Uriduk 'an taqabalani

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With Maryam waking up in the middle of night and knowing Sidra had to leave early, Emaan letting her sleep had woken up herself and until she had made or more accurately coaxed ,lulled ,strolled across the entire room to put Maryam back to sleep ,it was already time of Fajr .After praying Fajr in the room only and bidding Sidra off with a life taking hug ,Emaan seeing there were still two hours left to join her late shift ,setting an alarm ,Emaan snuggled inside the blanket along with Maryam .

But to her horror ,after much snoozing of her repetitive alarms when her eyes finally decided to open up ,it was really late .Sprinting through the room in haste ,taking the quickest shower ever ,Emaan got herself ready and pinning her dark olive green hijab and picking Maryam and her white coat rushed out of the room .

"Assalamualaikum Mrs Esber !Sorry for intruding!" .Emaan whispered taking heavy breaths.

"Walekumassalam habibti ! I was waiting for you both !" Mrs Esber smiled taking Maryam from Emaan while adding ,

"Ma sha Allah you look even more pretty than usual .Is it effect of being married or extra effort has been applied to get ready?".

"No it's nothing like that !". Emaan flushed all embarassed .

Ya Allah I am married !.

"This colour surely suits you .I must say Dr Khaled won't be able take off his eyes from you ".

Not used and comfortable with compliments ,especially when it involved Khaled ,Emaan flustered mumbled,

"I..I am getting late Mrs Esber .I will talk to you later .Jazakillah Khairan for everything !" Emaan smiled and kissing Mimi ,rushed towards the hospital while Mrs Esber chuckling at Emaan's flushed reactions move inside while talking to Maryam in childish tone.

"Oh Maryam is here !" Mr Esber commented walking out of the kitchen ," Did you gave back Dr Emaan's mobile?".

Mrs Esber clicked her tongue in annoyance causing Mr Esber to frown before chuckling ,

"You know these are the signs of early old age !".

"No these are sign of living with an old man !".Mrs Esber quipped straddling Maryam in her arms moved to sit on the chair .


Reaching the reception area ,Emaan didn't knew her heart was beating more with her running or cause of all moments from yesterday and the jittery feeling of how she was to react seeing him face to face .How was she suppose to react blankly when just listening his name and mere realisation that she was married to him ,caused her heart run like prey chased by predator .Knowing these flustered reactions will incensed doubts she came with concluding decision to avoid Khaled until she could settle all her feelings and behave normaly .When while signing her attendance ,Hala informed about Dr Isa gaining conscious making her run towards his room .

But her steps stopped just near the door when she heard Khaled's voice coming out of the room giving her nerve a rollercoaster ride of feelings .She was about to turn to spring away when to her much chagrin ,the door opened and she heard one of the ward attendant Badr ,

"Oh Dr Emaan please come in !". Badr quickly give her a side while Emaan having no option forced her legs to move inside while mumbling internally ,

What kind of revenge brother Badr did you take on me ?.

Avoiding his gaze desperately ,Emaan walked in mumbling greeting and moved to stand next to Khaled yet with a perfect one arm distance between them.

"How are you feeling now Dr Fateh ?".

"Walekumassalam !Alhamdulillah though won't deny it's not paining but my young bones will recover soon .So don't worry and don't give me that forlorn look .I don't like my daughter to be sad.And don't you dare assume that this happened cause of you .This was fated to happen so it happened .Allah wanted me take some rest so this happened .So don't go regretting okay !" Dr Isa smiled making Emaan's lips twitch up though her eyes were twinkling with unshed emotion of guilt and her nose already slightly red.

"But I regret not able to attend your wedding though my prayers are always with you both ! Though I couldn't see you dressed as bride but I am sure my daughter would have look exceptionally beautiful ,isn't it Khaled ?". Dr Isa teased yet keeping his voice low .

"Yes !".Not expecting him to reply Emaan wide eyed gazed at Khaled to find him scratching his eyebrow before his eyes glided to her making her immediately look away .

Dr Isa chuckled followed by a wince before saying ,

"You know now I realise why you didn't wanted to be Dr Emaan's brother .You were gone really long back huh ?.Well congratulations in entering the group of successful love stories !".

Khaled's ears tinged in red and he looked down touching tip of his nose lightly while Emaan was all taken aback finally realising the actions of Khaled that day, unconsciously ended up smiling and that curve widened seeing his reactions.

Is he blushing?

Aww so cute !

Control Emaan !

Pulling out of her thoughts and him from drowning in puddle of mortification with Emaan's  gaze ,Dr Isa muttered,

"Well you both remind me of Kareema and myself"Dr Isa smiled , "And also since I couldn't get you hearing aid I thought that putting you back in Khaled's team could be temporary gift but now Khaled telling me about Dr Sarah's decision I can't do that as it would sprout doubts about sudden tranfer that too with me on bed in this condition .So sorry Dr Emaan you have to work in my team for a while .Don't be sad okay ?".

"No it's alright .I am not sad it's fine !". Emaan whispered before slightly gazing up at Khaled to find looking back at her with unknown emotions making her look down sheepishly surrounding herself in  innocent aura as to lessen his disappointment .

"Oh is it but I am sure Khaled is not at all happy !".

Emaan gazed at Khaled from her periphery seeing him silent as if it was his way of saying that was not .The expressions and his not denying was enough to vociferate that he wasn't happy at all.

Letting Dr Isa take rest ,Khaled and Emaan eventually walked out of the room.The mere realisation they were alone in the corridor had her heart racing when seeing his expressions ,Emaan whispered ,

"Are you angry with me ? ".

"No I am not !".Khaled said looking away annoyance heavily settling on his face .

But it doesn't seems like it !

Emaan was thinking of saying something when beating her to it Khaled said ,

"You know I would have liked it better if relating to hearing aid you had came to me instead of Dr Fateh !".

There was so many emotions swirling in Khaled's eyes but the most dominant on his face was disappointment making Emaan urgently whisper out,

"Ah ...that it was long time back I mean Dr Falak had said to me that I should talk to senior doctors about hearing aid and that time Dr Isa was my head so I talked to him .Nothing else .It just you are not my hea..."

