Following My Heart (Warriors AU)

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Yep! Our two favorite fandoms in a crossover! Warrior Cats and Wings if Fire! If you don't Read Warriors, then it's basically a cat AU.

For this one, Kinkpelt is in ThunderClan and Turtlefoot is on RiverClan. Kinkpelt is a cream- colored tabby with wiry fur, and Turtlefoot is a silver tom with gray markings on his tail, ears, and paws.

Basically, NightWings & RainWings are ThunderClan, and SeaWings & IceWings are RiverClan


   The crinkly leaves underfoot made it hard for Kinkpelt to stay quiet. While never the most patient of cats, Kinkpelt knew that she would have to stay silent if she wanted to catch any fresh-kill for ThunderClan. Little Peacekit was sure to be mewling with hunger by now.

   Hm. Crinkly leaves. It was leaf-fall. Leafbare would come soon, meaning Kinkpelt was really going to have to concentrate if she wanted so much as a mouse tail.

   Perhaps all the prey was having a party over at Sunningrocks, enjoying the last bits of sunlight on the warm rocks before it became shrouded with snow, the she-cat thought. Kinkpelt would just have to make sure not to run into pesky RiverClan, always meowing about how Sunningrocks was originally their territory.

   Well guess what, fish-cats? Times have changed, and StarClan has gifted ThunderClan Sunningrocks!

   Kinkpelt chuckled at the thought, then stopped abruptly. A vole! A fat, delicious, juicy one, too! Ooh, Glorystar and Deathbringer would be so proud of her then! Hunting patrols were the best!

   The long-haired she-cat raced over to it, unsheathing her claws. Once she was a few fox-lengths away, she dropped into a hunter's crouch and slowly stalked it. Suddenly, she leaped into the air, giving a mrrow of amusement as she slammed her paws onto the hard rock.

   "Mouse dung!" Kinkpelt hissed as she peered into her claws and stared at emptiness. The vole had gotten away. With her keen eyes, Kinkpelt spotted the tiny figure of the vole squeaking in terror, racing toward the RiverClan border.

   "Get back here you mangy fleabag!" Kinkpelt screeched, chasing after it and disregarding borders. In her mind, nothing else mattered but catching that vole.

   In that moment she crossed the border, she immediately slammed against a pile of light gray fur. The two cats tumbled down the grass, landing in the cold shallow river. They let out grunts of surprise as they stared at one another.

   Not just light gray, Kinkpelt thought, taking notice of the pelt color of the other cat, but more of a shiny silver highlighted by bits of dark gray on his ears and paws and tail, along with bluebell eyes... Wow, I could stare at those eyes forever.

   Wait! What am I saying?! This is an enemy cat! In enemy territory! I'm in enemy territory! Oh, what'll Bromeliadtail say then?

   The gray warrior looked as if he were about to jump out of his pelt. His eyes were wide and his neck fur was fluffed up as he squeaked, "Who are you?"

   She shook herself. "My name is Kinkpelt," she said, smiling. She forgot about the warrior code momentarily as she warmed up to her new potential friend.

   "Oh, I've heard of you! I'm Turtlefoot!" The tom seemed less frightened as he noticed Kinkpelt's good nature. "Nice to meet y- hang on, why am I talking to you? Why are you here on enemy territory?" Turtlefoot said in an attempt to sound imposing, raising his tail.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was chasing a vole and didn't notice the borders, I swear by StarClan!" Kinkpelt apologized frantically. Who knows what sorts of trouble she would cause with Glorystar and Coralstar?

   Turtlefoot's hackles flattened. "You mean that one?" he said, gesturing to the vole with his wet tail. Kinkpelt nodded, her ears perked up. "Well, if you're telling the truth-"

   "I am! I was chasing it near Sunningrocks!"

   "-then I guess you can have it. RiverClan doesn't eat that gross hairy stuff anyway."

   Turtlefoot scampered up to the vole and impaled it with one flick of his gray claws. The silver tom held the vole in his mouth and passed it to Kinkpelt, their whiskers touching.

   He then started lapping up the stream water quickly. "I don't understand how you cats eat that stuff," he muttered under his breath.

   Ignoring him, Kinkpelt smiled as best as she could with a vole in her mouth, savoring the moment as the two cats smiled at each other. The moment was broken too soon by the loud splashing of another cat nearby.

   "Turtlefoot! Why do I smell ThunderClan?" the voice growled.

   "Thistles and thorns! That's Winterclaw, he's a bit aggressive toward ThunderClan especially," Turtlefoot explained. Kinkpelt nodded, about to run back with her vole when she felt a tail tapping her shoulder.

