The Professor's Premonition

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The walk back to the castle was quiet and calm yet, y/n felt the tensest she had all night. She had felt completely at peace when the unicorns greeted her so warmly, and when the flying seahorses pranced in the air around her head. But the image of the dog hunting her through the trees lingered in her mind making her constantly on edge.

The only way she could think to combat this was to continue to practice her non-verbal spells. Her wand would flicker on and off as she willed it to light up. Snape was beginning to get irritated by her failed attempts to cast a decent charm but allowed her to practice. She wasn't going to get any better if he stopped her from trying.

Soon, they reached the edge of the trees and emerged out into the snow-covered grounds of Hogwarts. The air was clearer and the moonlight shone freely, now not trying to battle its way through the thick canopy.

But now, without the foliage and trees to shield her from the cold, y/n began to feel the chill of the windbreak through her clothes and freeze her bones. She began to shiver, her fingers turning a tinted blue and the tip of her nose began to flush and go rosy. "Let's get out of this cold," she said, "The sooner we're inside the better."

y/n marched ahead, not bothering to wait for Professor Snape to catch up to her. She quickly tried to trudge up the snow, the ice crunching under her feet as she nearly stumbled and fell. Once she had defeated the small summit, y/n was drawn to the glow of the castle like a moth to a light. The promise of warmth and a chance to defrost was the only thing on her mind.

They entered the castle and despite it looking very well lit from the outside, most of the halls were pitch black, only home to sleeping portraits snoring away. Snape had illuminated his wand and the light was sufficient enough to guide them both through the dormant corridors.

As they proceeded, Snape seemed to become more wary of the surroundings. It was when he stopped and peered ahead of them that y/n began to get nervous. He looked down at her and put a finger to his lips, telling her to stay quiet. y/n nodded and took out her wand. Snape illuminated his own and cautiously walked forward. They came around a bend and Snape rushed forwards, y/n following close behind. They illuminated their wands non-verbally to reveal Harry, standing in the middle of the corridor in his pyjamas.

"Potter," Snape started holding his wand high up near Harry's face, "What are you doing roaming the corridors at night?"

Harry looked from Snape to y/n in confusion, "I was sleepwalking." He explained flatly.

Snape's eyes narrowed, "Extraordinarily like your father you are Potter. He too was exceedingly arrogant, strutting around the castle."

"My dad didn't strut," Harry said firmly, "And nor do I. Now if you don't mind I would appreciate if you would lower your wand." Harry was being bold with Snape, but the professor nonetheless complied.

"Turn out your pockets," Snape said but Harry did nothing. It only made him more suspicious though, "Turn out your pockets," Snape order once more.

Harry apprehensively reached into the pockets of his hoodie and pulled out a very old looking piece of parchment.

"What's this?" said Snape.

"Spae bit of parchment," said Harry.

"Oh really? Open it," Snape ordered. Harry did so and unfolded the parchment. Snape pointed his wand at it and said, "Reveal your secrets." Ink began to appear on the page and Harry lifted it up to inspect it. "Read it."

Harry read it out loud, "Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and-" he faltered, but 'Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs' sounded so familiar to y/n. Who were these people? Had she met them before?

"Go on," Snape egged.

Harry looked up from the page and said clearly, "-and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."

y/n held back a chuckle.

"Why you insolent little-"


y/n and Snape spun around to see Professor Lupin standing calmly in the corridor.

"Well, well, Lupin," Snape began slyly, "Out for a little walk in the moonlight are we?"

Lupin ignored him instead of turning his attention to the students, "y/n," he said nodding before turning to Harry, "You alright, Harry?"

"That remains to be seen," said Snape before he snatched the piece of parchment from Harry, "I have just confiscated a rather curious artefact from Mr Potter. Take a look, Lupin, it's supposed to be your area of expertise. Clearly, it's full of dark magic." he said handing it to the Defence teacher.

"I seriously doubt it, Severus. I believe it's simply a parchment charmed to insult anyone who tries to read it. Lupin said chuckling slightly, "I suspect it's a Zonko's product."

Harry nodded, going along with what Lupin thought the thing was. It was only when y/n caught a glimpse of the parchment that she recognised the inscription on the front of the parchment. It was the marauder's map that Harry had been using. She knew Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs sounded familiar!

