The Red Envelope

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The familiar carvings and paintings on the walls of Hogwarts comforted y/n slightly whilst she, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore descended down into the dungeons towards Professor Snape's office. They weren't even at the bottom of the stairs when she heard Snape's yells and bellows. "-the exposure of our world! Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that's been on these grounds since before you were born!" He sounded truly angry. A muffled reply came next but y/n couldn't match the voice to a name. "Silence!" Snape boomed. The three were a few meters away from the door now. "I assure you that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home, tonight!" y/n was really happy that she hadn't done whatever the two boys had done, "As it is-"

"They are not," Dumbledore spoke as he, Professor McGonagall and y/n came to the doorway of Snape's office. y/n stood further back, not wanting to cross an angry Severus, but she stepped further into the room, she wanted to see who the stupid kids were that got themselves in so much trouble they got three of the highest up people in the school. Her jaw dropped. Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley were standing in front of Snape who was looking down at them with utter vile.

Harry turned to see who had spoken and spotted the two Professors, "Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall." he addressed them, exasperated and intimidated, his shock only grew when he spotted the witch stood behind McGonagall. "y/n? what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you two the same question," y/n responded. How had these two get themselves into so much trouble, and what had they done to get them into it?

"Quiet, the both of you." Professor McGonagall said firmly, walking further into Snape's office behind Dumbledore, y/n quickly followed.

"Headmaster," Snape started and pointed a finger at Harry and Ron, "these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such..."

"I am well aware of our bylaws, Severus. Having written a number of them myself." Dumbledore interrupted him, smiling slightly trying to lighten the damp mood of the damp room. "However, as head of Gryffindor house, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action."

"We'll go get our stuff then," Ron said, looking very ashamed,

"What are you talking about, Mr Weasley?" said McGonagall.

"You're going to expel us, aren't you?" Ron replied, having already accepted his fate.

"Not today, Mr Weasley." She said and Snape looked like his birthday had been cancelled. Hm, I wonder how old Professor Snape is? Harry and Ron looked at each other and smiled. "But I must impress on both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your families tonight and you will both receive detention."

"That wasn't too bad," y/n thought, but she hadn't actually found out what they had done. And she decided to wait until later to ask them, now didn't seem like the place nor time.

"Right, now that all this is settled. Severus, I will leave you with Miss l/n. Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, go straight to your dorms." Dumbledore said and everyone except for y/n and Snape left the room. y/n suddenly felt very alone and cold without the others standing by her. It wasn't that Snape scared her, he was just so, intense.

"Sit down," he ordered her in an annoyed monotone voice. y/n could tell that he was well pissed off now and didn't waste a second in taking a seat. "I wanted to discuss the matter of your classes with you before tomorrow." y/n was glad that it was just school stuff and nothing more. "Your class clashes with your Herbology lessons. You could drop the subject altogether, or catch up with your peers through evening classes with Professor Sprout, the choice is yours."

y/n was good at Herbology yes, but was not too keen on the idea of extra school. "I'd like to drop it. I've never been very interested in it, sir."

"Very well, I will inform Professor Dumbledore. I hope you bought the new potions book?" Snape asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, I assume you would be taking Potions for an N.E.W.T subject, so by your 4th year you will need another book, but that can wait. You can leave." Snape finished with a huff. y/n got up quickly to leave but before she could walk out the door, Snape called to her, "and Miss l/n, I encourage you to find new company. Mr Potter and Mr Weasley aren't the kind of people someone like you should associate with." y/n didn't know how to respond so she just left, confused, tired, and still empty stomached.


y/n woke early the next morning and didn't waste any time in heading down to breakfast. As soon as she entered the Great Hall, she marched right over to where Ron, Harry and Hermione were sitting at the Gryffindor table. Whilst in her pursuit, she saw that Ginny had been sorted into Gryffindor along with all of her family. The other kids in her year like Neville, Dean and Seamus, all spotted her and were about to say hello when they saw her enraged face. She had heard the rumours of Harry and Ron arriving at school via the Ford Angela and were seen by no less than seven muggles, and once she saw the Daily Prophet that morning, the rumours were confirmed. "Harry James Potter and Ronald Bilius Weasley!" she said low and deadly. The two boys turned slowly and knew they were in for a spray when they saw y/n's face. "Are you two actually out of your mind? What was going through your heads when you stole the car?!" y/n yelled at them.

"We didn't know what to do!" Ron replied defending himself and Harry, "we just thought-"

"You just thought that stealing an enchanted flying car and travelling all the way to Scotland from London, whilst being sighted by tonnes of Muggles, risking the exposure of our world, was the best option?!" y/n spoke very quickly but remained intimidating and stayed on top of the argument. "You could have waited for Molly and Arthur to come back, you could have owled Professor McGonagall, you could have obeyed the law! Do you have any idea how serious this is?!"

"You sound just like mum"

"You sound just like Snape"

Ron and Harry said at the same time. y/n didn't know whether to take it as a compliment, she looked up to both those people, but she knew Harry and Ron didn't. "Good, at least they have some common sense," she fired back. She was about to continue with her convictions when a loud screech was heard over the hall.

"Ron is that your owl?" Dean said. Errol came swooping down to the Gryffindor table, but instead of landing on his feet, he dove headfirst into a bowl of cornflakes. The entire hall broke out in laughter, y/n couldn't help but let a chuckle escape.

"Ruddy birds a menace," Ron said as he took the letter from Errol's mouth, he was about to open it but his face sank with dread. "Oh no!"

