The Full Moon

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After Remus and Sirius had bound Pettigrew's arms with rope, Remus shoved him forward pushing him towards the door and pointing his wand right at his back. Harry went to help Ron stand up on his injured leg, all the while staring in disbelief at the man who, up until a couple minutes ago, was his dear pet, Scabbers.

Sirius approached them as well. Hermione instinctively was wary and Harry was cautious, but Black simply offered a hand to Ron and helped him to his feet.

"It's the least I can do really," he said as he, Harry and Ron hobbled towards the stairs, "truly, I was going for the rat. My predisposition as a dog is normally quite pleasant."

"Why do I find that hard to believe," y/n drawled as she made a start for the door as well. It was only then that she saw the still form of Snape still lying on the bed. "What are we going to do about Professor Snape?"

"Leave him," Sirius replied instantly, not giving the matter any second thought.

"We can't just leave him here!" y/n retorted.

"What's stopping us?" Black fired back.

"If he wakes up here alone, he's going to a assume that a pair of murders and now apparently kidnappers are out to cause havoc. If he wakes up with us, we'll be able to explain." y/n said, becoming ever more impatient with Black.

"y/n is right. Snape will jump to some dire conclusions. Out absence will only accentuate his presumption of our guilt." Remus remarked, still keeping a firm grip on Pettigrew.

"But how do we move him?" Hermione interjected.

"Wingardrium leviosa, duh," said Ron.

"He'd be too heavy. That charm is meant for small objects, not people." y/n said, racking her brain for spells that would be of some use.

"Levicorpus would do the job," Remus said breaking y/n from her thoughts, "Sirius, could you cast it?"

"Fine," Sirius gave in and then turned to y/n, "Girl, give me your wand."

y/n stood shocked, "I'm sorry are you talking to me?" She half laughed and then adorned a grim expression, "Don't patronise with names like 'girl' you bastard. And if you think I would hand over my wand to someone of the likes of you, you're sorely mistaken."

"You're talking big for someone so small, l/n." Sirius responded, ditching his title of "girl" for her, "If you want to get your fellow snake out of here, go ahead, do it yourself." he sneered.

"Fine I will," y/n said bluntly, "What was the spell Professor Lupin?"

"Levicorpus," he answered quickly, keeping an eye on his mate and student.

y/n raised her wand to the body on the smashed up bed, "Levicorpus." she said and Snape was lifted into the air, hovering as if held up by invisible ropes.

"Let's go," she said flatly, turning to the door and averting her gaze from Sirius.

The group descended into the passageway beneath the shack. Harry, Ron and Sirius led the way, all the while talking rather pleasantly, whilst Hermione trailed shortly behind and Remus and y/n along with Pettigrew and the unconscious form of Snape dangling in the air took the flank.

y/n couldn't help but feel a tense air between her and her professor. As the proceeding through the narrow tunnel, the pair didn't speak nor did they look at each other. y/n was still trying to understand why Remus would lie to her. It almost frightened her to think about how she was sharing a room with a werewolf all year, trusting him. And yet, the dreaded feeling of guilt swam in her stomach. Whether or not he was a werewolf, he helped her. He helped her feel as though she belonged and mattered at a time where everything seemed grim and full of despair. She looked up Remus' prematurely aged face.

"Professor?" y/n said in a small voice, in a way she hadn't said anything in a long time.

"Yes, y/n?" he responded with a sombre tone, never taking his eyes off the path ahead.

"I-I'm sorry. About what I said... I was- I was angry and shocked and-"

"It's ok, y/n." Lupin put an end to her rambling and looked down at the girl with a sad smile, "People have done much worse than you have."

"Still," y/n continued, "What I said was horrible. I should have never have said it, after what you've done for me." There was a long pause in the conversation. Both simply looked to the ground deep in thought. It was only when they were about to climb out of the passageway that y/n spoke again.

"Thank you."

Lupin looked at her with a confused expression, "For what?"

"For making me happy," y/n looked up at the man with a sad smile, "I've never really been happy before, you know?"

The two looked at each other, finally coming to a place where both realised that they made each other better people because they needed one another.

They had finally come to the exit that would lead them out to the night. As y/n and Remus emerged, with a hysterical Pettigrew being dragged along, y/n saw that Harry and Sirius were standing beside each other, gazing up at the silhouette of Hogwarts lit against the night sky. They seemed happy. content even. y/n let Snape's body down to the ground just inside the tunnel and crouched down beside Hermione and Ron, who was still bleeding from his leg.

But that brief moment of calm was interrupted by Pettigrew desperately trying to reason with Remus.

