The Arrest and Suspension of Hagrid and Dumbledore

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All of the Slytherins were ordered to congregate in the common room by various Prefects shouting over the chatty group. Many were speculating the cancellation of the Quidditch match, others were simply complaining about the meeting interrupting their weekend.

After the Prefects had finally gained control over the students in green and everyone had calmed down, Professor Snape entered, a roll of parchment in his hand.

The man's black cape billowed behind him as he strides into the room. Chloe whispered a comment about Snape's appearance being similar to that of a bat to the other girls (Valentina and Mirabella). They laughed at the joke but y/n could only weakly smile. She felt so guilty about not being able to protect Hermione or even catch a glimpse of the beast that attacked her. Her friends had noticed her dampened mood and tried to cheer her up, but y/n was too deep in self-pity.

Snape sent a glare to any students who were still speaking, to quickly shut them up. The room was silent apart from the Black Lake's water lapping at the tall windows, sending a green aura pouring into the room.

"In light of recent events, several new rules will be put in place immediately," Snape announced in his baritone voice. Everyone knew the "recent events" their Head of House was referring to were the Petrifications of three students, a cat, and a ghost. Snape unrolled the parchment and began to read it off:

"All students will return to their house common rooms by 6 o'clock every evening," was the first new restriction, causing some groans to be heard around the room, particularly from older students. "Quiet," Snape growled and the silence was restored before he continued, "All students will be escorted to each lesson by their teacher. No exceptions!" He had to raise his voice at the end to put to rest the protests from a few dozen students.

The loud, angry voice quickly restored order as it had many times before. Snape began to roll the parchment back up and spoke as he did so, "It would be wise of me to inform you that, if the individual behind these Petrifications is not caught soon, Hogwarts is likely to be closed,"

This sent a wave of fear through out the room. Despite all of the students moaning and groaning about how much they disliked school (particularly around exam season), Hogwarts was a big part of their lives that they cared for. What would they do if that part was taken away from them?

y/n caught Professor Snape looking her way as he finished packing away the parchment. He quickly broke the gaze and fluently exited the room, leaving the students with their new information.


Soon after the new rules had been announced, y/n discovered that they were going to seriously affect her plans for that night. Harry, Ron and herself were planning to go down to Hagrid's just by the edge of the Dark Forest and confront him about their recently gained knowledge. They had arranged to meet outside the Gryffindor common room and go from there after dinner, but since the students were to be sent back to their own common rooms immediately after supper, there had to be some changes made.

y/n took out a piece of parchment at the Slytherin table during dinner that night after pushing aside her plate and scribbled a message down. She covered her writing as she did so, wary of any possible prying eyes.

"What's the plan now? We can't be out of our common rooms after 6!"

She then took out her wand and charmed it to fold itself into a paper aeroplane and fly over to the Gryffindor table. y/n pretended to look bored as she watched the magical note land on Ron's plate and the red head opened it.

Ron showed it to Harry who then looked over his shoulder at the Slytherin girl who was pretending to be playing with some peas left on her plate with her fork. y/n made eye contact quickly and tapped her wrist where a watch was missing, urging the boys to hurry with their response.

Pulling out a blunt pencil from one of his robe pockets, Harry wrote a reply and mimicked the same charm y/n had used, sending the note back and into y/n's lap.

"It's time to break out the old invisibility cloak again. Meet in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. We'll be there at 7:30."

y/n had no idea how she was going to sneak past the Professors who would be diligently roaming the halls, and the Prefects who made sure no students would leave. She'd find a way though. She always did.

y/n looked up at the boys who were watching her out the corners of their eyes and nodded at them. They smiled back, Ron giving a small thumbs up before turning back to the other Gryffindor students.

It was only ten minutes later when the students were dismissed and sent back to their common rooms. Prefects lead their respected house through the halls, accompanied by various teachers.

Once back in the dim domain of the Slytherins, most retired to their dorms or stayed in the common room quietly chatting. The atmosphere was cold and a heavy weight felt like it had been cast onto the room. The prejudice against Slytherin's had become more prominent this year with all the talk about an Heir being amongst them. The other houses sneered at them in the halls and talked about them behind their backs. Well, more so than the usual sneering and secret remarks.

None of them knew for sure who the Heir was, but most had their suspicions. Of course, a lot assumed y/n to be the one setting a monster loose, but none really confronted her about it. She was a fellow Slytherin and therefore, a family member. They would back her up and take her side, simply because that's what Slytherins do. They look out for their own and defend their family to ensure they're safe.

y/n's eyes went in and out of focus as she stared without purpose at the grandfather clock ticking away against the back wall. Time just wouldn't pass quickly enough and the possible dangers of her looming walk in the moonlight seemed to matter more and more as her departure time grew near. She shuddered at the thought of Professor Snape catching her, she was on thin ice and she could tell that his tolerance of her misbehaviour was wearing thin.

