idle mind seemed channeling different landscapes of thoughts and much tiresome to her rigorously pumping organ all collapsed down to one man Khaled ...who was supposedly now her husband and the realisation of it everytime left her palpitating yet amused ,nervous yet relieved . And her situation was getting worse with every passing second as she knew she had to face him sooner and later .And she didn't knew how ,earlier she had ran away seeing him but here she couldn't run away and even if she could now she knew she had to face him but how that was something she didn't knew ...

When pulling her out of her thoughts ,Sidra pulled Emaan with her and entering in a room she closed the door saying ,

"Come on now Emaan we don't have much time so take off your hijab and Abaya!".

"There will be people outside apart from Dr Khaled I am not doing any makeup or taking off my hijab or Abaya !". Emaan stated.

"I know that ! I just want you to clean all collected hardwork sweat off your face and you didn't even remove kajal properly which makes you look like some panda .And about abaya cause I don't want you to end up slipping and get yourself wet while washing your face .And about your hair I am just making sure that when you are alone with Dr Khaled and you remove your hijab there is no hair nest on your head and he doesn't get fainted .So for the sake of new fresh husband ,my dear squirrel move your leg faster so that we can change your zoo like personality !".

Trying to tame the nervousness just the words of Sidra had created ,Emaan taking off Abaya and opening and simply circling hijab round her head walked towards washroom .It was the same room they had their first meeting as married couple and the memories from morning gushed inside her ensuing tickling feeling inside her belly ,coaxing bud of blushing bloom in its full scarlet charm on her visage .Splashing water to calm down her raging nerves ,Emaan walked back to Sidra who looked up ,

"I just asked you to wash your face not to scrub it.You are totally red .Well good things blush won't be needed !".

"Sidra I don't want to do makeup especially when there will be so many people who are non mehram !".

"Don't worry I will do a very natural make up that no one will know make up is done !Just trust your impeccable make up artist !". Sidra grinned flicking her invisible collars.

"So what's the use of doing make up ?" Emaan frowned but seeing Sidra glare she pressed her lips tightly .

"Since Zeba is not here yet I will first take care of your hair .Will you remove the hijab Emaan you know I am a girl too". Seeing Emaan awkwardness ,Sidra huffed adding,

"Seriously what I will do of your shyness ?Erase that what will Dr Khaled will handle your shyness ?" Emaan pouted and her cheeks tinged in more darker shade while Sidra huffing took off the hijab while instinctively Emaan's hand covered her front as she smiled sheepishly at Sidra.

Rolling her eyes yet a smile threatening to leak ,Sidra gave  Emaan her dress's veil to cover her chest before she moved behind Emaan and untangled her hair from the clutch and let it cascade down her waist before moving to take off the flowers that had slightly wilted when she heard nervousness filled voice of Emaan,

"Sidra how am I going to face him ? I am scared !"

"Why scared ? It's not like he is going to eat you although he might drink your blood being a Dr Dracula !" Sidra chuckled while Emaan turned her head with accusing eyes ,

"You are not helping in any way in reducing my fear !". Emaan looked back pouting and tightly holding her fingers ,a habit when she felt nervous.

"Well it's not even like your first meeting with him .You already had that and the way Wallah you were total red I can't help but imagine that more than something happened between you ..oh don't tell me it's because of that you are shying so much ?" Sidra exclaimed with a mischievous glint while poking her sides.

Emaan wide eyed turned her head gesturing with her hand to lower her voice while whispering,

"Will you please stop shouting .There are people outside who can hear you ....and and n..nothing happened ..so control your imagination!". Emaan turned her head back tangling her fingers thinking how was she suppose to handle anything when the person infront of her was Khaled .Even standing before him required ample courage and the moments from morning wasn't helping in any way.

Shaking her head ,Sidra walked before her and asked,

"Tell me what should I do to help you with your nervousness !".

"I don't know ". Emaan looked away before thinking back she gazed back at Sidra and asked curiously ,

"How did you felt meeting Dr Hamza after marriage ?What did you do ?".

"Our case was different . I hated him to such an extent that I rather wanted to sit on him with that heavy dress of mine wishing the life will fly out of him !".Seeing Emaan's stunned expressions Sidra smiled adding ,

"Astagfirullah right .I know but at that time I never knew the one whose life I wanted to take will become someone I cannot even imagine my life without !". Sidra blushed slightly while Emaan looked back her in awe praying for her friend and she moved to embrace her but her action was stopped by a knock making her eyes go wide as saucer ,

"Don't be like a deer caught in headlight.It must be Zeba! ". Sidra walked to open the door while Emaan covered her head with her veil yet feeling awkward she also picked up her hijab just to wrap it up for precaution but she stopped as she heard Sidra ,

"As expected ! Emaan no need to cover !". Emaan nodded and smiled waiting for Zeba to enter as Sidra open the door wide but her eyes bulge out of their sockets in shock seeing Khaled enter inside the room.Khaled was himself left shocked ,it seemed the breath was knocked out of him as he saw her standing before him .And seeing the couple lost in gazing in eachother ,Sidra grinning to herself walked out closing the door behind her .

Trembling nerves ,raging heartbeats and galloping breathing had left Emaan confused as she looked at her hijab and then pulled her slipping dupatta (veil) ,not knowing was she suppose to cover or let it be .He had rights to see her like this but she felt so nervous and shy and most blame was given to those intense eyes that gawked at her unfazed,unashamed and undistracted as if they could see nothing else but her ,as if they were taking their time to fully inhale and memorise her in the most precious gallery of memories ,as if scared that if he looked away she will vanish like a magic ,so trying to cage her in the vortex of hazel boughs of his eyes while attempting to write a poetry of love yet no adjective seem enough to define the miracle standing before .

His silent yet so gregarious orbs left her in mess of feelings ,she felt weak on her knees her heart trying to beat for its life making her look down abashed .She didn't knew what she was suppose to do but all she could fathom and decipher that she couldn't look him in his eyes if he was going to look at her like that .She was using every bit of courage to stand before him then looking up was just not a possibility .But the impossibility became a much quicker reality as Emaan jerked her head up listening to the next words of Khaled .



Soooooo finally they are married *yikes🥳🥳* Alhamdulillah ..the chapter you all have been waiting.I hope it was worth the wait and warm the core of your heart with happy butterflies .Well I am praying it did.

Before you leave please do recite ,

'Rabbana hab Lana min ajwajina wa dhuriyyatina qurrata A'yunin wajaalna lilmutaqeema imama'

( O Lord ! Give us spouse and children who will be joy and comfort of our eyes and give us [ the grace] to lead the righteous')

Dedicating this chapter to sweetie shab_05_ as promised🤗 .

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas.

Faqat abd e Rahmana

Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌼

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