"I am not your head but I am your husband now " Emaan wide eyed looked around but Khaled gaining her attention took a step closer to her ,

"So next time whatever you need ,want ,complain ,argue or just merely talk to I want be the first person you come to and I will make sure you don't have to go anywhere else  !Okay?".

Emaan nodded quickly while moving back whispering ,

"We are in the corridor !".

"I am not doing anything !". Khaled shrugged before pulling his hands behind him he added all smug,

"But let me add that promise of not doing anything was only for yesterday !".

And even though it was still very much morning but a sunset veiled on her face causing Khaled sigh deeply while his heart whispering Ma sha Allah when breaking their reverie Dr Rafe shouted across the corridor ,

"Dr Emaan ! " Jogging upto them he didn't give any of them to react much as he went on scolding ," Where have you been ? You know with Dr Isa down our responsibilty increases especially mine as I have become the temporary head .I already have to get Dr Myza ,Dr Urwa and Dr Monus back on board. But you are here so you need to help me .But I have been paging you and even went on getting your number from Hala but you didn't answered it ! I was going to dorms when I saw you here !".

All embarassed ,Emaan fishing out her pager muttered,

"I am sorry I forgot my phone at Mr Esber house !" Gazing at the pager ,"It's switched off ! I am sorry I don't how it got switched off .I will switch it on now !".

"That's really irresponsible of you !Do you know much time got wasted..".

Khaled having enough of it interrupted Rafé ,his tone colder than mountains in northern pole as he asserted ,

"I think right now the more irresponsible one is you Dr Rafé ! Instead of lecturing on how much time got wasted it would be better to use the time to cover up for the wasted ones ! "Rafé felt chill down his spine as gulping hard he nodded fervently .

While Emaan gazed at Khaled totally dumbfounded as she couldn't recognise this was the man who was using the soft gentle tone with her .But breaking her stream of thoughts ,Khaled turn to her saying ,

"And Dr Emaan don't go slackening in your job .I don't expect this from you !".

Embarassed and dejected ,Emaan looking down and tangling her fingers together nodded timidly .

"Yeah so Dr Khaled we will leave ...let's go Dr Emaan ." Rafe mumbled tentatively .

Looking slightly at Khaled ,Emaan followed Ra'fe ,her mood painted in the dull colours of dejection ,it was just start of day and it seemed all her energy had decimated into thin air .She couldn't even focus on what Rafé was mumbling when grabbing her attention her pager beeped and as she took it out ,a beautiful smile blasted on her face as she read a message from Khaled ,


And those words were enough to fill her soul with such energy that she felt like conquering the world .To give her all best ...she really had lost it .Hiding her smile ,Emaan quickly typed on the pager


And keeping the pager back ,she looked back and smiled slightly at Khaled before moving forward focussing on words of Rafé ,her smile and gait like bursting river down the hill. Khaled smiled slightly at her but as he looked at the pager and his smile widened .

And it was true actions speaks louder than words but many time words ended up leading and making beautiful actions.


Emaan was standing in the laboratory while reading the report as Mourad printed out other sheets of reports of patients to her . Her schedule had been busy and full more than usual that she had got no time to even sit for a minute and straighten that aching back of her's .And even at the moment she was quickly going through reports as she had to detail them out to Rafé who as a temporary head seemed to have taken a turn around from his mild personality to an overbearing cruel employer .

Emaan was going through new sheets of reports Mourad had passed her when sound of door opening echoed in the room followed by the footsteps making Emaan look up to have her breath struck in her throat as she saw Khaled walk in along with Dr Sarah .And it was fascinating how in seconds they were captivated by eachother while everything seemed to blurred ,their eyes conversing in their own language while heart beated loudly as if typewriting each word of their silent conversation so that when in womb of solitude they could read these letters and confound themselves in embrace of love .

Tearing away her gaze first, Emaan smiled at Dr Sarah but eventually blushed in embarassement seeing her smiling meaningfully.

"Mourad are the reports I had asked urgently ready ? ". Mourad nodding marched to get the reports from filing cabinets while Emaan shifted on her legs as Sarah glancing at Khaled and Emaan who were avoiding looking at eachother smiled before asking ,

"Everything going fine Dr Emaan ?".

"Yes Alhamdulillah it is Dr Alma ! Just here to get the reports .I will leave now I have to give them to Dr Ra'fe urgently ". Saying it ,Emaan's gaze slightly flickered at Khaled to find him already looking at her as if asking her to stay .But knowing it was impossible ,Emaan looked down acting as if she hadn't seen his eyes and quickly collecting the reports, she marched out her of the room hastily.

Khaled blankly gazed ahead ,his expressions devoid of any emotions that could reveal what he was feeling internally actually.The entire day they had been catching glances of eachother which was another kind of sweet bliss but somehow it was still not enough, atleast for his greedy heart that was growing avaricious of her second by second .And everytime he thought he found a time to talk to her or be alone with her ,Rafé always dropped out of nowhere snatching away that chance brutally and to think that even having the right he couldn't do anything ,he was helpless...left him feeling beyond annoyed .

Mourad came back with the file to Dr Sarah ,when Mourad seeing Emaan nowhere exclaimed ,

"Oh did Dr Emaan already left ? But she didnt took these printouts sheets of reports !"

"Well she just left so she wouldn't have gone far so why not you Khaled hand it her ?" Khaled jerked his head at Dr Sarah as she smiling seeing his face showing some emotions added ,

"We can discuss the report in my office .So be quick !".

Khaled looked down embarassed while trying to hide his small smile before nodding in gratitude and taking the papers ,Khaled marched out making Dr Sarah smile thinking,

Young love  !

Before going through reports while making casual conversation with Mourad .

Engrossed in reading the reports while simultaneously looking infront time to time ,Emaan was walking in the corridor when she heard a voice behind her ,

"People have accidents while you invite accidents ! Who reads while walking ?".

And the voice was just enough to create ripples yet soothe the disarrayed sand pattern of her heart .She turned around a bit embarassed ,her heart already involved in thrashing her rib cage with its new favourite beat yet even such tremulous beat somehow infused peace in every cell of her body .

