Not Doing So Well

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My future isn't looking that bright. I have lost all interest in pursuing my dreams and pretty much everything else.

I haven't been in the right mind set for a few weeks now, my friends are worried about me and keep asking if I'm okay, and to be honest I'm not, I'm not okay, how can someone get over the death of their mother that easily. I mean, I love my friends and all, but they haven't supported me at all, they either go hang with their other friends so they don't have to deal with me or they just change the subject to themselves.

If they were in my spot right now, I bet they would love me to stick with them right now and not leave. But whatever... it's probably easier for them not to deal with me right now.

My school councillor has strongly suggested that I see a psychologist... and that has never happened to me.

I'm scared of myself, I don't know what I'm going to do, I have thoughts that I used to have but worse, I'm not doing so well and people don't see that I'm breaking down.

But I guess that's my fault. Isn't it?

Anyway, that's what I decided to write.


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