"Please, Remus! We're friends! Were all those years of friendship meaningless to you?!" He cried, clawing his way to a standing position.

"That's enough from you Pettigrew!" y/n shouted, aiming her wand at the man's throat.

"y/n..." Hermione breathed out.

"Not now Hermione!" y/n quipped in anger.

"y/n! Look!" She shouted once more. y/n whipped around to see that Hermione was pointing to the sky, a look of pure horror on her face.

y/n turned her eyes to the sky and followed Hermione's hand. Emerging from behind the thick night clouds was a glistening full moon. Her face dropped and she turned to Remus.

"Professor..." she breathed out, as she looked at him. He was already looking at the moon and fear was etched into his aged features.

It was too late.

Sirius had seen the moon as well and ran to his friend in an instant. "Run!" he cried, "Run! Get out of here!" He grabbed Remus, who was now beginning to shake uncontrollably as he gazed as if in a trance at the white orb in the sky.

The four students were paralysed with fear. Harry and y/n shielded Hermione and Ron and drew their wands in defence. But none of them ran.

"Remus! This is not who you really are!" Sirius continued to yell, "This heart is where you truly belong, this heart! This flesh is only flesh!" But nothing he said could stop the transformation from continuing. Remus dropped his wand to the ground as he whole body went rigid. Pettigrew seized the opportunity and plucked it from the ground.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry cast the spell just before Pettigrew could utter a spell. The wand flew from his hand but his vile grin remained. He stared directly at Harry and gave a little wave as he began to transform back into a rat. The small rodent then scurried away through the tall grass. Harry made an attempt to chase after him but Hermione pulled him back.

Remus's transformation was harrowing to watch. y/n could see each bone reshaping and reposition itself in his mutating body. His hands grew into gruesome claws with long fingers and black nails. His feet grew double in size and tore through his shoes with the fresh talons protruding from his toes. y/n saw several new vertebrae grow and morph his back into a bony, grey hunchback. And finally, his face stretched out as s a snout began to form. Lupin's screams of pain slowly transformed into deep growls as his skull mutated behind his skin. The werewolf threw Sirius off of him so that y/n could see it clearly.

Where her Professor once stood, there was a terrifying sight to be seen. Lupin's height had almost doubled in his werewolf form as he loomed over the terrified group.

"We need to get out of here," y/n whispered in fear as she tried to pull the group along. Harry and Ron were quick to follow but Hermione lingered behind.

She began to slowly pace over to the werewolf.

"Hermione what are you doing!" Harry hissed at her but she continued to approach the beast.

"Professor?" She said, looking at the beast who was whining softly, "Professor Lupin?"

The beast gave out a blood-curdling howl which echoed around the entire grounds. Hermione leapt back with fear and y/n pulled her back towards the group, scared the beast would swipe at her.

The transformed professor looked at them like they were his next meal with beady black eyes that reflected the dreaded full moon that brought this situation upon them. Without warning, Snape appeared from the base of the tree, looking very angry and very much awake.

He didn't even notice the werewolf in his flurry of rage, "Potter!" He shouted, rounding on Harry. It was only when the werewolf gave out a loud roar that Snape noticed it's looming figure behind him. He turned to shield the students

Lupin lifted his arm and swiped at them, knocking them to ground. His claw caught y/n's arm and tore through her jacket, shirt, and skin, leaving a gash on her upper left arm. It seared with pain but y/n was too distracted and frantic to notice the blood beginning to trickle down her arm and seep into her clothes.

The beast drew closer, preparing to finish them off but was intercepted by a mass of pitch black fur bounding onto it. Sirius, in his dog form, brawled ruthlessly with the werewolf despite being much smaller and weaker than Lupin like this. Snape and the four students watched on in terror as the two canines battled it out. Eventually, Sirius distracted Lupin enough to draw him away from them and further into the forest.

"Sirius!" Harry immediately got to his feet and chased after the pair without a second thought.

"Get back here Potter!" Snape yelled at the boy who was already too far away to hear.

y/n was the next to rise. She couldn't care less about Sirius but if he was important enough for Harry to chase after a werewolf for, then y/n would help him. She scrambled forward and after Harry, gripping her wand tightly. She ignored the angered cries of Snape behind her as she carried herself further and further into the trees.

She just hoped that she wasn't too late. 


Cut it short this time so I didn't just stuff everything into one massive chapter. I'll try to get the next part out by tomorrow. It'll be another shorter one too. Do you like this length of the chapter? Sometimes I think my chapters are too long and can get a bit too drawn out. Let me know! 

Have a good day loves 🖤


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