Filler: Zergon♡ With all my heart...

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???: i hope you guys like this one...
Emma: huh... any who...promise is promise so lets start!

"Will you be my girlfriend?" A handsome boy ask a beautiful girl in the top of the hill.

"Oh god...Yes!" she said while jumping in gladness and hug the boy tightly. The boy just smile and hugs back.

While walking back home...


[Emma: tot torot tot tot!
The others: hey!
Emma: okay! Back to the story!]


" Where am I? Where is Dragon?" Zero asked.

"Zero! I'm glad you're awake!" a boy with blue cap and hood said.

"Where is she?" "Next room..." "Where am I?" "In the hospital..."

Zero tries to get up. "I want to see her." but fails.

"dude... You just gonna hurt your self..."

"But I want to see her! I want to see Dragon! I saw she is hurt! Where is she?!" Zero shouted.

"You just gonna hurt your self..."

"Man! That is not the answer I want! Where is she?!" Zero shouted again.

No answer.

" Ice, where is she? Where is Dragon?!"

Still... No answer.

" Ice... Where is Dragon? What... What happen...?" Zero asked and looked Ice with a cloudy eyes.

"T-the t-truth i-is... I-is s-she l-left.." Ice said with a nervous and sad tone.

Emma: I cant take it anymore!!! Argh!

The others: its just getting started!!

Emma: I just cant!!

???: why...?

Emma: because of two years and uncountable months of one side love and three years of being friendzoned! Okay!

???: i know you will explain.

Emma: whaaat... Ikang?!

Lycka: yeah... Hi...?

The others: hello!

Lycka: and thats why she cant react in sweet moments and make one..

Emma: shut up now lycka...

Lycka: okay...

Emma: I will pass this to you... This is the story... You do the rest..

The others: ???

Lycka: this is why i dont want to disturb you but... okay!


"I keep asking where is Dragon but they only ignore me! So many months passed but they just say she left! Why are they always keep hiding secrects from me?! Argh!"

He keep walking in the park and he bump to a girl.

"Oh god... Gomenasai..." she said while continuesly bowing infront of Zero.

"D-dragon?" Zero asked. "Yeah. Thats me. Do I know you?" Dragon asked.

[Mella: why is it cut by cut?
Lycka: This is driving me crazy!
Emma: eh... same due of being friendzoned. *sighed*
Lycka: why did you know that?
Emma: I have my ways...I will continue this! any who back to the story!]

Their anniversary will come next week. And Zero is really blue about this event. Dragon had a amnesia because of the incedent.They tried to gain her memory back but they failed although only Dragon remember that they are JUST friends.

In this coming anniversary... Zero wanted to ask Dragon again. But there is what ifs. He is afraid that she will reject him because she only remember that they are just friends. But he still hope it work.

"Dragon... may we have a dinner?" Zero asked nervously.

"I would love to!" Dragon said.

^at the restaurant^

They eat and talked about them selves... like this is their first date.

"Ummm... I wanted to ask you something..."

"What is it?"

"I will be direct. Can you be girlfriend?" Zero asked again.

Dragon only nod due of disbelief of whats happening around her.

"Wait... really?!" Zero asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" Dragon answered.

"But why...?"

"When the time we bumped on each other and I saw your face... my system is going crazy... my heart beats fast... I know I have a amnesia thats why I do not recognice you at the first but I feel that you are important to me... my other half... even though my head do not remember the thing we did on our past but my heart remember all... my heart remember how I really love you. How you really mean to me. I love you Zero with all my heart..." Dragon said and a tear fell on her cheeks.

[Emma: Zero... what did you two do in your past? *grins*
Zergon: nothing!
Mellastorm: sure...?
Zergon: yes!
Lycka: hey! ]

"Oh please dont cry... I love you too Dragon with all my heart..." Zero said and wipes her tears.

"With all my heart..."


Emma: phew! This is over!

Lycka: this is driving me crazy! But totaly worth it!

Emma: I am sorry Dragon for always forgetting you and your ship...I am the worst...but hope you like it!

Lycka: and tell your opinion!

Emma: hey... any who...

The twin: See you in the next chapters! Bye!

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