"Ah actually I had to detail out the reports to Dr Rafé so that's why ..!".

Khaled nodded before handing out the papers saying,

"You forgot these papers at lab !".

"Oh sorry I mean Jazakallah Khairan !". Emaan whispered sheepishly while quickly taking the papers as Khaled replied to her dua with a dua.

"Okay " ,Emaan paused gulping hard ,"...so I should leave now!" .Emaan glanced at Khaled before looking around but she had hardly took a step when Khaled stopped her ,

"Your phone !". Taking out the phone from his pocket Khaled offered it to her .

"You went to Mr Esber's house for getting this ?". Emaan asked shocked taking the mobile .

"Not really ",Khaled rubbed his eyebrow ,"I had gone to meet Maryam so..".

Emaan blinked at him in confusion making Khaled frown,

"Whats with that expression ?Can't I meet my daughter !".

Emaan blinked in awe gazing at the man who always had a way of soaking her in warmth ,his hold on her heart tightening and she couldn't do anything about it .Looking down she smiled before glancing around ,

"Don't worry there is no one !".But hardly had the words uttered out ,Rafé ambled out of the adjacent room and seeing Emaan shouted ,

"Oh Dr Emaan did you get the reports ?".

Clenching his jaws Khaled looked away whispering,

"The urge of killing this man is increasing seconds by seconds.".

"Ah yes Dr Khaled was just giving me the papers I had forgotten in the lab !". Emaan explained but she frowned at the cold deathly stare Khaled was directing at Rafé .

"That's not surprising Dr Khaled is very helpful !". Ra'fe praised only to get a bitter and most forced smile in return .

"Okay then we take a leave .Let's go Dr Emaan we have to discuss the report !". Saying it ,Rafe turned around and walked ahead while Emaan giving a small smile moved to follow him but shocking her Khaled held her wrist tightly making Emaan  hyperventilate as she looked at Rafé's retreating figure then Khaled's hold and eventually at Khaled who to her much confusion had blank expressions ,his eyes downcast,his grip too strong for her to shake off ,

"What happened ?". Emaan stuttered ,her voice mixed with panic and worry,her eyes searching for answer.

Khaled's grip tightened more before he let go off her wrist stating ,

"Nothing!" .And turning around walked away.

Emaan glanced at him with confusion before rushing to follow Dr Rafé with her mind all perturbed and disturbed.


Inebriated with fatigue ,Emaan walked inside the shared office ,her lower back stinged with unbearable pain while her eyes silently echoed the lores of sleep deprivation and adding to all this mess was Ra'fe who as a temporary head seemed to have been devoured by some tyrant's soul ,had piled her with unending work without even providing a speck of break and anger seemed to found a permanent settlement on his expressions and words.She even hadn't got the time to visit Maryam or even to settle down to take a breath .

She jerked stopped seeing Myza and Urwa in the room huddled together who stopped their conversation seeing her .Initially when Ra'fe had propose the idea of summoning the members back to Al Shams ,to a much extent Emaan had hadn't expected Myza and Urwa to come so early but seeing them she felt guilty of her judgemental opinions and smiling slightly at them which was more filled with guilt she walked towards water dispenser of the office .Gesturing if they wanted water but receiving a negative reply ,Emaan moved to get herself water when she heard Urwa,

"I feel like some demon has penetrated inside Dr Ra'fe like his attitude has taken a whole new turn , the way he is throwing down work on us relentlessly as if we are some machine.And seriously Dr Emaan you are really a pushover ,we have arrived late yet we feels so exhausted and have taken break already but you have been here since morning and running around like that !Do you really like being doormat so much ?".

Emaan too tired to entertain any jibes shot at her ,just gave a tired smile before gazing back at the stream of water reaching the summit of glass.

"By the way is Dr Sidra not here ?"

"Yeah she has gone to meet her parents !". Emaan replied

"Oh that's why it feel so silent and calm ".Urwa snickered along with Myza .

Emaan frowned and closing the tap of dispenser she turned as she stated ,

"You know I had read a poem Frog and nightingale in which no matter how beautiful the nightingale sang and animals around her appreciated ,to the jealous frog it only seemed worse than cacophony of crows ! But what does that frog think and says doesn't change the fact nightingale had a angelic voice that made every heart flutter except the envy filled frog's heart ."

Urwa and Myza frowned at her before Myza whisper,

"What does that suppose to mean ?".

"Nothing ", Emaan shrugged ," Just felt like narrating it to you both !". Saying it ,Emaan sluggishly walked towards her desk .

"Did she call us frog and Sidra a nightingale ?".Myza whispered .

"She is more weirdo than that Sidra !".Urwa scowled looking at Emaan.

Settling down on her chair ,whispering bismillah Emaan took a sip when her eyes widen in shock and eventually after few seconds she gulp down the water with a sigh realising Ramadaan was over .With her body still used to not eating and working throughout the day ,Emaan had decided to immediately start fasting her missed obligatory ones and the fast of Shawwal but on Sidra's insistence on keeping them together for the sake of company ,Emaan was obliging to her friend's promise and had postponed her resolve .

Gulping the water down in three large sips ,Emaan head down knowing well she had go back to her shift but suddenly after drinking water and her trained mind realising that she wasn't fasting ,along with exhaustion now hunger pangs haunted the hollow chambers of her stomach .Coaxed by lethargic tune her every cells was thumbing with ,Emaan decided she will rest until she had done reciting surah ikhlas ten times .

She was murmurring slowly and her eyes drooping slightly,when breaking her both recitation and her slow walk to embrace of slimber as her ears twitched hearing Urwa ,

"I think Dr Ra'fe is trying to act like Dr Khaled .Trying all strict and work oriented but I think someone needs to tell him he is failing at it miserably like no one can come near to Dr Khaled .He is just ...." Urwa took a dreamy sigh before adding ,"even when he is rude my heart flutters ,he looks so dapper even having that cold look .I think his cold look is the best .That cold stare ..." .Urwa giggled timidly blushing like a new bride while Emaan's every urge to sleep had found a dramatic climax as she blankly blinked at Urwa before hiding her face back in the void of her arms .