   "Wait, when can I see you again? I mean, if you want, I guess," Turtlefoot asked with a nervous grin.

   Unable the set her vole down before Winterclaw caught up to them, Kinkpelt simply touched her tail to his muzzle and nodded. The young warrior then hurried off to her territory.

   Wow, what a day! Turtlefoot is a great cat! Er, for a RiverClan cat, anyways...

   Stepping paw into ThunderClan camp, Kinkpelt set her vole on the fresh-kill pile, then curled up in her nest in the warrior's den, recalling the day's events.

   "Hello? Kinkpelt, Deathbringer wants you and I to go on a border patrol!"

   Kinkpelt woke up with Moonwatcher's tail on her nose, making her sneeze. Her mind was still fuzzy, she guessed she had fallen asleep. The she-cat's mind went to Turtlefoot, the handsome RiverClan tom. Kinkpelt savored the thought of him.

   "Kinkpelt, are you alright? Shall I fetch Tamarintail?" Moonwatcher fretted. "If you aren't well, then I suppose Deathbringer'll find anoth--"

   "Hm? Oh, no, no, no, no! I'm fine. Just thinking."

   Moonwatcher, getting a sense that she shouldn't interfere, brought Kinkpelt over to the rest of the patrol, consisting of Deathbringer, Mightyclaws, and Coconutpaw.

   "Everyone here?" Deathbringer called, surveying the cats around him. The deputy raised his tail and led them out the camp. "Coconutpaw, go with Kinkpelt to the RiverClan border. Moonwatcher, Mightyclaws, and I will check over on ShadowClan."

   Kinkpelt hadn't heard anything after "RiverClan border" and "Kinkpelt." Perhaps she would run into Turtlefoot again! Ushering the slow apprentice on, she and Coconutpaw scurried to the border of ThunderClan territory.

   "Coconutpaw, you renew the scent markers in the place near Owl Tree. I'll go check Sunningrocks," Kinkpelt ordered, wondering if Turtlefoot would be there at the spot she had met him.

   "Coconutpaw! Stop playing with that butterfly!" Coconutpaw was following the trail of a brightly colored butterfly, paying no attention to Kinkpelt.

   Great StarClan, it's like trying to train a mouse, Kinkpelt thought, sighing inwardly.

   "Huh? Oh, yes, Owl Tree!" Coconutpaw exclaimed, remembering her instructions.

   "Yes. Now go on before RiverClan starts chasing our squirrels."

   Kinkpelt happily strolled through Sunningrocks, looking out for RiverClan and marking the borders at the same time. After a few scent borders in, she spotted a flicker of sleek silver fur.

   "Turtlefoot!" Kinkpelt exclaimed, acting way too excited to be seeing the RiverClan warrior.

   "Kinkpelt? Oh, it's just you. I thought I'd have to explain myself to Glorystar," Turtlefoot said, relieved.

   "Just me? Ha, I bet I could take you on with my claws sheathed!"

   Turtlefoot laughed as if he had been bottling up his laughter for the last moon. "Alright, I admit, I'm not the best fighter in the forest..."

   Kinkpelt brushed her tail over his. "Well, if anyone dares hurt you, I'll have their tails off," she said bravely.

   The tom flattened his ears in embarrassment. "I'd do the same, though I'm not entirely sure we should have said that."

   "That reminds me," Kinkpelt said, withdrawing her tail, "what are you doing here, this close to the border, exactly?"

   "Hunting patrol," Turtlefoot responded truthfully. "It's really the only warrior skill I'm good at."

   Kinkpelt laughed. "I just don't understand how you RiverClan cats eat those slimy gross fish!"

   "In my defense, your clan eats hairy, too-cute-for-prey squirrels and mice."

   Kinkpelt let out a mrrow of amusement. "They're actually not that hairy, if you'd try one."

   Turtlefoot shook his head rapidly. "No thank you!"

  "Suit yourself, scaredy-squirrel!"

  "Same for you, floppy-fish!"


   Over the course of the next season, Turtlefoot and Kinkpelt met in secret, usually by Sunningrocks. Though it was strictly against the warrior code, Kinkpelt realized that she had grown feelings for the plump tom.

   It was leaf-bare now, meaning that ThunderClan cats were lean and skinny, though their fluffy pelts betrayed them otherwise.

   "Kinkpelt! Kinkpelt! I made something for you. Itza mud-mouse! D'ya like it, d'ya like it?"

   The squeaky voice of Peacekit, Hopegiver's kit, rang in the camp. It was early morning, the dawn patrol had just left camp. Kinkpelt opened her eyes, which met the blobby figure of Peacekit's mud-mouse.

