Under HIS Protection

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Zarar popped a candy in his mouth as he saw Abbas marching towards him and as soon as he reached him ,Zarar said coldly ,

" Took you long enough....you know Abbas I don't like waiting ..so better learn this soon or I will find a new deputy sergeant ..."

Abbas just nodded and followed Zarar with group of men towards the mosque .Seeing the coast clear of any cops ,Khaled and Hamza walked out of the hospital and followed Zarar and his troops discreetly when some of the cops stopped them making Khaled and Hamza to move back . Hamza looked at Khaled with a blank expression while Khaled didn't seem to notice it as his mind was captured in trying to process the solution to the situation if the last stroke of his plan failed to deceive the cops and save the innocent lives. His every beat of heart had whispered out a dua for the well being of people as his mind fail to conjure any idea . Seeing that cops won't let them go through , Khaled and Hamza decided to walk back towards the area where crowd stood . Seeing them ,Sidra ,Yamama and Férid quickly marched up to them with expressions of panic and anxiety flickering on their faces .They all looked at Hamza and Khaled but no one had the guts or the strength to voice out the fear lurking in their hearts as if their voicing out will make it true and real. Looking at their expressions ,Hamza sighed and looked at Khaled who himself looked lost with his hazel orbs turned into a shade of misty green articulating the thought process which his words had ceased to proclaim. But bringing him out of his reverie ,Hamza asked ,

" Khaled ...are we just going to wait here? ....Aren't we going do something?".

Khaled sighed as he slid his one hand in his jeans pocket while the wind ruffled his hairs as he looked up while he said ,

" Hamza do you remember the ayah "Do they not see the birds above them with wings outspread and [sometimes] folded in ? None upholds them except the Most Merciful ,Indeed HE is of all things ,Seeing.[ Quran 67:19]. The ayah might talk about birds to remind us of HIS signs and power but it also a reminder to us that sometimes after every effort we have put in we need to let the wings of our efforts be outspread and let Allah handle the affair ,cause HE  knows and sees our every effort and HE won't leave us alone in despair....if HE is holding that bird in the air then HE will definitely hold us to deal with this situation."

A surge of hope had filled the hearts of Hamza ,Sidra ,Yamama and Férid listening to the words of Khaled causing a dawn of courage to emerge in the night of apprehension reigning in their chambers of hearts , making them to smile slightly despite the tension and following Khaled's gaze they all looked up at the sky to see the eagle flying with its wings outstretched .

Zarar and his men along with Zaid the watchman of Al Firdous moved towards the mosque only to be left confused as he saw mosque filled with rows of people standing in Salah. Zarar looked at Abbas frowning as he asked,

"What salah they are praying....is it magrib prayer ..the whatever is called afternoon salah".

"It's zuhr Chief ...and it's almost time for it ".

"Yeah yeah....has been a long time since I prayed so forgot ....hey you watchman....min hum hadhih alsufuf min alnnas?"

( who are these rows of people ?)

" 'Iinahum 'ashkhasmin almanatiq alsakaniat almuhita ..nzrana li 'ana jmye almasajid al 'ukhraa baiedatan wabima 'ana kl alaihtijajat walqital yueadu muhimatan khatiratan..fa 'iinahum jmyeana yatun 'iilaa huna lilsalat walakun nzrana liwujud ' atabba wamuazafin wa 'afrad eayilatihim ayidana lilsala..fayasilun min qibal liasli kl wahid..jamaeatan...dun 'an yafeatahum". ( They are people from surrounding residential areas.. since all other mosques are far and since all the protest and fight.. going far is a dangerous task  they all come here to pray but since there are doctors ,staff members and family members also to pray ..so they pray before so that every one gets to pray in congregation ...without having to miss.) Zaid quickly said as Khaled had explained him earlier and messaged him again.

" So what we gonna do Chief .."Abbas asked calmly though his heart thudded with fear .

" We will wait ...I know I don't pray ...but still I am light years away to become a heathen to disturb someone praying .....well they will be done in a moment ..I guess.."

"Hsnana ytmu tilawat Surah Al Baqarah lidha yastaghriq al 'amr wqtana hataa tantahi alsala..." (Well Surah Baqarah is being recited so it might take time for the prayer to get over ...) Zaid added .

"Sanazal nantazir...". (We will still wait ...) Zarar said while looking blankly at Zaid  and popping another candy in his mouth.