At that moment ,she had curbed every flaring fibre inside her ready to reveal the truth .She didn't like how they talked about Khaled ,as if they knew him more than her ,they had more rights than her ,he belonged to them more than her...ever since she had been married she had been scared of what catastrophe would unleash at the revelation of this reality but at the moment Emaan felt the scorching glares would be much better than the burn in her heart .

Emaan jerked out of her thoughts and lifted her head hearing her name call out ,

"...You were here yesterday right ? Then you would have seen Dr Khaled in suit ?".

At the words of Myza ,Emaan instantly remembered Khaled from yesterday and the way he looked in that black suit was enough to get her heart racing but before her face could turn scarlet and she ended up looking like some pervert ,Emaan just nodded totally annoyed at the indecency of her mind.

"How lucky you are ? I am sure he must be looking beyond handsome .Now I really regret going to my house only if I had stayed so I would have seen also .But Dr Ra'fe had promised that he will give exclusive photographs of Dr Khaled in suit to us if we joined our shift back today so I hope he doesn't forget his side of deal !" Myza exclaimed.

Deeply annoyed and somewhat understanding what Sidra would have felt hearing female staff praising Hamza ,Emaan with fuming heart looked down seeking refuge away from devil and his antics ,she moved to take out her mobile to check up on Sidra as in her busy tight schedule Emaan couldn't make any contacts with her ever since she had left in morning .But before she could complete her task ,the door of the office burst open to reveal Dr Ra'fe standing at the door with annoyed expressions ,

"Seriously do you all think it's a joke .I have been searching for you all and you are laundering here when you are supposed to work and work only .And why aren't you responding to your pagers ?It's because of doctors like you that all other hard working doctors are infamous for being lazy and butchers who have eyes only for money ".

Emaan looked down embarrassed while Myza whispered ,

" Dr Rafe it's nothing like that ! We just came a few seconds before you ! Ask Dr Emaan she was here already when we came !".

Emaan frowned but before she could defend ,Ra'fe asserted ,

"Okay whatever .I have to assist in a surgery so one of you has to takeover my clinic duties. So whose up for it ?".

Myza and Urwa glanced at eachother with apprehension ,thinking of a way to glide out of this situation without coming in the bad books of Ra'fe as Khaled's photograph was at stake when Myza exclaimed ,

"We already told you we just came from our round ups and my leg is killing me ! So I need a bit of rest !".

"Me too ! I am also not feeling well ".

"I will take over Dr Ra'fe !".Emaan interrupted .Myza and Urwa smiled at eachother happy at the sacrificial lamb they had in their team unknown that Emaan wanted to escape their company ,their unending rant about her husband just frustrated her and she rather prefer to work and toil then to extinguish herself in this unknown helpless misery she felt .

"You too better get back to your work and learn something from Dr Emaan ! Follow me Dr Emaan". Ra'fe walked out of the room with Emaan tailing behind him but not before she heard Urwa taunt bitterly ,

"Two goody shoes!".

Closing the door behind and exhaling hard ,Emaan followed Ra'fe when he commented while walking ahead ,

"Dr Emaan I must say I am also quite disappointed with you !".

Emaan looked up trying to clarify when beating her Ra'fe turned around and walking backwards asserted ,

"Do you know how much high expectation I have from you .I have planned that when I become permanent head of the team when Dr Isa retires then you will be my stand by head that when I will have to go away somewhere you will the head ...like vice head kind of thing ! And you are slacking off! ".

Seeing Emaan's expressions that somewhat vociferated 'has he lost it' look, he cleared his throat before turning around and walking straight his eyes landing on Khaled coming from front ,mumbled ,

"I know it's too far in future but don't worry all the hard work you do I will make sure you are compensated for it ."He smiled in respect at Khaled as he passed by him.

"You know seeing Dr Khaled I remembered that how I got Dr Myza and Dr Urwa accepted the deal to come here early by offering them I will give them photograph of Dr Khaled in suit .Seems like he had wore one yesterday and Ferid had one click so I thought to use it .I know I can be cunning ...but if you want I also can also share it with you .What say Dr Emaan ?Should I consider your silence as yes ? " Ra'fe turned around only to be left dumbfounded seeing no sign of Emaan .He rushed back to the corridor shouting her name but she had vanished like vapour in the air.

Emaan was left aghast as Khaled holding her hand while gesturing to remain silent walked ahead with Emaan following behind with confusion ,shock and not to forget those tingling feelings fluttering in her heart like butterflies sipping on the sweet nectar called love ,this winter like man holding spring in his eyes had decorated her existence with.

Leaving her hand only when someone in sight ,Khaled held her hand more tightly and walked inside his office and closing the door ,he walked towards his desk pulling Emaan with him as she mumbled ,

"Wh..What hap..pened ?Is everything alright ?".

"Yeah !" Khaled turned to her and made her sit down on the chair," Alhamdulillah!Everything is alright ".

"Then why did you brought me here ?Dr Rafe will be searching for me .I had to takeover his clinic duty ! Dr Rafe will..."Emaan flinched back as Khaled bended over her with his palms tightly gripping the arms of chair while his hazel eyes going through green blizzard as he stared directly at bewildered Emaan,

"Emaan it will be better that instead of focussing on what Dr Ra'fe thinks you concentrate on ME ! Or are you telling me you are going to prioritise any random guy over your husband ?".Khaled quirk an eyebrow .

Gulping hard at overwhelming proximity ,his intense gaze and the tone of possesiveness yet finding loss of any words ,Emaan blinked down ,holding her hands in tight grip while nodding in negative.She pulled her a bit of lower lip inside feeling the gaze of Khaled before he eventually moved back with a sigh while Emaan felt her lungs finally remembered their innate task of breathing as she exhaled hard .

But she frowned in confusion when she saw Khaled uncover the plate kept on the table before her to reveal another plate containing butter jam sandwiches and few slices of apples before her .She looked at him in confusion before asking ,

"What's this ?".

"Did you had breakfast ?".Khaled crossed his arms.

