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Emma: *sleeping on the couch*

Ice: *saw Emma sleeping on HIS couch* ...

Lycka: dont you--

Ice: Hey Ems! Wake up! Thats my place! I want to sleep too!

Lycka: *slow moving backwards*

Emma: *woke up* so this is yours...

Ice: uh huh!

Emma: okay... here you go! *flip the couch*

Ice:*shookt* whaaat?!

Lycka: *pull Ice quickly* Are you okay?!


Ice: w-what just happened?

The others: what happened?!

Emma: *walks away*...

Lycka: you didnt let me finish.. now you know...

Ice: o-okay...

Emma: *kick the door*

Mella: what happened to her?

Lycka: she is in bad mood because Ice woke her up *deathglare at Ice*

Ice: Im sorry okay! I didnt know!

Solar: I will follow her.


Solar: ems! Where are you?

??: hey!

Solar: Ems?

??: no... I am not her...

Solar: but why do you looked like her...?

??: much question... I am Ghem!

Solar: nice to meet you! Do you know where is she?

Ghem: yup!

Solar: where?

Ghem: up there! *points at the branch of a tree*

Solar: *saw emma on the tree sleeping* I am gonna fetch her...

Ghem: *blocked him* ummm... I think thats a bad idea... dont wake her up... she is doing something... but I will watch her promise...

Solar: okay...?

Ghem: and one last thing... dont tell anybody... ANYBODY that you know me. you saw me or anything about me... understood?

Solar: eh why?

Ghem: she can hear us... see us... if you tell she said to me she will break up witn you...

Solar: *turns pale* o-okay... p-promise.

Ghem: yey! Bye Solar! *runs off*

Solar: how..? I didnt even introduce my self... then he knows my name...? *went home*

Ghem: coast is clear...!

???: you did a great job Ghem.

Ghem: Yey! Thanks!

Emma: next phase.

Ghem and ???: yey!/sure.

*the next day*

Emma: guy! I will just in the park!*left*

The others: okay!

Ghem: *went to the kitchen eating chocolates* yum!

lycka: eh? I thought...

Ghem: shhh *disappear*

Solar: hmmm?

lycka: nothing.*went to the kitchen*

*at the kitchen*

???: hey.

Quake: hey Ems! I thought you were in the park?

???: ohhh... I am just getting something...

Quake: okay.

Lycka: *saw ???* E-emerald...?

Emerald: shhhh... *disappear*

lycka:*turns pale* oh god...

Ice: you okay...?

lycka: uh huh...

*at the garden*

Thorn: Solar... can you please hold this for a moment. *led the hose*

Solar: sure...

Thorn: thanks! *left*

Ghem: *skipping whike humming*

Solar: hey Ghem!

Ghem: oh hi Sol! Gotta go bye! *disaapear*

Solar: okay...?

Thorn: who are you talking Solar?

Solar: to Ghem.

Thorn: who is Ghem?

Solar: *gasp* oh no! *runs to Lycka*


Solar: Lycka!

Lycka: what?

Solar: umm lets go to a secret place...

Lycka: okay...?


Solar: do you know someone who looks like Emma...?

Lycka: *turns pale* uh huh... but its forbiden to say her...

Solar: she cant hear us... so you can tell me.

Lycka: okay... she was Emerald... thats all... why did you asked?

Solar: but her name wasnt Emerald... She is Ghem... she looked like Emma too...

Lycka: Emerald Ghem... Emma Grace...

Solar: E G... they have the same first letters...

Lycka: soo...? Emma and the rest are just the same!

Solar: but how could Emma pissibly do that...?

Lycka: because--*disappear*

Solar: Lycka-- *disappear*

*at the living room*

Lycka and Solar: *at the couch with the others*

Emerald: you two...!

Ghem: but first we will introduce our selves. Me first! I am Ghem!

Ghem: and She is Emerald!

Emerald: stop it Ghem. Anywho... you two broke your promises...

Ghem: yeah... she will totaly get mad...

Dragon: what in the world are going in here?!

Kath: why they looked like Emma...?!

Ghem: because--

Emerald: shut it Ghem!

Ghem: *smiles* okay!

Lycka: I am so sorry Emerald! Please... dont tell her...

Solar: Please...

Emerald: well I cant do anything... she can see and hear what we saw and heared...

Ghem: *already crying* you've done wrong... poor Emma....

Solar: w-what?

Emerald: she will be here in 3..

Ghem: 2 *sniff* 1...

Emma: *slam the door* hey-- *surronded by shawdows* EmErAld!!!

Emerald: sorry...

Emma: *fell down* GHeM!!!

Ghem: *looks away* sorry...

Emma: *the shadows fades and she was covered in blood* ...

Everyone minus The trio; Emma!

Ghem: *trying not to laugh*

Emerald: *bite her lower lip*

Kath: *went to Emma* lets bring her to the hospital!

Ghem: *bite her lower lip hardly*

Emerald: wisper: Ghem...

Solar: what are you two standing there?! Call an ambulance!

Ghem: *run off still bite her lip*

Emma: *suddenly stand up* pfft-- I think thats enough...

The others: *turns pale*

Cyclone: walking dead!!!! *run off*

Thorn: Emma is now a zombie!! *run off*

Emerald: *giggle* what a priceless faces...?!

Ghem: *laugh her butt out* oh jeez... why Emma...you stood up early as we discuss hahaha

Emma: okay! Hahahha sorry I can take it! Hahaha

Dragon: what?

Ghem: we split our selves for this... we been discussing this for weeks...

Emerald: and our actress was good enough to make you guys belive that you guys saw is true...but Ice disturb us earlier...

Ice: what...?

Emma: when you disturb my sleep in the couch..hahaha

Ghem: but because of Solar said earlier to us... and pfft- your faces was so priceless hahahah she blow it!

Emma: hahahah sorry!

Lycka: so this is a prank...

The trio: kinda...

Emerald: I burned Ice's pillow.

Ice: wat?!

Ghem: you disturb us... so we need a payback!

Emma; I wont give Lycka her materials...

Lycka: nah... thats okay... I have a lot of stocks in my room...

Ghem: ALL of them.

Lycka: wat?!

Ghem: do we really have to say it now...? *pouts*

Emerald: Ems...*points at Solar*

Emma: we will see in the next happenings...

Emerald: for Solar...hmm I think lets talk about it next time...

Solar: phew!

Ghem: *smiles* dont be to much assure what she said... you dont know how we think...!

Mella: let me get the strait... you three are just one.

Emma: yup!

Emerald: we ard just thoughts... and we just made our selves human but still we live at her head.

Ghem: so the one who fliped the couch is not Emma nor me...

Emerald: I did it.

Emma: If we spilted. I am the relaxed,calmed one. Ghem was the possitive and hyper one. And Emerald was the opposite of Ghem but she can mannage.

Emerald: and if we dont. We are mixed.

Everybody minus the trio: ohhh...

Emma: *sneeze*

Ghem: 1! Bye bye! *fades*

Emerald: oh no no no! S3eyOuinHeLl!! *fades*


Yeah this is a trash...

I know this is not interesting... but I made my own character...

This is the one in my profile... yeah... this is a hard for me.... This is my first time being a leader of a groups! And my decisions was killing me! I am drown on reports, presentation and freaking assignments!

I wish I could turn back time and make things right but I cant... I am just a normal person. I am not a god who have the power to make things...

Okay this is enough... bye! See you guys in next chapie!!

P. S. Nicole you chapter is next... i will update it next week after my presentations and reports. Chao!

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