But it had been a few moment only when the dark greyish sky streaked with pure white jagged lines piercing its way into the dense grey clouds and illuminating the world with a sudden light followed by a loud thunder as if proclaiming about the light of hope amidst the suffocating gloom and darkness. And this roaring announcement was succeeded by a heavy downpour .

Zarar squinting his eyes looked up at the sky and then looked back at the mosque ,seeing rows of men still standing ,indulge in prayer making him clench his jaws .Zarar pushed back his drenched hair when Abbas said ,

"Chief I think we should leave ...we already searched the entire hospital ...and found that fire alarm didn't intentionally went off...and I don't think we will find anything from mosque ...so we should leave as the way it's raining it's seems it won't be stopping soon and if it would take the shape of storm which it seem it would ..we would get trapped here unnecessary."

But Zarar seemed to ignore the words of Abbas as he continued standing at his place with clenched fists but it was when the arrows of harsh droplets of rain accompanied the frozen missiles of hails that pelted down on the ground with a hissing sound as if carrying the burning anger of heaven in its cold heart .

"Chief we need to leave now ...even hail has started falling down ..before this occasional hail become a permanent part of this storm we need to leave otherwise there will be serious damages to our vehicles and our men can get injured.. we can't afford to stay here we need to go back to the station .."

Zarar sighed as he knew Abbas was right and  nodded at his men and gestured them to leave .But he couldn't ignore the frustration and angst he felt of not being able to hunt down his prey .As he walked back towards the exist,he saw Khaled and all the doctors gathered in the porch area as the rain stormed down with infrequent hails while the cops standing at entrance door forbade their entry into the hospital . Seeing Khaled looking back at him with no fear and nonchalance made Zarar grit his teeth in anger and he walked up to Khaled with long strides and asked,

"What's your name ?".

"Khaled Al Hassam " Khaled said coldly.

" Khaled Al Hassam huh ..I will remember...remember my name Zarar Yergham ...as you will be hearing and fearing by this name very soon.." Zarar ended with a sneer.

"I have much better things to remember than your name ....Zaid Melghar...oh sorry that was not your name ...what was it? ...see I already forgot about it" Khaled ended with his infamous smirk making Zarar seethe in anger before smirking again as he said ,

" Well don't worry ...soon I will not only make you remember it but memorise it ......." Zarar smiled devilishly before looking at the group of  cops standing at the door prohibiting any entry of doctors inside the hospital and said,

"Hal Ely 'an adeukum almutakhalifin likay yafhamuu 'anana sanarhul.."

(Do I have to give invitation for you retards to understand that we are leaving..)

Listening to Zarar, Sidra was about to squeal when Hamza immediately held her hand, making her gulp down her squeal as he nodded at her in negative .Sidra bit her tongue in realisation and nodded her head back at him and tried to remove Hamza's hand but instead of leaving Hamza tighten her hold on her hand making Sidra shock and blush at the same time . But then a thought flashed through her mind ,making her frown as she whispered to Hamza ,

"Hamza you don't need to be scared of this guy as I am with you ...and you already know how expert I am in beating people.so relax.."

Hamza looked at Sidra with an expression that yelled annoyance and his frustration at the shallowness of his wife but before he could say anything ,a team of cops pass by them and one of the cop slipped due to the water making Zarar roll his eyes at him and walk away while Khaled moved to help the cop but as he held out his hand he heard Sidra say,

"Yamama isn't he that cop that pushed Emaan and because of him she got hurt ...serves him right!"

Hamza gave an incredulous look to Sidra while she only shrugged in reply .While listening to the words of Sidra ,Khaled's hazel orbs turned into a dark shade of green in anger and he immediately let go off his grip making the cop fall back again on the ground .The cop winced in pain before looking angrily at Khaled who just shrugged as he said ,

"My bad ...water made my grip to slack a bit".

He again held out his hand and just as the cop was about to stand up with his support on his hand ,Khaled again loosened his grip making the cop fall back on ground causing a louder wince to erupt from the cop ,who seethed in anger while looking at Khaled who innocently shrugging looked at the sky as he said ,

"It's really raining quite hard ...can't make a grip.."

