Short Story #3

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Boboiboy's POV

I was bruised and sweaty, I tried my best to dodge all of his attacks, but my attempts were futile. He was fast, and even worse cruel. I look at my friends, Ying was unconscious and was being held by Yaya. Fang was trying to help Gopal stand, even though he was too weak to do so.

"Weaklings! This is very disappointing!" A voice yells.

My gaze transfers to the man before us, he had a huge scar on his face, and an evil smirk plastered upon his face; What a truly scary man indeed. He looks at our pathetic state, a grin grew on his face, such a jerk.

"Oh well, it's time to kill all of you now." He said, as if it was no big deal to take someone's life away.

I look behind me, my friends were all in a horrible state. Examining them, my eyes widen, my dear friends had blood present in their clothing. My eyebrows furrow in frustration, as the anger boiled inside of me. I was fuming mad, how could someone do this! I turn around, looking at the man furiously.

"How dare you?!" I yell at him.

The man hums in response, before he actually looks at me.

"How dare you hurt my friends?!"

The man snickers at me, "What are you going to do about it? You're weak, just like the rest of them!"

That was it, I couldn't control my anger no longer. I dash towards him, even though my body felt excruciating pain, as I do.

"Boboiboy!" I hear my friends call my name.

Ignoring their calls, I continue dashing towards the man. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy-"

I feel a tinge of pain struck me, as my vision grew dark. I hear a voice, it sounded exactly like mine though. I open my eyes, only to see nothing but the clear skies. I look around me, confused of where I am.

"Am I in heaven?" I ask myself .

"Nope! I just placed your soul inside the watch for a while."

I look behind me, there I saw myself? The only difference, was that he wore black and a violet scarf placed around his neck. "W-who are you?"

He smirks at me, "I'm Boboiboy Dark, it's time you used me..."

Third Person POV

Boboiboy is suddenly surrounded by darkness, as he falls down unto his knees. The man snickers, "Pathetic, though I should commend him for his bravery... he could've been an amazing villain."

The three widen their eyes, tears were falling down on their cheeks. "Boboiboy!"

The man looks at the distress teenagers, his lips curl into a demonic smile. "Your friend is dead, but do not worry, you'll be joining him soon!"

The man holds the hilt of his sword, he leaps right in front of Yaya and Ying. As he raised his sword, Yaya looks at him, tears still falling down like a waterfall. Yaya closes her eyes, preparing for death, as the man slashes down his sword. She holds Ying tightly, as she waited for the painful impact, but it never came. "Kring!" It was the sound of a blade intercepting with another. Yaya opens her eyes, only to gasp in shock, her vision yet again became blurry. Tears running down again, but this time it was tears of joy. There Boboiboy was, intercepting the sword with dual daggers. But they all noticed something different about him, he had a black attire, and a purple scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Boboiboy Dark?..."


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