The clock chimed once as the time struck 7:30 pm, making y/n jump and snap out of her thoughts. Trying to seem as casual as possible, she silently slipped out of the common room and into the dark hall of the dungeon. It was a short walk to the bathroom, she needed only to ascend three flights of stairs and turn once or twice to get there. y/n had to dart into crevices in the walls twice as Professors came down the hall on their patrols, searching for misbehaving students like herself.

Eventually, she pushed open the door to Myrtle's bathroom, cringing at the high pitched squeak it made as she entered.

"Harry? Ron?" she whispered, "Are you in here?"

y/n practically jumped out of her skin when the boy's head appeared from under the cloak. She held her hand to her heart, feeling the strong quick heart beats in her chest.

"A simple yes would have sufficed," she breathed out, still revelling in shock.

"Sorry, y/n," Harry apologised, "We need to get going, it's already dark,"

y/n looked to the stained glass window at the end of the hallway of cubicles, coloured streams of moonlight creating beautiful swirls and streaks on the walls.

"Yeah, I don't want to be anywhere near that forest this time of night," Ron said, his eyes widening as he imagined what horrid beasts may be lurking in the trees tonight.

And so, y/n joined her friends under the cloak and slowly but surely shuffled through the halls and out of the castle. The brisk, night air bit at y/n's cheeks and ankles as the trio made their way across the field, down the hill, and up to Hagrid's place.

Ron stuck his arm out from under the cloak and the seemingly floating hand rapped on the large front door. Mere seconds after he had knocked, they found themselves staring down a loaded crossbow, aimed right at them, Fang, Hagrid's dog was barking loudly. It was only when Hagrid called out in a gruff, angered voice for someone to show themselves that they remembered they were still invisible.

They quickly threw off the cloak and Hagrid sighed as he lowered his weapon. "Oh, What're you three doin' out here?"

"What's that for?" Harry asked, pointing at the crossbow as they stepped inside the shack. Hagrid carefully put it back on the kitchen table.

"Oh this? Nothin', nothin'. I've bin expecting... doesn' matter... sit down... I'll make tea," The half giant seemed to have lost all ability to make tea, despite the countless times y/n had seem him brewing. He had spilt most of the water onto the fire whilst taking the teapot off it and was fumbling with the enormous teacups and saucers.

"Do you need some help, Hagrid?" y/n offered, stepping forward and going to take the teacups from her friend.

"I'm fine... fine. Yer the guest y/n," he pressed, obviously now focusing on steadying his hands and failing.

As he was shoddily pouring the tea into the three cups that were shakily set out, Hagrid didn't seem to notice that he was overfilling the cups and hot tea was spilling all over the table.

"Hagrid are you alright?" Harry asked, watching the tea drip onto the hut's wooden split slab floor.

"I'm fine," Hagrid reassured but then quickly noticed the tea starting to flood his home. With a jerk of his giant hands, he broke the teapot and sent pieces of china all over the place. y/n pulled out her wand and got to work repairing the teapot with a few simple repairing spells.

"Did you hear about Hermione?" Ron asked, attempting to change the topic.

"Oh I heard alright,' Hagrid said with his pitch wavering a little.

"Look," Harry said, his tone low and anxious, "we have to ask you something," He turned to Ron for encouragement, but the young Weasely was as unsure as he was.

y/n spoke up, "Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets?" her tone was calm yet demanding, she kept a sympathetic look on her face.

Hagrid sighed and looked to his feet, "Now what you have to understand about that is-"


Three loud and urgent knocks were heard on the door making y/n jump. Harry acted quickly and threw the invisibility cloak back over themselves and Hagrid ushered them into the corner of the one room home.

"Don't say a word, be quiet, the three of ye'," Hagrid whispered, adjusting the cloak to ensure they were out of sight. Fang was barking loudly at the door and Hagrid armed himself once more with his crossbow before opening the door.

"Good evening, Hagrid," Professor Dumbledore, dressed in a regal set of dark red robes was standing in the doorway, unfazed by the crossbow pointed right at him. When he spoke, his voice was even and deadly serious. Behind him was another man.

The second wizard was short and corpulent with well groomed grey hair and a worried look on his face. His dress was not as traditional as Dumbledore's, yet, it seemed more formal. He wore a long, brown cloak, accompanied by a scarlet red neck tie and held a black bowler under his arm. It took y/n a moment to recognise him in the dark, but Ron had noticed who was standing outside the hut sooner.

"That's dad's boss!" Ron exclaimed in a whisper, "Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic!"

Hagrid stepped aside and invited the old men in. Dumbledore did so casually, Fudge seemed apprehensive.