Emaan nodded in negative .

Did you had lunch ?".

Emaan pressed her lips before sheepishly shaking her head in denial.

"Now you realise what's this ?".

Emaan glanced up slightly at Khaled seeing him looking at her morosely making Emaan whisper-complain ,

"You only asked me not to slacken in my job !".

"You remember that but what about when I tell you to take care of yourself and don't end up becoming a patient .May I know where does this obedience flies away? How many times I have to repeat that a doctor treats a patient ,a patient can't treat another patient ".Khaled stated exasperated.

Emaan looked down embarassed ,her cheeks slightly puffed up in annoyance at his care which wrapped in so much anger and annoyance seemed everything but concern .

Who scolds his wife the next day of wedding ? He is always gonna be karela ...

"You can mentally curse me later first eat !".

Pupils dilated in shock ,Emaan gazed up with her mouth slightly as agape she stuttered ,

"I didn..." But seeing the quirked eyebrow of Khaled ,Emaan sheepishly looked down and mortified mumble out while showing the space between her forefinger and thumb,

"Only little bit !". Emaan hung her head more lower .

Looking away Khaled pressed his lips together tried to control his amusement before he gazed back at Emaan and sighing pulling the chair before her he sat on it and leaned forward with his elbows resting on his thighs as his gaze staring up at Emaan he whispered ,

"I am not fond of scolding you either Emaan. But when I see you being careless with yourself it's difficult for me to remain silent about it .I am not stopping you to work hard but don't let that dedication come at a cost of you.Cause this is the price I am never gonna be ready to pay " ".He paused,reflection of Emaan along with pure earnestness glimmered in his hazel wonder valiantly as he went on adding,his voice much tender than ever,

"Emaan you are really important to me ,really precious and I wouldn't tolerate someone misusing you even that includes you .I am going to be there to take care of you but when I am not I want you to take care of my precious .So can I entrust you taking care of yourself for my sake ?".

He didn't touched her yet the warmth of his words melted the glaciers of her internal realm when the outside world had froze it with its callousness and brutality .And those icy vapours twinkled in her brown ocean making her look down while nodding in affirmative .

"Woah are you crying ?" Khaled dragging his chair nearer kept his hand on the intertwined palms of Emaan ," Okay I will try to change the manner of expressing my concern ! Would that work ?".

At his innocent and concerned tone ,Emaan couldn't help but smile before looking up at Khaled through her wet lashes .

"I am not cry..ing !".

"Yeah I can see that !". Khaled quipped while rubing off the tears dangling near edge of her eyes.

"But mind you trying was the key word when I said of changing the manners ! So if I slip remember the word 'trying' !".

And Emaan didn't knew what sparked it ,his cute expressions ,or joy she was feeling just in the presence of him that she ended up chuckling like the melted river rushing down the lanes basking in the sun forgetting the frozen world was once their reality .

Khaled forgot to blink as he gazed at her mesmerised as if he watching the fields of dandelions basking in sun ,like a dove flying  freely in the sky .It was the prettiest thing ever ,baring her spring like soul in the autumn of her eyes while stroking her face with childlike innocence,so free and pure .Emaan bit her lips to control her laugh moving to remove the tear that had slipped out but heightening the speed of her pumping organ and hitching her breath,Khaled's hand resting on her enjoined hands slipped into one and stroking her back of hand with his thumb evoking a new sonnet of love with every caress rubbed away the tear with other while whispering  ,

"Seeing you smile like that it would be more difficult to succumb my urge to hide you from everyone and keep you just to myself !". Emaan's face burst themselves into colours of shyness as she looked at him awestruck,

Ya Allah this cardiologist is really dangerous for my heart !

And as if his resonating words weren't enough,Khaled's gaze lifted up from their hands to her eyes and she felt she fell hard even though she was sitting .She gulped hard seeing him staring at her as if he was looking deep into her soul .Not able to withstand the intensity of his glorious eyes ,Emaan looked around while mumbling what first came in her mind,

"Ah I forgot can you give me the contact number of Laiba Amtu ? And also ...of Abbu and Sweet M?".

Khaled curbing his happiness hearing her address his people like her own intensifying the feeling of their bond they shared ,the bond of togetherness teased ,

"Why ? Going to report them about me ?".

"No !It's not that ! It just now I need ..."Emaan left her sentence hanging while Khaled smiling at how Emaan still so shy to accept it loud their relation reality took out his mobile while saying ,

"Give me your phone I will feed it while you feed yourself !" Emaan nodding moved to take out her phone when she heard Khaled ,

"By the way you never asked about my number ?".

"I already have yours. Sidra gave it to me when I cam..." Emaan gasped as she saw the screen of her phone and gazed at Khaled only to have her dilated eyes widen more in horror to find his eyes already on her phone's screen.She pulled her phone closer to herself,

"You can give me later !I mean the number !".

"What was that ?".

"Nothing !It's nothing." Emaan stood up hastily pulling her phone behind her but to her much bewilderment and exercise of her pumping heart ,Khaled stood up and walked closer making Emaan move back.She stumbled with the chair and glanced back slightly but before she could move away ,Khaled cornered her keeping her trapped between him and table .Emaan gazed up with her prancing heart trying to goad out some reason only to have her breath struck finding Khaled leaning closer with his eyes totally focussed on her lips making her close her eyes tightly .She felt his breath fanning her face overwhelming her every sense with his smell and nearness .

Breathe ! Breathe Emaan !

How do we breathe ?

Smiling at her cute expressions ,Khaled leaned past Emaan's face and staying near her neck while delving the heavenly smell of her he swiftly took away mobile from Emaan's hand she had hidden behind her. Shocked and embarassed ,Emaan opened her eyes to find Khaled walking backwards with his infamous smirk while holding her mobile .Emaan moved to get the mobile but it was already too late as damage was done as he grinned looking at the mobile where the screensaver was his photograph from yesterday .

Drenched in embarassment ,Emaan face palmed herself while reasoning out ,

"It wasn't me it's Sidra's doing !And I hadn't checked it since morning she might have done it then ...".