Sidra and Yamama giggled a bit while Hamza raised his eyebrows but thinking something he smirked slyly as he said,

" My grip is good let me help him ". Sidra looked at him with annoynace and before she could say anything,Khaled immediately turned around and stopped him as he whispered to him,

"I think you should better focus on gripping the hand that deserve your strong grip ...what say? .." .Khaled said glancing at Hamza and Sidra's enjoined hands for a moment before looking back at Hamza with a smirk making Hamza lightly cough and his ears to tinge slightly  .

While Sidra scrunched her eyebrows as not able to hear what Khaled had said but seeing Hamza's reaction ,she angrily looked at Yamama and whispered ,

"Marry him fast or I promise I will murder this second wife the day I get chance ..."

And looking back at her blushing husband she whispered in her heart,

Ya Allah ! Don't let my fears come true ....let Hamza be interested in girls...not girls but one girl ...me only okay ...rest I will manage ...please Allah....

While Zarar giving a one last look to the buildings of Al Firdous Aleppo hospital sat down in one of the squad cars but as Abbas sat down next to him he knew the chapter of Al Firdous was yet not close for his Chief.


The heavy downpour accompanied with occasional hails had turned into a light drizzle after a while but yet the greyish dark tapestry of clouds still outstretched over the entire sky heavily pregnant with tiny drops of water seemed daunting and intimidating.And taking this as a chance ,doctors and staff of Al Firdous decided to shift back the casualty patients as it wasn't appropriate for the patients to remain in mosque for a longer period of time. As the last slot of casualty patients was being shifted ,Hamza stood with Khaled on the porch of hospital as he said ,

"So you had informed the hospital staff that stayed in mosque that as soon as you page them the message.. they along with family members had to stand in rows and act as if they were performing salah and in the process hide the casualty patients of the ground floor....and with the rows of people standing in the way...there was no space for the cops to move and check the top floor .....isn't it ? Khaled nodded his head  when Hamza continued ,

"Man can't you have told me about this plan before .. atleast I wouldn't have been that much tensed as I was ....you had even told Zaid about it ..."

"Well I wasn't hoping that we will have to use this plan.. it was just a precaution so that's why I didn't told anyone except who were going to stay in or near the mosque ...so that they could handle the situation without much hassle.....and this plan wouldn't have been successful if Allah SWT's help hadn't rained down upon us ..so my plan became successful just because of Allah's mercy nothing else...." Khaled saying it shrugged but before Hamza could reply Férid came over to them and hesitantly asked ,

"Dr Khaled ....that ...can you ...give...my....ah..?"

Khaled sighed as he said ,

"Férid I don't think so I need to remind you that cigarettes are not good for health ...so when are you going to leave it? "

Férid scratched his head as he said ,

"Dr Khaled ...I promise I won't be smoking them  in hospital from now....and I try to leave it but I fail everytime..."

"It's not just about smoking in hospital Férid it's about your health....your body ,your health is a gift from Allah which HE had made with lot of love and care..and when you do something like this you are not just ruining your health but disrespecting HIS love & care ....so if you are failing to find determination then do it for the sake of HIS love and care to fight this addiction...I am sure then you will leave this addiction forever.."

Saying it ,Khaled gestured Hamza to give the cigarettes packet and lighter of Férid he had with him .Hamza nodding at him ,quickly took out the cigarettes packet and lighter and tossed it to Férid ,who quickly catching it smiled wide and said ,

" Dr Khaled your words have impact me...I will hardwork to leave it .."

"Time will tell how much my words have impacted you.. ". Khaled said looking at Férid, making Férid chuckle awkwardly before taking a leave from them.

"Well ...as we are talking about health I think I have something important to discuss with you.." Khaled who was looking at the last of casualty patient being shifted looked at Hamza who continued,

"As you had said earlier and I quote ' Dr Emaan is injurious to your health'....that same Dr Emaan ordered you or a much better word commanded you to do something which Khaled I have known would never do because he is guided by logic ,reason ....and not to forget no one can order Khaled....but today Dr Emaan commanded you and you did it without any  question or a doubt ...that's a a lot of trust man ...And Khaled and trust ...they don't go together so easily but it did ...so mind telling me what is going on man ?"

"Yeah I do mind Hamza because I have a mind...but you seem to be losing yours and I surely don't want to be infected by your lethal disease...so I am leaving ".

Saying it ,Khaled turned back towards hospital while Hamza shouted at him ,

"Come on Khaled ...you are escaping from answering my question ".

