Dragon of Sunshine

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Normal dragon universe

   "Turtle, you're up!" Starflight barked.

   The young SeaWing prince nervously shuffled up to the front of the cave of the library of Jade Mountain Academy. The students of the Jade Winglet and Copper Winglet were assigned a story project, to create and write a short story to present to their teachers and classmates.

   What a shame that it was an oral report.

   Turtle cleared his throat and crinkled the scroll several times before speaking. It was, after all, an oral report. What kind of sensible dragon wouldn't get nervous?

   "S-so, my story is called Sunshine, and, um, here it is," Turtle said softly.

   Once upon a time, there was a young dragoness.

   She was the brightest dragonet you could have imagined. She was extremely smart, and she would never give up on what she believed in. She was happy and stubborn and brave, she didn't let other dragons break her spirit. She shone her light on every passing dragon. She was the embodiment of sunshine itself.

   Turtle cleared his throat again, his voice growing stronger and less nervous with every word.

   But, other dragons thought she was weird. Her teacher thought the dragonet was useless and annoying. But the dragonet never let that stop her. She tried her best, and always saw the best in others.

   Then, the young dragonet was captured for studies on her tribe. She watched her fellow tribemates die caves away from her, and she was powerless to stop them. She dreamed of dealing justice to the dragons who captured her, but she knew that doing so would result in death.

   After numerous weeks away from the sun, the dragonet was rescued by a strong, smart, and witty dragon. With help, that dragon rescued the rest of the captured dragons and became queen of two tribes.

   The dragonet was thrilled, and was loyal to her queen, her loyalty never faltering. She then went to school and made many friends with dragons from other tribes, and was able to spread her happiness throughout the school.

   After a tragic incident, however, the dragonet was severely injured, and got stuck in a coma. Her sun had set, and night had fallen.

   But, there was another dragon. A dragon who loved the dragon of sunshine very much. He and another dragon used mystical, otherworldly magic to bring her back to life.

   The young dragonet's sunrise had come, and without any other dragon knowing it, she single-handedly saved Pyrrhia from a dark evil.

   Since then, the dragonet resided happily at her school, cheering others on and trying her best at everything. She was truly the dragon of sunshine.

   Turtle looked up from his scroll sheepishly. The class was silent for a moment. Seconds later, all the dragons in the room broke into a smattering of applause.

   The SeaWing prince ducked his head and gave a shy smile as he headed back to his desk.


   "Y'know, that story you wrote for class was really good! You should write more of it!"

   "You really think so?" Turtle said, surprised.

   "Yeah!" Kinkajou exclaimed. "It was beautiful, and that dragonet in the story sounds like a really cool dragon to meet!"

   Turtle gave a small laugh. "You don't need to wish for it, Kinkajou."

   "What? Why?"

   "Because," Turtle began, another shy smile creeping up on his snout, "I based that dragon off of you."

   Kinkajou paused for a moment, processing the information. "W-wow," she said, "Holy coconuts, wow. That's-that's amazing, thank you. But why would you create an entire story about me?"

   Turtle fiddled with his armband for a bit, blushing madly. He dove into the cave pool with a splash, earning a squawk of surprise from Kinkajou.

   I LOVE YOU, KINKAJOU, he flashed as brightly as he could in Aquatic.

   "Uhh... If you're trying to say something to me, I'll remind you that I'm a RainWing and do not speak the language of Flashy-Scales," Kinkajou said, confused.

   Turtle broke the surface of the water, gasping.

   "I love you. I love you, Kinkajou," he breathed.

The small RainWing's green eyes shone with awe. "Turtle...I..." Kinkajou stammered. "Turtle, sometimes I don't think Anemone really took the love spell off of me."

   Turtle froze, treading the water. "Huh?"

   "Turtle, I love you, too!" Kinkajou cannonballed into the Turtle's arms, creating a great spray of water. The two toppled over, sputtering and laughing and gasping for air jubilantly, together.


So how was it? Too cheesy? Too abrupt? Tell me what you think in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

C'ya! ❤

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