Khaled walked upto her and smiling at her covered face tilted his head saying ,

"So it means you are embarassed by this !".

Perturbed by the tone and words of Khaled ,Emaan peeked slightly before removing her hand completely and quickly asserted ,not wanting any seed of misunderstanding to sprout between them in anyway .

"No I didn't meant that ! I mean we have to keep our marriage secret so ..I meant it like that nothing else .I am not embarassed". Emaan gazed keenly at Khaled hoping that every shred of doubt was clarified .

"So it wasnt that case of keeping our marriage a secret you would have no problem in keeping my photograph as screensaver !".Khaled asked innocently ,meticulously curbing his urge to smirk seeing the dumbfounded expressions of Emaan.

Unexpected was the word defining the situation and tongue tied was conclusion of Emaan as she not knowing what to reply just nodded in negative while whispering,

"No !".

And as if waiting for her reply ,Khaled smiled and pulled her with him and making her stand near the window he drew away the curtain and opened the window ,letting the bright yet dainty rays of departing sun amble their way inside the room.

"What are you doing ?".

"Patience Emaan !".

It was weird ,more than strange that she had been listening people call her by her name .Her mind ,her ears ,her existence had been used to it yet everytime she heard him call her name out ,it felt her heart would burst out.It felt as if everytime he called her Emaan, there was new sets of feelings he had painted her few syllable words that it seemed not just the part of her identity anymore but some kind of expression of love ,like sonnets written in the depth of his soul , decorated in the feelings of his heart, nurtured by his deep voice and rolling out of his tongue ,kissing her existence with such magic that she could sit by and hear him say her name again and again yet paradoxically leaving her too shy to face him cause of the effect his calling her name did to her  .

Breaking out of her thought ,Khaled stood near Emaan opening the camera and kept it lower and it is then Emaan noticed Khaled was trying to click their shadows .Awestruck by the idea and how spectacular they look together Emaan gawked at their shadows with fluttering heart when aggravating her condition  Khaled held her hand and intertwined them making Emaan look up at him and seeing the movement of Emaan's shadow ,Khaled also gazed down at Emaan and that's when the timer ended and the picture was snapped .The picture of their shadows gazing at eachother reading the letters of love written in the fabrics of their souls by the bestest writer and their hands intertwined vociferating the tale of their joined hearts and ballad of their heavenly love.- where not just in light but also in shadows they were united .

Snapping out of their moment ,Khaled looked at his phone ,to much bewilderment of Emaan she saw his ears turning a bit crimson as he moved to work on his phone while perching on her toes Emaan tried to peek into his mobile but seeing Khaled gaze turn to her she alighted back on her feets ,looking down sheepishly .Smiling at her antics Khaled lowered both mobile so Emaan could see it easily .

"You also going to have this picture as wallpaper of your mobile ?". Emaan asked shocked .

"Why ? Can't I ?". Khaled whispered without lifting his gaze ,rubbing his eyebrow with his thumb despite the phone in his hand.

"No it's just that if someone by coincidence sees our phone and notices the the same wallpaper then....!".

Khaled's fingers stopped as he thought for a moment before nodding while remarking,

"Aren't you too determined to not let anyone know of our marriage ?".

"Its nothing like that ...!" Emaan opened closed her mouth not knowing how to articulate that she had also suffered from the repercussions of hiding their marriage but her thoughts got consumed by curiosity when she saw Khaled still working on both mobiles .

"What are you doing now ?" Emaan tried to peek at the mobile.

" Patience Emaan!" .Khaled mumbled while moving the mobile away from Emaan's vision making her frown in curiosity and little bit of annoyance.

She was flickering in the curiosity yet not wanting to seem nosy ,Emaan glanced at Khaled keenly when to her much excitement ending her curiosity ,Khaled showed her both mobile ,

"This is what I was doing !".

Khaled had edited the picture with his wallpaper containing only Emaan's shadow while Emaan's phone had only shadow of Khaled but when put together both mobiles side by side ,they completed the picture again.Emaan blinked in awe when blooming her heart with more white lilies of feelings,Khaled whispered offering her mobile ,

"This wallapaper will remind you that I am always incomplete without you!".

Emaan blushed at his words and she also felt the desperate urge to confess that his presence completed her too but her shyness and her fear overwhelmed her when Khaled turned around while saying ,

"Come on now eat your food !".

"Ah I also .." All words whiffed away seeing Khaled turned back slightly facing her making her change her words ,

"What will I say if someone sees a man's shadow on my phone's wallapaper ?".

She mentally cursed herself for being such a coward when Khaled muttered ,

"Say it ,it's the shadow of your hero !".

Emaan blinked at Khaled before a slow smile found its way to her cherry lips when curbing it she asked ,

"And what will you say ?".

Khaled slipping his mobile in his pocket and letting his hand remain there whispered with a sincerity and soft smile ,

"That it's the shadow of a person who lightens my world !".

Amusement replaced heartwarming feelings leaving Emaan in a puddle of crimson feelings whose evidence were blatantly spluttered on her face .She didn't knew how he always had the words to warm her heart with such feelings that she couldn't stop herself but thinking about him and him only but she couldn't gather any such courage to express her feelings ,she also wanted to make his heart flutter but only if she was brave ...

"You can blush while eating also !". Khaled turned and walked towards the chair and pulling it out for Emaan to sit .Emaan rushed towards him and sat down before asking ,

"You are not going to eat ?".

Sitting next to her ,Khaled nodded in negative whispered ,

"Thats for you to finish !So no !".Saying it ,Khaled engaged himself in checking files.

"Not even one bite !" Emaan mumbled to herself before moving to eat .Even though she hated to eat alone but him being just sitting by her side was another kind of relief as she was surrounded in a protective aura ,in a homely feeling .And she wished and wanted to also become person that felt like home to Khaled ,to articulate what he was and what he did to her heart .

Lost in thoughts ,Emaan was munching her sandwich nervously when Khaled assured ,

"Don't worry about Dr Rafé .I will handle it so eat without any tension !".

