Me Just Talking (SPEEEEEECH)

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I'm just talking. You have the right to ignore me. In fact, we all have the right to do whatever. We are human, and humanity is (or should be) united and we all should stick together and any fight should be for humanity's right to be whoever the heck they want to be. You want to be like Einstein? You go do whatever the heck Einstein did, you little star! We all have the right and power to be someone. So why are there people in the streets with hardly any food living off of the stuff we carelessly waste? Seriously, God has had mercy on our disgusting kind for so long and I wouldn't be surprised if there was another wipe-out flood. This is disgusting and foolish. We are known to be the dominant species while we are slowly killing everything around us. Plants that we need, animals that we need, people that we need, everything! We need everything we have! So stop destroying the world God gave us and protect it! God is always prayed to. He's a busy man! Why are we blaming God for every problem this world has? Humanity needs people who know that we need this world so we can do something about the way we destroy this place God gave us! Recycle! It matters! Help others! It matters! Help the world stay alive! Make a garden! Plant a tree! Every little thing we do now affects our future! Yes, you sitting here now and not doing something about the things I'm saying is effecting your future! Our future! I am sitting here and telling you this to make you aware of what you are doing! We are wasting the gifts God gave us! Destroying them and seeing them as something to use then forget about. We need to stop and use the gift God has given us! We are intelligent and powerful and what do we use that for? Making plastic water bottles, drinking them, and throwing them behind us for a starving bird to choke on and die. We need to help not just ourselves, we need to help others! Being a good person who recycles and is kind will give you a good future! Set a good goal and be like Jean-François! (I have made my teacher happy.) Follow a dream! Shape a goal! Then victory will come to you! Come on! What are you doing sitting there? Go and do something helpful! Anyone can do anything! Come on! The people of our history are truly amazing! Become a person like them! We can make history!

Sorry for becoming a freak about all that again. We really just need to do something.💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙~

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