"No I am escaping from your bad company ...which is way more worse  than smoking cigarettes.."Khaled said without turning back and sauntered towards the hospital while Hamza shaking his head dejectedly followed him.

Khaled walked inside the hospital lightly ruffling off the some of the droplets from the drizzle that had trapped in his hairs with his hand but he couldn't seem to ruffle off the thoughts that Hamza's word had caused to erupt and tangle inside his mind. It was like a war he was fighting in his internal realm  but his every effort seemed to be falling in ground and eventually surrendering to this timid yet formidable enemy named Emaan. Life had forced him to learn the art of chaining emotions ,hiding them in the abyss of his heart but Emaan was challenging everything he had learned ,affecting him , bringing change in the locality of his heart effortlessly and Khaled abhorred change. He had lived by rules: rules that grounded stability in his life but sometimes rules had to be broken ,stability had to be tremored for the change to take place .The change that broke the boundaries of cocoon for the beauty of butterfly to set free and let the gardens of world bloom with their dances ,the change which made the dark sky smile with the light of sun ,the change which made the dead earth breath life as it sprout lilies of happiness and daisies of joys. Changes could be slow , painful or highly discomforting , but they were vital to mould one's seemingly straight planned life into a new way , a new path to make one collide with a destination , one had never thought could happen or exist ,but they happened to remind that miracles do exist ...and when one's Rab was Ar Rahman then miracles were just the tiny specks in HIS grandest scheme of HIS merciful plan.

But the heart that had been barbed with wires to prevent the infiltration of change ,a kingdom where stability prevailed and prospered ,in such a fortified dynasty of heart ,acceptance of change was an arduous process .Rebellion and retaliation was natural but so was the blossoming of the petals of heart for the love to bloom ,beat and breathe in it.

But yet Khaled unknown to this fated miracle, wanted to calm down the storms and chaos and mark an end to the war going on in his internal world and that required avoidance from the girl responsible for internal calamity he was experiencing. Determined & resolute to execute the idea of avoidance ,Khaled sauntered towards the reception area when he saw Emaan walking towards him ,making him groan in frustration and before Emaan could reach him ,he immediately turned towards different direction and quickly marched out .

Emaan was coming back from pediatric ward after doing a new bandage of Yaseen's face and was walking towards reception area when her eyes fell on Khaled walking inside the hospital .She had been speculating about the idea of thanking Khaled for believing her though she couldn't ignore the fact she felt awkward and hesitant as everytime her attempt to thank him followed a mind numbing embarassing experience whether it was walking into the room with him being shirtless or she coming to know that he heard her calling him Dracula .But despite all these rumination, Emaan decided to express her gratitude and walked over to him while whispering to herself,

" Jazakallah khair Doctor for listening to me ,Jazakallah khair Doctor for listening to me .."

But her mumbling came to an abrupt pause as she saw Khaled seeing her walked away in a different direction leaving her confused ,shocked and a bit hurt. But before she could collect her spluttering emotions ,Hamza who was coming behind Khaled and had saw the entire scene making him smile and sigh altogether ,walked up to Emaan and asked ,

" Dr Emaan looks like you wanted to discuss about something with Dr Khaled...should I call him?"

"Yes...No I mean no ...I don't think so there is a need now Dr Hamza.....jazakallah khair for asking ..".

Saying it ,Emaan walked away from Hamza with annoyance ,mortification and a tinge of sadness conquering her entire being .She was frustrated at herself for always forgetting her resolution to avoid and ignore Khaled. But determined to pass the test with dhikr on her lips , Emaan marched away with purposeful steps in an opposite direction of Khaled had walked away.

But this was the complexity in their story of love  : she thought he was her test when he was HIS mercy, while he thought she was injurious to his sanctity when she was HIS ease. But eventually they had to understand and realize that what tangled them was circle of love and that their each step away from one another was to eventually lead them towards each other.


Exhaustion and tiredness shrieked from every cell of Khaled but still sleep seemed like an unprecedented affair to him . Despite other doctors insistence for him to take rest ,he had went on performing surgeries consecutively  because he knew as soon as the calmness of outside realm will surround him ,his mind will eventually recoil back to thinking about the chaos plundering inside his internal realm. But being persistently forced by Dr Duraid & other doctors ,Khaled came back to his office to take some rest but rest seemed an improbable task with his solace dethroned from his sanity .Reclined on his office chair with his one leg's ankle resting on other leg's knee and with his one hand resting on chair's arm while other played with the paper holder kept on the table flawlessly sabotaged his inner conflict,  but it was his dishevelled hairs and his hazel eyes that seemed to enclose cyclones of feelings and thoughts and flickering with different shades of green & brown with every changing thoughts seemed to exhibit the calamity wayfaring inside him .Khaled couldn't help but let all his thoughts and musings channel towards mayhem that he desperately wanted to ignore and demolish . Frustrated and annoyed ,he sat up on his chair and rubbed his face with his hands when his eyes fell on Hamza sleeping on the sofa across him .