Emaan was left aghast, with Khaled she really became oblivious to the world and no doubt she felt relaxed with his assuring words but she couldn't explain the reason behind her thoughts wayfaring like a lost ship was the one sitting next to him not Ra'fe .When in next moment she heard Khaled heave a sigh and turn to her whispering ,

"If it's about one bite then go on!" Khaled opened his mouth but seeing Emaan's dumbfounded expression ,he gestured at the morsel of sandwich Emaan had in her hand and finally the bulb of enlightenment sparked in Emaan's mind as she slowly with shaking hands offered the morsel to Khaled ,her face pinched with reddish hue.Diligent at not touching his lips ,Emaan quickly jerked her hand back looking down yet she couldn't stop the grin ambling majestically over her face while Khaled rubbed his eyebrows while mumbling ,

"I had never thought I would be doing all this ,clicking couple photograph ,keeping them wallpaper ,acting like a weirdo ,more of all falling in love .It's insane ...but seeing you smile every insanity seems worth it .Seriously Emaan you got me bad !".Khaled looked away mortified.

Every shade of red felt dull infront of the dark shade reigning Emaan's face as she looked down tangling her fingers when Khaled looked up muttering ,

"I am the one doing the embarassing things but you are the one going red in embarassment !". Khaled shook his head smiling slightly .

"Ah it's not that I am just not ...used to hearing you call my... name !".

"So ?" ,Khaled frowned ,"Dr Rafe can go calling you Dr Emaan all day long while I can't get to call you Emaan ?".

"No it's not that !" Emaan nodded in negative shaking her hands frantically .

"Then ?". His eyes digging into her soul.

"It's just that my " .She exhaled ,"my heart flutters so hard everytime you call me with my name that I don't ...know how to react !". Emaan looked down her cheeks colouring more in mortification at her lame confession .

When shocking her Khaled pulled her office chair closer to him ,their legs tangled up ,

"You really are injurious to my health !"

Emaan frowned looking at Khaled when holding her hand and pushing her unrest nerves more in the valley of mess, he confessed ,

"Even for me also it wasn't easy to remove that tag of honorifics from your name but you can give this feeling any name but I didnt wanted to stay on the same level as other , a mere colleague atleast when we are alone !" .His eyes wayfaring over her facial features unabashedly kissed by the colour of shyness finally stilled at her lips for mere seconds before lifting up to her shivering orbs ,his thumb running in circles in her palm ceased and a small smile graced his lips as he whisper added,

"Lakinani 'ufakir 'iidha Kan 'akhdhi liasmik faqat yajealuk tasheur bialiartibak,fa 'ana la 'aerif madha sayahduth lak fi almustaqbali ?"

( But I am thinking if my taking just your name gets you this flustered I don't know what will happen to you in future ?).

"Huh ?What ?".Seeing Khaled shrug in reply ,Emaan frowned ,

"This is not fair ! You are taking advantage of me not knowing Arabic !".

"Well if you want I can teach you as our sign language teaching class is also due .I can teach you both and being your husband I won't take any fees !"

"You will ?".Emaan ignored the somersaults his stomach felt by his gaze and words.

"Yeah!" Khaled leaned back," Since Amtu is planning to take you to home tomorrow in sha Allah and get you acquainted with her friends I think so knowledge of litte bit Arabic will help in shadowing good impression ...!"

"But Amtu didn't told me about this !".Emaan whispered apprehensively .

"Cause she decided it today only !".

"I understand only bits and bites but only when someone speaks slow .Can you teach me some words right now ?.Emaan asked urgently .

Smiling to himself ,Khaled nodded before urging ,

"Okay repeat after me ". Khaled bit his lips controlling his grin seeing Emaan focussing at him like a diligent child ready to take notes .

"Uriduk 'an taqbalani! " ( I want you to kiss me !)

"Uriduk 'an taq..balani " Emaan repeated looking at Khaled assuring if her pronunciation was correct .

Khaled coughed a bit while trying to hide his grin before saying ,

"Good ! Once more !".

"But what does it mean ?".

"I will tell you, first repeat it again!".

"Uriduk 'an taqbalani !". Emaan gazed at Khaled for confirmation when confusing her Khaled asked ,

"Are you sure ?".

"Huh !"

"Too late !" Khaled whispering moved closer with his one hand resting on the arm of chair while other cupped her face gently ,he leaned closer to Emaan and pecked her cheeks softly ,bulging Emaan's eyes in shock while her cheeks bloomed up like a cherry blossoms at his warm gentle touch .

Khaled moved back and gazing directly in Emaan's chestnut eyes and lightly stroking off bread crumps from her chin he ordered ,

"Dont say this infront of anyone else!".Emaan was left in entranced by the intense emotions the hazel galaxy was twinkling with but breaking their moment ,Khaled's pager beeped making him come out of his trance as he responded to it and scratching his back of head stood up saying  ,

"I have to go but you don't leave until you have finished everything on the plate !Okay ?".

Seeing Emaan nod in daze ,Khaled smiled slightly before walking backwards he announced ,

"And if you want to know the meaning meet me at night the same place we had met yesterday. We will begin our class where we have left now !So don't be late!". With his infamous smirk,Khaled walked out of the office .

With the sound of closing door  Emaan came out of her trance and touched her cheeks before  she kept her hand on her heart that seemed would thrash out any second as her mind orbiting with memories of few seconds ago .She looked at the food and only to have her demons of hunger retired to sleep or something as she felt loss of appetite with her stomach already filled with not just butterflies but rather hippos of shyness .What did he meant by beginning from where he left ?...what is going to happen there? Putting her head on the edge of table Emaan tried to calm her heart while whispering duas as nothing else came in her mind ,with her cheeks burning with his left over touches and eyes shivering with emotions he had looked at her leaving no space for anything but him ,his words, his kiss and one intriguing thought ,

"What does these words actually means ?"


"Ya Allah I still can't believe you are pregnant Sana !". Emaan gushed in excitement .

"I know right !" Sana chirped ," But you know this happiness can doubled if you also quickly give us good news !". Sana giggled at the end hearing Emaan groan.

"Seriously I am thinking how will a child give birth to another child !".Emaan taunted .