"Bad business Hagrid," Fudge had a formal and clipped voice, one that you would hear at fancy dinner parties, despite how sombre his tone was, "Very bad business. Had to come. Three attacks on Muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough. The Ministry's got to act,"

Hagrids normal rosy complexion had drained and he looked sickly pale, he had broken into a nervous sweat.

"Well, I never... You know I never, Professor!" Hagrid looked at Dumbledore for help and defence on his part.

"I want it understood, Cornelius," Dumbledore started, frowning, "That Hagrid has my full confidence,"

"Look, Albus," Fudge said, not too comfortable whilst opposing the Dumbledore, " Hagrid's records are against him, I have to take him,"

"Take me?!" Hagrid exclaimed, fear washing over his whole body, "Take me where? Not Azkaban prison,"

Before Hagrid could answer there was another thud heard from the door. However, this visitor didn't wait to be let in.

y/n gasped and stiffened in the presence of Mr Lucius Malfoy, her noise earned her an elbow in the ribs from Ron. The tall, well-presented man strode into the house without being prompted."Already here, Fudge? Good..." Malfoy senior nodded in approval and used his long walking stick to lead himself in. The cane was adorned with a silver snake's head at the top.

"What are yer doing here?" Hagrid boomed, "Get out of my house!" Fang let out a low growl. Mr Malfoy paid no attention to Hagrids demands and continued further into the house.

"Believe me," Lucius drawled much like another Malfoy y/n knew. The tall, white blonde man stepped around viewing the house, he came in the direction of where Harry, Ron and y/n were all concealed by the invisibility cloak. The trio stepped backwards as quietly as they could as Lucius drew nearer.

"I take absolutely no pleasure in being inside your..." Malfoy stopped mere centimetres in front of the students, all three of whom were holding their breaths, "you call this a house?" he muttered before turning back to the visible wizards in Hagrid's small house. "No, I simply called at the school and was told the headmaster was here,"

"And what is it that you want with me?" Dumbledore asked politely despite the fire burning in his bright blue eyes.

"The other governors and I decided it's time for you to step aside," Lucius spoke with a sneer crawling onto his lips. He held out a rolled up scroll of parchment to the headmaster, "This is an order of suspension, you'll find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you've rather lost your touch,"

Dumbledore took the scroll slowly keeping his calm disposition stable. Malfoy turned and paced around the room once more, coming dangerously close the children under the cloak, 

"And what with all of these attacks, there will be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts. And I can only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school," he smiled maliciously as he spoke, his expression was hidden from view to Hagrid, Fudge and Dumbledore, but y/n, Harry and Ron could see every detail in the man's cruel grin.

"You can't take Professor Dumbledore away!" Hagrid pressed loudly, the full extent of his rage on full display, "Take him away and the Muggle-borns won't stand a chance! You mark my words, there'll be killins' next!"

"You think so?" Lucius asked, obviously enjoying the fact that he had control of the situation.

"Calm yourself, Hagrid," Dumbledore said sharply before looking to Malfoy, "Ig the governors request my removal, I will, of course, step aside," The headmaster had not taken his eyes of Lucius Malfoy's cold, steel blue ones. "However, you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it," for a moment, y/n could have sworn she saw Dumbledore's eyes flick over to where herself, Ron and Harry stood hidden, and twinkle.

"Admirable sentiments," Lucius spoke, a scoff underlaid in his words, "Shall we?" Malfoy sauntered over to the door and opened it, waiting for Dumbledore. Before he left, Dumbledore looked over to where the students were standing and gave them a knowing look. Then, he walked out into the night, Malfoy slamming the door on the way out.

Fudge stood, unsure of himself and fiddling with his bowler, before he too started for the exit. He opened the door and waited for Hagrid to follow, but not before he could leave some final words.

"If anyone were ter be lookin' fer some stuff, all they would have ter do would be follow the spiders. That's lead 'em right! That's all I have ter say!" Hagrid said clearly, making sure as to not look directly at where the trio was.

Fudge stared at the man, gawking at the spontaneous quote before he beckoned for Hagrid to follow. Hagrid was half way out when he stopped and called, "And someone will need ter feed Fang while I'm gone."

As soon as the door closed behind the pair, they threw the cloak off of them.

'Hagrid's right," said Ron, staring at the door, "With Dumbledore gone, there'll be an attack a day!"

y/n like to think he was exaggerating, but she couldn't help but see the truth in his words

"Well, we know what we need to do now," y/n sighed in time with Fang's whine, "We need to find some spiders,"


I'm so sorry for the late update! The week was absolutely hectic and I had no time to write. It's a little longer than usual to make up for it though.

Have a good day loves! ❤


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