Blaze's fault

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Just come up with a idea...

-_-_-_'_'__'_'_'_'__''_'__'_'_'_'__''_'__'_'__(and again dont mind this)-_-;-;_-&-_-&-_-__'_'_'_'__'&'_'

Blaze: *sees Solar's phone* whisper: i will use this to download another game...

* minute later*

Blaze: *lost the dowloaded game and trow Solar's phone* stupid game.. *went to his room*

Emma: *sees Solar's broken phone* oh no.. * gets the phone and went to solar's room*

*room *

Emma: *knocks* solar... hey its me Emma.. can I come in?

Door: *opens*

Solar: Come in...

Emma: where is your cellphone?

Solar: oh no! I left it in the living room!

Emma: *gives his phone* I sa--

Solar: what the heck Emma?!

Emma: But--

Solar: you broke my phone!!

Emma: I didnt--* have a teary eye*

Solar: get out!! *pushes Emma and slam the door*

Emma: But I saw-- *felt a chest pain and hold her chest*

Mellastorm: What happen?

Kath:  Hey.. whats the problem?

Thorley: lets go into the living room..

Emma: nah... thats okay guys... I just need to go some where.

Cyclone: are you sure?

Emma: yup! *trying her best not to cry*

Ice: if you say so..

Emma: *teleport her self*

* living room*

Quake: what happened?

Mella: Solar and Emma just fought.

Kath: Solar blame Emma that she was the one who broke his phone...

Thorn: but I saw Blaze playing it earlier.

Solar: *comes out* its true Blaze?

Blaze: I-i-i.... it wasn't me!

Thundy: who else? *look at cyclone*

Cyclone: it wasn't me! I swear!

Ashley: but who?

Dragon: ( I will say my line! Yes!) Secret will remain secret. Yet the truth will be reveal it self when the time got complicated.

Zero: whats with the word of wisdome?

Dragon: nothing ^^

Zero: *thinks: aww so cute*

*Emma's situation (at the park)*

Emma: *under the tree and staring blanky (rhyme?)* *sigh*

???: Are you okay miss?

Emma: ???

???: Can I sit beside you?

Emma: okay...?

???: How unpolitely of me... Hi! I am Shawn!

Emma: Shawn...? Shawn. Shawn!

Shawn: Do we know each other?

Emma: Ohhh yes! I am Emma!

Shawn: Ohhh yeah! The leader of the lyrist!

Emma: And the leader of the drums!

Shawn: Why are you here?

Emma: nothing.

Shawn: never changes.

Emma: All of you says that. *pouts* can I come over your apartment?

Shawn: I would love that! I am sure they will be happy to see you.

Emma: Realy?!

Shawn: Literally!

*at the house *

Quake: *at the kitchen*

Thorn: *at the backyard*

Thundy:  * at his room*

Cyclone: *at blaze's room playing with blaze*

Blaze: *at his room playing with cyclone*


Solar: back to normal huh.

Mella: Dont worry we will caught who done that.

Kath and Ashley: yeah..

*night time*

Quake: guys dinner time!

The others except Emma: okay!

*dinner table*

Solar: Guys. Where is Emma?

The girls except Emma: We don't know...

Quake: She didnt come home yet?

Solar: what?

Mella: when you slam your door... she went some where we dont know...

Blaze: *in his mind: i feel guilty... i broke solar's phone but Emma was the one who is suffering... * *sigh*

Ice: blaze...? Whats wrong?

Blaze: huh?

Kath: you been out of your self lately...

Dragon: yeah... what is your problem?

Solar: since when me and Emma fought... you been out... do you have something to sat Blaze?

Blaze: ...

Zero: Blaze?

Blaze: f-fine... I-i was the...

Solar: the?

Blaze: I was the one who broke your phone...sorry.

Solar: ...

Quake: Blaze is that true... or you just taking the blame...

Thorn: If you only taking the blame... how can possibly Emma can broke Solar's phone...?

Ashley: she know how Solar love his cellphone.