"Look everyone! Weasley's got himself a Howler!" Seamus announced loud enough for the entire hall to hear. More laughter echoed and y/n stood with her arms cross and a content smirk of victory on her face. She knew she could count on Molly.

"Go on, Ron," said Neville, "I ignored one from my Gran was horrible," His face contorted as if he was having a war flashback.

Ron nodded and began to open the red envelope with shaky hands. As soon as the seal was lifted, the booming voice of Molly Weasley rang out around the Hall and the envelope formed so that it looked like a mouth with sharp fangs and a red forked tongue. "RONALD WEASLEY!!" The noise was enough to make the entire Hall fall silent, "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, AND IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT!! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, NOT ONLY WILL Y/N LET ME KNOW, BUT WE WILL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!!" Ron just nodded with a terrified look on his face. y/n was trying to stay serious, but it took all her willpower not to burst out laughing. At the mention of y/n's name, Everyone turned to her, she still had the Slytherin smirk plastered on her face and she was looking Ron dead in the eye. The envelope then turned to Ginny and Mrs Weasley's normally calm voice returned, "Oh and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud." Ginny went bright red and hid her face from the many eyes now on her. The Howler turned back to Ron and blew a raspberry at him before ripping itself to shreds and falling onto Ron's breakfast.

He just sat there, in shock from the Howler and still slightly terrified. The entire Hall was still silent but y/n couldn't help but break out in hysterical laughter. Every student looked at her like she was mad. y/n composed herself and wiped away the tears that had formed in her eyes, "I'm sorry, but that was just too good!" She managed to get out between deep breaths. The bell soon sounded, signalling the students to begin making their way to their first class. y/n grabbed a banana off the table before it disappeared and returned to the kitchens. She left the Great Hall to go to her first lesson of the year, which would normally have been Herbology, but instead of heading out of the castle to the greenhouses, she continued down to the dungeons for potions.


y/n looked very out of place with all the fourth years. Most of them were quite tall, and she looked even smaller standing next to Fred and George Weasley who were both at least 6'2, and they were only 14! Right, when the final bell went, Professor Snape opened the door to the classroom swiftly and the students flooded into the room. y/n decided to sit with the twins since she didn't know anyone else and didn't want to seem like a complete loner. Snape didn't even greet the class, he just began to write things on the board. As he was writing he also told the class about how they would be doing O.W.L.S the next year and that they shouldn't be slacking off if they wanted to do Potions for N.E.W.T.S. in their final years of school. "Today we will be brewing a Wit-Sharpening potion, if you turn to page 453 in your textbooks, it may seem that it is a very simple potion, but who can tell me why this is not the case?" Snape said with his back to the class. y/n opened her book and she agreed that it did look very straight forward, but then she took a look at the ingredients, "Miss l/n, care to enlighten the class?" Snape said, he hadn't turned around, and no one else had their hand up, he just knew that she was clever enough to figure it out. The class all turned to the small second year, most hadn't realised that she was even in the class.

"Well, the recipe only has a few steps and not many ingredients, but it calls for Essence of Moonstone and Griffon Claws. When these ingredients are mixed incorrectly, the potion will brew to a very strong poison. And you can't tell the difference between a wit-sharpening potion and the poison because they are identical in colour, smell, basically everything except for the effects." y/n replied confidently, and the whole class stared at her in bewilderment.

"Precisely, therefore you must have all your attention on the brewing unless you want to end up being eaten from the inside out by the poison." Snape said turning to the class, "You will have the entire lesson to brew the wit-sharpening potion, I will be checking and grading them at the end of the hour, go."

The class began to collect the ingredients and y/n got the twins as well. She didn't waste time getting started and soon, her cauldron was bubbling away. After about 20 minutes, it was time to add the Essence of Moonstone. y/n carefully added 3 drops to the brew and stirred three times before lowering the temperature and stirring seven more times. She was done relatively quickly, about 20 minutes before the rest of the class. She observed the twins and stopped them from making a lot of mistakes which could have resulted in the entire classroom being blown to bits.

At the end of the lesson, Professor Snape came around and harshly assessed the potions. Most had messed up and brewed the poison, y/n could tell by just watching them. Snape, therefore, gave a lot of people extra homework. Eventually, he came to y/n, Fred, and George. He looked at y/n's potion which she knew she had made perfectly. He just nodded and then proceeded to the twins. "Weasley and Weasley, the only reason you made a near acceptable potion, is because you were sat next to Miss l/n. Without her help, one drop of this would be able to kill everyone in this room," he said. It was true. "Miss l/n, please refrain from assisting your classmates, I already know what you are able to brew, I need to see the rest of the class." y/n nodded and mouthed a "sorry" to the twins. "For homework, I want a foot long parchment on the properties of Essence of Moonstone, with emphasis on its negative effects, dismissed!"

y/n collected her things walked with the twins until it was time to head to DADA. "Have fun with Lockhart!" Fred called as she walked towards the classroom,

"I wouldn't bet on it!" She yelled back. They laughed and waved her goodbye. before entering the classroom, y/n took a deep breath. This was going to be a long lesson, y/n could already tell.


Yew another chapter, kinda boring but it was necessary. Vote, comment and add to your library/reading list! Next update will be Friday the 26th May. Also, I played my first game of AFL and almost got reported. In my first game. That says a lot about me I think... oh well.

Have a great day loves! ❤


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