   "Er... Thanks, Peacekit! It looks so yummy!" Kinkpelt responded, faking her excitement.

   "Eat it, eat it!"

   Kinkpelt wrinkled her snout and mimed eating the pretend-prey, earning a muzzle full of frost from the frozen ground. "Thanks, Peacekit. Go find Orchidear, I'm sure she'll want to play with you."

   The cream-colored warrior stood up and arched her back as the tiny black kit scampered off to bother someone else.

   Perhaps I'll visit Sunningrocks and chat with Turtlefoot, she thought dreamily. Kinkpelt had grown to adore Turtlefoot's kindness, nervousness, and care for others.

   Without any warning, Kinkpelt trotted to the border, cautiously stepping paw on RiverClan territory. "Turtlefoot! Are you here?"

   Ferns rustled from across the river. Kinkpelt dived into a bramble thicket behind her, in case it was a different warrior. From her uncomfortable spot in the bush, she could make out the plump figure of Turtlefoot.

   "Turtlefoot!" she exclaimed, popping out. The silver warrior looked confused for a moment, then lighted up as he saw Kinkpelt. She bounded over to him and gave him a swift lick on the nose, burying her muzzle in Turtlefoot's sleek fur.

   "Hi, Kinkpelt," he said lovingly.

   "I missed you!"

   "It's only been a few days!"

   "Well, I still missed you."

   Kinkpelt started spinning in circles, unable to contain her endless energy. She stopped abruptly, tasting the air. RiverClan? It made sense, Turtlefoot was only a few tail-lengths away from her, yet, something wasn't quite right...

   "RiverClan, attack!"

   "ThunderClan, attack!"

   Two caterwauls echoed across the territory. In less than a heartbeat, cats from both Clans were swarming toward Kinkpelt and Turtlefoot. Turtlefoot dived into the river to avoid getting trampled on.

   "Kinkpelt! I've got you!" The deep voice of Deathbringer rang in her ears as she was grabbed by her scruff.

   "What are you doing?!" Kinkpelt screeched, wriggling to get away.

   "That RiverClan cat was attacking you!"

   "What? No, he's my friend!"

   Deathbringer set her down and looked her in the eye. But before he could meow a word, Winterclaw bowled him over, slashing furiously with his claws.

   Kinkpelt looked up at the battle. A about a patrol's worth of cats from each Clan were hissing and clawing. Not willing to fight, as she didn't want to accidentally harm Turtlefoot, she scrambled up to the tallest rock in Sunningrocks.

   "Stop! Stop fighting, will you?" Kinkpelt shouted from her perch. Already, cats were beginning to break apart, looking cautiously at the young warrior.

   "There is no need to battle! There must have been a misunderstanding!" she went on.

   "But Turtlefoot was attacking you!" protested Bromeliadtail.

   Lynxfur of RiverClan hissed at him. "We were attacking? Kinkpelt was on our side of the border, for StarClan's sake!"

   "Our warriors would never do such thing!" Lianaheart spat. Guilt swept over Kinkpelt like a rainstorm.

   "It's true, Lianaheart. I was on RiverClan territory," Kinkpelt confessed.

   "But why? Why were you in our territory, attacking Turtlefoot?" Winterclaw asked. Hisses and growls erupted from ThunderClan at his words.

   Kinkpelt hesitated, lifting her paw. She didn't want to betray Turtlefoot, yet she knew she had to give an answer soon. "I...I..."

   "She was with me, Winterclaw. We weren't attacking each other." Turtlefoot had rose up from his river and looked at Winterclaw. His voice trembled and his tail was in between his hind legs, but he spoke bravely.

   "What, don't tell me you two were visiting each other?!" the older warrior sneered, though there was an edge of worry in his mew.

   Turtlefoot and Kinkpelt's guilty expression gave Winterclaw his answer. "Why?" he barked. The clearing had gone silent, both RiverClan and ThunderClan cats staring intently at the scene.

   "I...I think I love him!" Kinkpelt blurted. A chorus of gasps and surprised mews echoed through the wind. "I don't care what the warrior code says! Some of its rules are frankly useless! I'm following my heart, and my heart tells me that I love Turtlefoot!"

   At the mention of his name, Turtlefoot gracefully climbed up next to Kinkpelt and twined his tail through her's, giving her ear a lick. "And I'm proud to say that I love Kinkpelt, too."


AAA Cliffhanger!

I'm not writing another part, as this is already 2000+ words long. Feel free to imagine your own ending, because my stupid lazy self decided to not come up with one.

C'ya! ❤

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