[3] : Scream

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Jungkook 's hands were shaking as he picked up the phone, although he didn't want to. "U-um...hello?"

"Kookie? Oh, thank goodness! Are you okay?" Tae sounded really worried. He softly said, "Jimin asked me to check up on you."

He sighed. "Yeah, everything is great! Why wouldn't it be? So, um, yeah, bye..."

Jungkook hanged up quickly, as the pain in his wrist grew more and more. But it was clear that he sounded suspicious to Taehyung.

Well, Tae doesn't have to worry about him. The maknae doesn't want to put even more anxiety on him than he already has.

As he bled more, Jungkook cleaned himself up as best as he could.


Jungkook sat in the dorm's restroom with his knife. It's been about 2 weeks now, and the self-harm had gotten worse. Nowadays, anything he found could be used to inflict pain on himself.

But that didn't matter.

Everything was getting more and more worse for Jungkook. Tae noticed him eating less and less, and the guys saw he now had a skeleton figure.

Even performing couldn't return his smile. Jungkook practiced less and less, his covers of songs lay on in his desktop, unused and abandoned.

Just like him.

"What's the point of continuing? I could just end it now..." Jungkook told himself as the blade danced around on his arm, leaving bloody footprints.

He sat in a pool of his own blood. His body is littered with scars, one for each word..each comment..each flaw.

One thought settled in his mind. How easy it would be to leave. How his demise would make his friends and family feel better.

Someone walked in the hallway right then and there.

Jungkook snapped out of it and shot up. What if someone saw the blood around him? He grabbed some towels and cleaned himself, the pain stinging more than ever.

The steps for louder as he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey kookie, come out, hurry up! We need to talk!"

Jungkook panicked. That was Taehyung outside the stall. In a flurry, he cleaned up everything, forgetting about the blade covered in blood sitting on the floor.

He swiftly put on his hoodie and opened the stall to reveal a both angry and worried Tae.

"Jeon Jungkook, how long does it take to open up a door?! It was dead quiet in there, what were you doing?"

Tae refused to believe what stood in front of him. The rumors about not eating must've been true...Jungkook appeared more skinny.

He was different.

The maknae didn't understand why his buddy wanted to talk to him.

"You..I..haven't seen you in a while. I'm getting worried..everyone has. Have you been okay?"

"Of course I'm okay! You can leave now, why would anything be wrong with the golden maknae?" He failed at a bunny smile.

Tae charged right then and there. Anger began boiling within him.

"Jungkook, you're obviously not okay... Look, I'll be sleeping over at your room. Let me help you."

Jungkook didn't want this. He didn't deserve Tae's company. He deserved to be alone. Tae left without saying anything else.

"Hey! I never said you could stay!"

"I did."

Jungkook left the restroom feeling completely useless. He couldn't do absolutely anything. He walked over to Tae.


Tae walked into Jungkook's room. He set his bag on the bed and faced Jungkook with a mixed emotion of fear and worry.

He then walked towards the bathroom. Jungkook panicked. Tae wasn't supposed to go in there, so he rushed to stop him from doing so.

Before Jungkook could scream, he was too late...

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