Tagging Myself So I Can Get Some Motivation 💀

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 I have no motivation to do anything and it sucks.

Alright anyways here we go:


1. What is your favorite band?

Maroon 5 probably, grew up with those guys

2. Mental age?

I'm pretty sure 10 lmao-

3. What is your favorite song?

Currently it's IDGAF by BoyWithUke (feat. blackbear)

4. What is your favorite movie?

I think i've answered this before... but its How To Train Your Dragon still, but idk which movie when Ladybug & Cat Noir: Awakening comes out (i'm expecting that to be really good, and I hope it is)

5. Favorite Quote from a song?

Now this is extremely difficult because I know so many quotes from songs that just hit me different. Hmm I gotta go with Over My Head by The Fray because this is really hittin how i'm feeling

"And suddenly I become a part of your past
I'm becoming the part that don't last
I'm losing you and it's effortless"

mmm yess that song tho-

6. What time do you stay up till?

hA well one of my friends actually yell at me for this. I go to bed at 12 the earliest and 4 the latest. Have in mind I get up for school at 6 even sometimes 5 💀

7. What is your dream job?

My dream job is to work in Walt Disney World in Florida- buttt it is hella hot there, I prefer the cold. That's also never gonna happen so I'm gonna be a teacher.

8. Explain what your profile picture is.

OH this is gonna be fun. When I first saw the pic I was so shocked and almost cried--

OK SO those who know Miraculous, you get it already but for those who don't I will explain for you in probably way too much detail then is needed. Listen I barely get to talk about Miraculous because most of my friends tease me about it. They call me catboy simp :(

Anyways lmao,

The person there is Chat Blanc, our beloved Chat Noir who was akumatized in an alternate timeline that has already been removed. So don't worry when he kills the entire world, it goes back to normal. The Chat Blanc episode is heart breaking and actually I can quote it.

Anyways back on track. He is holding up a drawing of his family he made before his mother died, and his father became Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth, when he was a lot younger. Now this picture is significant because when his father, Gabriel, was pissed at something I don't remember he threw the picture and the glass cracked. Gabriel got akumatized the episode he did this (pretty sure it's The Collector or something like that) and of course Ladybug and Chat Noir were called in to investigate. Just stating this now Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste, that's why it says Adrien under it. Chat Noir finds the picture he drew and of course reacts in a way that worries Ladybug. At the end of the episode Gabriel pretends he cares and it's back to the cold relationship they had that only goes downhill from there.

Gabriel is a cold man that says he has, "nothing to lose" when he has his precious starving son. So their relationship becomes strained as hell when Adrien's mother died. The only thing Adrien wants to do is make his father proud, Gabriel doesn't see that.

What makes it worse is that the reason why Adrien is akumatized in the first place is because he is a selfish bastard. When he found out Adrien was Chat Noir he smiled and said how mow it was easier to get the miraculous's. The evil son of a bitch thought it was ok to destroy his son's life, to get his wife back. I mean yeah it's horrible that your wife died. But don't keep her in a basement and terrorize an entire city to get two pieces of jewelry from teenagers.

Chat Blanc also ended up killing both his father and his girlfriend right in front of him. Chat Blanc in his episode actually seems psychologically insane.

By the way in this alternate timeline Ladybug/Marinette was Chat Noir/Adrien's girlfriend.

Also like I said he killed the entire moon by mega cataclsyming (that's definitely not a word) the moon and flooding the Earth. He didn't do it on purpose though. He actually tried to take the hit but it didn't work out that way.

Anyways that is my "too much information that you don't need" explanation, and now you understand why there is a lot of meaning behind it.

Don't worry I don't expect you to read this.

9. Teacher's pet or Rule Breaker?

Teacher's pet but like not that much. I try to please my teachers but I'm for sure not their smartest or favorite student so I don't really know exactly where I stand.

10. If you could re-name yourself, what would it be?

Hope, for sure.

11. Celebrity Crush?

I get teased about this too :(

But it is...... Tom Hiddleston!

Aka Loki. That man is one hot mf

12. Romantic movies or horror movies?

Romantic movies all the way. I am kinda a hopeless romantic. It's hard to say but I love the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies.

13. Youtube or WattPad?

It's right this is really hard.

But I'd have to say Youtube.

Will wattpad yell at me for this? 😳


Well that is it for now! Until next time.

Bug out!

~ httyd_forever

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