A Fairy On Earth

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A Fairy on Earth

The weeks flew by at Alfea and Tony's classes went really well, especially considering he was just a freshman. He managed just fine until it came to the Day of the Rose holiday when he decided to go home for it instead of staying at Alfea the way Stella usually did. He knew he was going to have his friends asking a lot of questions, especially about what he was learning. He figured he'd be fairly safe, though, as long as his friends didn't get too close a look at his school books and some of the other odd contents of his backpack and suitcase. The day finally dawned and Tony got his bags ready to go and headed for the Magix Municipal Station . "Welcome to the Magix Municipal Station. Where would you like to go?" the stationmaster's voice asked him. "The Bronx, New York City, New York, planet Earth please," Tony replied. "Have a pleasant transport," the voice said, and then Tony disappeared with all his luggage.

Tony reappeared down the block from his house behind an old warehouse. He then walked home and greeted his mom and dad after months of being away at school. They hugged and then Tony went upstairs to unpack and see if there was anything he could review for school while he was at home. Riff and the Jets came by shortly after to see him and Tony's mother directed them upstairs. Riff and the others went upstairs and found Tony asleep over his schoolbooks. They began poking through his book bag and found two or three spell books, a journal with some very interesting entries, a book on magical creatures, and Tony's inter-realm phone. This last was one of the most interesting items the boys found, especially since it had phonebook entries for people in places like Solaria, Popularis, the Binary Galaxy, and other places they had never heard of. Finally Tony stirred and found them looking at his books. "Put that down. You're not supposed to be looking at that. That's mine," Tony said, looking rather peeved that they'd looked at his things. "Sorry, I just wanted to see what you were studying. I got curious about this magic stuff," Riff answered. "That's fine, but next time ask me first. Don't go snooping through my stuff again without my permission. Besides, if it turned out one of you had magical powers and didn't know it, you could wind up doing something very dangerous by accident," Tony said. Riff saw that arguing with his friend would only cause more trouble. Tony and the boys ate and had some coffee at Doc's store while they talked and caught up on old times. Tony was still upset that his friends had looked through his things, but he didn't sulk too much. The day passed quickly, and soon it was time to return to Alfea.

When they got back to Alfea, Miss Faragonda asked to see Tony, and when he arrived in her office, she showed him a book she had borrowed from the library, which was part of a volume set that related the history of various realms in the magic dimension. She opened it to the section on the realm of Sonaria and explained its history in brief, telling him that the only person she'd known from it thus far was Ortensia. However it's prince had been kidnapped long ago, and its princess, Aurora, lost her life trying to rescue her brother. It's king and queen were named Ailsa and Galen. Tony didn't know what this had to do with him, until Miss Faragonda replied that she believed he was Sonaria's missing prince.

Tony was in shock! How could this be? He knew he needed to go to Sonaria to learn more, but first he had final exams to take. He studied hard and managed to pass with honors. In celebration, the Alfea staff and students had a huge party that lasted quite awhile. Tony and the Winx girls sat together sipping punch and eating tasty treats, and Flora promised that sophomore year would be even better for them. It certainly would be and Tony looked forward to it eagerly.

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