"Excuse me I am much more adult than you can be in your entire lifetime !".Sana replied haughtingly .

"Yeah sure !".Emaan mocked .

"By the way I might have done something childish "..Emaan's ears perked in curiosity as Sana continued ,

"Emaan two days back I met Safa !" ,Sana exhaled hard meeting with silence before ranting in one go ,"She was asking about you and she was quite worried with situation in Syria and you being alone .And I ended up slipping out more than necessary information and gave her your number!"

"What ? Why would you do that Sana?".Emaan groaned in annoyance .

"Please don't be mad ! It just that I met her and then she started asking about you and I ended up saying that you don't need to worry about Emaan .She is happily married with an amazing man and all that .But she really looked remorseful and  apologetic .She said she wanted to ask your forgiveness she can't sleep at most of nights when she thinks of what she did to you ...so I ended up giving her your contact but I told her not contact you unless you do yourself .And Emaan I know it's hard but one should forgive the way they want to be forgiven by Allah !".

"I know that Sana. And I have forgiven her way long back .I can't hold a grudge that she opted to side with what her parents asked her to do so .I am ..just alright.".

Finally arriving at the oasis she didn't wanted to trace her step back into that desert again ...she was already marred with wounds and flipping again pages of past will leave her broken and she wanted to bloom for someone not break .

"Are you angry with me ?I am really sorry !".

"No it's alright !Forget it !".Emaan  sighed before asking ,"So when is your flight to America ?".

"Two days from today !'.

Emaan hummed before asking ,

"Started packing ?".

"Yeah need to as one day will go in collecting my stuff from the mess I have created and to find places for special delcacies Ammi had made for his son in law without overloading .Seriously you should see the enthusiasm with which Ammi is cooking dishes for Shams as if I am not pregnant but he is !".

Emaan chuckled as they went on talking for a while before ending their call .Emaan rubbed her face as the name of Safa had reminded of her relatives leaving a bitter taste in her mouth and burning sensation in her heart forcing their pain twinkle in her eyes but when she saw her phone's wallpaper ,it felt suddenly her entire existence was shadowed under the shade ,her bleeding pain seemed bearable just looking at the shadow of his.Just mere realisation of his existence in her life had sparkled her entire entity like the lonesome dew dangling on the edges of leaves shines when kissed by the gaudy golden rays of sun.

"It will remind you I will be incomplete without you !"

"You are really important to me ".

"Precious !".

His words echoing from the channels of her memory left her all blushing and smiling. A gush of air maundered inside through the open window playing with her clothes and hairs as if teasing and tickling her and enarmouring her in the fragrance of upcoming heavenly shower .Covering her head properly ,Emaan walked closer to the window and looked up at the clouded night sky .

Seeing those vast expanse of drops of love sky preparing for its beloved earth ,Emaan heart also simmered in desire of wanting to see Khaled as soon as possible even though entire day her heart had been wrecking with nerve cracking feelings about their ascertain meeting.

It was astounding how he was untangling and unbinding the bits and pieces she had chained down in the darkest corner and breaking the seal of curse of solitude she had enslaved herself with. His every touch ,his words ,the way he gazed at her softly claimed her territories slowly yet rampantly .Walls were still there but it didn't matter cause he was already there inside her heart and flowing inside her body like blood. And she knew the way he was, no matter how many towers or barricade she hid her heart behind, before him they didn't stand a chance .Cause he was chosen by the ONE who actually owned her heart ....she couldn't stand a chance .

Sighing at the sky and pushing the petulant strand of hair behind her ear ,Emaan walked back to Maryam who lying on her stomach was creating havoc with the folded clothes kept on the bed .Removing the clothes off her ,Emaan cooed ,

"Who is this monster of clothes ? Who is this enemy of folded clothes ?". Emaan's heart gushed with unsurmountable love seeing Maryam grinning at her flashing her dimples .Using the veil dangling on Maryam's head ,Emaan began playing peek a boo echoing the room with Mimi and Emaan's laughter .

Seeing Maryam's chirpy mood ,Emaan decided to call Sidra when accelerating her heartbeat her phone buzzed with an incoming call flashing Dr Dracula on screen making Emaan's eyes widen in horror in realisation that she had forgotten to change his name,

"Ya Allah he must have seen this when he was sharing the photograph ...no it can't be as he would have said something right ?He edited the photo so he might have gone directly to gallery ...Ya Allah!".Whining Emaan face palmed herself.

But stumbling out of her soliloquy ,Emaan gazed at her buzzing mobile and praying that he hadn't seen it accepted the call whispering,

"Assalamualaikum !".

"Walekumassalam !" His deep voice drying her throat ," Emaan where are you ?"

"Ah I am in my room !Why ?" Emaan frowned looking around the room.

"Okay then don't come in the garden as I had asked you ! I won't be here !".

Her brows twitching in apprehensive both due to his words and his rugged voice ,Emaan urgently asked ,

"What happened ? Is everything alright ?And where are you going at this time ?".

The pitter patter of rain echoed the surrounding making Emaan add ,

"And it's even started raining !Should I come too ?".

Khaled couldn't help but smile at Emaan's concern which seemed like a calming relief to his agitated nerve ,before he whispered ,

"No you stay here and take care of Maryam .And don't worry I will be back soon !".

"But what happened atleast tell me this ?".

Breaking the symphony of rhythmic falling rain ,Khaled words felt like lightening as he said ,

" Its Hamza ..."



I know most of stories end with the protagonist's marriage but this story was never meant to end like that from the very beginning so there are still  chapters to come and mysteries to unravel so I am sorry if you feel bored but this story has not reach its end yet ....😇

Before you leave please do recite,

'Alhamdu lillaahil-ladhee khalaqnaa min noorihee biyadihi wastafaana mim bariyyatihi waja 'laana umanaahu 'alaa khalqihee wa- wahyihi'

(Praise be to Allah who created us from HIS light with HIS hand and dignified us over HIS creatures  ,and made us trustees of HIS creation and HIS revelation

Dedicating this chapter to my dearest silverduchess ...my simple gift to you .

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas .

Faqat abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu 🌸🌼

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