Quake: so...

Blaze: I really broke your cellphone Solar... sorry...

Solar: ....

Thorn: Solar...?

*Emma's situation*

Emma: Okay bye guys!! See you again next time!

???(1): okay take care!

???(2): come back here when you have some time Ems!

Emma: I will!

Shawn: You sure you can take care your self? What if some one--

Emma: Shawn! Your heart! Dont worry! I can take care my self! Mind your heart Shawn. Not me.

Shawn: but--

Emma: no buts for you mister.

??? (1&2): mother like... check. Never changes.

Emma: Gotta go bye!

All of them: Bye!

Emma: *went to the park* the sky is so beautiful... *trips* oww.. *tries to get up but failed* lechugas... *teleported her self in her room*

Solar: where is she?! I know she here somewhere! *starts to rain* ... *sigh and went back to the house*

*at the house*

Kath: Did you see her?

Solar: nope.

Mella: I hope shes okay...

*the next day*

Phone: Hey cousin! I am here!
Emma: yey!

*teleport her self outside*

Emma: Yey! You came!

Aaron: of course! And this is to you.. *give a psycology and meteorology* your books.

Emma: thanks! I need this books. But where is your promised book??

Aaron: Of course! This *give a pocket book* here you go.

Emma: Thanks a lot!

Aaron: You can have it.

Emma: really?! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! *hug him*

Aaron: welcome. I remember when we are gr 1. You really cry a lot when you didnt saw me in the class because I went outside.

Emma: *blush* h-hey!

Aaron: I used to be the younger but now... I felt I am the older one...

Emma: *pouts*

Aaron: like now. And here some packed marshmallow.

Emma: why?

Aaron: Shawn told me what happened so I decided to bring you some.

Emma: Thanks a lot Aaron Lei! *hug him again*

Aaron: Dont mind that. * hugs back*


Solar: *saw every thing*

Kath: what are you thinking?

Solar: ... *saw they hug each other and getting jealous*

Kath: * see it too* ohhh.


Emma: Gotta go! Thanks again! Bye!

Aaron: okay bye!

Emma: *teleport her self inside*


Solar: who is that?

Emma: huh?

Solar; who is that boy?!

Emma: are you jealous?

Kath: stop it you two.

Emma: so whats the point of being jealous. I am thankful that you are jealous but that boy. I dont think so. * tries to walk straight but fails*

Solar: *eyes widen* Emma.

Emma: *went into her room*

Mella: you need to explain to her

Kath: and apologize at the same time..

Solar: *went to Emma's room*


Solar: Ems... can I come in?

Emma: *inside* no

Solar: Please...

Emma: ...

Solar: I will explain... Please let me come in...

Emma: ...

Solar: okay fine... I will just talk to you later...

Door: *opens*

Emma: *look down* come in.

Solar: *hug Emma tightly* I am sorry! Very very sorry! Please forgive me... I am really sorry..

Emma: Hey. Its not your fault. I know how much you care about your cellphone... but being jealous with my cousin... that is a different story.

Solar: I am really sorry... *cries*

Emma: shhhhh... Dont cry Solar... *felt a chest pain*  just explain... what happen when I am not around...?

Solar: *explain everything* in short  blaze was the one who broke my phone... I am really sorry for blaming you...

Emma: Nahhh... thats okay.

Solar: but who is the boy gave you a books? *getting a bit jealous*

Emma: *smirks* That was my cousin! Aaron! He knows everything... thats why he gave me some books and a lot of marshmallow!

Solar: ohhhh... are we okay now...?

Emma: Absolutely! *hugs him*

Solar: *hugs back*

At last! I am finished!!

I started to create this chapter yesterday afternoon. Then I just finished it!

This is chapter was kind a.... kind a dramatic one... due to my sadness and stress yesterday.

Shaira. I CANT FIND YOUR DARE! pls. If you can search or find it tell me tommorow practice.

I Am Not On My S3lf...*sigh* Any who....

See you all in the next incoming chapters!!!

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