Short Story #8

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Note: Another New Story Coming this October 9, 2018 at 9:00 pm, Feel free to read it once its published!


His crimson red eyes were piercing into me, as we continue to walk. He's been staring for about a hour now, seriously what does he want?! "Quit staring at me, your making me feel nervous!" He stays silent, what is he? deaf?! "What do you want Fang?! You've been staring at me, and it's getting irritating!" I practically yell. "Nothing... just maybe you..." I could hear him mutter. What does he mean? Does he want me to do his homework? Does he want to get a higher score than me?! Not happening! My nervousness quickly boiled into rage, there was no way he was going to get a higher grade than me! I glare at him, "No way I'm doing your homework! Or even teach you!" Fang looks at me, before sighing. "That's not what I meant..." Huh?! What did he mean then?

Spiky-head rubs his nape nervously, "You see Ying... I've liked you since we were kids..." My eyes blink a couple of times in confusion, before tilting my head sideways. "What do you mean? I already know you like me." I blankly state. "Y-you do?!" "Duh, that's why we're friends!" I exclaim, as I see him frown. Fang rubs his forehead, grumbling unheard words under his breath. "You okay Fang?" "Fine! Perfectly fine!" He answers me, in a rather harsh tone. I roll my eyes, "Let's get going Spiky-head, I'm sure the others are looking for us." I hear a silent groan, "Aren't you tired Ying? We've been walking for hours... and your body has been trembling for quite a long time now." I stop in my tracks, "Fine, but only for 5 minutes..."




"Fine! 10 minutes!"

I began to walk towards a large rock, excruciating pain suddenly washed over my body, making my body tremble even more so. How come I didn't feel this until now? "Probably because of adrenaline..." I hear Fang answer, woah... is he psychic? "How did you know what I was thinking?" "You were muttering loudly to yourself again..." "Oh" was all I could say. I sat down on a large rock, instantly my head felt dizzy, adrenaline is truly amazing... The cool breeze brushes upon my pale skin, making me slightly shiver. I sigh, as another freezing breeze touches upon my skin. Suddenly, warmth envelopes me, making me feel warmer. I turn around, only to see Fang sitting next to me. I take a closer look at the cloth around me, it had the shade of violet and was mostly color black, it had long sleeves and a collar. It was a jacket, a very familiar one. The jacket had a large 'F' sewed unto its back, making me gasp, it was the jacket I gave Fang for his birthday.

"You brought it with you?" I ask in amazement, Fang simply nods in response. "I always bring it with me..." "Always?!" Fang nods his head, making me awe-struck. He hesitantly stares at me, "I-this jacket... represents how important you are to me. That's why I always bring it with me..." He moves closer to me, our eyes lock to lock, both of us were silent. "You really care about your friends..." I mutter. Fang gently cups my cheek, his crimson red eyes were filled with passion? "You're more than just a friend to me..." He tells me, as he leans closer. "Yeah, we're best friends..." He shook his head, What? Are we not friends? Did he possibly hate me? "Ying, I... I have something to tell you..." "Um... sure? What is it?" Fang looks at me hesitantly, "Ying ever since we were young, I've admired you... Your smile always shone like the sun, and it would brighten up my day, even if I was really upset... Your blue eyes would captivate me, as if it had enchantment. You're smart, beautiful and caring, anyone who ends up with you is lucky. I want you to know...that my heart has been stolen-"

"Someone stole your heart?! Is that why you're so heartless sometimes?!" I jokingly exclaim, making him roll his eyes. "I wasn't done, You idiot!" "Idiot?! I'm not an idiot! Between the two of us, I think you're the idiot here!" Fang pouts, "I am not!" I stuck my tongue out, "Yes, you are!" "Am not!" "That's what you think! Spiky-head!" "Damn you, Pigtails!" "Pigtails?! That's it!" I smack his head, making him scoff. "You're so annoyingly cute..." Fang mumbles. I cross my arms, a mischievous grin plastered on my face. "What was that?" "Nothing!" "Ey! I heard it!" "Nope!" "Yes I did!" "No, you didn't" Grr! This dumb idiot!

"Hey Ying..."

"What?" I unconsciously said, in a harsh way.

"I'm in love with you..."

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