Snape made to grab the map but Lupin pulled it away, "Nevertheless, I should investigate any hidden qualities it may possess. It is as you say 'my area of expertise'. Harry, would you come with me please?" Harry nodded, eager to flee from Snape's wrath, "Professor, y/n," he addressed y/n much more warmly and genuinely, "Goodnight," and the two disappeared under the cover of the corridor's darkness.

Snape and y/n watched them walk away. A portrait hung on the wall then chastised them, "Are you deaf? Turn that light out!" He ordered.

Snape glared and turned to proceed back to the Slytherin dormitories. He wordlessly extinguished his wand and y/n tried to follow. She had to stop and focus on her wand but it eventually went out.

"l/n!" Snape called after her and she quickly caught up to him, eager to go to bed.


"Broaden your minds! Let your sight be cleared and gaze beyond!" Trelawny drawled in their Divination class the next day.

y/n was sat in her usual spot with Harry, Ron and Hermione. y/n was struggling to keep her eyes open after the late night she had and Harry was no different. Ron was already drooling onto the table but it was most likely because of how boresome the class was sometimes.

They were aimlessly staring at the glass ball in front of them which was filled with a silvery smoke that reflected their tired faces.

"Ah now, what do we have here! My dears your crystal is trying to speak, listen to it it may hold an important message for your futures!" Trelawny said approaching their table.

y/n and Hermione made the same face and rolled their eyes. "Here we go again," said Hermione, "It's the grim, we're all goners!" she mocked.

Trelawny took Hermione's hand, "My dear, from the moment you first arrived in my class I sensed you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. You may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shrivelled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave."

Hermione recoiled and for the first time in a long time, she had nothing to respond with. She quickly got up from her seat and threw her book bag over her shoulders, knocking the crystal ball to the ground and exciting as it rolled by her feet.

The class broke out in chatter about the drama that unfolded. Trelawny, seemingly oblivious to the weight of the words she just said, dismissed the class.

"She's gone mental Hermione has," Ron said as they left the classroom, "I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's on display for everyone to see!"

y/n barely saved herself from tripping when her foot got caught on the crystal ball Hermione had taken her anger out on. She bent down and scooped it up. "C'mon, help me out this back," she said.

"I'm not going back in there!" Ron said.

y/n turned to Harry and put on her best puppy eyes. He gave in, "Oh alright! Let's go." Herry said turning to walk back up the stairs to the classroom.

The pair made their way into the exotic classroom. y/n carefully placed the ball on its stand and was eager to leave, but then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed movement within the thick smoke. She leaned down and peered into the glass. The face was unmistakable.

Sirius Black.

He was whispering something. y/n strained her ears.

"Harry... y/n..." he hissed.

"What-" A hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. They both jumped. "Professor Trelawny-"

"He will return tonight..." her voice was hollow and echoed in a way which made the hair on the back of y/n's neck stand up.

"S-Sorry?" Harry stuttered.

"Tonight, when the clock strikes twelve, the servant who betrayed his friends with murder and deceit shall break free. He and his Master shall be reunited. Innocent blood shall be spilt. It cannot be prevented." Trelawny blinked slowly and looked around her. She saw her hand on y/n's shoulder and looked up her shocked face.

"So sorry, dear girl, did you say something?" She asked oblivious, with her normally dreamy far-off voice.

y/n slowly shook her head and backed away, "No. Nothing." she said and she and Harry darted down the stairs, not fully believing what just happened. "Harry, what just happened?" y/n asked, her voice shaking and her eyes still wide in shock.

"I don't know but it can't mean anything good," Harry said, the cogs in his head turning trying to piece everything together.

"Tonight. He's going to break free tonight. That makes no sense he's already broken out of Azkaban."

"It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. He's going to attack tonight. 'Innocent blood shall be spilt' y/n he could be planning to murder again!"

"...What do we do?"

"Stick together. Other than that... there's not much we can do."


Hope you guys enjoyed. It's a little shorter than usual but I didn't want to jam it all into one chapter. And we're approaching the climax! I'm so pumped!

Have a good day loves 🖤


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