Khaled clenched his jaw as he saw Hamza slumbering unfazed while creating havoc and robbing away his sleep and solace with his brainless words. He felt like throwing the paper holder at him but then reclining his violent thoughts on the reason that at the end Hamza was his friend though he was acting more like a foe ,he kept the paper holder on the table and stood up. He went and stood near sofa Hamza was sleeping and for a moment he felt a bit selfish as he wished to swipe his place with Hamza and get rid of these thoughts and feelings. But shoving off these thoughts ,he moved towards the window and slid opening it ,he looked out of it .A serene silence had pervaded outside with curtains of clouds draped all across the sky through which the radiant moon peeked shyly and with just a momentary glimpse let the entire earth bathe in its shimmering pure white light and making the tiny droplets from earlier rain lurking on trees and flowers sparkle like tiny diamonds.

Khaled exhaled hard as the soft gale graced his face and gently combed his dishevelled hairs. He was left enarmoured by the beauty of the sky but he was more fascinated as how effortlessly sky seemed to acquire calm after the raging storms and thunders. That even after being pierced through jagged swords of light and broken into numerous shards of droplets, it had the strength to hold back together as if those moments of spluttering apart was just a delusion : a hefty mirage.  Khaled couldn't help but feel envy of such control. And amidst all these musings ,his waves of thoughts clashed with a memory : the memory of  the day he had seen Emaan sobbing in the garden with entire universe and nature seemed to be enraptured in attention to console and comfort the delicate fairy and her even more delicate heart .Khaled groaned  in frustration while clutching and unclutching his fist in rage against himself .Khaled again looked back at the sky causing a sudden realisation dawn upon him : the realisation that he didn't needed to envy the sky when he could ask the CREATOR of that sky to grant him the control as magnificent as that of the firmament .

So deciding to letting his all his anxiety and chaos to seep out through his heart and mind by bowing before the ONE who created them, Khaled decided to go to Al Firdous Mosque .But before walking out ,an idea popped in his mind making him smirk . He moved towards the sofa on which Hamza was sleeping and pushed one of the shoe of Hamza like a football and then eventually tossing it with his toe of shoe ,kicked it inside the dustbin and turned to look at Hamza sleeping as same making Khaled smirk again as he said ,

"Well hope you have a good morning Hamza".

Saying it ,he sauntered out of the office and marched towards Al Firdous mosque.


Scared ,breathless ,clamouring heartbeats and a face drenched in sweat was the state of Emaan when she woke up abruptly from her sleep .The memory which was worse than any nightmare had again clawed it's way back to her conscious and sub conscious like it had years ago after it happened, haunting and harrowing her sanity. The present and past events had collaborated to make her go through the trauma of sleepless night again. And it was these moments that made the hollow inside her heart deepen as she craved for her parents protective presence around her ,to embrace away all the fears ,anxieties and pain breeding inside her heart .All Emaan felt was crying unceasingly in her parents embrace ,to just pull off the veil of a strong girl and be their little girl ,that cried for the little things ,who couldn't live without them any moment ,who didn't know what excruciating it felt to live without them ,who didn't knew what it felt like being betrayed by own ...she just wanted to be a little girl....their little girl. Emaan clamped her mouth with her hands as to not let her sobs reach Sidra and Yamama sleeping on the adjacent respective sofas . She huddled herself on sofa as the pain pierced through her heart ,grating it into tiny minuscule as the memories of her parents mellowed in her beating organ .And in this cyclic moment of pain and agony ,her realm of conscious was graced by a memory : memory of a man holding the most enigmatic yet most beautiful eyes and a voice so soothing as the silences and whispers of sea waves. Her mind clouded with the memory of Khaled reciting Surah Kahf causing Emaan's lips to curve slightly upward. It was the first time that her smile followed tears and not the other way around and this was just a speck of hint like the dandelions floating in the air promising of new beginning after being scattered .

