Short Story #13

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In a middle of a forest, the gang was sitting down around a warm campfire. Our main protagonist Boboiboy, was blankly watching the fire dance, his eyes seemed empty. Fang on the other hand, was staring at his watch, slowly getting irritated by the boy beside him; which was Gopal. Gopal was happily munching on a chocolate cracker, oblivious to the loud crunching sounds he made. While the girls were whispering to each other, giggling afterward.

"Hey Boboiboy! I'm so bored!" Gopal exclaims in a whiney tone.

Boboiboy looks at him, an unreadable expression was splattered on his face. "What am I supposed to do about it? I'm not your brain, or your imagination..."

"He doesn't even have a brain." Fang snorts, causing Gopal to yell in protest.

Boboiboy rolls his eyes, before turning his attention back to the dancing flames that kept them warm. While
the girls were just silently watching the boys, they found it odd to see them quiet.

Yaya smiles at Ying, before turning to the boys. "How about we play a game?"

Gopal immediately perks up, "A game? Sure! What game?"

"Test of Courage!" Ying cheerfully answers him.

"What?! No! It's too dark! There might be monsters here! Let's just play Truth or Dare!" Gopal protests.

Fang grins, "A test of courage huh? I'm in!" Ying shoots her fist in the air, "That makes three of us! You're outnumbered Gopal!"

Gopal groans, before his eyes caught a sight of the capped hero. "Boboiboy is technically equal to 7 points right?"

The three glanced at each other unsurely, "Um... sure why not?"

Gopal silently cheers, before turning to Boboiboy. "Hey buddy! You wanna do a test of courage?"

No answer...

"Ey! Boboiboy!"

Boboiboy jolts slightly upwards, as if he was surprised. "Huh? What?"

They all face palm in unison, heavy sighs escaping their lips. Yaya looks at him, concern glistening in her eyes. "Boboiboy are you alright? You haven't been yourself for weeks now..."

Boboiboy smiles, "I'm fine... so what did you guys ask?"

"Do you wanna do a test of courage?" Ying eagerly asks, as she slowly began to rise from her seat. "Sure, why not?" He replies, making Gopal groan quite loudly.

Boboiboy looks at him confusingly, "What?"

"You were suppose to be against it! Now look! Huhuhu!" Gopal said, making Fang face palm.

"Jeez Gopal, its just a test of courage!"

"Fine! But if one of us goes missing! I'll bla-"

"No one is going missing Gopal!" The four exclaim in unison.

"That's what they all say... before one them does...." Gopal mumbles to himself.

Yaya taps her chin, "How about you stay here Gopal? You can guard our stuff, while the four of us are doing the test of courage."

"Eh? No way! I don't want to be alone!" Gopal objects.

Ying crosses her arms, arching one of her brows alongside. "Do you want to join the test of courage then?"

"Eeee! No thanks! I'll stay here!" Gopal said rather quickly.

Fang rolls his eyes, "Is he seriously the oldest?"

"Hm.... since it's just the four of us... do we go in pairs then?" Boboiboy said, catching their attention.

"Yes! We definitely should! I mean it's dangerous to go alone by ourselves! Not that we're defenseless! I mean you're pretty strong! Also pretty hot! I mean cool! Cool! Yeah I meant cool! You-"

"Yes, we should go in pairs!" Ying cuts off the rambling Yaya.

"Great! So.... do we get to pick?" Boboiboy asks, as he stood up.

"How about one girl and one boy?" Fang suggests, earning thankful expressions from Yaya and Ying.

Boboiboy grins, "Seems awesome to me! I'll take Yaya then!"

"Eh?! Me?!" Yaya exclaims, as her cheeks tinted pink.

"Why don't you want to be paired up with me? Do you hate me?" Boboiboy frowns.

"No! I just-"

"Good! Now come on! I wanna be the first one to wander these forests!" Boboiboy grabs her hand, dragging Yaya with him to the forest.

Ying giggles, "Good luck Yaya!"

Fang clears his throat, "Shouldn't we get going too?"

"Oops! Oh yeah! Let's go then!" Ying skips ahead of Fang, who was just grumbling complaints to himself.

As the two enter the forest, Gopal was left alone smirking. "I see future couples~!"

Meanwhile Boboiboy and Yaya...

The two were walking side by side, none of them spoke a single word. One was completely lost in his thoughts, the other was too nervous to speak; this resulted to them not uttering a single word. Yaya was nervous twirling her scarf, as she took a glance at the boy beside her. "Boboiboy...."

"Yes?" Came an immediate reply, which startled her, she didn't expect him to answer so quickly.

Yaya stops in her tracks, "Boboiboy... is something bothering you? You've been quiet for the past few weeks..."

Boboiboy stops, he turns to her with a small smile on his face. "It's nothing Yaya, you shouldn't worry about me..."

"...Do you trust me?"

"What?" Boboiboy questionably looks at her.

"Do you trust me?" Yaya repeats.

"Yes I do! Why are you even asking this?" Boboiboy crosses his arms, as Yaya takes a deep breath.

"If you trust me... why won't you tell me the truth?" Yaya whispers loud enough for Boboiboy to hear.

"I-i..." Boboiboy sighs, "I don't want to bother you..."

"Boboiboy... can I tell you something?"

I'm losing my touch... I can't write anymore (T^T)

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