A broccoli's love story(6)

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3rd person pov( for better experience).

The ash blond woke up from his bed, his head was dizzy and he felt like vomiting. He had a migraine and he couldn't remember what happened at the party yesterday. Suddenly he sat up and went to the bathroom and started vomiting, he had a little too much alcohol. After 10 mins he was in the shower cleaning up.

On the other hand, Izuku midoriya couldn't sleep all night thinking about the night of the party. He still couldn't believe he kissed kacchan. In short he lost his mind although nothing serious happend.

It was Saturday, and Aizawa  had to go somewhere, he decided to ask izuku if was going to watch eri for him. But after Sudden realization he did not ask him. You must be wondering why? It was because he couldn't cook properly.
So Aziawa decided to ask Bakugou if he can watch eri.

Bakugou pov~

I heard a knock on the door. It was mr. Aziawa.
Bakugou- mister Aziawa? What are you doing at my dorm at such early in the morning?.
Aziawa- I want you to babysit eri for a day.
Aziawa- you will or I will expell you.
Bakugou- what you can't do that!?
Aziawa- I can.
Bakugou- ugh, fine!

I then saw a little girl with light blue hair coming running to me. She said.

"Kacchan, I heard mr. Midoriya talking about you!"

What what did I just heard? Deku talks about me?. I just ignored it and decided not to think about it.

Bakugou-" come in short stack.."

She did as I said. I guess she was not as annoying as other children.
It was almost time for breakfast so I asked eri what she wanted to eat. She said she wanted to eat eggs and bacon so I went to the kitchen to  cook🍳 .

"Here you go short stack"

"Thank you mister Kacchan"

" no, problem short stack! Eat and tell me if you want more."


After eating.

eri- mister kacchan can you do my hair?

Bakugou- okay short stack.

(Now people remember Bakugou is making eri's hair while talking to her okay?)

Bakugou- anyways eri, what do you say when someone is bullying you?

eri- thats n-not nice?

Bakugou- no eri. Who thought you to say that?

Eri- mister deku did!

Of course it is deku who else!?  I swear if he teaches her again I will kill him!

Bakugou- now this is what you really say when someone is bullying you.


eri- can I try?

Bakugou- ofc you can.


Bakugou- that right! Good job nugget!

Eri- thank you mister kacchan!

Bakugou- here your hair is  done.

Eri -thank you!

After two hours .

I was sitting on the couch when eri while eri was watching tv. After a few minutes a ice cream ad just showed up and eri jumped of the couch.

Eri- mister kacchan can we get ice cream?

I smiled a little at how cute she was.

Bakugou- of course eri.

Then we got ice cream.

Picture from Google. Not mine.

At 8:30

Bakugou- eri its time for bed!

Eri- okay mister kacchan.

After 2 hours-(sorry for so many time skips)

I was starting to get worried now as mr. Aziawa was not here at it was 10:30. So I decided to text him.

Okay looks like eri is sleeping over. I changed and went back to bed.

Helloooo? How are you? Did you like Bakugou babysitting eri? I personally loved it. It was so sweet and wholesome, do you want more Bakugou babysitting eri? Let me know. Bye bye.

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