But deeply agitated by the effect Khaled had on her and much more frustrated with herself for thinking about a non mehram ,a person her friend loved and wanted to get married ,Emaan felt disgusted at herself and her thoughts .She whimpered looking at the sleeping figure of Yamama and whispered a croaky sorry to her .She felt her every thought about Khaled was an outright betrayal towards her friendship to Yamama and her faith . A deep hatred for her own self had surged in Emaan's heart as she was becoming like those she hated ,despied and loathed. Rubbing off her unceasing tears ,Emaan looked up at the wall clock hung across the wall to see it was two in the morning. Her unceasing tears and gnawing depressing thoughts in her heart was enough to make her realize that sleep was not going to be her companion of night . But her tormented heart whispered a sigh of relief as an epiphany soared in its chambers as a thought twinkled in the night of her conscious,

What if sleep is not my companion of my night ,my Rab is ..and who could be a better companion than Al Wali .

Quickly again rubbing away her tears dangling on her jaw line ,she quickly marched towards the washroom and getting freshed and making ablution ,she grabbed her jacket from the arm of sofa and silently walked out of the office towards the Al Firdous Mosque .

Emaan clasped her arms more closer to her as the wind flew past her making the ends of her hijab and Abaya  dance unsynchronisingly to its lores .She looked up at the sky as the path before her sparkled with moon's light making her smile seeing the modest moon peeking against its floating veil .Whispering Subhan Allah under her breath ,Emaan marched inside the mosque to find it dark ; the outcome of electricity cutdown and inverter's draining out with only light gliding from the windows in men section and ambling it's way in the women section of mosque through the tiny narrow holes in the wall separating the men and women section, making Emaan remember words of her mother who always prohibited her from praying in dark and making her abide to her words by scaring her through stories of jinns who possessed people praying in dark making Emaan smile and her tears to trickle down at the same time .And in these pricking moments her conscious bloomed with the thought of a man she believed was possessed by a jinn making Emaan head-slap herself in frustration .Whispering forgiveness from her Lord , Emaan went and stood near the wall where moonlight gleamed down on the floor from narrow holes.And whispering HIS greatness ,Emaan became oblivious to every thing of the mortal world that wasn't even the residue of speck in front of the greatness of Almighty. And as soon as she prostrated ,the rivers of pain cascaded down her face and finally finding refuge in the ground as she whispered ,

"Ya Allah! You are Ar Rahman ,Ar Raheem..YOUR every name gives hope to the desert of hearts but this sinful abdi of yours still carries a hopeless heart, that keeps falling in the traps of devil and let the sadness overbear me making me ignorant of every beautiful thing you have blessed me with. Ya Allah ! I want to be your grateful servant but what should I do with the pain that gnaws my heart ,I miss my parents ya Rabbi and I don't know how should I stop missing them.I know that they are no more but how should I make my heart accept it when it craves for their presence ,their love ,their care...I feel like a ship whose anchor has been lost and now wander helplessly .. Ya Allah I miss them so much...I know  time heals every pain but why my pain feels like widening apart more ..it's hurts..it's hurts so much Ya Rabbi  but then when I see people like Yaseen ,Hasan ,Mr Jamshed Esber and his family and every single person I have seen go through the trauma of unbearable pain I feel so weak ....how much closer will they be ya Rabbi to you ,the faith ,the trust and patience they carry in their hearts make me feel so small ...and makes me feel that amidst such pristine abds how could a servant like me be beloved of yours ..that..that would you even see me when there were so amazing abds around...but how stupid of me Ya Allah to think like that ...I have been impatient and ungrateful but YOU my Lord have always been patient and grateful for the little things I do ...you don't punish me for so many sins I do everyday..everytime I fall you hold ...me ,you soothe my heart...Ya Allah but I want more love of yours ,I want to do everything to become your most beloved servant ..so show me the way to become one ,indulge me in works that make me one ...and help me avoid the sins ....Ya Allah you know even before I say it ,you know about my heart and thoughts and I don't know why my thoughts keep on drifting to Dr Khaled...it's so wrong ...Yamama loves him so why I am ......it's wrong Ya Rabbi so help me help me...I feel disgusted of myself so help me get rid of these thoughts ..I don't want to do anything that takes me away from you ..I can't lose you Rabbi ..so help me and help every heart that is going through pain that only you know of ,and provide ease to every suffering people are going through in this country and make an end to this mayhem that has erupted in this country ...make it peaceful again....."

And as Emaan was praying ,her mind flashed with an image of Khaled when his genuine smile was replaced by a fake one when Mrs Rahman had mentioned about his mother ,making Emaan whisper one more dua in her lists of duas.

" Ya Allah ! And I don't know what troubles him ....but he had helped me ,protected me and I can't help but pray for the ease for any pain he carries in his heart and wish for true happiness grace his world......"

Calmness and serenity had found refuge in Khaled's heart as he stood up from praying and was going back to the hospital as there was still lot of time left for fajr salah .But as he was going ,his eyes fell on the copy of Juz kept on the  niche of the mosque's wall. Seeing the recklessness of people treating the miracle Allah had blessed this ummah and for which so many blessed souls gave up their lives so that they could spread it message or be graced by its blissful message even when the world was against them .Khaled sighed and picked up the Juz carefully and went to keep on the shelves kept against the wall separating men and women section. Keeping the juz respectfully ,Khaled was about to move when he heard a faint sob from the other side making his feet still and his face graced with lines of worry as he had been coming to Al Firdous mosque every night at this time since the chaos had invaded his country but he had never  found or heard of any presence in any side of mosque ,but thinking that it could be some casualty family member and not wanting to be a trespasser in someone's private moment with her CREATOR ,Khaled moved to walk away when the whisper of Ya Allah shoot thousand arrows of pain through his heart making him again still on his spot and gulp hard as he felt breathless by the agony that whispering words had confounded within in it .After that whisper ,Khaled couldn't seem to move his legs forward and he eventually slid down on the floor . He knew the agony and anguish of the person on the other side was being heard & consoled by the RAB of all Aalameen : the best companion yet he felt he needed to be there .It was strange and weird but yet Khaled couldn't curb the feeling as he always had done ,the pain and sobs of the person on the other side was like the wind to the still water of his heart making it move into waves of emotions and feelings that affected him deeply. And when again a heartfelt sob along with a faint whimper reached his auditory world causing the beating organ of his squeeze in an unbearable pain and eventually making him fall in Sujood to his Rab as a lone tear fell from his left eye and ask for the ease for the unknown person on the other side .

At this tranquil moment ,the shy moon glide it's way out from its feathery cloak and gleaming down the gift of love from its beloved sun onto the unknown yet destined lovers who bowed before their Lord whispering duas for eachother . The softest flashlight ambled  inside the mosque through the windows but not before abluting itself through the little droplets of water lurking on the edges of leaves making them twinkle like tiny stars as they held onto the leaves a little longer to relish the exquisite scene unravelling, before they were to embrace the arms of earth and infuse the love that sky had send them with. The universe twinkled in mirth while the winds hummed the sonnets of love and Angels in Heaven gathered to pray for the souls as the CREATOR smiled at HIS beloved servants who in the process of asking ease for eachother were unknowningly asking for each other : a dua that had kun written beside it when the sky was named relief to the burning sighs of earth.

And in this sublime moment, the universe and the nature collaborated in sighing ,giggling and gushing over the two lovers who were joined by hearts but divided by a wall.



Seeing my thoughts taking the shape of words is always a heartwarming experience for me ..and the scenes of this chapter has been in my mind ever since I started this book and so finally writing it made me really happy ...and I tried my best to make you all feel the same heartwarming feelings and happiness and make it seem beautiful as I felt it in my thoughts...so I hope my efforts to give my thoughts wings of words was successful and it did fly to your hearts ..and was worth your time and wait...🙃

And sorry for being late as I had a turtle attack ...which is when the world outside becomes a bit chaotic I go back to my shell for a bit before to come out and make timid steps to make it right ....I know it sounds weird ..well I am weird ...but please bear with me as you have done till now ..😁

Dedicating this chapter to a sweetheart _kaamilah_

And before you go please do recite ,

Rabbana ma khalaqta haaza baatilan Subhaanaka faqinaa 'azaaban Naar

( Our Lord ,YOU did not create this aimelssly ;exalted are YOU [above such a thing];then protect us from the punishment of the Fire )

[ Surah Imran 3:192]

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas .( And please a special dua for my grandfather's health ..it would mean a lot to me )

Faqat abd e AR RAHMAN (SWT)

Assalamaualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu 🌼

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